Aizawa Izuku


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this is just another dadzawa fanfic, I don't own BNHA, but I love love love love love love it!!!!!!!!! Izuku... More

cha 1: the fire
Cha 2: The night Before
Cha 3: adjusting to new life and quirk
Cha 4: Erasure Heads Reaction
Cha 5: Out the Window and Almight
Cha 6: The Exam and a new Power
Cha 7: the surprise and new quirk
Cha 8: Fear, Quirk Assessment, new friends
Cha 9: Combat Training
Cha 10: Coming To Terms
Cha 11: A promise between old friends
Cha 12: The successor
Cha 13: Declaration of War
Cha 14: Dads encouragement
Cha 15: USJ
Cha 16: Son of Erasure Head
Cha 17: Almight and Nomu
Cha 18: Crush
Cha 19: Cousins and Iida's help
Cha 20: Sports Festival
Cha 21: Cavalry Battle
Cha 22: one on one fights begin
Cha 23: Battle Continues
Cha 24: I can do it
Cha 25: Its your Damn Power
SPECIAL: Different Versions
Cha 27: Award ceremony and After
Cha 28: Hero Names
Cha 29: My mentors Teacher
Cha 30: Gran Torino
Cha 31: Nomus, Stain and Revenge
Cha 32: Stain vs Deku
Cha 33: Aftermath
Cha 34: Back to school
Cha 35: Number Names
Cha 36: Exams from Hell
Cha 37: Teacher's little Helper
Cha 38: Mutual Enemies and Rivals
Cha 39: Unexpected
Cha 40: Secret Life Of Deku
Cha 41: Underground Meeting
Cha 42: New Classmate & Grocery shopping
Cha 43: Eri
Cha 44: Little sister
Cha 45: Dream
Cha 46: Villains Rising
Cha 47: Dad away from home
Cha 48: Pool Training
Cha 49: Summer Camp
A/N: Theory
Cha 50: Camp
Cha 51: What Kind Of Hell Did we Sign up For?!
Cha 52: Temporal Alliance

Cha 26: The Matches Continue

11.3K 311 162

No body POV

Izuku woke up feeling like whack. When he woke he saw recovery girl and Almight. His mummified father sat next to the man.

"What happened" was the first thing he asked

"I'll tell what happened" recovery girl replied

"You were to reckless. You pushed yourself beyond your limit. You unlocked a new quirk as well and now you need surgery" she huffed

"You are as reckless as your father and master. Sacrificing yourself for another without a second thought"

Izuku was out for a while. But not to long. He was told cementoss was fixing the arena cause both he and Todoroki had completely destroyed it. He was also told that he had made into to the next round.

"Oh my boy, you scared us all out there" Almight said with a huff

In that very moment, Mineta, Tsu-chan, Iida and Uraraka burst through the door shouting


Almight spurts out blood.

Aizawa sighed

"Oh hello" Uraraka greets Almights skinny form. Almight shyly returns the greeting.

"Aizawa that was so scary no pro is going want that" Mineta said while shaking

"That was very dangerous" Iida adds. "Deku will you be alright"

"He'll have to forfeit the match. Izuku will be needing surgery and will need time to heal" Recovery girl told them

"Surgery!!!" They all shriek

"Okay, okay out with you lot" she ushers them out

"Recovery girl you said I got a new quirk" Izuku asked. He wasn't fully aware of what happened during his match with Todoroki

"Indeed you did. The next time you gain a new one will probably and hopefully be some years from now"

"Mr Aizawa and you too Almight, you both better teach this boy about restraint. Not just what needs to be done to be a hero. He won't be able to save anyone if he completely breaks himself. Both mentally and physically" Recovery girl scolded

And with that she ushered the two out and began with Izuku's surgery.

Almight made his way back to his seat and Erasure Head back to his seat next to the human microphone.

"So what's up Aizawa will Aizawa be ready for the next match!?" Present Mic asked on behalf of the whole crowd. They were also wondering if the man was messing them

"Aizawa will be forfeiting the match. Due to serious injuries he had sustained. It would need time to heal due to overuse of quirk as well and so Todoroki will be moving on to the next round"

The crowd cheered. They were all drawn in by the students determination to win the match. Both were rivals. Both were friends. The majority of the crowd loved this. The blood, sweat and tears of friendship and rivalry development and beginning. They were rooting for both.

