Part 3: I'll find her

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The grey sky loomed above rosewood threatening to chuck down at any second. After just barely making it through the day, Jamie sat in his isolated room in a state of extreme loneliness. But he had to stay positive.

Why did he leave Lottie alone after she asked him not to?

Where is Lottie?

Is she ok?

What happened to her?

This is all my fault!

Jamie was constantly beating himself up inside for not letting Lottie come back to Ivy. He also deeply resented the fact that he cared for Lottie far more than he was allowed to when he should be focusing on his role as a Partizan and keep Ellie safe. Wanting to do something about this, Jamie quietly crept to nurses ward where Lottie had been the previous night.
With his hands by his side, he ambled into the dimly lit room. Lottie's belongings had been put in a small cardboard box. Tears in the corner of his eyes, he tenderly picked up Mr Truffles and held him close to his chest. Jamie glared at Lottie's bed and the ruby red crimson apple lying threateningly underneath. Scowling, he picked it up examining it with a disgusted look on his face.

I'll find her. I'll do whatever it takes

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