Weird Charm - Jenlisa

By blue_waverrrr

184K 4.5K 250

One is the daughter of a great business family. Smart, talented and not mention a beautiful woman. The other... More

2 - Request
3 - New Job ?
4 - Discussion
5 - Meeting you
6 - Showdown
7 - Chilling
8 - First Day
9 - First day's Bicker
10 - Words
11 - Intruder
12 - Regret
13 - Oppa
14 - Unexpected
15 - Step one
16 - Choices
17 - Incident
18 - Enemy ?
Extra 1.0
19 - Dinner
20 - Dinner (Part 2)
21 - Hands-on throat
22 - Pizza Delivery
Update !!!
chapter 24 - Unwanted rest
Chapter 25 - Old friend
Chapter 26 - History
Extra 2 - Healing wounds
Chapter 27 - Jichu The Great Counsellor
Chapter 28 - Is it enough?
Chapter 29 - A date with you
Extra 3 - Aftermath
Chapter 30 - My Promise to You
Chapter 31 - A Part of You
Chapter 32 - Moonlight Dance

Chapter 23 - Business

2.3K 61 7
By blue_waverrrr

4 hours. 

It has been 4 hours since the last time I received Lisa's message. Turning on my phone I went back to my application and check again. 

"Don't miss me too much ;)" was the last message I read from her. I have called her multiple times, but the calls weren't able to reach her.  I tried to contact Jay and Bobby too but they won't pick up. 

That's not the only problem here, an hour ago Tuzyu tuned in and told me that the monthly meeting was rescheduled to 12:00 noon, which is just 45 minutes away. All of the necessary documents were prepared immediately. Calls to the voters I needed was made except for Henry's... I couldn't bring myself to request for his vote, not when Ji-Ho is not yet saved. But I need to tell him about this, and I need to tell him now. 

It didn't take long for him to arrive at my office. He has always been punctual as ever. Whether is something professional or personal, he'll arrive just before anything started. After opening the door, he walks straight to the guest's seat of my table. Without any greetings, not that I care about it right now, we started the much-needed conversation. 

"I assume you knew about the rescheduled meeting, Mr. Yoo." He nodded as confirmation. "Good. Before we enter the conference room, I need you to know something." I took a deep breath and informed him of the issue. "Lisa and the others have not been contacting me. With that, we cannot confirm your son's safety... I understand if you decided to not go against Park's orders but... I do hope you would consider doing the opposite." 

I cannot force a man to do in my favour when his family might be in danger. A man's life is far too valuable than the company's needs right now. That's why I giving him the freedom to choose. Even if it means that the whole operation would fall.  

There was a long pause as Henry proceeded his decision. The air suddenly feels heavy, and my heartbeat picked up.

"Miss Kim, do you believe Miss Monaban would success?" Herry Yoo asked as he looks at me with an unreadable expression. I blinked at that, but I know I need to give him my answer. 

A simple and clear "Yes.", came out of my mouth. And it was the truth. I believed in Lisa when I first set this mission on her and I still believe in her now even though I couldn't get any form of news from the said girl. 

The mid-aged man unexpectedly smiled. Again, I blinked. "That was quite a confident reply." He commented. Without any words, he stood up and leaves the room, just as the man stepped out, he looked back, "If so, I too believe in her, Miss Kim."

10 minutes. 

10 minutes now, and the meeting would start. I stood up from my chair and began my walk to the conference room. Momentary, I thought about Lisa again. That impulsive girl, always doing something with her own way. I sighed and pulled out my phone to message her in hope that it'll calm down my concern for her, just for now, "Please be safe, Lisa." before continuing my journey to the soon tensed room. 

And I was right, as soon as I step into the room, everyone's attention was all on me. Talk about pressure. Anyone would get intimidated by the looks they're presenting. The hard looks, the judgemental eyes, the displeasure faces, none of them seems to know how to smile either. When you're given those looks, you might assume you're the one at false, but I know better. I came here countless times since I was a child. For some events, my father would allow me to join them inside, the people in it would always smile at me, ruffling my hair, giving me the slight attention before turning serious as they continue their conversation. For other events, my father would ask me to wait outside. The walls of the room are clear stained glass so normally I can observe them from my seat. Every time that happens, the people inside would have that stern look on their faces, some would scream or yell at others, some would give in to their frustration and start throwing their papers, and some were leaving the room with tears streaming down from their faces. As a child, I have already seen so much, so to think that these would even make me shiver, think again. 

