The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X...

By KlaraRoman

216K 9.2K 4.3K

There's more to Hanzo than just being a Shimada. And there's more to being a Shimada than just controlling... More

Author's Note
The Other Side of the Tale
It All Started With A Genji...
Hold Your Heart Down
The Wrong Teacup
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 1)
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 2)
Anger (Pt. 1)
Anger (Pt. 2)
Satoshi the Little Bugger
Dance of the Masks
Starlight on the Holy River
Satoshi's Package
A Second Try
Contest (Not Update lol)
The Room of the Lost
Beauty in Simplicity
A Deal With the Devil
Stupid Cowboy
A Promise Breathes
He's Not All That Bad
The Clan Leader Rises
Realizing Power
The Chrysanthemum Returns
Lineage of the Sun
The Emperor Ships Things
For Old Time's Sake
Falling Out
Forget Him
The Black Death
Sealed Away
No Mere Lust
The Final Blow
At Last I See You Again
Sitting Ducks...
The Cold War
Identity Theft
Y'all T-T
Unlikely Friendships
Much Ado About Genji's Kimono
That Time Hanzo Almost Killed Genji
Planning for the Future
Back Home but Back Alone
Something Special
From the Shadows
The Dead Returns
Vows (NSFW)
Reflections (Still NSFW)
A Lover's Betrayal
The Devil with Angel Wings

She Would Want You to Have This

1.2K 46 53
By KlaraRoman

Hey y'all  UwU So we are nearing the end of this book and I think that's beautiful but again I just want to thank everyone who has been with me on this journey. It's a long one but I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves. 

Anyway here's the next chapter and it's kinda long so--let's go!! X3

ALso this chapter might be lime-y, like not full blown lemon, but it's still rather explicit. So yeah OwO There are also gonna be headcannons as to Hanzo's, um, preferences with his partners so if you're not into that mature stuff well then UwU

Read at your own risk loves :3

"Darlin', I'm gonna catch up to him--he might rat us out about Hanzo's location," McCree blurted out as he handed you a pack of dextrose and other revitalizers, as he'd so fondly call them.

"I have faith in him despite our estrangement," you sighed, carefully treading your way over your cluttered bedroom as you carried the essentials Jesse just gave you. "He would not stoop so low as to do such a thing. He has decency in him--I know that man."

"Still," Jesse persisted as he helped push the fallen dresser back up on its legs. "I gotta make sure. He can't go around breakin' into people's homes, threatenin' them, and is that the candle holder?"

"Used to be," you chuckled as you let Jesse prepare the syringe for you. You remembered where the nurses used to inject the needle into, so you did not need to worry about that part. The trouble was finding out how many doses Hanzo would need--he was still unresponsive and feverish, but at least his breathing has evened out since Genji's attempt of suffocating him.

"Let me patch up your hand then I'll be scoutin' the area," McCree offered, watching as Hanzo flinched a little once you've administered the second dosage on the same spot. 

"No...don't go," you said, removing the scarf from Hanzo's head so that he may lay more comfortably. 

"Ya scared of bein' alone here, doll?" 

You shook your head. "I don't want to have to ever do that again. I was punching him, not bringing into consideration that he was mostly metal, that I had no match against him. For the first time in my life I hit someone with the intention of hurting them--I have never been that malicious before, McCree. I was desperate and I let my fear get the better of me."

"Doll, you did what ya had to protect Hanzo. Sometimes no matter how good ya are...people are bound to bring out the worst in you." He laid a hand on your slumped shoulders and smiled. "Happens to the best of us sometimes."

In turn, you laid your crimson-streaked hand on his and chuckled. "You have a way with words, cowman. And I thank you for your comfort among many things."

"Doll, for you--anythin'." He promised. "Now let's get those hands washed and patched up. It's red all over and Hanzo might kill me if he sees this."

"But is it true, Jesse?" you asked as he led you to the bathroom's sink. "You never knew Genji was the brother Hanzo supposedly killed?"

