Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher...

By NiamForever5x

155K 4.1K 933

Mr. Horan is the new teacher at Wolverhampton High. Catching the eyes of everyone, including a certain Liam P... More

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 48

1.5K 40 11
By NiamForever5x

Hello guys! So I thought since I feel like I have been unfair to you guys when it comes to updating, that I will do a double update this weekend! So that is why Chapter 48 is a week early! The weeks are getting busier and busier so I thought it would be better to update now than a week! Thank you guys for everything and I hope you enjoy the chapter! It's for you guys, remember that! ♡♡ (pic on side of thier outfits, VMA'S 2012)

Liam's P.O.V

After my quick shower, I hop out and get dressed. It is currently half three and I need to get Niall up and dressed by four. I leave the bathroom with a towel hung lowly around my hips and run my hand through my hair a few times to dry it. Having short hair is much better now, it used to take me ages to dry my curly hair. "Jesus Liam, if you're trying to give me a boner before we go, you're doing a great job" I hear from the side of me and I turn to see a gobsmacked Niall, lying on the bed with his eyes wide and his mouth open. His stare goes from my face straight down to my abs and then to the towel on my hips.

"Well sorry if I thought their wouldn't be a little pervy Irish man awake in the room" I say, sticking out my tongue before grabbing my boxers and clothes and going back into the bathroom again. "Hey! Where do you think you're going? You can't just do that!" Niall says, banging on the bathroom door. I laugh loudly, shaking my head. "I already did" I respond, opening the door to a dissappointed Niall. "Awh you put your clothes on" he says, pouting. "So you don't love me anymore because I'm not naked" I say, acting offended. He quickly starts shaking his head and repeating "no, I still love you" and I start laughing again. He gives me a little punch on my shoulder before crossing his arms. "Dickhead" He says, pouting but smiling all the same.

"Okay, Niall you ready?" I shout upstairs to Niall.I put my coat on and wrap my scarf around my neck before checking my watch. "C'mon Ni, we're going to be la-" I stop mid sentence as Niall walks down the stairs. He looks amazing, like a Irish angel from heaven but stuck on earth. I'm doubting his human exisitence right now looking at him. He looks so good, it can't be human. "Woah, look amazing" I say, staring at him in amazement. He is wearing a orange jumper with a white button up underneath it, black skinny jeans and white vans. He looks amazing and it makes me feel so grateful to call this beautiful man in front of me mine.

Before I seen Niall, I thought my outfit looked really nice but now, I'm feeling really insecure about it. I'm wearing a dark purple/ light blue plaid button down, black suit jacket, black skinny jeans and white vans like Niall. He looks a thousand times better than me though. He smiles at me before coming over and wrapping his arms around me. I rest my cheek on his shoulder and inhale his smell, as weird as it sounds. He smells gorgeous, like mint and Lynx chocalate.I can feel myself getting weak in my knees because of it. I put my head up, stroking his back. "You look beautiful Liam" Niall whispers in my ear, kissing my cheek before pulling away from me and grabbing his coat. I blush slightly, feeling the butterflies in my belly again.

We decide to walk instead of getting a taxi. I warm up my hands by holding them together and puffing warm air into them but it doesn't seem to work. Niall fumbles with locking the door before turning to me and grabbing my hands in his. His hands are warm and soft and I stare softfully as he brings my hands up to his lips and lets his warm, mint breath blow on them. For some strange reason, this turns me on a lot so I smile and pull my hands away, giving Niall a kiss on the cheek. He smiles at me too, intertwining his hand in mine before we set off to Denise's. It wasn't far to walk and even though, it was frezzing outside, Niall made it seem like the sun was shining. He kept me warm, without doing anything execpt holding my hand.

When we got to Denise's, we were greeted by Theo's smiling face. I've only seen him from pictures Niall has shown me but boy,does he look like his uncle or what. He even has that cute, cheeky charm that Niall has. "Uncle Ni!" He shouts, throwing himself at Niall first. Niall picks him up and swings him around, before putting him down and kissing his cheek. "Hey buddy, I want you to meet someone" Niall says, gesturing for me to come in. He looks up at me, blankly. I bend down and smile at him. He gives me a litttle confused look before looking at Niall who stands beside Theo. Niall laughs before bending down to Theo, like I am. "Little man, this is Liam. Can you say Li?" Niall asks, sitting Theo on his knee.Theo giggles before babbling in baby language. "Say, Leeyum" Niall says, breaking my name down so it would be easier to say. Theo looks away shyly before hugging into Niall. "Li" I hear a small voice say and I look shocked at Niall who smiles at me. "Good boy Theo, you can him Li." Niall says, rocking Theo on his knee.

Theo giggles before standing up by himself and walking over to me with his arms open. "Awh he wants a hug, Liam" Niall says, his voice higher than usual. I see him standing up and taking his phone out while I hug Theo's little frame. Niall moves to the side of us and snaps a picture of me and Theo hugging. "That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. My two favourite men hugging" Niall says, smiling at me. I wink at him before pulling away from Theo and standing up with him in my arms. "Okay Theo, I have an important thing to tell you buddy" Niall says, taking Theo from me. I give him a confused look. "Let's go into the sitting room bud and sit, yeah?" Niall asks Theo who nods quickly, giggling. He's so damn cute. I guess he gets it from his uncle.