"And that's the news folks" present Mic said as the arena was finally fixed and so the next match began.

Izuku woke from his sleep after his surgery. He wasn't going to be heading onto the next match cause Recovery instructed him not to use his hands for a couple of days.

He asked about his new quirk. Recovery girl answered his questions despite her protests and her thoughts of Izuku coming up with silly ideas.

Izuku's new quirk allows him to turn his hands into indestructible blades. He can black gauntlet like claws same with his feet.

"They a indestructible" those words ran through his had ideas began to pop up then.....


"NOW YOU LISTEN HERE!!!!" Recovery girl scolded

"When that quirk is activated, your limbs will become indestructible to EXTERNAL damage. One For All cause INTERNAL damage!!" She made her point loud and clear. Crushing the hope he was holding

When he went out, he found Uraraka waiting for him. "Deku I thought you might need some help"

Deku had promised he would make it to the top and win the festival for her but he broke it. He felt guilty. He felt really guilty.

"I'm sorry Uraraka" the sound of guilt was evident in his tone that it made Uraraka confused

"I promised I'd make it to the finals for you and..." Izuku was cut of by Uraraka cupping Izuku's face with her hands

Uraraka knew he would do something like this. He was Deku after all. The most kind hearted and considerate bundle of joy.

"You didn't have to do that. I watched your battle with Todoroki. You were helping him. Like you do with everyone"

"You threw away your selfish promise and did something heroic" she said with a smile and then embraced him in a hug.

"But I'll thank you for doing it for me" she said pulling away. Izuku gave a smile. It made her heart skip a beat.

"Now let's go watch the other matches. I know you'd like to see them" she said gently pulling her injured friend out.


She thought.

Did friends make her heart skip beats. No Iida never made her feel that way. She shook of the thought.

The matches went on.

Iida eliminated Ojiro. Ojiro had managed Dodging from Iida's pushes. But he wasn't match for Iida's speed and boosted kicks.

Tokoyami did what he did with Yaoyorozu to Mina.

Bakugou was just blasting Kirishma until he could no longer hold his quirk. 

The matches went.

Todoroki defeating Iida.

Bakugou exploiting Tokoyami's weakness. And causing him to surrender. Izuku got slightly pissed. He made note to bring Tokoyami in for the hell training with his dad. Then they both could beat the crap out of Bakugou.

As he was plotting a dark, murderous and sadistic aura surrounded him.

His classmates backed up.

And then finally the final match.

Everyone watched in suspense. Todoroki was the first to act. Sending the same level of ice as he did with Izuku and Sero.

But just like Izuku the ice didn't seem to be a problem. Bakugou burrowed himself out like a mole.

Bakugou blasted himself towards him. Todoroki tried to grab him but Bakugou dodged midair and got a hold him.

Bakugou spun him and tried to blast him out. Todoroki wasn't going to go. He manipulated his ice to him and he used his ice to move around and encircle Bakugou.

The exploding boy wasn't going to have it. He wanted his opponent to go full out.

"Oi, Oi am I not worthy enough for you to use your left side. I'm not gonna win with my opponent not going full power!!"

Bakugou blasted himself to Todoroki. He miscalculated and Todoroki caught him with his left hand.

"Do it Shouto, USE your left side" Todoroki heard his father. Didn't he leave he wondered

Todoroki was confused and just threw Bakugou. This pissed the blond off.

Izuku wasn't going to have it. He didn't get through him enough he thought

"DON'T LOSE TODOROKI!!!!" He shouted

Uraraka saw this and helped him cheer

"You can do it!!!!" She cheered with Izuku screaming their lungs out

Todoroki heard and began to use his fire. Bakugou saw his chance and used his special move


Todoroki was still feeling unsure.

He let his flames die down

And so he took on Bakugou attack head on

Bakugou slammed his hand on a block of ice and a powerful blast came. Engulfing everything in smoke. Blasting the dual coloured hair boy back.

When smoke cleared Todoroki was seen out of bound and knocked out. Bakugou was on the floor. First he was confused and then face switched into a scowl.

"You damn idiot you didn't use those damn flames" he went to Todoroki only to be gassed by midnight

"Todoroki is out of bound"

"Bakugou is this year's Winner!!!" Midnight called out and everyone cheered



And that's another chapter

Sorry I'm getting slow on updates. I'm busy with school and all. I'm pretty much staying up late to come with new ideas for chapters. Thanks for reading

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