With a blank face, I went straight to my seat. The room was dead silence. No one cared enough nor was brave enough to even spark a small talk. I guess I know why. Sitting at the very front of the long desk was Park Jung Soo. He was waiting patiently for everyone to arrive. He might not be speaking, but his eyes were glaring down some of the people here, people that he has power over them. 

Seconds later, Tee joined us. This time around the rebel was knowledgeable enough to not be late for such an important meeting. She walked rather freely to her seat, completely ignoring the disapproving glances and the tense aura within the space. The smirk she wore never once left her face. 

Tee took her seat which was fortunately and unfortunately, in front of mine. "Morning, Jennie." I nodded and greeted back blankly, refusing to start a conversation. But the man in control, as usual, doesn't have the same idea as me. 

"It's nice to see you showing up on time, Ms. Hatcher." Mr. Park spoke as he glances lazily towards Tee. Most people here would start to panic whenever they got the fortune to speak with the powerful man. However, Tee was not most people. After all, she's one of the few who got the guts to even raise their voices at their CEO, aka me. 

Tee gave out a soundless chuckle, surprising the restless businessmen. She removed her palm from covering her mouth and said something that stirs up more anxiety from the businessmen. "I wouldn't want to miss the show now do I, Mr. Park?"

The man didn't acknowledge much of the rebel's questionable act. Nevertheless, a small smirk of his own seemingly slipped out, further terrifying his followers. Judging from the split second of the crake of his mask, I can at least assume he doesn't know my plan. Yet, I know I couldn't let my guard down as this man is as slippery as a cube of stone-cold ice. 

Once everyone has arrived, Park stood up announcing the start of the meeting and reached out his arm towards one of the many department leaders in the company signalling them to present their monthly chart to the others. He then fixed his coat while sitting down rather comfortably in the expensive leather chair. His eyes glance toward my direction, waiting and anticipating for my turn to stand. 

As the department leaders sat down one by one, it was now the time for suggestions in order to improve the company. Not want to waste any more time, I stood up gracefully as one might say, and clear out my throat to gather more attention from the businessmen. Once I felt all eyes were on me, I pick up the black file that was prepared for my particular proposal and flipping through the pages. The others took this as their cue and mirror my action.  

You can do this, Jennie.  

I took a deep breath and gaze at them with undeniable determination. "I believe everyone here has already been known about our current partnership with Eun Enterprise. In here," I gestured to the black file, "-lies a copy of the contract constructed 6 years ago. The partnership between the Eun Enterprise and the Kim's Group Trading was formed as an aid to rebuild the company back when it faced a sudden finance collapse. Fortunately, it did. As a form of reciprocation, our company was requested to submit 25% of our monthly profit to the Euns, 6 months after the contract was set in motion. That is one of the many terms involved in this alliance." My voice came out stern as I prompt the group of the past event. "What you do not know is that the numbers didn't stop there." Surprisingly, some widen their eyes, apparently foreign to this news. I thought Park knew better than to keep his pets in the dark, guess I overrated him. 

I fish out the piece of evidence from the black file, the businessman once again mirrored my action. "25 turned to 27, 27 turned to 30, and soon 30 will rise above 35. Considering your positions, you should know just how much this affects our operation. And you wouldn't want that, right?" It wasn't a question rather it's a challenge to the mastermind. "Page 6, statement 14. It is written that whoever violences any of the terms would need to bestow the other a sum requested. We can use this as a chance to take back what is ours and finally break free from this unprofitable ties!" The last note of my voice rang through the room, and yet it didn't shake the slightest sense out of them...

"I disagree." 

"If we were to demolish the contract and disrupt our bond with the Euns, how would the public see us? The image of the company will be at risk." The words Park spoke only encouraged his pawns to follow.

"Y-yes, everyone knows that the Euns has been the one that helped us. If the news spread out, we would be painted as disloyal!" 

"That wouldn't be good. I could only imagine how many clients we would lose."  

"Not to mention, they have been providing us with some of our vital connections. Without them, our business would truly be running downhill." 

