The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X...

By KlaraRoman

216K 9.2K 4.3K

There's more to Hanzo than just being a Shimada. And there's more to being a Shimada than just controlling... More

Author's Note
The Other Side of the Tale
It All Started With A Genji...
Hold Your Heart Down
The Wrong Teacup
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 1)
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 2)
Anger (Pt. 1)
Anger (Pt. 2)
Satoshi the Little Bugger
Dance of the Masks
Starlight on the Holy River
Satoshi's Package
A Second Try
Contest (Not Update lol)
The Room of the Lost
Beauty in Simplicity
A Deal With the Devil
Stupid Cowboy
A Promise Breathes
He's Not All That Bad
The Clan Leader Rises
Realizing Power
The Chrysanthemum Returns
Lineage of the Sun
The Emperor Ships Things
For Old Time's Sake
Falling Out
Forget Him
The Black Death
Sealed Away
No Mere Lust
The Final Blow
At Last I See You Again
Sitting Ducks...
The Cold War
Identity Theft
Y'all T-T
Unlikely Friendships
Much Ado About Genji's Kimono
That Time Hanzo Almost Killed Genji
Planning for the Future
Back Home but Back Alone
Something Special
From the Shadows
The Dead Returns
She Would Want You to Have This
Vows (NSFW)
A Lover's Betrayal
The Devil with Angel Wings

Reflections (Still NSFW)

2K 39 45
By KlaraRoman

Hello loves! Sorry for the semi-long absence, went out of town for a little bit but I should be back in the game now XD
Anyway the first part of the chapter is nsfw because why not so if you aint into that, feel free to skip ahead and yeah--that's about it. XD

Also tune in at the end of the chapter for some notes owo

Enjoy loves and thanks for waiting! :*

Hanzo wouldn't have known it was morning if it hadn't been for the digital clock nearby blaring its red numbers for his tired eyes to see.

8:23 AM

It was an hour that got the gears in Hanzo's mind up and running, for he has never been one to wake up any later than 7:30; to think that his body would betray its own biological clock was a surprise to him, for it has never been thrown off ever since he was around eleven. Blinking harshly to clear his murky vision, Hanzo leaned his head down with puckered lips and lifted a cold hand up to stroke the length of your arm, hoping to greet you a good morning, when he suddenly realized the absence of your weight on his naked chest and a cold spot on the rumpled blankets where your sleeping body should have been beside his.

Where could you have gone?

In his stupor, he had not registered the muffled shhsshhsh of the shower spray coming out from the bathroom, and to his slight confusion, the man found the door slightly ajar, with a thick cloud of steam densely pouring out through the small opening. 

Stripped of all clothing and groaning every other second, Hanzo turned the spatial projector off and headed over to where you could only be whilst stretching out the sore muscles and tendons that hardened his arms and neck like stone; he had probably acquired them from having to support his weight many times during the event of last night, but even so, it was something he has decided he would do again and again if only you so pleased. Jerking his elbows back one last time, the Shimada gave off a tired sigh and knocked on the door with a call of your name.

"Beloved," he began. "Are you there?"

From inside, you hardly heard the sound of your husband's voice through the splashing of the water onto the tiled floor, but once you picked up on it, you twisted the metal knob that let the water run and hurriedly brought your wet locks out from the front of your eyes.

"Yes I'm here, Hanzo," you answered back, wringing your hair inches behind your head. "Did you want to use the bathroom?"

"No, no, that won't be necessary. I, uh...I was just wondering where you went: Woke up without you."

"I didn't mean to alarm you, my husband." You giggled at his stammering and ran the water at a slower speed this time. "I just...needed something warm to relieve some of the soreness in my body."

Hanzo's face shone a bright red, and his ears perked up as he leaned in. "Did you too hard last night, (Y/N)?"

"You were intense, yes--" you laughed and grabbed the shower sponge to lather it up with soap. "I didn't expect you to go out like that...but it was amazing." You sighed dreamily as sultry images of your husband danced over your head. You could only bite your lip and smile when that familiar heat began to pool inside your core once more. "You were so bold, so strong, so powerful--I would gladly do it again."

You were partly talking to yourself, forgetting all about the man on the other side of the door and losing your head to the various fantasies on play that you had not noticed your naked husband stepping into the same room as you, engulfed in the white steam as he approached you with your slick, wet body locked in his dangerous darkening eyes. 

