Chapter 27

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Lottie leant over the edge of room 221's balcony, silently staring out over the lush green fields of rosewood. The sky was a bright blue; not a cloud in sight.  She found she did not want to cry. She was happy; rosewood had been her home. But it wasn't anymore. Her home was wherever Jamie and Ellie were. Without them, she would be devastated. She could be strong on her own, but without them she would be lonely. She would lose a part of herself, a part that, a few years ago, she never knew she had.

"Lottie?" The voice of her roommate brought her out of her daze.

"Yes?" She replied, peering round the door.

"You ok?" Ellie's messy black hair came into view as she walked out from behind the doors of her wardrobe *that's a closet to the Americans out there*

"Yes, actually, I am... And I'm surprised too. I thought I would be sad... But I am happy, I think. I am so glad we had our time here at rosewood. It really was an incredible adventure!"

Ellie gave her a smile.

"We did have fun. Even though you sound like television advertisement, that's true," Ellie laughed, "an adventure is one way to put it!"

They laughed together for the next couple of minutes, Ellie making stupid jokes. The girls knew that their 'adventure' was far from over.

A few hours later, all the bags were packed and the trio was making their way down the steep hill, taking their very last looks at Rosewood Hall. They had said goodbye to all of their friends, of course. They would all stay in contact, even though they were leaving eachother.

"It feels strange, doesn't it?" Ellie said, looking curiously up at the castle, as if properly seeing it for the first time.

"I suppose we always knew we would have to leave one day," Lottie smiled, " and this is it."

Jamie stayed silent, the suitcases in his hands looking much to heavy for any normal human to carry. Well, Jamie wasn't exactly what Lottie would describe as 'normal', though.

"Well, I'll miss fencing." Ellie sighed. Lottie knew she would miss fencing a lot. That's why she had planned her a little surprise for when they got back to the palace.

"So," Lottie jumped at surprise at the calm voice by her ear, taking a breath and turning slightly to see Jamie. "You were right."

"About what?"

"Ellie missing fencing. You knew she would miss it so you planned her a surprise."

Lottie struggled to understand how he knew this, however she shook that thought from her head when she remembered that Jamie just had some superhuman way of knowing things.

"Thanks?" Lottie whispered back, blushing slightly, not quite knowing why he was saying this to her. A thin smirk appeared on his face as he moved away, lifting the suitcases into the back of his black BMW.

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