"I..." McCree began sheepishly. "I didn't know Genji was even a Shimada--the guy barely talks, much like his brother! We were only together for 3 months in Blackwatch cuz he spent the majority of it under Overwatch's medical facility--so I was told. Plus...Han never really talks about that stuff so I wouldn't know from his side also."

"Small world," you hummed with a mischievous smile. "I just hope I can still repair whatever is left of my friendship with matter how different he may be now."

"He keeps to himself..." Jesse sighed as he reached for the ointment and bandages in the compartment behind the mirror above the sink. "So I can't do much about that but wish you luck."

"It's a start--" You hissed as the cold water cascaded down your sanguine, cratered abrasions. Your arms tensed themselves to block out the dizzying sting, but Jesse held you in place, and you could only whimper and groan for the duration of your cleansing.

"Okay, it's done now. Let's cover that properly, and don't worry--Mercy has done this to me a crap ton of times, I know the tropes."

"I never doubted your skill, Mcree," you said. "But please do it quickly--the pain is just--argh! And also...let's keep this a secret from Hanzo: This is not the right time for him to know that his brother is alive.""

"Of course, doll." The rugged man nodded. "Whatever ya say."


Hanzo stirred on the mattress where he lay, groaning as a bruising sensation filled his muscles, his joints--his whole body altogether. He was awake, no longer stunned by the effects of the curse, and the first thing he wanted to do was look for you, make sure that you were alright while he passed out from exhaustion. He tried swinging his legs over to the open side of the bed, but realized soon enough that he still lacked the strength to even lift them above his head. Everything hurt; he was finally conscious, yes--but what good was that when his whole afflicted person was equivalent to the weight of thirty sacks of bricks?

The Shimada knew he has hit a new low when even sitting up from his lying position has already proved itself to be a cumbersome chore.

Still, he was determined to see you, find out how you've fared in the duration that he was out. But just when he was about to call your name, he heard the loud rustling of paper from outside the bedroom, and soon, there was the table being dragged across the living room and a conversation ensuing: It was between you and Jesse, that was for sure, but your voices were so hushed and minimal that Hanzo couldn't quite grasp the topic of your talk from where he laid.

He knew he had to go outside and find out for himself. 

Every step he took was torture, and he barely felt the floor beneath his bare feet from the numbing cold that began to spread from his toes. Hanzo felt like he was beat up all over, and he walked over to the ajar doorway in the fashion of a baby deer, wobbly and threatening to give out on itself on any second. He was not as strong as he'd like, and a hand on the wall was his constant source of balance and support.

"(Y/N)..." he whispered hoarsely, throat dry from dehydration. He peeked head first outside to the living room and saw the papers strewn about, furniture overturned, creating a splintered, white mess across the space. "W-What happened here?"

"Hanzo!" You turned to face him, horrified that he had gotten out of bed so soon. "Are you out of your mind--you shouldn't be walking!" You saw how he struggled taking new steps in front of the other, how he could barely support his own weight, and thinking quickly, you ran to his side, holding him up as best as your smaller frame could. 

"Your hand," he said snapping out from his fatigue to better see the reddish taint from your knuckles seeping out through the layers of white bandages. "What happened, who did this to you?!"

"Hanzo, it's fine--everything is fine, it was nothing really!" 

"No!" He cut you off, skating his gaze to the destruction around him. "Tell me, (Y/N): Was I responsible for this? Did I hurt you?" As if the situation couldn't get worse, Hanzo's eyes met the hem of your yukata, and he saw the glimpse of a bandage once more, wrapping itself around your bleeding ankle, the skin there hot to the touch.

"Answer me, (Y/N)!" He roared, grabbing at your arms so that you may not escape this confrontation. 

Under his firm hold, he saw you harshly jerking from him, crying out in the process as you tried to remove his hold off you. Taken aback by the raw pain that scratched your throat, Hanzo let you go as you staggered back, watching how you hissed and groaned in agony, trying to soothe the hidden injury that hindered your arm.

"Remove your sleeves," he ordered in his sternest, quietest voice. "(Y/N)-"

"Han, take it easy." Jesse warned from behind you. "She's already shaken up as it is, be gentle with her."