"Oh?" he challenged with a quirk of the brow. "So early in the morning and you're already so willing to go through something so rigorous despite the ache on your person. Why don't you just exercise then?"

His voice booming in from behind you made you gasp as shivers overtook your knotted body, and in your shock, you accidentally dropped the lathered sponge onto the tiled floor, where it bounced and bobbed lightly until it landed with a pat onto the Shimada's feet.

Without difficulty, he swooped down and clutched the soft thing in his hand before stalking you as he had before. 

"Do you want to try lifting weights with me, beloved?"

"That's not what I meant," you giggled, seeing through his teasing as the urge to look to the side overcame you. For some reason you suddenly grew conscious under his stern stare, and when he finally paused inches away from you, you gingerly lifted your arms up to you and lightly crossed them over your breasts whilst the shower dish drizzled streams of water from above you. 

"I've seen you naked," he purred with a smirk. "Why must you hide yourself?"

There was an answer at the tip of your tongue and you opened your mouth to say it when the proud smile on Hanzo's visage disappeared, usurped by a deep frown that had you buckling your knees in uncertainty.

Was he crossed with you?

"Your bruises," he began, gesturing to the blooming inky lesions that littered the entirety of your upper arms. "I...I had forgotten all about them last night. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." You hushed him. "I don't want you to think about these. I'll be more careful, my love, I promise." As soon as the sincerity left your lips, you fanned your fingers out and let your palms cover up as much of the discolored skin as you were able, hoping it would lessen the heartbreak that shone through Hanzo's brown eyes.

You liked it better when it was his pure carnal desire that was being conveyed through those sharp austere orbs.

Hanzo hummed the conflict that waged in his mind at that time; he did not know whether he should scream, cry, break something, or just zone out from the sight of the wounds on your body. If only he had power, he could have brought the people who had done this to justice, or better yet, take justice into his own hands as he has always been accustomed to--if only he had power, this never would have even happened in the first place!

For the first time in a long time, he found himself longing for the immense power he used to hold over the Shimada clan, over the entire village of Hanamura and its common people. He remembered being the envy of men, though he did not care much for it back then; he had influence, connections, wealth...he had the best of everything. His accomplishments added to his pride and made him feel like the man his father was, respected and feared, and he held himself on a pedestal, viewing himself as one of the few men worthy of having you.

And when he finally had you last night, the lingering thought that you had done it out of pity stuck around, no matter how much he tried to shake that poison away.

"Hanzo...are you alright?" you asked, walking towards him, no longer self-conscious as you grabbed his bigger, rougher hands into your own. 

"If only..." he sighed as his lips quivered with frustration. "If only I had everything I had back then, I could have given you everything. I am more than grateful that we are alive, but you deserve so much better than being locked here like an animal: This is no way to live. I wanted you to experience a life of luxury, a life fit for royalty such as yourself--I knew I could have given you that and more, I knew I could have shown you every beautiful thing in this world. I was ready to prove myself to you, to shower you with my affections--"

"Hanzo--" you put a finger to his lips and sighed with a smile, "-I know that, I know you too well. Just the fact that you have my best interests at heart guarantees that no man could ever love me as much as you do. All I need is you here...with me. That is enough and more."

"But I could have done so much more for you," he insisted but put up little resistance when you cautiously pushed him back through the mist to land the top of his rear against the bulky rim of the white sink near the door. Once he was comfortable in the stable position you have put him in, you placed a soft kiss on his panting lips and began to suck on the skin of his thick neck, going south through his chest, his taut stomach, until your hungry mouth laid itself on his sculpted abdomen, dangerously close to the dark downy hair that paved the way to the meaty base of his jutting cock. You appreciated how cleaned he smelled, and thinking back, he has always smelled clean, the same as the soap he'd use in his bathing. He was a stickler for grooming, and it was a quality that you have grown to notice the longer you stayed as his personal assistant.

You smirked and placed a light, feathered kiss on the supple flesh where his manhood sprang forth. Even without opening your eyes, it was clear that the man above you tensed visibly, broad hands adept to fighting gluing themselves in a tight clutch to whatever they could get themselves on at the moment.

"(Y/N)--!" he choked on his breath. "Y-You don't have to do this. You are still sore from last night, and not to mention you are hurt."

