My Kind Of Perfection(EDITING)

By hein_girl

104K 3K 678

Kasei Asugh had the perfect life, set to be the next big name in ballet until everything pirouette's off her... More

1. Perfection is key
2. My Crazy Best Friend
3. Job Searching
4. Hired Pt1
5. Hired Pt2
6. No Longer a Newbie
7. Going to the barre
8. Family Dinner
9. You're always working
10. Going to be a Problem
11. Jake's POV
12. I'm Stealing This
13. I'm Moving Out
14. The Gym
15. Gym//Jake's POV
16. First Time For Everything
17. Pizza Hut-Jake POV
18. My Hero
19. All these boxes
20. Intense Game of Hide and Seek
21. House Party
22. Let's Go Clubbing-Dakota POV
23. Jake's Girl
24. Date With Jake
25. Genius-Dakota POV
26. Phone Call
27. Mushy Heart
28. Who Knew Shopping Was This Fun
29. Supper With Em
30. Talk It Out
31. Girl Time
32. Or Eat Me?
33. Only You
35. Why Do I Associate With Y'all?
36.Parent Introductions
37. The Harsh Truth
38. Answers
39. California
↓↓ Exciting news y'all read this ↓↓
40. Room Service
41. Talk with the Scott's
42. Audition Realization
43. Unexpected Visitor-DPOV
44. Quick Visit
45. Finally Home
46. Dress Shopping
47. Why Else?
48. Business Dinner
49. The Race
50. The sober, smart one
51. M.I.A
52. You need help
53. How's He Doing?
54. Don't Mess With The Redhead
55. Make a difference
56. Trouble
57. Busy, busy
58. Finally
59. How It's Supposed To Go
60. Breaking Ground
61. Chicago
62. Girls Night Out
63. Meeting Her
64. Walk Through
65. Dysfunctional
66. Cloud Nine
67. My Kind Of Perfection

34. Happier(DPOV)

1.3K 47 2
By hein_girl

Hey so here you go, in celebration of the fact that I'm 18 tomorrow!

I'm staring out the window over the sink and my phone dings again. I huff and look down at it. It's probably HIM again. Honestly, I'm confused. I didn't think we were that serious and he's going to UCLA in the fall, so I just told him I'm not doing long distance. It's worrying me lately, because he's been calling me at random hours of the day and begging me to take him back.

More recently, he's been yelling about how I made a 'huge mistake' and how I'll regret it if I don't go to UCLA with him. I'm beginning to get worried, but I know if I mention it to Kasey, she'll tell her new hunk, or one of our friends, and suddenly he's going to start UCLA in a body cast. Right now, he's tolerable.

Thankfully, when I check the text, it's one from KeilaTheBadassBitch

I laugh. That's actually her name on here. Not that I'm disagreeing with it, but it's kind of an inside joke. I'm honestly pretty sure that is the exact name on Kasey's phone too.

KeilaTheBadassBitch: Are they done yet? Geez that girl has stamina

I laugh and text back.

Me: Um, it takes 2 girl. He has a lot of stamina as well ig.

Truthfully, I was a little scared to come back into the house this morning, because of the fact I walked in last night to them getting a little heavy on the couch. They didn't even notice me, as I walked right back out, explained to Keila, and stayed the night at her place.

KeilaTheBadassBitch: um. EW.

Me: mwhahahahaha

She doesn't answer, so I put the coffee pot on, hearing Kasey giggle about Jake putting on his pants.

A ghost of a smile crosses my face as she bounds into the kitchen. "Heya girl." I say, causing her to shriek.

I laugh. "You do know this is my place too, right?"

She turns pink, something I find hysterical. She always looks guilty when she's lost in thought, or embarrassed.

"Yeah. Sorry." She doesn't sound very sorry and I laugh out loud.

"I like JT." I say.

"Yeah, me too. A lot." She grins.

"You're happier these days." I tell her.

"Really?" She beams, and it makes me happy to see her so satisfied. Generally with important dance stuff coming up, she's pale, never eats, and is so stressed she starts getting sick. I bet she forgot that her NYCB audition dance is coming up in 6 days. Honestly, I've been the one changing the number on the fridge.

"Yeah. And not just because you had fun last night."

"Dakotaaaa." She groans, a bright blush creeping across her cheeks.

"Good thing these walls are noise cancelling, hey?" I smirk, pouring the steaming coffee into a couple mugs and taking one for myself.

She turns even redder, and hides behind her hair. "Um. Yeah."

"So...? How was it?" I grin.

"How was what?" she tries innocently.

I raise my eyebrows up and down.

She turns even redder, and just then, JT walks into the room in nothing but tight black boxers.

Holy fuck.

"Hey are you okay, babe?" he starts as he walks into the kitchen. He stops in his tracks, when he sees she's not injured and I subtly check him out over my coffee mug.

He may be my best friends' boyfriend, but I am a female, and he IS some eye candy. His abs are prominent, but not so popping out that it's gross, his pecs are distinctly visible, the tattoos trailing all over his chest are a work of art and his V-line. Daym. Don't get me started on that. Especially how in his tight boxers you can tell what's underneath.

He has a couple red marks down his chest and I laugh at that. "Oh. Hi, Kota."

