Part 9:

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Jamie and Ellie sat opposite each other in the barren library on a large oak table.

"So let's start from Monday night." Jamie said colder than ever.

" after you guys found me we went to the nurses ward and said goodbye to Lottie and the next day she was... gone."Ellie started sorrowfully.

" we need to work out what happened between then, and we have two clues to go on: Lottie's letter and this apple," Jamie stated holding up the items,"Let's start with the apple."

"Obviously we know that Lottie has a very bad allergy and if she ate even a bit of apple she would not have made it." Ellie said tears filling her eyes.

"I know," Jamie replied handing her a tissue his expression softening,"so she couldn't have or she would not be able to write the letter, I have examined the fact that someone else could have written it but it is in perfect maravish and in Lottie's writing." He continued.

"But didn't she say that she has joined Leviathan now?" Ellie enquired.

"Yes but she didn't have a choice they probably threatened her with the apple." Jamie said defensively, but stony.

"I know.." Ellie murmured. She knew that even if Jamie wouldn't admit it, her two great friends were madly in love even if they didn't think she did. Being honest, Ellie was ok with them being together but she did feel excluded and hurt that they didn't tell her. However she knew that Jamie wouldn't admit it to her no matter how many times she asked, so she knew she had to keep it to herself.

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