Part 18 : Rosewood again

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Gasping for air, Lottie finally reached Rosewood. She rushed to Ivy and stood outside hers and Ellie's room. She heard a shuffle from inside and quickly hid.

"Hello?" Ellie called, looking around. Lottie was hidden behind a small pillar covered in ivy.

"Hello?" Ellie called again, moving to close the door.

"Ellie?" Lottie slid out from the pillar.

"OH MY GOD!" Ellie ran to her best friend, pulling her close in a rib crushing hug.

"Ellie!" A sweet smile spread across Lottie's face, her cheeks turning red.

"Oh my god Lottie I missed you!"

"I missed you too!"

"Where is Jamie?"

Lottie broke away, her face turning an even brighter red.

"Lottie," Ellie's face turned to a furious rage, "what has he done now?"



"Ok! He left me at leviathan while he escaped, but he was only going to protect you!"

"I. Hate. Him."

"That's not fair!"

"Yes it is. He just left you there!"


"How did you escape?"

"The guards were asleep, so I climbed the fence and slept in an abandoned shed."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR KNEES?" Ellie asked, pointing at Lottie's bloody knees.

"The wall."

"In. Now. I need to get you cleaned up!"

Lottie gratefully followed Ellie into the bathroom and sat on a stool. Ellie wiped her knees.

"Lottie, how did you handle that? On your own?" Ellie asked, brushing Lottie's hair.

"I don't know Ellie," Lottie sighed, "I really don't know."

"Oh Lottie." Ellie gently wiped her red cheeks, their faces close.

"Ellie, you are the best friend ever."

"And you are the best friend ever as well!"

They smiled at eachother, and then sat on Lottie's bed, holding hands. Ellie really was the best friend Lottie could ask for.

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