He has a smug look on his face, which I've come to realize is his signature thing, and he doesn't look embarrassed in the slightest, unlike the female standing next to him. Kasey grabs one of his shoulders and pulls him down so she can talk in his ear.

"Jake. I think she heard us." she whispers.

The thing about Kasey is that she doesn't know how to whisper. She's honestly probably deafening JT with her 'whispering' in his ear.

He meets my eye, thinking the same thing that I realized. "Well duh. The whole neighbourhood heard ya darling. You don't know how to be quiet."

"Merda." She huffs, then looks down and turns red again. "Why don't you have pants on?"

We both boom with laughter. "I wasn't aware we had company and I heard you scream so I thought you burnt yourself or somethin."

"Obviously he had to be the knight in shining armour." I chuckle.

"Exactly. Who has time to think about clothes in a time of distress on your damsel?"

"And also, both of you need to realize that this isn't only her house." I roll my eyes. "Of course I'm here."

"You weren't last night."

"I was working late, so shoot me." I chuckle.

"Can we not stand around talking clotheless?" Kasey huffs.

"He's the only one not wearing clothes." I point out. JT nods in agreement with a shrug.

Kasey rolls her eyes and then makes a shooing motion with her hands. I swear she's a mini copy of Lina. "Well go!" She huffs.

As soon as he turns around, I gasp. His back is marked with fingernail tracks. Holy moly Kasey. I knew her almond gel nails would be a mistake.

"Wait. JT."

He stops "yeah?"

Just then the door opens and Keila walks in. "Honey's I'm home!" she cheers, then immediately covers her eyes. "Oh god! What the fuck!"

"Language." Kasey and JT say in unison. Yep. They're perfect together.

Keils and I make eye contact. "Get some fucking PANTS on BROTHER!" she crows.

"That's what I said."

"Yeah, but Dakota had something to say, remember?" He turns to me.

"It was urgent enough to stand around talking in your underwear?" Keila snaps, dramatically glaring at me.

I giggle at her. "You know what? Now I forgot what I was gonna say. Sorry."

He turns back around to walk out of the room, and Keila gasps almost inaudibly.

"So...Kasey. Last night was great, hey?" I laugh.

"And this morning." She sighs with a funny look on her face.

I chuckle at her.

"Okay, guys. Can we not? Like, I really don't want to hear about this." Keila mutters, plopping her butt down on the island.

"I'm not saying anything." Kasey finishes pouring her coffee and takes a sip of it.

"No need. The fact that your gel nails marked his back, and you are wearing his shirt is clue enough to how last night went. Oh, and this morning." I tease.

She turns red. "He said he doesn't mind...."

"Of course not." I snort.

Kasey drifts away from what she was saying. "I'm sorry."

"No need." I say, at the same time as Keila says: "Sorry isn't good enough."

I roll my eyes at Keila.

"I'll never get that image out of my mind, Kota. Nobody wants to know how good their brother is in bed."

I laugh at the look on her face. "Well apparently he's pretty good." I wink at her.

"Ew, ew, EWW." She shudders.

"Okay, but as if you didn't already know that. He's a pretty attractive gang leader." I point out. "Who doesn't want that?"

"HEY!" Kasey frowns.

"Ew." Keila winces.

"I'm just saying, clearly he's an f-boy." I point out, blowing to cool down my coffee before taking a sip.

"He's not like that." Kasey immediately defends.

"Anymore." I snort.

"Actually he hasn't been like that for years, surprisingly." Keila pops in. "He just went all closed off and not hoe-ey after I lost my v-card."

"Huh. Interesting. Maybe the other guys should take a hint." I joke. "Anyway, we weren't talking about JT's past love life." I turn to Kasey who is intently studying the subway tile by the stove. "We were talking about THEM. Spill the tea sis."

"Guys...can we not?" Kasey bites her lip, brightly blushing.

"I agree with her." Keila pipes up.

"Look. I'm sorry if we caused noise last night, but I'd rather if we didn't talk about my sex life."

"Bitch. We always talk about your sex life. Is like, the best friend right of passage."

"She does have a point. Trust me, if he wasn't my brother I'd ask ALL the deets. However, that's now weird so as long as he makes you happy, I'm good." Keila picks up the steaming mug from the counter.

"Ugh. You guys are so boring. Kasey, please?? Remember Antonio? We always would talk about your life. Well, before his sorry ass cheated on you."

"Ouch." Voices Keila.

"Shh." Kasey hisses, turning around as if to make sure JT isn't listening. "Maybe one day we will have this conversation, but at least no talking about Jake when he's in the house."

"Or when I'm here." Keila pipes up again.

I turn to her with an exasperated expression. "Why are you even here?" I laugh.

"Free food." She quickly announces.

"Yes, yes we all know I'm fantastic at cooking, perfect." I huff. "Whatever. You." I turn to Kasey. "Get some pants on, and then come back and help. APPARENTLY all my fat-ass friends expect me to cook for them." I joke.

"That is true." Keils lifts her mug in salute.

"Yeah." Kasey adds with a sheepish smile.

"So I guess I'm making brunch." I roll my eyes again. "Just don't get distracted in there again." I mutter with a grin at Kasey's flustered look and Keila's disgusted one.

"Don't give me that look Keila. Now grab a stack of plates and make yourself useful."


Lol. Those kinds of friends are the best ;D

I like things in her point of view...anyone else?

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