Unseen secrets

By Me_724

843 30 1

Amber Johnson is planning on spending her summer being lazy. Though that suddenly changes when her parents go... More

Meeting the babysitter
Mysterious Deaths
What you dont know..
Unlikely Vistors
Home sweet home?
Excuses excuses
Bombs Away
What now??
Sneaky Luck
Candle light service
You think your in trouble?
Your plan
Secret Spying
Nothing is the best of something
Forgiveness comes in all shapes and sizes...
Getting rid of a ghost...
I don't think you understand
Then there was two...
My secret holding soul
Three weeks later
I don't like games...
...because this isn't fun
Where we stand (Final Chapter)

Dark secrets

19 1 0
By Me_724

Chapter 14

I thought for a minute I was imaginings things. Not like I haven't done that before. I could see the same look on Maia's face when I told her that she was going to clean her room after I found out about Brandon.Instead this time she was shaking and hyperventilating. She stood up and summered over the loudest scratching noise I ever heard. "I..I.. got to go.." I tried to get up off the ground as fast as she was reaching the door.

Instead the candles blew out and Maia's frantically trying to open the door that wasn't opening. There was laughing through the house and echoed off the walls. "Let me out of the house!" Maia screamed. An eerie voice whispered through the living room. "I told you, I want your secrets." it followed with a laugh and repeated at least five times.

"Maia, Just tell me!" I pleaded before Emily decided to kill us. She tried to open the door. She banged on it hard enough to make the house shake. I heard her sobbing,, and thought she was hurt. "Maia, its fine just wait." Her cries were more noticeable. I felt around on the floor and tried to make my way to the door, but i think i was traveling closer to the kitchen instead. I hit my head on what felt like the refrigerator. 'Maia, where are you, its fine, we just have to find a light switch.

I stood up and felt the wall and heard Maia scream. I tried to make my way to the door, but I abruptly fell down. I then saw the gleam of the kitchen floor start to move farther away from the entrance. I then looked behind me and saw nothing. I then heard the basement door open creaking. I then was jerked so fast I lost my breath, but i had enough to scream. I heard fast footsteps, coming towards me. I was being dragged down the stairs and was trying to prevent my head from being detached from my body. "Amber!"Maia screamed running down the stairs. By the time she got down the steps, I was on the floor trying not to pass out.

"Amber, I'm sorry..I'm sorry" She was sobbing, I've never seen her cry so much. The basement door slammed close. I heard slight whisper. I couldn't figure out what it said. I then saw Maias face come into focus. With the company of Emily behind her. Maia closed her eyes before she spoke. "No, you cant make me.'' I looked at her trying not to cry and break the door down. I didn't't see Emily anymore, which was a bad sign.

It was quiet for too long and was killing me, what if the door was just closed but was unlocked? I could barley see Maia but I had her arm with a grip. The lights came on I got up and immediately ran up the stairs and tried to open the door. Then just when I thought the whole thing was over the lights started busting. one by one. I turned around to walk down the stairs and was pushed against the door unable to move. Maia got up and two feet away was of course Emily. I was getting tired of this, I could understand now what Maia was talking about.

Without blinking Emily started to grasp Maia throat. I couldn't move, I couldn't even have enough sense to talk. The light bulbs continued to break until one was left. It was still dark and I couldn't see to far away.One was the effect of the darkness and the other for my poor eyesight far away. I looked at the light bulb that was still shining and remembered that it was the only on that was on when I came down here the other day.

Then from the gleam of the one light bulb I saw Emily and she was staring at me. Her eyes turning dark and sinking. She held up her hand as I watched her carefully. She then put it down, and had a sinister smile on her face. I fell down four steps before I caught myself. I got up and ran towards the slumped over figure that was Maia. "No!" it was a fast reflex and it shook the house. "You step any closer I'll set this whole damn house on fire." I let out a shaky breath. I couldn't say I didn't't believe her. "You both are so pathetic. Don't worry I'm tired of playing this game too Maia. Amber has a right to know." She actually sounded like a person instead of a ghost. We all know she's actually a crazy demon.

