Secret Sister: The Sister Seq...

By 5sosTrash2017

216K 4K 3K

If you've read secret sister, than this is the sequel. If I told you a synopsis, you wouldn't be surprise whe... More



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By 5sosTrash2017

Today is already not going to be a good day. Well maybe, it's just going to be busy. I have to take my last exam of this semester, then I have a doctors appointment, and then we have to go pick up Lisa and Cam from the airport. So it's not really that much, but it is.

"You about done?" Grayson asked, poking his head into the office.

"Three more questions." I said, not turning around.


I finished the last question and clicked submit, feeling the stress of this semester release from my shoulders. One more semester and I'm done. Now to just wait for final grades to post.

"Alright. Are you ready to go?" I asked, walking out of the office and closing the door.

"How'd you do?" Grayson asked, standing up off the couch.

"I won't know until next Monday." I said, sliding on my berks that were sitting beside the tv stand. "But I think I at least passed."

"Did you still want to her food before we go to the doctor?" He asked, opening up the front door and letting me walk through. He shut the door and locked it before grabbing my hand as we walked down the hall.

"Is that even a question?"

HalesLottie: breakfast date 💕

Camdol, c.fisher99, and 976,789 other like this.

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Jamescharles: you went to the fruit bowl place without me....rude!

User1: looks good enough to eat.....the fruit too 😉

Graysondolan: my date was cuter 🥰
>>>ethandolan: I'm going to stay away from this comment because it's cheesy.

User2: check out my page for all the tea 👏🏻

"Grayson," I said looking at him from across the exam room. "How old are you?"


"Exactly, stop trying to make balloons out of the gloves." I said squirming around on the table because it wasn't comfortable.

He put the gloves that he had in his hands in the trash can and sat on the doctor's stool, rocking it from side to side.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous."

"I understand that, but you're going to get us kicked out if-" I was interrupted by a knock on the door. The doctor paused for a second before walking into the room.

"Hi Miss Williams, how are we feeling today?" Dr. Montgomery asked, reading her chart. She looked up at us and smiled.

"Just a little nauseous and fidgety." I said, leaning back, balancing on my hands.

"And you must be dad," She said reaching her hand out for Grayson to shake. "I'm Dr. Montgomery."

"Nice to meet you." He said shaking her hand and smiling, standing up from her stool and coming to stand beside me.

"Haley, you've been taking you vitamins?" She asked.

"Yes." I nodded and she checked something on her clipboard.

"Exercising, eating right, getting enough sleep?" She said, looking back up at me.

"Kinda, yes and yes." I answered, bitting my thumb.

"Alright. Well the blood and pee tests that you took when you got here are putting you at about eight weeks along. I want to say your due date is around December 30th, give or take a week or two." She said, walking over to me and gently pushing my shoulder, signaling for me to lay back. "So, we should be able to get a picture of the baby."

I turned to look at Grayson and smiled.

"If you'll just lift your shirt up for me." Dr. Montgomery said, putting on her gloves and grabbing the blue gel. "This is going to be a little cold, I'm sorry."

I jumped a little when the gel hit my stomach because she was right, it was cold. She grabbed the doppler and started to move it around on the bottom of my abdomen.

"Here we go." She days, turning the screen around. She pointed at the screen at the little squish looking thing.

"That's the baby?" Grayson asked, leaning over me slightly to look at the screen better.

"That's your baby." Dr. Montgomery smiled. "And if you listen very closely, you'll be able to hear the heart beat."

She adjusted the doppler and I could hear the little swooshing of the heartbeat.

"That's a very strong heartbeat." She said, And well, I started crying.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Grayson asked, noticing me shaking slightly.

"It didn't really register with me until now that this is actually happening." I said, wiping my face with my hands.

"Would you guys like pictures?" The doctor asked, grabbing a paper towel and wiping the gel of my stomach.

"Yes please." We both said at the same time. She nodded and clicked a button on the screen, letting the pictures print out. She handed them to me and also handed me a tissue for my face.

"Alright. You're good to go, just stop by the front desk on your way out."


There's an actual baby in me

Mama 💕
Look at my grandbaby 😭
Have you told Graysons family yet?

We're telling them today

Have you told your dad yet?

It didn't go so well.
I'll call you and tell you about it later.

Mama 💕
Alright honey. I love you

"Wait, Ethan's driving?" I asked, internally groaning because I already get car sick as it is, not to add 'morning' sickness on top of it. Ethan's driving doesn't help.

"Yeah." Ethan said looking at me. "Is that a problem?"

"I-" I paused, sighing "guess not."

I opened the back door and jumped in, buckling my seatbelt and laying against the window.

"You better go the speed limit." I said, closing my eyes and crossing my arms.

"Okay mom." He said, pushing the button to turn the Jeep on. Oh, if only he knew.

We were about halfway to the airport when I started to feel sick. I groaned and sat up from laying against the window.

"Ethan, can you pull over for a second?" I asked.

"What? Why?" He asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"I mean unless you want me to vomit all over your backseat..."

"Alright, Alright." He turned on his signal and merged over to the shoulder of the road. I opened the door and stepped out of the car just in time for me to hunch over and revisit my breakfast.

I stood back up and got back in Ethan's jeep.

"I'm good now." I said, clicking my seatbelt.

"I'm not pulling over again, so you better be." Ethan said, trying to merge back onto the freeway.

"Dude. Be nice." Grayson said.

"I'm just saying, she knows she gets car sick easily. She should bring a bucket or something to puke in."

"She can hear you." I said rolling my eyes. "And it's not like I can help it. Especially n-"

I shut up quickly and hoped that he didn't hear the last part.

"Especially what?" Ethan asked, taking the exit that we needed to take.

"I'm just nervous about grades coming in, that's all." I lied.

"We've been friends for four years now, I can tell when you're lying Haley." He said turning around to look at me since we were stoped.

"E, just drop it." Grayson said, butting in.

"Do you know what she meant?" Ethan asked Grayson, and he didn't say anything. "Of course you do. What could you two possibly be hiding?"

"Nothing." Me and Grayson said at the same time.

"Okay, can you guys just stop being sus for like five seconds and just tell me what's going on?" Ethan asked, finally able to turn on to the road. Neither of us answered him, and he sighed. "If I guess will you tell me?"

"Whatever E." I said, laying against the window again.

"You're going on some weird kind of diet?"
"You're hungover?"
"Definitely not."

"You ate something you shouldn't have?"
"No E."

"Well that's all I can think of as to why you'd be extra sick." He said, concentrating on the road in front of him. "Unless-"

"Unless what?" I panicked, hoping he didn't figure it out because we wanted to tell all three of them together.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked, stopping at a red light and looking between me and Grayson. It was silent for a while, until grayson sighed.

"Yes. But you can't tell mom and Cam." Grayson caved.

"Seriously? You're pregnant?" He asked, putting both hands on the steering wheel and driving carefully under the green light. "Why didn't you tell me something sooner? I'm out here driving like a maniac with my niece or nephew in the car."

"We were going to tell you tonight at dinner." I said bitting my thumb.

"Oh this is so exciting." He said smiling. "I'm going to be and UNCLE!"

Hi y'all, have fun with this update. I ended it here cause I'm still thinking of a way to tell Lisa and cam so that'll be a different chapter. (Ignore that the sonogram says 2014, they don't exactly have pictures of 2020 yet since ya know, it hasn't happened yet)

But anyway...:





Which Spider-Man do you prefer? (Please don't start fights? Actually, that could be kind of entertaining so yeah, go ahead and start a fight if you need too)

Alright love y'all 💕 goodnight

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