Two For The Blood

Por HugsAreFree

553K 9K 747

Things have quieted down. Eric Northman is bored and still mourns the death of Godric as the months go by and... Más

Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.1 A new place, a new scent, a new beginning
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.2 The letter
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.3 Questions
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.4 Annoyances
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.5 Fed Ex and Blood Bonds
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.6 The truth comes out
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.7 WHAT?!
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.8 Smoothing out the aches
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.9 Bond Fight
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.10 No Choices
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.11 Rock You Like a Hurricane
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.12 Can You Say 'Sexual Tention' ?
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.13 Important Business
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.14 Giving
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.15 Take Me Away
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.16 Blunt Confrontation
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.17 Aftermath
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.18 New Player in Town
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.19 "Guess Again."
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.21 No Charge
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.22 Love Doctor
Two For The Blood (EricNorthman) Ch.23 Reconnect
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.24 Have Fun
Two For The Blood (Eric Northamn) Ch.25 On The Mind
Two For The Blood(Eric Northman) Ch.26 Maximus
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.27 "Powers" my ass!
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.28 Peeping Eric
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch. 29 Answers
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.30 Engage-a-what?!
Ch. 31 Taking A Breather
Ch. 32 Dreams, Wings, and Blood
Ch. 33 You Can't Lie To Me
Ch. 34 Ascending
Ch. 35 Miami
ch. 36 Take The Lead
Ch. 37 I Smell a G-O-D!
Ch. 38 And The Walls Fall Down
Ch. 39 Who's Your Momma Now?
Ch. 40 Wanting and Recieving
Ch. 41 To The Hilt
Ch. 42 "Tilgi Meg..."
Ch. 43 The Stone Within a Stone
Ch.44 Crossing
Ch. 45 Truths Revealed
Ch.46 Any Objections?
Ch.47 One Way Death Street
Ch.48 Heavy in Your Arms
Ch. 49 Virgin State of Mind
Ch. 50 God-Napped!
Ch. 51 Oh You Guys!
Ch. 52 Secret Unsealed
Ch. 53 Grandfather
Ch. 54 Leap of Crazy
Ch.55 Call to Order
Ch.56 Tying Up Loose Ends
Ch. 57 Till The World Ends

Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.20 To The Point

11.1K 160 9
Por HugsAreFree

Ch. 20 To The Point

Eric's P.O.V.

I waited silently by Violet's side as the counsel spoke amongst themselves in the room up stairs. Not a moment went by where she wasn't restless in her dreams and it made me nervous. I had no idea if she was in any pain and I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

How can this be happening? She's part god? What the fuck?! Not that I don't love her but is this why this thing is after her? Or is it after me? Or is it after the fucking counsel who won't get off their asses and tell me?! God damn it!

"Eric come on, she's not going anywhere and there is nothing you can do." Pam spoke from behind me and she was right. Within seconds Violet was crying and started to breath too heavily in her sleep. I tried waking her up but the more I touched her the worse it became. She started to thrash and scream and my blood began to boil.

I growled in fury at myself and zipped out of the room. "How can I be causing her pain?!" I yelled and pointed in the direction of the door.

Pam flinched and said, "I don't know Eric. Maybe it's like before when you first gave her your blood. Maybe she's having the visions again of your past? All we can do right now I think is wait, so come on."

I took my child's advice and we headed to the room where the counsel were talking in hurried whispers too low for Pam or I to hear.

"I need answers." I spoke harshly and all the counsel turned around to face me.

"We'll give you what you need to know for now." The woman from before spoke calmly.

"Tell me then." My patience was growing thin and I was in no mood for games.

"Sit Viking." The woman commanded and did slowly never taking my lethal eyes off of her. Pam decided to take a seat next to me and help my hand. It was a kind gesture and the only one I was willing to receive at the moment.

"Eric Northman have you had any visions of your soul blood bonded's life at all?" The woman counsel member asked sternly.

I thought for a split second and looked her straight in the face. "No."

"It is then that Violet has the ability to keep her past a secret from your mind. The only way then that you would be able to see her past events in her life so far is if she gives you permission-"

"Gives me permission?" I asked confused and stood up to pace.

"Yes. She will have to willingly let you see into her mind. How she will do that, I'm afraid we do not know." The woman explained and I sat back down.

"What about her visions?" I asked and all of them looked at each other as if waiting too see who was going to explain.


Violet's P.O.V.

Some how I knew I was dreaming but I didn't know how to wake up. I wanted to so bad. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take Eric's past anymore. It was killing me. It was if I was the victims of him and my body and mind couldn't take it.

At one point I was a girl who he tortured for a few hours before asking her if she would like to die then. I had no control to get away and just waited for the beatings and the cuttings to stop. Just as I would be about to die it would faze out into another scenario. Some worse than others and I was waiting for it to just be over.

After another was done bright light glowed all around me and I was soon sitting on a couch. Slowly I looked around and almost began to cry once I saw Godric walking to me dressed in all white. He looked like a tattooed and I didn't know whether to run up to him or stay frozen on the couch.

