Epilogue: 7 years later

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Ellie sat on a golden throne, her long, dark hair flowing over her shoulders.

"You'll be okay, I promise," Lottie stood beside her, Jamie next to Lottie.

"We are here to celebrate the coronation of Princess Eleanor Prudence Wolfson." A booming voice said.

Lottie took Ellie's hand, squeezing it slightly.

"Ellie, you can do this."

Ellie felt a jolt of hope. She bent her head slightly as a beautiful tiara was placed on her head. Ellie looked beautiful, now a queen. But this wasn't her.

"Queen Eleanor Prudence Wolfson!"

There was a booming round of applause. Ellie squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn't take this, but she had too. She couldn't crack. She knew what would happen if she did.

The celebrations lasted the whole night. Beautiful drinks and foods of all colours were layed on the overcrowded dining table.

"Ellie, we know you can do this." Lottie said. She was reassuring Ellie because she knew it was true. Ellie knew that her words were true. She had her two best friends: her amazing  ex Portman and her incredible Partizan.

The trio are inseparable. They always will be. To this day, Queen Eleanor Wolfson, Lottie Pumpkin and Jamie Volk are still inseparable. Like I said, they always will be. Thank you for reading my story, now keep writing your own. - Sincerely, Lottie Pumpkin. P.s Leviathan is never going to win. We will keep fighting, no matter what. No matter how long it takes.

So? What did you think? I am so sad that our trilogy is over, and I am super stumped for what to write next! I spent months on these and it seems strange that they should end! But, as my life motto says, All stories should have a happy ending, even if there are troubles throughout, endings are the best part. So, I hope you enjoyed Hearts Can Break, Take My Heart and, of course, Gone! Remember, as Lottie says, Be kind, brave and unstoppable.

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