
By th3tr33gang

23.8K 367 263

Lottie is missing and Ellie and Jamie don't know where she is. she has disappeared and the only thing they ha... More

A note from the author/s
Part 1: Jamie
Part 2: A letter.
Part 3: I'll find her
Part 4: Thank you
Part 5: Back at the base
Part 6: A small clue
Part 7: Lottie's cover
Part 8: Shiny and red
Part 9:
Part 10: Come on Lottie
Part 11: How?
Part 12:
Part 13: opposites attract
Part 14: Ellie
Part 15: Your welcome
Part 16: Jamie
Part 17: Lottie
Part 18 : Rosewood again
Part 19: A party
Part 20: Regret
Part 21: The ball
Part 22: What the hell
Part 23: Why?
Part 24: Thud
Part 25: Oh my god
Chapter 26
Fan theory
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Part 33
Epilogue: 7 years later

Chapter 29

541 11 11
By th3tr33gang

Ellie thrust her sabre forwards, nearly hitting the shelf as she fell.

"Ouch!" She yelled as she hit the floor.

Lottie's head poked round the door, "Ellie?", She started before rushing forward and lifting Ellie up, "Oh my god, Ellie, are you ok?"

"Yes, yes. I'm fine."

"Ok. Well, King Alexander asked if he could speak with you."

"Oh, god. What does dad want this time."

"I don't know, but he said it was just to check on something."


Ellie made her way down to the throne room, carelessly trudging over the faux-fur rugs in her black boots. When she reached the huge oak doors, she took a deep breath and pulled them open.

"Eleanor." The king said, nodding his head.

"Eleanor, dear, we would like to discuss Charlotte and Jamie."

Ellie's mouth immediately twisted into a furious frown.

"If this is about them being in love, I don't want to hear it."

Both of her parents faces went blank. They then slowly turned to eachother, King Alexander looked angry but Queen Matilde looked sad.

Ellie's hand flew to her mouth.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. What have I done?" She whispered to herself.

"Eleanor. Why did we not know this before? They both need to focus on their duties before they get smitten with eachother!"

"Alexander!" Queen Matilde looked angry now, "you can't help love. You of all people should know that."

"But it's a Partizan and a Portman! This is ridiculous!" The king shouted.

"I was... Joking!" Ellie said, acting funny and giving them a weak smile.

"Eleanor. Why did you not tell us?"

"You are unbelievable!" Ellie had never seen her mother so angry, "she did not tell you because she knew you would turn on Jamie and Charlotte like a pack of wolves!"

"Matilde! We should have the right to know!"

The queen's expression softened and turned to a pleading face.

"Alexander. Please. Don't."

"I do not have a choice." He said decisively.

"Dad! Please." Ellie cried. The king and queen had never seen her this upset. "They... They are my best friends!"

"Ellie. Their job is to protect you."

"SHUT UP! SHUT YOU'RE STUPID MOUTH! YOU ARE SO SELFISH. ALL YOU CARE IS THAT I'M SAFE ENOUGH TO BE QUEEN ONE DAY! YOU DON'T CARE IF I HAVE FRIENDS! I HATE YOU!" Ellie screamed, falling to her knees, black tears running down her face into her hands.

The Queen growled and rushed to her daughter, wrapping her arms around her.

"Alexander. You have made me more angry than I have ever been. If you dare dismiss Charlotte and Jamie then I will be furious."

Ellie broke away from her mother's embrace and ran out of the oak doors.

She turned from closing the door, breathing heavily, her chest heaving. Her eyes grew wide when she saw an extremely distressed Lottie in Jamie's arms, tears streaming down BOTH their faces.

"Y-you heard all that?" Ellie stammered, wiping the tears from her eyes.

They both nodded. She had never seen them like this. She didn't know looking after her was so important to them.

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