"Who did this to her?" Hanzo did not relent, immediately turning to the other man with daggers in his eyes despite his weariness. 

"Er, um...they were just robbers is all-!" The cowboy lied, not knowing if disclosing the fact that his partner from Blackwatch was the one truly responsible would be the sensible thing to do. "Look, we took care of 'em already. It's all good, partner!"

"We need to talk inside the room," the Shimada insisted as he momentarily lost footing due to the rush of sensations that flooded his head like a dam. 

"You have to rest," you told him, concern and exasperation both clear in your voice. "Back at the Shimada palace they wouldn't let you walk for a day."

"This isn't the palace, and I can manage myself better than I did back then." He tried to suppress a groan as he limped, and yet no matter how hard he tried to be sneaky, you still caught him discreetly laying a hand on his aching ribs in the hopes of soothing it.

"McCree, was there still some rubbing ointment left behind the mirror?" you called out over your shoulder as you made a quick turn for the bathroom.

"Yeah doll, it's still there," McCree answered as he continued haphazardly picking his papers up without much care. "Man, when I see 'im I'm gonna make him kiss my ass for this mess."

You apologized to Jesse once more and told him that you'd clean it up in the morning, and again he told you not to worry about a thing--even though the dark bags hanging from under his eyes hinted otherwise.

Once you have shut the door to your tiny quarters, you turned to face Hanzo standing by the side of your bed, arms folded over a disheveled yukata. 

You sighed in defeat. "Hanzo, please lie back down, I'm going to try and ease your kinks and-"

"(Y/N), roll up your sleeves," Hanzo said as he narrowed his eyes towards you. "I want to see what they've done to you."

"I had no choice, koibito." Your fingers were tightly curled into your palms beneath your sleeves, and the sheer strength of it threatened to shatter the glass that contained your precious massage oils. 

It was true, Hanzo could see that then, even beyond your strong and nonchalant facade: You truly  were shaken by the incident, and who could blame you? This place was supposed to be your sanctuary, the last place on this planet where you could have lived in peace despite your identity...that feeling of safety and assurance was snatched away from you in an instant, and for an organized man such as Hanzo, it did not take much reflection to understand how traumatizing that could be.

"Beloved, gomennasai..." the Shimada sighed in distraught, taking your face into his clammy hands to bring you closer to him, so that he may kiss your forehead as a way to signify his gut-wrenching regret. "I did not mean to scare you, and I am truly sorry if I offended you with my temper and rashness. I was overcome with anger, for I have failed to protect you, as I have before."

"Hanzo, I chose to risk myself for you," you clarified. "They were going to hurt's alright."

"You promised me you'd be careful with yourself." He growled. "And no--just because this has nothing to do with you healing the curse doesn't mean you are just free to put yourself in harm's way. This can't go on."

"I have to protect us at all costs, Hanzo...because I know deep inside you would do the same in a heartbeat." Your once hardened expression softened into that of sadness and consolation, and you suddenly found that you could no longer stare into his tawny orbs. "I just--I was scared of losing you."

"My blossom, I would never forgive myself if I lost you to this," he confessed, a gray cloud hanging over his head. "Please...promise me that this time you'll be more careful, that you'll be more selfish to keep yourself safe."

"Hanzo..." You couldn't bring yourself to actually say it.

"Promise me--you will shed none of your blood for me, none of your light."

"Will it get you to lie down?" you shot back.

"Only if you promise-" Hanzo gruffly turned his head to the side. "And if you show me the full extent of the injuries under your sleeves."

"Okay fine," you sighed in defeat, knowing it was better to heed and show him at that moment before he catches sight of it any other way. Wincing to the side, you brought the bottom of your loose sleeves up to your elbows. As for the Shimada, he remained as still as stone, eyes widening as the gathered sleeves rose higher and higher, revealing more bruises by the second--bruises that bloomed like saturated ink, almost reaching the size of Hanzo's hand. 

Finding the courage to finally look at him, you bore witness to how his fair periphery turned as ashen as it did when he transformed back into a demon, and you worried for a moment that maybe your distress was urging him to turn back again. 