One after another, they started to throw just about anything to shade my solution. This is getting ridiculous. As someone who has gone through so many obstacles just to sit in one of these chairs, they are blindly tearing down their own path that they worked so hard to dig out!? Just how dumb are they? I had enough of this bullshit. My jaw moved, ready to defeat them one by one. Sadly, someone beat me to it. 

"Maybe Mr. Park could talk to them? After all, he's- " Another scammer tried to speak lies but surprisingly got cut off. 

"Oh, please. Are your positions here all just for show?" The pawns went silent, shocked to hear such words directed at them. The scammer's face redded and opened his mouth to criticize Tee's behaviour, only to be cut off again. "We are businessmen. Meaning, we all should have already been familiar with risk-taking. Profitable earning and risking is an inseparable package. Or have you forgot how to conduct business, my dearest department leaders?" I can't help but smirk at the silence again. Tee noticed and returned her own smirk as well. 

I certainly didn't expect her to shut them up, considering how often we disapprove with each other. Despite that, I am grateful for her actions. 

The room didn't stay quiet for long. Though the one that broke it was far from my expectation. Out of anyone in this room, Mr. Lu despite his situation choose to justify my proposal, "Ms. Hatcher is right. If I learned anything from my experiences is that one must take risks in order to get what they desire." 

Heads turned towards the man as if he said some foreign language. They couldn't believe that one of their supposed 'teammates' was apparently switching sides, and boldly display it in front of their supposed master ---- Park Jong Soo. 

"Lu." The master started with his tormenting voice. Cold eyes staring down at his traitor. "Are trying to say that we don't own them anything? The unwillingness to repay others doesn't lead to any good, my friend. Say we do succeed in cutting ties, can you ensure that the profit of the company wouldn't even fall below our current rating?" 

"Y-yes, we can." A shaky young man tuned in. 

Mr. Park moved his attention towards the young man, frowning. Without waiting for Park's permission, Mr. Yong continues, "A-as Miss Kim has stated before, the Eun Enterprise will be providing us with a sum of money. With that sum, we could do a lot of things, i-including earning back the trust of our connections."

"Mr. Yon-" Park started, only to be cut short by one of the higher-ups, the one that does not obey him that easily. 

"I think that's enough chit chat. It will be a waste of time if this continues to have no end." The man's words linger with such authoritative to the point where the snake itself couldn't even defy him. "I'll just cut straight to the point, who approves Miss Kim's proposal please raise your hand."    

The ones that Park couldn't control continue to trust my judgement and one by one, my allies confidently raise their hands. In total, we have 8 votes, which are just enough for us to turn the table. 

Finally, I did it. 

Just when all of us thought it's the end to all of this, Park spoke again. This time, he puts all of his attention on Henry. "Henry, if you don't mind me asking, how's your son been doing? I heard Ji Ho was conducting a concert in Seoul. Seems like he's been doing well." To his pleasure, Henry visibly shook. 

Oh shit. 

"I- he's-" Henry stumbled over his words. He didn't know how to answer the question. After all, we can't even locate the saviours that we arranged for his son. Panicking, Henry searched for my help and the moment Henry and I hold eye contact, his phone rang. With both of us, trying our best to not think the unthinkable, Henry calmly pulled out his phone and answered it. 

Time seems to slow down as he answers the phone, contrasting to the way my heartbeats. The still air of the room and the snake's disgusting smirk weren't helping only worsen the situation. The call ended, a newfound light appeared on Henry's eyes and he looked straight towards the snake, "To your question, Park, my son's has been much better than the last few weeks that he's alone."  

Park could only gawk at the reply. The meeting ended shortly after the higher-ups decided when it's best for my proposal to set in motion, which turn out to be next week as there are still papers and information from other branches we have yet to gather. Everyone began to leave the room with Park being the first to leave, face frowned with questions and frustration. 

"Miss Kim," Henry called me before I enter the lift. 

"Yes?" Though I'm curious about why he became so confident back in the room so suddenly, I can't say that I have no idea who's responsible behind it.  

"You might need to pay a visit to the hospital. It's Lisa." 

Author's note: 

So... long time no see! Yeah, I know that I have been gone for months now. Sorry about that. Guess I underestimated just how hectic the past few months have been, but I'm back! I actually finished this a while back and was thinking about publishing this when I got the next chapter done, but eh, thought you guys should have this first. 

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