Minecraft Story Mode Season 3...

By CassieRoseMCSM

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The day after Jesse and Romeo's battle at Terminal Space, Romeo is still trying to get over the loss of his p... More

Part 1: Hiding Under A Table... A Great Solution To Any Problem!
Part 2: Not So Different
Part 3: What are you gonna do? Lock me in a closet?
Part 4: Jesse's new fashion statement... AKA a sword wound.
Part 5: The Walking Dead... Are Not a Problem Right Now
Part 6: Ghost Mug
Part 7: Jesse isn't short. She's vertically challenged.
Part 8: A Tutorial On Basic Human Knowledge
Part 9: Lukas To The Rescue
Part 10: A Very Strange Encounter
Part 11: Clever Trickery...
Part 12: Skittish Cats
Part 13: Redstonia At Last
Part 14: There's nothing that hurts more than broken hopes.
Part 16: Confessions
Part 17: Lukas Reveals A Secret
Part 18: Hiding Under A Table... It's Still A Great Solution To Any Problem!
Part 19: Some Advice On The Xara Situation
Part 20: Epilogue

Part 15: Surprises both good and bad.

528 10 16
By CassieRoseMCSM

Again, Jesse's words echoed in Romeo's mind: "All I want is for all of us to be together again. Is that too much to ask?"

Lukas put an arm on Jesse's shoulder, Olivia looked very concerned, and Romeo got up from his hospital bed and ran over to the others.

"Jesse..." Lukas began. Jesse's eyes moved to the floor, then looked up at Lukas.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just need sleep, that's all," Jesse sighed.

"You can fall asleep for a while. It's okay if you want to," Lukas replied. Jesse nodded, walked over to the hospital bed, climbed onto it, lay down, shut her eyes, and fell asleep. Lukas approached the hospital bed and caressed Jesse's hair... but then he stopped, stepped back, and blushed. "I- I shouldn't have done that," Lukas said quickly, his cheeks still tinted with pink. Olivia stared at him quizzically.

"So how long are we going to let her sleep?" Olivia asked.

"As long as she wants," Lukas responded. Romeo sighed and tightened a lace on his converse that was becoming undone.

"I get really lonely really fast. Please say you two will talk to me to pass the time. When I have no one to talk to... I talk to myself and inanimate objects. And trust me, you don't want to see that," Romeo warned. Olivia pressed her lips together. Lukas took a deep breath and let it out.

"I bet there's lots. Of other people. You can talk to," Olivia huffed.

"Like who?" Romeo asked, trying and failing to keep a snarky tone out of his voice. For a split second Olivia glared at him. Lukas nudged Olivia back a step and gave Romeo a tiny smile.

"One of my friends is visiting Redstonia today to look at house options because she's considering moving to Redstonia or Beacontown. She has long pink hair and dresses in a navy blue sailor girl outfit... so she's really easy to find in a crowd," Lukas suggested.

"Alright, I'll look for her," Romeo answered. He exited the Dome of Concentration and scanned Redstonia for Lukas' friend, and he almost instantly spotted her. She was staring at a house made completely of iron and touching a hand to her chin. Lukas' friend had long pink hair that she wore down, light brown eyebrows, and blue eyes. She wore light blue eyeshadow, dusty red lipstick, black flats, a long sleeved dark blue shirt- white with a single blue stripe was at the end of the sleeves, a dark blue skirt, a white sailor tie with skinny light blue stripe accents, and a small amount of blush. Romeo tapped her on the shoulder, which caused her to jump and whirl around to face him.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me! Maybe in the future you could try to not sneak up on people?" the girl gasped. She had a British accent that sounded like it would belong to a video blogger. Romeo smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry about that," Romeo apologized. The girl shrugged and the corners of her mouth turned up.

"It's alright. Are you a Shadow Cadet?" the girl asked. Romeo blinked in confusion.

"What's a Shadow Cadet?" Romeo questioned.

"Shadow Cadets are my fans. Judging by the fact you didn't know what 'Shadow Cadets' means, you're either a new Shadow Cadet or not a Shadow Cadet at all," the girl deduced.

"I'm not a Shadow Cadet yet. My name is Romeo," Romeo told her. The girl raised an eyebrow, then lowered it and beamed.

"Weird name. I like weird," the girl commented. She gave him a small wave. "Hey, what's up? LDShadowlady here," the girl said. She pauses for a moment before adding, "But my friends call me Lizzie."

"Should I call you Lizzie then?" Romeo checked. The corners of Lizzie's mouth turned upwards.

"Well, we are friends. So yeah," Lizzie replied. She glanced at the iron house she'd been looking at and let out a sigh. "I'm looking for a house that's pink and cute... or at least cute. But none of these houses fit any of my requirements. Do you have any idea where I can find the house of my dreams?" Lizzie answered.

"Jesse allows everyone to build their own house in Beacontown, so I could help you build one there tomorrow. I would help today, but I honestly have a lot of things going on today," Romeo told her. Romeo realized it was ages since he'd built anything without his powers. Now annoyed with himself for not thinking before he spoke, he exhaled sharply. "Quick mental note," Romeo thought, "learn how to build by tomorrow."

"Thanks! Stacy, Stampy, and Joel are probably going to help too-- but extra help always helps. Help helps. Wow, I can't speak today. Anywho... it's fine that you can't help today, I still need to find a good lot and do some other things," Lizzie replied. Romeo smiled at her.

"It was nice meeting you, but I need to get back to Olivia's lab," Romeo said. Lizzie nodded and the corners of her mouth turned upwards.

"A simple 'bye' would have done nicely in the place of the long version, but you can go ahead and leave if you want," Lizzie responded. Romeo began to walk back to Olivia's lab. He now had two friends instead of just one, so his encounter with Lizzie was a success in his book.

Once Romeo entered Olivia's lab, he noticed that Jesse was awake. She was sitting on the hospital bed, and Olivia and Lukas were gathered around her.

"...you're sure you're okay? Nothing's wrong?" Lukas questioned. Jesse shrugged and managed a tiny smile.

"I really wish all of us were together and going on adventures again, but we'll talk about it later. Right now I'm focusing on save-the-world stuff," Jesse confessed. She paused for a moment. "Uh... where's Romeo? You guys didn't, like, banish him from Redstonia or anything like that-- right?" Jesse continued. Olivia shook her head, then pointed at Romeo.

"Nope. He's right there," Olivia responded. Jesse beamed and whipped her head in the direction Olivia was pointing.

"Where the heck were you?" Jesse asked.

"I was off talking to Lizzie. She was looking for a suitable house, so I told her that she could build one in Beacontown and I'd help her," Romeo explained. Jesse's eyes shone and she was beaming. She was proud of him. Actually proud of him.

"Romeo... that's really nice. You're definitely making a lot of progress," Jesse praised.

Suddenly there was a loud, echoing boom. Olivia looked out of one of her lab's windows.

"Jesse..." Olivia said nervously. Jesse snapped her head around to face Olivia.

"What?" Jesse replied. Olivia turned towards her as another loud, echoing boom could be heard.

"Someone set off a red firework in Beacontown. And I know people only ever use fireworks during celebrations- with the exception of Romeo-" Olivia stated. Romeo opened his mouth to retort, but he closed it after he realized she had a valid point. "...so something's not right," Olivia continued. Jesse's eyes went wide with panic and her eyebrows rose.

"That's the emergency flare! Radar's setting it off because Beacontown's in danger!" Jesse exclaimed. 

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