"Forget it, you wouldn't kill us. You wouldn't have anyone else to taunt. That necklace is connected to you. All we have to do it burn it!" I was pretty mean sounding, not like I was threatening.

I could tell she wasn't too happy with what I said. It didn't stop her from anything. The door upstairs opened and I thought about running for my life. A knife appeared and I dropped to the ground and heard it hit the cement wall. The door slammed close and I stood back up. Emily got the knife and held it to my throat. The light that use to be on went off. It was completely dark, I was thinking this is it. I've pissed off a ghost and this is how I'm going to die.

A light flickered above us. I finally saw Maia, she stood up. She started to approach me but stopped a couple of inches before she got to close. "Tell her.." I stood still from the fear of my neck getting to close to the hovering knife. Maia started to cry, her makeup already ruined about twenty minutes ago.

"You know I hope you died painfully..." Maia started to continue. "When I was thirteen Michael had came over to help Luke practice for football. He was on a break when I asked him if he'd teach me how to drive." His name gave me chills. I was shivering from fear mostly, but my mind was tracked on Maia's every word. "He told me to observe on the passenger side. I watched him carefully as he described what to do. He went out through the street and started to go on the road. Then I..i" Maia coughed back her sobs. I had an idea but I was taught to listen all the way through before judging. "I grabbed the wheel and he..he.." Maia let out a shaky breath. "He swerved into the other lane and a truck hit us..." Maia looked at Emily.

"tell, her what your thinking." For a moment I was respectfully listening but inside I could feel myself screaming. I had no idea that ghost could read our thoughts, maybe she could read mine. Tell her to go haunt another living being.

"I had a seat belt on and I was saved by the airbag. I got out before someone would stop. I.. I tagged down some people who called  911. I told them I lived down the street and went to go get my mom. I told her I went for a walk and saw the crash. I never told anyone about what really happened." Maia started to cry once again and I felt the knife fade away. The light came on and somehow I willed myself up the stairs and opened the door. I was like a walking corpse. Only to let the screaming inside me go when I couldn't fight it anymore.

Maia sat on the chair and I stood staring at her, not feeling anything. I felt the screaming bubble up and out of my mouth. "Leave!Get out, I never want to see you again!" I yelled and opened  the door.

"Amber! Please, just listen, will you, please!" Maia reached the door. I felt an urge to just push her out, before the screaming told me to say something else.

"I'm done of listening to every, single, damn thing you every said or did. I'm tired of you. So, if you don't mind just leave and forget we even met." I shut the door and locked it. I kicked the stupid board on the floor. I screamed at the top of my lungs and didn't notice the warm tears going down my face.

I then didn't hear any more screaming. All i felt was pain and regret. How did I ever get to know the wicked friend I had. Just like any other person in this world, in elementary school.

I was in first grade and I was very quiet. .We were taking a spelling test and I sat beside a girl that never shut up. The teacher read out the simple words and I stopped my pencil on the paper. I didn't;t know if the I in milk came before or after the L. Then the annoying girl whispered, "It the I before the L" She helped me out, but at the time I didn't know i was technically cheating. Everyday after that was another day of our friendship history.

Now, all of t seemed like a dream that never happened. All the things we did, all the parties, movie theaters, foot-ball games was all for nothing. Absolutely nothing, every moment every promise. All broken into a thousand pieces. Then all the secrets, every single last one, nothing we kept from each other. She kept this, out of everything, she kept this from me. The real death of my brother, was that Maia had killed him. She ran him off the road and she didn't tell no one. Not One Person.

I sat on the couch and realized that there's nothing that can take away this feeling. The feeling of losing something. It was there and I've lost so much. I saw the shine of the golden locket on the floor. I picked it up and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a pot and a notebook. I ripped pages out of it and threw it into the pot. I then found a lighter setting the paper into a fiery flame. I dropped the locket into it and lit more paper. Watching it burn, was the best thing I had to relive my pain. I heard a whisper ruining everything,"You cant get rid of me by that.... I still haven't told your secret....Don't worry, your next"

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