"My lord, you've always wanted me to do this to you back at the palace, haven't you?" you sighed, pressing your smooth cheek against the searing heat emanating from his member before kissing the leaking tip of his silken head. "I know you are much more reserved than your brother...but the same desire courses through your veins, doesn't it? You want to be pleased, don't you my lord?"

"(Y-Y/N)!" A guttural groan escaped him as he hissed through his teeth, and he threw his head back as his vision exploded white from intense rapture. Your husband grabbed the hair above your nape and tilted your head back with force, his hips trying to pull back from your rounded lips enveloping his veiny shaft before the pleasure could overtake his senses. "You-You feel so good, my blossom..."

"Then please, do not deny yourself pleasure, my lord. Let me fulfill my purpose," you whispered, holding him back in place by the hips before running your tongue along the entire underside of his cock. "And while I'm at it, why don't you tell me everything you've thought about doing to me? You have quite a list, I am certain, my husband."

He couldn't speak, didn't want to speak at least, and opted to close his eyes as the feeling of your warm mouth suckled on the rounded sensitized tip of his girth. Hanzo submitted himself to the fizzling pleasure burning in his core and slowly tightened his hold onto a heap of your hair to maneuver your head closer to his crotch. 

Easy...easy, he told himself as he struggled to keep his fluttering eyelids open. When you took half of him into your wet mouth, he loosened himself up, weight sagging, and carefully thrust back and forth whilst you kept your teeth away from the thin skin of his length.

You hummed around him, and the soft vibrating sensation you have imparted upon him forced his mind to turn back and focus on an earlier command you had imparted.

"Back at the palace," the Shimada began, pausing every now and then to swallow the thick ball of spit that blocked his airway from seeing you on your knees in between his parted legs, your tangled hair in his fist, free to command you as he so pleased. Unbeknownst to you, it brought a sense of power back to his defeated soul, and the man straightened his hunched spine before gently pumping his member to accustom its size inside your wet cavern.

"Back at the palace I would imagine this among many other things...after a while it grew maddening; yes, I could control my urges every time I was in the presence of you, or father, or Genji--but none of you could see how I writhe in bed every night, seeing you in my dreams, only to wake up in the morning hot and bothered knowing I'd have to repeat this torturous cycle again and again until I had you."

You stilled your bobbing head and looked up at him with doe eyes, and Hanzo took a moment to gasp and regain all of the air he had lost when his hard body decided to stop breathing.

"Is that true?" you asked, removing your mouth from his glistening cock with a loud pop that echoed around the misty room. "Did you really dream about me? Lusted after me like that?" You then looked to the side as you pumped him slowly in place of your mouth. "If there was ever anyone that should have consumed your thoughts, I always assumed it would be the beautiful ladies that would visit the estate. They looked so regal and refined, and when they stood next to would you even notice me in my drab, stained garments?"

Hearing your confidence fall short was something your husband couldn't bear to hear. He wasn't having any of that.

"They were nothing more than porcelain dolls decorated for the purpose of marriage," he huffed gruffly as he tightened the vice grip on your soaking hair, a slight sting spreading across your newly-shampooed scalp. "Whenever anyone of them would converse with me, I somehow always knew their answers to my questions. I was talking to a bunch of tape recorders, speaking from nothing but rehearsed lines passed down from one noble to another. A shame really, for some of them were quite intelligent. But you--" he paused to grasp at your jaw and lifted you up so that your lips would lock with his. "You'd make me envious of my brother, which is something I never thought I'd ever feel in all my years. I remembered being livid because I wanted to partake in your conversations, I wanted to hear your voice answer to me, and I remembered challenging Genji in my mind, knowing that whatever topics he presented I could present better, I could show you a better time, show you better company worthy of your  free-spirit. But perhaps I scared you too much...and that was simply another hindrance, wasn't it, my dear wife?"

"H-Hanzo," you moaned, feeling your husband slip a broad finger into your hot folds and curl them over and over again, hitting a soft bundle that resided just above your cervix. The pulsating sensation beating inside of you made your hand falter, and yet you persisted, running your closed hands up and down the length of his cock, and you relished the feeling of his slick, scabrous skin getting warmer and warmer beneath your rapid, feverish rubbing. 

"You certainly know how to please a man, my blossom," he grunted as he bent down to rest his forehead on one of your stiff shoulders. "Are you sure you've never been with anyone before?" His voice was thick with intrigue and jealousy. "Are you sure you never entertained the feelings of the servant boys running after your affections?"