We all sit on the couch in the sitting room, where Mickey Mouse plays on the tv. I feel a pain in my chest, looking at it and I touch my chest. Why though? Oh...It was Ruth's favourite TV show. Me and her always watched it together and then we played it where I'd be Mickey and she'd be Minnie. I let out a heavy breath before shaking my head from memories and turning to Niall. "You okay, babe?" Niall asks, looking concerned at me. I nod, smiling at him before kissing his cheek. Theo watches the both of us, looking confused. Niall laughs at him before sitting him up on his lap and putting one of his arm's around my waist while the other hold's Theo's. "Theo...I don't know how to say this but I love Liam" Niall says, smiling over at me. I smile back and look down at Theo, who smiles too. "I love my friends too" he says in a cute baby voice before he starts giggling. Me and Niall both look at each other before laughing too. "I'm sure you do buddy but what I mean is that I love Liam as more than a friend. Like I really love him." Niall says, stroking Theo's side, smiling down at him.

I smile at the sight of them two. This will be us one day but it won't be Niall's nephew in his arms. It will be our own son or daughter. I know that we're both too young to think of that already but I can see it. We will have our own little family. I can't wait, I want it more than anything with Niall, I'm just too afraid to say it yet incase Niall thinks I'm crazy. But yeah in the future I can see us with our own little family. "Like mammy love daddy?" Theo asks and my heart breaks for him. He doesn't have his daddy for Christmas. I sort of know that feeling, my dad never spent christmas with after Ruth died. Neither would mam. Thee only presents I got was beatings and shouts. No, Theo has it better but I know what the absence of a father could do to a little boy. It could break them.

"Yeah bud, I love Liam like that and he loves me too" Niall says, smiling sadly. I'm guessing he's feeling guilty again although he did nothing wrong. "Everyone loves you Ni" Theo says, giggling to himself. I smile at his innocent smile. "Lets go see mammy and nan, shall we?" Niall says to Theo who giggles in excitement and nods. Niall stands up and so do I. I pull on Niall's hand, making him turn to me confused. "What's up babe?" he asks and I bite my lips at him before quickly kissing him. He kisses back slowly before pulling away and blushing. I blush too when I hear Theo who is the other side of Niall giggling and clapping his hands, saying "Uncle Ni and Li kiss" over and over again in an excited voice. We both look down at him and laugh. Niall puts his finger to his lip and Theo follows Niall's action before letting out a little giggle again.

"Sorry, I just got afraid. I never met Denise, does she even know about us?" I ask, biting my lip. Niall's eyes stay on my lips and he licks his slowly. "Oh..uhm I don't know actually, she probably does know though thanks to a little somebody" Niall says, laughing and looking down at Theo who smiles innocently. I follow after Niall into the kitchen where Maura stands with an another woman which must be Denise. "We're here" Niall says, loudly interrupting the two woman at the cooker. They both turn and Maura sends me a  small smile before saying hi boys to us. Denise looks at Niall and raises her eyebrow, smiling at him to which he blushes. I'm guessing she does know about us.

We both walk over and I clear my throat before putting out my hand for Denise to shake. "Hi, I'm Liam. You must be Denise. It's very nice to meet you" I say, politely. I see from the corner of my eye, Niall giving his mother a hug and asking her is she alright. "Liam. Hmm. Where did Niall get a lovely man like yourself?" She asks to which I blush and turn to Niall, smiling. "Oh yeah, Denise. This is Liam, as he just said and yeah...I got him from Wolverhampton I guess, I didn't necessarily buy him though" Niall says, laughing and putting his arm around my waist to which I see Denise follow with her eyes. I blush more, for no reason. "Oh, I see...and tell me Niall, he wouldn't happen to be more than your friend, would he?" she says, winking at Niall who blushes and looks at the ground, smirking.

"Uhm yeah, he is actually. He's my boyfriend who I love." Niall says, looking at me the entire time. "I love you too" I say quietly before looking down at the floor again. "Awh, that's pretty cute that wee Nialler is in love. You's are really obvious byway that you's both are in love with each other" Denise says, making me look at her. "Now go sit, the foods nearly ready." Denise says, turning back to the cooker but not before giving me hug and whispering "Welcome to the family, Liam"

Family. I have a family again. One who loves me, well sort of. Maura likes me, Denise seems to like me, Theo likes me too but I don't think Greg will like me for some reason and I know Bobby hated me. Denise and Maura return to the table, bringing plates and dishes of food over. We are all finally sat down when the doorbell rings. "Did you invite someone else?" Niall asks Denise who shakes her head. "No. I didn't, how strange. I better go check" she says, getting up and going to answer the door to god knows who.

A minute later, we hear Denise squeal. We all look around the table at each other, confused. Is she alright? "I'll go che-" Niall stops mid sentence, half off the chair and stares at the door with his mouth open. Me and Maura follow his gaze and my mouth opens too. There stands a crying Denise, clung onto..

"Greg" Niall finally mumbles when he see's his brother standing at the kitchen door. Theo has his arms out already and is shouting for his daddy. His smile is from ear to ear and he squeals sitting in his highchair.

"Suprise, I'm home."

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