hope// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

125K 2.7K 397

SEQUEL TO SAFE Bella has never felt so safe in her life. The boys were helping her recover, and by adopting... More



2.5K 57 11
By 5sosxruel


When Bella wasn't bubbly, or wasn't telling us what was up, it was the worst feeling. I felt like I'd disappointed her.

It hurt me to watch her hurt, because she deserved nothing but happiness.

That's why I was glad she was walking ahead of me with Ashton, holding his arm as the two of them drunk iced coffee. I carried her shopping bags, but I didn't mind. Seeing her happy was the main part.

"Luke," she said, "Please can we have pizza for tea,"

"We've eaten so much over Christmas I'm not sure we can enjoy it," I laughed.

"Okay," she sighed.

"It's your birthday soon, we can do it then with all your friends,"

"Can you not get me a present, please," she said seriously, "I will make you take it back,"

"We'll get you pizza and any movies you want. Harry can stay over if you'd like?"

"I dunno, I'll think about it,"

I frowned and unlocked the car door, putting her things in the back. She climbed in and I got in the drivers seat, making our way home.

"I thought everything was ok,"

"It's fine,"

"Are you ready to see the musical tomorrow?" Ashton asked, sensing how uncomfortable she was.

"Yeah, thankyou for getting me it,"

"It's ok,"

"You've got me so much," she mumbled.

"It's our earned money, and we chose to spend it on you. We work hard for our money, and I know you will too,"

"I won't be able to give my kids this life,"

"You might not, because there's four of us, but you will give them a good life. They've got an awesome grandad," I smirked, a smile coming onto her face.

"I don't think I'd trust my kid with any of you guys. Jack it is,"

"You're trusting Jack but not me !"

"Jack has a dog,"

"And your point is?" I asked, "I have a human,"

She shrugged and got out the car as we arrived home, getting her bits from the back. I waited and walked in with her, following her into her room.

"You had a good Christmas, right? Despite everything,"


"Good, perhaps we could see my family more?"

"I'd like that,"

"You're giving short answers," I frowned, wrapping my arms round her body.

"I'm just tired,"

"Get some rest before tomorrow then. I'll bring you up a sandwich,"

She got ready for bed while I went downstairs, making her a sandwich and delivering it to her. I checked she was ok before heading back downstairs.

For most of the night, I sat with Michael and watched tv before heading up to bed myself.


I went downstairs, rubbing my eyes and almost bumping into Calum.

"Breakfast is on the table,"


"Ashton made it,"

"Thankyou Ashton," I mumbled, hugging Calum. He rolled his eyes and squeezed me tightly, letting me go to eat.

A plate with lots of cooked food sat there, a drink and small note.

Don't touch!! For Bella :)

I laughed and sat down, tucking into the mouthwatering meal. It wasn't often we got this because our mornings were havoc, so I appreciated the gesture. Michael sat opposite me, his own drink in hand.

"Sit with me at the theatre,"

"I'm sitting with Luke,"

"Yeah, and I'm the other side. Please, I miss you,"

"You live with me,"

"But... please,"

He sulked and rested his hand on his chin, a smile cracking onto my face.


"Do I have food in my braces?"

"Yes, but you need to brush them anyway," he chuckled, taking my plate, "you have an hour to get ready,"

I rushed upstairs and brushed my teeth, quickly washing my face before grabbing my makeup. Using Calum's gift, I did my makeup and got changed into my new dress. It looked kind of funny on me, I thought.

I curled the end of my hair and put half of it up before calling Luke through.

"I don't think I look good in this,"

"It might be a bit big,"

"I just wanted to look nice,"

"You do look nice, but maybe put your denim skirt on with a black top or something. We are going out before, so don't wear stupid shoes,"

He left again so I changed, wearing what he suggested and sighing. I grabbed a windbreaker and walked out.

"You look beautiful,"

"I'm not feeling great today,"

"Well hopefully you'll feel better tonight. Come on, I'm sure Calum has a hug waiting,"

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