"Godric?" I whispered and placed my hand on his glowing white cheek.

"Hello Violet." He spoke softly and wrapped me in one of his amazing hugs he would always give me if I was having a bad day. I pulled back bewildered and felt all the pain gone.

"I miss you so much." I breathed and tears started to trickle down my face.

"I know but you are strong, and I wouldn't have left this world if I didn't think you would not be ok." He spoke kindly and whipped my tears with his gentle hand.

"I don't know what I'm doing. Something is wrong with me. Someone is after me and that someone or thing or whatever is going to try and suck the world into hell. I don't know where to even start looking to stop it." I blubbered and Godric pulled me into his chest trying to comfort me.

"Violet you have everything you need to stop this. You are no week human. You are great." Godric beamed and placed his hands on both my cheeks while peering down at me.

"I don't feel great." I cried.

"But you are. Listen to me, no matter what is coming never loose faith in yourself and know that you are never alone."

I stood there swallowing my tears and couldn't help but wrap my arms around Godric's waist tight. He didn't mind and did the same to me. It was as if love and courage were pouring into me from him and I didn't want to let go.

"Violet you must go now." Godric whispered to me.

"I-I'm seriously scared though." I said and gulped.

"Remember you are never alone." And with that he was gone and I was now sat straight up in a bed in a dark room.

Almost instantly my stomach and head felt like they were going to explode and I luckily found a bathroom just in time to hurl my guts out into it. Weirdly enough I saw a clock on the wall. Shit I've been asleep for hours! Fuck this sucks, I thought tiredly and began to throw up again. My senses seemed to have become more heightened again and I could hear Eric and Pam run into the bathroom. Carefully Eric held my hair up and Pam got a cool cloth.

"Are you ok?" Eric asked frantic and held my face while Pam dabbed at it with the wet fabric.

"I just threw my guts up for awhile so I'm gunna say no." I spoke slowly and grabbed the counter top to pull myself up. Thankfully Eric was a strong guy and picked me up anyways.

Me made our way down stairs and all was silent except for the sound of Eric's and Pam's feet. As we reached the room Eric sat me down gently in the chair and pulled one over to be by my side. Pam followed and there we all were waiting for someone to speak first.

My heart was pounding, my head felt like it could split open, and my throat was soar but I was the first to speak. "What am I?"

The counsel looked at each other once before a man spoke, "You are part god."

His answer rang in my head over and over again. I was thankful that I was sitting down and my eyes were open wide. "Part god." I repeated and looked at Eric who I could feel felt anxious.

"Yes, now I'm sure you have questions but we will tell you what we know." The man said and I nodded in agreement. Eric grabbed my hand and Pam looked interested but also on edge. "First things first, you are not a full demigod yet. You will turn into one fully when you reach the age of twenty four and then you will no longer age. Second, as far as your powers they too will not be fully developed until your twenty fourth birthday as well. Third, Eric will need to have your blood at least once a month to keep your bond at its strongest for a few more months. And last but not least, as far as children go..." He paused and Eric gripped my hand a little too hard for my liking and I winced. In a flash he realized what he did and loosened his grip a little bit but still squeezed hard enough to keep my hand red. "You and Eric will be able to have children, but only when you feel it is the right time to have them."

"Wait, so I will only have kids when I wish to have kids?" I asked trying to make sure I was getting what the man just said.

"Yes. You have to give your permission." He explained further and I nodded. Eric was practically jumping for joy inside his head and I couldn't help but give a small smile. It's been a thousand years, I guess you want some kids, I thought to myself as I looked at my Viking.

"That is all that we have for you. You are excused. We'll be in touch." The man stated and shooed us off.


The ride to Eric's house was quick but I would flinch at any little sound. Eric could barely touch me and I decided to head to a quiet room while he sulked his way to take a shower.

I walked up another flight of stairs in his huge house and found an empty room with nothing in it but a lamp in the corner and a huge window. The room was completely dark except for the light of the moon shining through the window. It was quiet and I wanted to be alone. Hence the room was the right place to be. I walked silently to a corner and sat on the cold hard wood floor in peace for once and looked out the window.

Time didn't seem to matter and I sat listening to nothing, feeling nothing, and being nothing but a statue. Though in this life recently I have learned that I will never be alone for long and that's when Eric walked in. He looked stunning in his typical black tank, black pants, and black shoes with his hair combed back. Strangely enough his feelings were dulled out to me. Barely a whisper to my senses and for once I was thankful. Everything above a whisper right then was too much. As he looked at me he swayed himself over and sat down. He didn't touch me or try and project feelings onto me but just sat and stayed quiet with.

I admired his will of restraint because I could then feel his longing to want to touch and hold me but still he didn't. A few more minutes went by and I turned to look at him. Angst was embedded in his eyes and I said, "Something big is really coming Eric, and I'm not going to go down without a fight."

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