Part 22: What the hell

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"Lottie, what the hell was that about?" Ellie grinned.

"Leave me alone." Lottie muttered, blushing and hiding in her duvet.

They were in the ivy dorm with Binah, Anastacia, Saskia and Lola. Lottie didn't see what was so funny about her kissing Jamie. But clearly Ellie did.

"Since when did you turn into jamie?" Ellie smirked, "oh wait, let me think." Ellie tapped her chin in a mocking way, making the others laugh. Apart from Binah, Lola and Anastasia, who frowned.

"You're being very immature Ellie, maybe you should consider that if you were going out with someone, Lottie wouldn't make fun of you." Binah said.

"Alright, alright!" Ellie said, putting her hands up as if surrendering, "I was only playing."

"Binah's right." Lola said, chewing on what seemed to be an everlasting toffee.

"Well, way to kill our fun." Saskia laughed.

Lottie suddenly got up and opened the door. She stormed out but didn't know where she was going.

"Lottie!" Ellie cried, "Lottie come back!"

Lottie walked down the corridor. Be kind, be brave, she thought to herself, be unstoppable.

"Look what you have done now Ellie," Anastacia frowned, "you and Saskia are so tactless." She walked down the corridor towards Lottie.

Lottie stopped for a second, hearing Anastasia's red heels clicking on the floor behind her.

"Lottie, ignore them." She said, before turning back.

What was that for? Just ignore them? Lottie frowned.

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