Against the world

By StephenJ7

49.8K 657 706

This story takes place after the events of falling for Becky Lynch. To avoid any spoilers please read that st... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
The end💚

Chapter Twenty four

982 17 2
By StephenJ7

Tuesday December 31st 2019

Its almost been a week since Becky revealed she was pregnant. Stephen is still suspended from wwe but after hearing Becky's news that they were expecting there first baby together he couldn't care less about wwe right now Becky and there baby were his first
Priorities he'd deal with wwe when the time came for now he just wanted to enjoy the time he was getting with his wife and unborn child.

Rebecca was the first one to wake up as she slowly stretched her arms out and rubbed at her eyes. She arched her head up slightly and looked down at Stephen who was still fast asleep but with a protective arm over Rebecca's still non existent  baby bump. A smile gradually built on her lips as she watched her husband with his head as close as he could possible get it to her stomach. She gently placed a hand in his hair as she began playing with it he let out a quiet groan as he too began waking up.
"Good morning love"
She said as he let out a small sigh and yawned as he sat up slowly and looked at her and began smiling as he placed a kiss on her lips and then on to her stomach.
"Good morning you two"
"Big day today love"
Becky said as she looked at Stephen with a huge smile on her face.
"We finally get to see our little one"
He replied as Becky took his hand and placed it on her stomach.
"I can not wait"
She said as they shared a quick kiss and got up to get on with there day before there appointment later.

A few hours later the couple where sat in the waiting room for there names to called for there appointment. Becky could tell Stephen was more nervous than her as his foot was non stop tapping on the floor until Becky finally took a hold of his hand and placed a hand on his cheek to bring him face to face with her.
"Relax you big dope the baby will be fine I'll make sure of it. I won't let any harm come to me or him/her"
Stephen gave her a reassuring smile.
"Rebecca Taylor?"
A woman called as the couple looked up and slowly made there way into the room.
Becky quickly got on to the table as she lifted her shirt to reveal her flat stomach. The doctor quickly applied the cold gel to her stomach which sent a shiver down Her spine. The screen on the machine came on as he began searching for the baby. Stephens grip of her hand got tighter and tighter that was until they finally heard the heartbeat.
"There it is. Perfectly healthy baby mr and Mrs Taylor"
Stephen and Becky instantly locked eyes as they smiled at one another. Stephen reached over and wiped away the few tears that were rolling down her cheek and gave her a quick kiss.

The car ride home Rebecca couldn't stop staring at the little person in the scan photo a single happy tear dropped on to the photo as Stephen interlocked his free hand with hers and kissed her knuckles.
"This is really happening"
She said still unable to take her eyes off the photo.
"I'm gonna be a mama"
"The best mama ever"
She looked over at him not able to take the huge smile off her face.
"And you my love will be the best daddy to our little boy or girl"
He smiled at her as she went back to looking at the photo.
"Our friends are coming over later to celebrate the new year and to celebrate you and the little one"
"Typical they all want to appear when I can't drink alcohol anymore"
She said chuckling.
"Hey you shouldn't have gotten pregnant then should you have"
She playfully slapped his arm as they locked eyes
"You helped create this baby but I'm the one that needs to all the work"
They continued staring at one another in silence until it was finally broken by there laughter.

A few hours later the house was full of there close friends and colleagues from work. Becky was in the kitchen with Sasha and bayley proudly showing off the scan picture of the baby.
"Look at its little head"
Bayley said pointing at the picture.
"It looks like an alien"
Sasha commented as Becky snatched the photo from there hands
"Hey my baby is going to be beautiful I'll have you know."
"They will with a mother like you"
Stephen said as he approached Becky from behind and wrapped his arms carefully around her stomach.
"Ugh I can smell the beer from your breath"
She said whilst fanning away at his mouth.
"I've only had one"
He stuck his tongue out at her as began walking into the living room area where he greeted Aj.
"Been a while dude"
"It definitely has. Can you believe everything that's happened  in a year."
"I called you and Becky soon as I saw you chasing her around smackdown"
He laughed as Stephen punched him in the arm.
"Hey I've got an image to hold up"
Aj laughed as they clinked there beer glasses.
"Well I'm happy for the both of you honestly. And forget Finn"
Aj said as he began pointing at Becky who was unaware as she continued talking with people.
"That right there is all that matters in this world Stephen."
Stephen didn't reply he just nodded as he kept his gaze on Rebecca and eventually she realised he was staring and slowly made her way towards him and put her arms around his waist as she rested her head against his chest whilst everyone else began counting down to the new year.
"Happy new year love"
"Happy new year Becky"
They both shared a kiss as everyone around them cheered and surrounded the couple hugging them and congratulating them.

An hour later.
The party was still going on as everyone continued speaking and drinking away. Becky heard the doorbell being ring as she made her way and was greeted on the other side by a dark haired woman.
"Can I help you?"
Becky asked the woman curious as to what she was doing here this late at night.
"Hey sorry I'm looking for-"
"Amy ??"
Becky looked behind her at Stephen as he approached both women and got a good look at the mystery one.
"Holy crap it's really you"

Big thank you to YourEveryDream  for letting me use her character amy styles😶 go check her out she does okay stories 😂 anyway I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. What's Stephen and Amy's history ? Is this going to be trouble for Becky and Stephen ? 🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤙🏼💚

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