"I had to use my own body like a ram to fight them off, Hanzo." You quickly explained, trying to lower his fury before he could commit manslaughter on this foreign soil. "They did not hurt me, I just fought them to the best that I could."

"I need to find the people responsible for this." He said it like a promise, and a dark shadow loomed over his eyes.

"No--don't start. Jesse will take care of that as he is actually the only one here allowed to traverse the outside world." You rolled your sleeves back down and grasped his angular face, guiding him to lie back down onto the unmade bed. "What you need is to let me take care of you: You're in pain, and you need healing. I've already administered you with two doses of dextrose awhile ago...I forgot how the nurses would do it, but if you're feeling okay, it's a good start at least. Now--" You took the cap off the glass bottle and lathered your palms with the slick liquid, "--I need to relieve some of that bruising you're feeling. I know the sensation too well--got it all the time as a servant under your roof."

"Your hands must be in excruciating pain--I won't let you do this."

"If I couldn't handle it, I wouldn't offer to begin with." You smiled with a half-lidded gaze. "Now lie down."

The man blushed at your confidence, and watched as your lips moved in hesitation for one moment. 

"However I need you to take your clothes off, Shimada," you requested. "You can cover your legs or something with the blanket, I just need to concentrate on your back and head."

"Shame--and here I thought you wanted to see me in all of my bare glory."

"There's another time for that, but I promise it will be worth it." You rode along with his teasing, though you sensed the clear wanton glint that shone in his tired eyes. The joke was hiding away at his desire, and he made no big effort of keeping it a secret. "Okay, go ahead. I'm going to look away now."

Following suit, he shrugged the garment off from his broad shoulders and you heard the rustling of the clothing coming undone. He set the folded yukata along with its dark obi to the side, and only when he covered the lower half of his person did you have the audacity to glance at him once more. Your hands, slick with smooth oil, set themselves firmly upon Hanzo's muscular shoulders, and you began kneading the meat there, running your slippery thumbs in circles on the spot just above his taut chest.

The pleased sounds and hisses that passed through his lips drew the blood to your face, and when he gently laid a heavy hand on your waist, the red on your cheeks intensified, and you couldn't help but shiver at the sensuality of it all.

"I'm not handling you too hard, am I beloved?" you asked, putting both hands on his right arm and squeezing this time. 

"I love the feel of your hands on me--even with the bandages," he sighed, closing his eyes in peace. "I'm a big man, you are going to have to work harder if you want to hurt me. You on the other hand..."

The hand on your waist gave you a playful pinch, and you gasped in surprise, digging your nails into where your hands massaged the man's arm. 

"What was that for?!" you whisper yelled, flustered and very much piqued...although not in the sense of annoyance. "You know what, just turn around, lie on your stomach. I need to do your back next."

"Get on top of me," he groaned as he rolled over to the wall, laying his head upon the crossed arms under his face. "It'll give you a better position."

"That sounded so wrong out of context," you huffed, bringing one of your legs over his side to straddle him, but the sides of your lips quirked up in amusement nonetheless. You could not recall a time when Hanzo had been so boldly presumptuous--flirtatious in his teasing and dropping sexual innuendos like his brother would on a regular daily basis. It was an unlikely change, yes--but one that did wonder to your ears: Oftentimes he would uphold that serious and unforgiving demeanor that would drive most of his people away, even you at times. However it never occurred to you that he may have been just as naughty and wild as Genji on the inside--if it weren't for the clan holding him up to almost impossible standards of perfection and strength, you may have met this side of him sooner when you were just starting out.

Who knows, you two might have figured out each other's preferences long ago...if he had any in the first place.

"Something on your mind, koibito?" You heard your lover's muffled question from below you. 

You were puzzled as to how he somehow sensed that--must be a Shimada thing as well.