"I only had eyes for you, my lord," you gasped, spreading your legs wider to give your struggling mate more access to your quivering pussy. "My body, it only yearned for you."

Hanzo remembered your obscene confessions from last night and licked his lips, momentarily taking his finger out only to ram two more up in place of his digit. Your sudden yelp was like music to his ears, and the Shimada knew that sore or not, he was going to have you in that late hour of the morning, and he was going to remind you of his strength, of the power he used to hold over everyone around him.

"I'm going to fuck you, my love..." he stated bluntly as a whisper against your ear, and on cue, you screamed as a heavy gush of your fluids signaled the start of your riveting orgasm. The blinding high tipped by his husky voice alone had your body shuddering and knees bucking, and your numbed body would have fallen onto the watered floor had it not been for your lover catching you into his arms with his quick reflexes. 

"Hanzo," you moaned as the waves of your pleasure continued to throb within your softened flesh. 

"I'm not done with you yet, (Y/N)." He said it like a promise, and you were more than pleased to see how this would end up. 

"Perhaps you would like it better if I treated you like the servant you were?" He roughly handled you as the need to claim you once more fueled the blood that coursed down his body. "You like that, don't you? You've dreamed about your lord taking you as he so pleased?"

"Y-Yes." The words gurgled from your throat as Hanzo's heavy hands guided your shaking legs to wrap themselves around his toned waist, one after the other. "I-I've always wanted you to fuck me into the mattress, my lord."

"How filthy," Hanzo sighed as he sucked on your ruddy earlobe and nipped at the skin there. "I should have no problem treating you like the whore you really are for me."

"Please Lord Hanzo, take me as you had last night," you gasped when he landed a hard smack onto the meat of your rear. 

"Oh I will, my blossom," he said lowly, carrying you to the direction of the running shower head and pressing your arched back against the cold tiles of the wall underneath to support you. "I'll have my way with you, and I will enjoy myself with your body as I should have every time you'd report to my quarters for duty."

"L-Lord Hanzo..." You felt the man rubbing the tip of his cock up and down your leaking slit with one hand as he held under you with the other. He guided his thick manhood into your pussy, and when you were finally pressed flush to the hilt, you felt your folds tremble rapidly as your husband began his slow pace pumping into your womb. 

"Hold on," the Shimada halted himself halfheartedly to withdraw from your tight cunt. The absence of the fullness brought upon by his engorged flesh had you whimpering under your breath, but Hanzo assured you that he would not take long, and when he came out of the bathroom, he set his sights on the box of condoms that you two had left in your bedroom last night.

Skating his gaze from the dresser down to the small cluttered floor, the man found your rumpled garments still laying where you had thrown them last night, dejected with some almost in shreds. Somewhere in the pile of fabrics, Hanzo caught sight of your bra and underwear, and he sported a fond, proud smile as he tossed the paper box around in his hands; the two of you were bound to spend eternity with one another, and that was exactly what the Shimada wanted to hear. 

He took one of the condoms out of the box, and once he has tore the packaging off and has slipped the thin rubber over his member, he made haste for the bathroom where you were and found you with your back still pressed against the wall, legs pressed together to relive the heat that pooled inside your core.

Hanzo licked his lips as the steam washed over his body for the second time that day; he was ready to have you beneath him once more.

Claiming you all over again will be so invigorating, my love.


Twenty minutes have passed. The sun shone higher then and the creaking sound of the apartment door opening went unnoticed by Hanzo's ears as you two continued your sexual endeavors inside the dense steaming bathroom. Jesse McCree immediately knew what was up when he heard your shrill voice and minded no further about how the entire space seemed to be devoid of all movement, of any activity whatsoever aside from the tousled remnants of cloth that laid here and there, undoubtedly a product of your honeymoon.

The cowboy lightly tossed his dusty hat over onto his modest sofa, pushed back to make room for a proper wedding venue, and when he lifted the bullet-proof chest piece over his disheveled head, another one of your screams erupted from the background noise of the bathroom as you begged your husband to slow his pace down, and McCree could only place the black armored vest down with a thud on the meticulous dining table. 

"Soko, soko--tsuzukete, Shimada-sama!" The cowboy could make out some of the things you were saying as you teetered on the brink of insanity. "Tsuyoku!"

"I decide on how you should take my cock, seidorei. Be careful with getting ahead of yourself or I might have to put myself back into your mouth once more. But knowing you, you'd want nothing more, yes?"

