𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩...

By -peterpcrker

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Madison Stark is the daughter of a billionaire. That billionaire being Tony Stark. She is the carbon copy of... More

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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞

4.2K 111 10
By -peterpcrker

Madison didn't know what was happening. It was as if she had lost complete control of her mind and body. It was as if someone was dragging her away from her home. And this someone, or something, was dragging her to a place her had no idea existed.

She had traveled from the compound to the streets of New York, and she did it all in foot. Madison was in a complete daze. She could see and hear everything around her, but she couldn't control anything.

However, the daze soon stopped once she reached what seemed to be a park. It was dark and there were no lights in sight, so she sparked a flame in her hand, producing light that allowed her to see. Huge trees that seemed as old as time were scattered about. All of the equipment was old; with rusty swing sets, overgrown weeds growing on slides, and a toppled over roundabout.

This park seemed to be abandoned long ago, and Madison soon realized that a fence surrounded the small park. The girl didn't remember walking through a fence, but then again she didn't remember the entire walk here.

Something felt off though, and Madison couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it was because she was in a dark, abandoned park. Or it could be the itching feeling she had. It was a feeling she had always known; it was the feeling of knowing something bad was about to happen, even if she couldn't figure out what that bad feeling was.

As Madison stared at the park in front of her she went for her phone, hoping to call her father, or Peter, or anyone in the world to let them know she would be alright.

But her phone wasn't in her pocket, which threw Madison off because she remembered putting it in her pocket when she was walking Peter to her front door. She never went anywhere without her phone; that way her father could track her if anything was ever to go wrong.

Another rush of fear flooding into Madison's heart as she heard the sound of a branch breaking coming from behind her. The girl spun around in an instant as she twisted her bracelet, causing her white and gold amour to cover her body and conceal her face.

"I just wanna talk," Nemesis stated as she held her hands in the air, signaling that she meant no harm.

Madison our up a hand of her own, making the flame in her hand grow even more, "You brought me here."

Nemesis then put her hands down, "Yes I did. But not to harm you."

"You tried to kill me," Madison responded, glaring at the woman in front of her.

"Because I wanted you dead then," Nemesis admitted.

"Oh and you don't now?" Madison asked sarcastically, "You should get the mother of the year award."

The woman then gave a frown, "So you know?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I know," Madison answered, feeling her voice rising with anger.

"Look, I know I might not be your favorite person," Nemesis started, "But I don't want to kill you. I want you to help me."

"I will never help you, ever. You've killed people; you tried to kill me," Madison responded, her voice rising even more.

Nemesis shook her head, "It's for the greater good."

"Killing people is for the greater good? That's complete bullshit!" Madison yelled, her anger finally getting the best of her.

"If you let me explain-" Nemesis started, but Madison cut her off by throwing her to the ground.

The villain gasped for air as Madison stepped closer, aiming a fireball at her face. Nemesis then started to laugh, "Oh good. We get to do this the fun way."

"Nothing about this is fun, you psycho!" Madison yelled, "Stay on the ground. I don't want to hurt you."

"Well that's your mistake," Nemesis laughed.

Madison cocked her head to the side, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You'll see soon enough," Nemesis answered, giving Madison a smile that shook her to her core.

Madison started to take a step back, but then Nemesis yelled out, "Now!"

The girl tried to turn around and tried to send out a blast, but then something latched onto her chest. Madison looked down at the device, and as soon as she did, it started to jolt with electricity.

Madison cried out in pain as her muscles locked up, causing her to fall to her knees. The girl tried to make her body move but it just wouldn't. The pain flooded her body as she fell onto her back.

Nemesis then stood over Madison, smiling like a person who had gone mad. Then another person walked up. It was a girl that seemed to look a few years older than Madison.

The girl had bright blonde hair and emerald green eyes. A frown was on the girl's face. But it wasn't a frown of disgust, it was a frown of disappointment and sadness. The girl looked as if she didn't want to be there.

Madison tried to move once more, but then another jolt of electricity flooded throughout her entire body, causing the girl to let out a silent scream.

"Looks like she is tougher than I thought," Nemesis commented, "But that will make this all the more fun."

The younger Stark tried to keep her eyes open. She was trying to fight the feeling of giving into the pain and passing out. She knew what was about to happen; she knew that Nemesis was going to do something.

"The boy would have been easier," The blonde commented.

Nemesis then shook her head, "The Spider-Boy wouldn't have as much impact."

At the mention of Peter, Madison tried her best to stay awake, to fight. She couldn't stand the thought of them getting their hands on Peter. But, alas, she couldn't, and the girl felt her eyes close and her convulsing body shut down.

Unwanted sleep began to take Madison. And the fear for her boyfriend and herself became her last thought as everything went black.

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