"No, nothing." You bit your lip and continued dragging your thumb against the muscles beside his shoulder blade. Your body moved forward and back, in sync with the direction your bandaged hands treated him; before long you sighed and decided to simply spill the question that had been racing in your mind for the past 30 seconds. "I was just wondering if you, I don't know...have any kinks? I mean I know that question is rather personal and if you're uncomfortable with the topic you don;t have to answer-"

"Power play, bondage," he murmured, lifting his head and turning it to the side to meet you eye to eye. He sported a devilish smirk that stopped you in your tracks, and you gulped as a deep heat bloomed from your gut.

Hanzo sensed your sudden excitement and couldn't help the proud chuckle that escape his mouth. "Oh, this is delightful. Look at you, so ready for me." he licked his lips, "Tell me, beloved, do you have your own peculiarities? You can't fool me; beneath that angelic face of yours lies a hunger that supersedes that of a demon's."

"You've always had a way with words." You leaned in, trying to match the coolness he exuded despite the prevalent heat on your face. "So you are into power play? You like tying up your partners? You like punishing them when they do something wrong, my lord?"

"Why don't I give you a free trial?" he suggested, shrugging his shoulders to make the transition of lying on his back once more. "I should have bent you over a table and had my way with you when you spilled the mop water long ago...but I suppose making you my personal assistant worked just fine."

"I wouldn't have minded that," you whispered, brushing your lips against his as you spoke. "Now are you sure you're even in the proper condition to assert dominance over me? You could hardly walk." You giggled, but was stopped short when Hanzo flipped both of your bodies in a blur of movement that lasted for no more than three seconds. 

Pinned to the mattress, you stared at him in disbelief wide-eyed, mouth agape, and very much panting to cool down the adrenaline that shot in your veins. He growled, grabbing the yellow scarf by the bedside with one hand to bound your wrists together, which squirmed under the Shimada's vice grip. You were going to look so beautiful, fit for him to devour-

Hanzo straddled you this time, leaning forward to tie the end of the scarf onto one of the grids above your head, the ones supporting the upper mattress of the bunk bed. The knot he did was one taught to him as a boy, and the harder you pulled, the tighter it wrapped in on itself.

"Don't underestimate me," he said, combing his fingers down the length of your splayed hair. He studied your face--red but not hinting at any signs of pain. Yes, he was going to assert his dominance on you but he had to make sure he didn't hurt your already battered body any further. 

If anything he wanted to relieve some of the anxiety and stress you were feeling; he wanted to distract you from all that was happening, even for just a moment.

You've already done so much for would be an honor for him to be able to return the favor.

No matter what it takes.

"You do know you're wearing nothing but a fundoshi, right?" You smiled, your voice ripping him out from his trance.

"Yes, as you've told me to strip my clothing." He chuckled. "Is this okay with you? Too indecent?"

"No, I...I could get used to this."

"Good." He nodded with a sly grin. "Now, tell me: have you ever had any carnal thoughts about me? Have you...have you touched yourself at the thought of me?"

Your face glowed once more, and your eyes blew dark with lust. "I could tell you all about it, koibito." You lifted your hips a little to grind yourself against the bulge between his legs, and to your delight, the man above you let out a deep, husky groan, one that got louder with every lift and roll of your hips. 

In retaliation he grasped your hips firmly and plastered it onto the mattress. Hanzo did not appreciate his momentary loss of composure and began to bite at your neck to remind you who was in charge in this situation.

"Tell me everything," he growled against your ear, licking the sensitive shell with a sharp flick of his broad and scabrous tongue.

For a moment you couldn't come up with words, but then you were forced to wrack your brain for those repressed erotic memories as Hanzo had taken your noncompliance into his own hands, grabbing your bandaged ankles and lifting your legs up to suck and kiss at the skin there. His mouth gradually went upwards, and his growing beard tickled your stimulated periphery like sand paper. He was nuzzling his face on the back of your knees, and was approaching your thighs with the speed of a man running out of time.

"I would play with myself all the time back in the palace, when my time serving you was up," you gasped. "The first time I remembered doing it was when we accidentally kissed...when you accidentally took my tea cup, mistaking it for your own."