"Yes, my lord."

McCree could only widen his eyes in surprise at the words that came out of both of your mouths. It was amusing yes, but still very much foreign to his ears considering how differently you had presented yourselves to him for the past year that you had lived under his roof. He stilled on where he stood and slowly recovered from the slight shock as he made a lee way for the sofa, for who would have guessed that dignified noble creatures such as you and the Shimada could be of the same kinky low as the people he would encounter at the common pub.

Damn, was the only word he could conjure up in his overwhelmed brain, letting off a sharp long whistle through his round puckered lips.

Jesse overheard your hurried, frantic moaning and knew that sooner or later, you would be done for so long as Hanzo kept up whatever he was doing to you. So to pass the time, the rugged man sat himself down on the sofa's cushions, propped his tired legs up on the bulky armrest of a nearby chair and let his weight sink against the soft backrest of where he sat. He took out a roll of cigar from his plaid shirt's pocket and started lighting the tip a bright orange, wincing with a chuckle when you finally let off that loud scream that signaled your orgasm. 

Away from McCree's curious gaze, you were bent over the white sink, hair matted over your brow and your flushed body harshly pounded by the pistoning cock that took you from behind. The calloused grip on your hips tightened with every shove and push of the man, and with one last thrust of Hanzo's hard manhood, a sudden burst of your husband's plentiful cum, hot and healthy ropes of white, filled you inside and you gasped--near tears--as the fullness you felt in your womb multiplied three fold.


As expected, your lover prolonged the pleasure you felt by pinning your ass to his hips, roughly rutting against your raw skin as the undulating waves of your high washed over you. He draped himself over the curve of your damp back, carefully holding your jaw in his hand to plant a trail of sloppy kisses that led up to your parted lips, and you drank each other without reserve, conveying your affections for one another without the use of simple words.

Outside, McCree wondered on how hard Hanzo was going at it as he lazily scratched the tuft of brown bristles that grew on his chin. It did not take long for your loud voices to die down with the high, and after only a few moments, the background noise provided by your heavy panting coupled with the spraying of the shower head ceased to complete silence, and only the familiar sound of a tussled towel wrapping itself around your person was heard, even more so once your husband pulled the bathroom door open to bring your limp, insentient body out and onto the mattress of your much cooler bedroom. 

Once you were tucked in and covered with your discarded white juban, Hanzo took the opportunity to survey the place and clean up after yourselves. The haphazardly strewn clothes were picked up and folded, set aside on a chair to await the judgement of the washing machine. It took him a few minutes, but once the task was done and he has made sure you were comfortable where you dozed off, the man stepped back outside and proceeded to note the state of the living room when his eyes met McCree's, with the man inches in front of his opened refrigerator.

"Beer?" He cocked his head to the side in invitation.

Hanzo blinked in surprise but nodded nonetheless. "Don't mind if I do."

McCree bent down and put the entirety of his head inside the decent sized refrigerator to fish out a bottle of crisp beer in each hand. He then lightly tossed over one of the two to Hanzo, to which the stoic man nodded his thanks with a tired groan, and he caught the slippery thing without much effort.

"So..." McCree began, watching Hanzo pop off the bottle's steel cap with a swift run of a knife up the bottle's glossy neck. "Those were some pretty nice sounds coming' from the bathroom, eh partner?"

"I did not notice you had already arrived. I sincerely apologize if we have disturbed you." Hanzo blushed as he sheepishly glared at the strong liquid swirling inside his container. 

McCree laughed boisterously at the other's increasing embarrassment and struggled to assure the Shimada that it was nothing to be given much ado about--even though it had every right to be, what with the cowboy overhearing such uncouth language from both of your mouths. "I mean I can't really blame ya, Han. (Y/N) is mighty fine-"

Hanzo cleared his throat as a warning and the cowboy immediately held his palms up in surrender, bottle and all, and attempted to retract his former statement with a gritty chuckle. 

"No need to get all riled up now, I know she's your lady." That seemed to have done the trick for the Shimada. "I mean I don't expect you to just celebrate your marriage overnight; that would be a bummer. And I knew I was gonna come home to that--so it's chill."

The reference to the happenings that went off awhile ago brought the bloody color back to Hanzo's fair features, going as far down as to bloom onto the skin of his chest, and the warrior could only scrutinize his beverage as though these changes were mostly brought upon by the alcohol. 