"That was no accident," Hanzo whispered hurriedly, kissing you fully on the lips, slipping his tongue inside your mouth to taste you. "I did that on purpose...I wanted to share that experience with you before any man could. Please, tell me more blossom."

"I--" You moaned loudly, tugging wildly at the yellow scarf when your lover inserted a hard knee between your legs.

"Continue," he ordered and brought your hips down without mercy to repeatedly rub you upon his joint.

"Ah-!" You exclaimed, welling tears blocking your vision as you threw your head back; your body shook with pleasure already, and you prayed that Hanzo will be more forgiving in the future. Nonetheless, you knew better than to test his patience for the second time, and so you proceeded once you finally managed to draw some air amidst your whimpering. "I was angry that Ayato interrupted us when you were looking after me after I passed away from using excessive amounts of my power. We were touching each other, kissing each other and it felt so wonderful when you suddenly had to leave. I was unsatisfied, and I wanted nothing more than you, Hanzo--I wanted to feel you inside me. I couldn't believe my thoughts at first, but it was clear...I was madly in love with you--body, mind, soul and all."

"I am flattered," Hanzo grunted with a smile, lifting his head up from where he was leaving hickeys on your neck. " don't realize what you've done to me back at our youth; images of you would wake me in the middle of the night, and I would have no choice but to yield to my body's weakness." He cupped your face and sucked on your lower lip. "It was mind blowing, getting off to just thoughts of you...I can't imagine the pleasure we'd both feel once we get into the real thing."

You lifted your head as much as your neck would let you to suck on his prominent clavicle; but if it were up to you, you'd prefer sucking on something else entirely.

"Untie me, Hanzo, please." You pleaded, struggling against your binds to emphasize your point. "I want to touch you."

"I should definitely make a note to bind you more. You look good like that, beautiful, tempting..." He lightly ran his fingernails down the sensitive skin of your secured arms, and your mind wandered to thoughts of the demon who tried to get you to be his bride. "Perhaps I should try out shibari on you, hm? Then you'll be spread for me until I say you're not." On cue he sat up on his heel, and without warning, he placed a deft hand on the inside of your thigh and squeezed firmly. 

"Ah, Hanzo!" you shrilly cried out, half in protest and half in approval. The man seemed to have no qualms running your throat dry with shouts of your name, and he returned your earlier gesture of thoughtfulness by lightly massaging the muscles there with his own thumb.

But you did ask nicely for him to let you go; also you looked like you were bout to be driven into might as well. 

Once your arms plopped down beside you, the first thing you did was put them on Hanzo's shoulders, and you traced the lightning mark that graced his chest, all the way down to his big biceps, his colorful toned forearm, until you reached his fingers, and you twined yours in the spaces between his. Touched by this moment, Hanzo closed in on your bandaged hand and lifted that up to his mouth, carefully turning the limb around so that he may look for the pulse on your wrist with the touch of his lips. 

Finding that rhythmic beating, Hanzo nuzzled against it with his cheek, face glowing with a rare sense of contentment and peace. He furrowed his thick brows, and for a moment you thought he was praying to the gods...or perhaps he was showing his gratitude that you made it out of that dangerous situation scarred but alive.

He couldn't bear the thought of losing you...not like that, so violent and inhumane and unfair.

There was never any question that his love for you yearned for him to see you everyday, to be with you everyday, and to never part from you again. And despite being clear headed and unsentimental, Hanzo knew deep in his gut that the gods have conspired for the various events in your life, both good and bad, to take shape so that you two would end up together just as they have planned; the red string that bound you two went through a rough tumble, scathed by the many circumstances that challenged your love, but at the end of the day, it was not broken.

The fact that he was willing to fight whatever life threw at him head on just for your sake was enough of a testimony for him to know that there was nothing he wanted more than your smile, your touch, and your love...and he wanted to see them until he grew old and blind.

So without another word, he put his yukata back on his aching body and trudged to your shared cabinet, where he pushed some of your clothes aside like curtains, one after another.

He failed to see the confusion that shaped your face, and you sat up, letting your legs dangle down the bedside as you fixed your disheveled garments, waiting in the meantime. 

After a few minutes Hanzo finally turned back to face you, but you also noticed that he hid one of his hands under his left sleeve whilst coming back to you. Interest piqued, you sat on the edge of your seat, and you tried to lighten the mood between you two by giggling about his sudden secretive mannerism.

"Did you really think I would not notice, beloved?" you asked with a quirk of the brow. "You wound me."

But instead of his signature small smile, his hardened face remained stoic, and the goofy expression that colored your face with vibrance fell into a gray scale as it dawned on you that he was not having any of it, that perhaps you had done something awhile ago and he has trouble expressing his displeasure.

Oh my gosh, what if it was when I told him I'd touch myself thinking of him? Was that too forward--probably too forward, yes. Oh heavens what have I done!

You were about to stand up and apologize for whatever it was that you had done, the words right there at the tip of your tongue, when, as fast and as precise as a sentinel, Hanzo bent down on one knee with a straight back and wasted no time pouring his feelings out towards you.

"You are the only light I have left in this dark world, the only one left who actually cares for me, loves me, cherishes me like no are a beautiful being and for the rest of eternity I will be left asking how the gods could offer your perfection to someone as stained and as lowly as me. I have not felt this selfless love in a long time, and I will go mad should someone take this sensation away from me: For once I feel like my own person, not the clan's biggest asset, not Talon's war machine, not anyone's property--and I have no one but you to thank for this humanity I am feeling.

"(Y/N), I will strive to be a better man for you, to learn even more just to be an acceptable mate for you, and an exemplary father to our heirs. I can't lose you--not to sickness, not to death, not to another man. I want to fight for your honor, for our future together, and I want us to grow old just like what we have envisioned before when our hearts first found each other. The incident that happened tonight, the bruises and wounds on your opened my eyes to the fact that I can never be too certain about anything anymore--not the near future and not even your safety.

"But if there was one thing I have never been more sure of, it is the fact that I want to be awake by your side each morning, kiss your eyes every night as you sleep. I want to share the wonders of ordinary miracles with you and I want us to battle through the world together, hand in hand. I want to be with you...I love you."

You couldn't help bawling as his words pierced your heart like a heated dagger; you had no idea he felt that way, that he viewed of you as one of the only things in his life worth living. A sense of pride filled you, but at the same time you fell even more in love with the stern warrior, and you put your palms up to cover your sobbing face, moist from the tears of joy that cascaded down your skin.

"I should have done this a year ago." Hanzo chuckled as tears stung his eyes at the sight of you. "(Y/N)--" He took out the small velvet box and opened it to reveal his mother's ring. "Will you marry me and be mine for as long as we both draw breath?"

The diamond atop the gold band sparkled like the brightest star in the night sky, and you recognized the ring from a portrait of the late lady back at the Shimada estate. Hanzo saw the flash of recognition in your eyes and smiled softly, as thought to tell you that you were the only rightful successor of the ring after his mother. You were honored beyond what words could describe, and you could only nod to give Hanzo a firm yes.

"Yes!" You sobbed even more when you found your ability to speak through the shock. "Yes, Hanzo I want to be with you forever."

Beaming wider than you've seen him do in a long time, Hanzo stood up at last, gingerly taking the precious ring out from its place in the box to slide the band onto your ring finger. You stretched your arm out before you to admire this sentimental item, and you promised the Shimada with a tight hug around his neck that you would not let anything bad happen to this valuable jewel which he gave you to symbolize your love. 

"I love you," you whispered over and over again as you kissed him deeply. "I love you so much, koibito."

He kissed you all over, never letting his smile wane, and you could only throw your head back and laugh when he hoisted you in his muscular arms and twirled you around the tiny space as though you were newly weds.

And as you raised your arms up in this simple exhilarating celebration, the ring shone bright, sitting atop your bandaged knuckle, finally laying on its rightful place after such a long time of oblivion and neglect.

Eyyyyyyy XD how y'all doin??? 

Anyhow you get married in the next chapter yay!! :D im so happy for you

Thanks for reading, loves--see ya soon. Peace out!! XD


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