It was probably for the best if he refrained from telling his ebullient companion that you and he had made love twice in one go in that very bathroom.

What can one say? You two were probably very happy about finally getting married and that enthusiasm carried itself on to the morning.

"So, dom and sub are we?"

"It's power play," the Shimada corrected as he took another chug of his liquor and wiped the moisture off his mouth with the back of his tattooed arm. It did not help his situation at all considering the fact that his only modesty at the time was a damp towel wrapped around his waist, and judging by the slight tremble on his thin legs, it was clear that he had a long way to go before he could actually recover from the rigorous lovemaking he had initiated an hour ago.

"You had breakfast already?" the cowboy asked drowsily, gyrating his wrist a little before downing the last quarter of his beer that remained. 

"I was thinking we could just settle for brunch since (Y/N) went back to sleeping. But don't worry--I know that she will be up soon."

"Nah, let her take 'er time--I still gotta do somethin' about this hangover. Me and some folks may have went hard with the booze last night." He smacked his chapped lips together as he lazily took off his boots. "--too hard actually. But I s'pose brunch would be fun...ya still got the left overs from last night?"

"Yes." Hanzo nodded. "And I would have thought that a man such as yourself would be immune to hangovers at this point."

"I wish. I just...I don't know, sometimes I overestimate myself with the goods. But aside from this brunch thing, and it's swell and all, I came here 'cause I have somethin' important I have to tell ya."

"What is it?" Your husband blinked harshly as he fought off the sudden burst of heat that enveloped his throat. With his bottle done, he set it down on the coffee table next to where Jesse had placed his and offered the man whatever he could give of an undivided attention in his slight stupor. The Shimada hoped his head made it all up when he heard the slight twinge of worry that coated his friend's usually cool and confident voice, but once his gaze caught the tired wrinkles that emphasized McCree's uneasy frown, the cloud of doubt that stayed there began to ease itself away.

"You are not looking so good."

"Heh, happens sometimes to the best of us, right?"

"What's wrong?" Hanzo furrowed his brows: He was never one to beat around the bush.

"Well...look I just got back from the base and apparently an Overwatch's facility in Norway was recently attacked by a group of private men for hire or the sort--just how I used to be back in the day, y'know?" McCree said. "Now there have been talks that Commander Morrison is hostin' an investigation an' he knew who was behind it all, but I'm guessin' he ain't never gonna say the suspects' names upfront. 

"So in a day I will be flyin' off to Rome with the chief and a bunch of other Blackwatch members to meet with another one of our superiors. I might be gone for a while...who knows, somethin' might happen along the way. But if you're worried about supplies, don't be: I'll be sure to stock ya up before I go."

"We will ration whatever you can give us," Hanzo muttered and pressed his chin against his meshed fingers. "You just worry about keeping yourself safe out there in teh field. (Y/N) wouldn't like losing a friend...and frankly, I would be very disappointed as well."

"Aww, Han you do care." Jesse chuckled with a teasing smile, grabbing both of their bottles from the table by the neck and heading over to the direction of the fridge once again. "I'm flattered, thanks--but you don't got to worry about lil' ol' me. I can handle almost anything...escapin' death is like Tuesdays to me now and gettin' kidnapped is like, what, Wednesdays?"

"Well then-" Hanz grunted deeply and stretched the muscles on his legs. "Load your compartments with dozens whiskey, because we will only be celebrating when you get back from your mission. And I expect nothing of the sort of a different outcome."

McCree looked over his broad, scarred shoulder and tipped his head up to signal his acknowledgement.

"Wouldn't miss it for anythin'." Jesse promised. "Now let's get this brunch ready--we won't be doin' this for a long time again."

Hanzo only smiled and fixed the living room back to its former state before heading over and joining the cowboy into the depths of the kitchen where the microwave was beeping, readying itself to be in the service of the two men.

Hey guys!! Thanks for reading the chapter and hope y'all have a swell day OwO

Anyhow my teacher found out about this cuz he saw me writing this specific chapter in school, and even though I don't know how he managed to track me down to my pen name so quickly, I am certain nothing will be the same anymore -_-

So yeah, that's embarrassing and he might be reading this so....I guess he is Hanzo's wife also then. Huehue

But anyway, tune in for the next chapter loves! cuz SHit's about to go down >:3

Peace :*


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