Azure Saiyan (Blazblue X Saiy...

By HudsonDemon

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A/N: ...So I Been waiting for someone to make a Blazblue X Dragon ball Z or Super fanfic and there was an ok... More

The Beginning: A parents farewell and a new life begins!
Chapter 1: A new fatherly bond and Tragedy strikes
Chapter 2: A legendary Power Awakened and an Emotional Reunion!
Chapter 3: Truth Revealed and Let Training Begain!
Chapter 4: Small Farewells and Future Vision?
Chapter 5: Arriving at Kagutsuchi and Familiar Faces?!
Chapter 6: Encounters and a "Friendly Dinner"!
Chapter 7: Kaka Village and the Sewers!
Chapter 8: Attack from Liquid Seithr and A Doctor!
Chapter 9: Alucard Castle and 3rd trait?!
Chaper 10: Family Reunion and a Long Elevator Trip Down!
Chapter 11: The White Void, Ragna and Y/N Vs Hakumen!
Chapter 12: Successor of the Azure and an Old Enemy Returns!
Chapter 13: Revelation and The Incident!
Chapter 14: Memories and a Full House!
Chapter 15: Behind the Senses and Hot Springs?!
Chapter 16: Wanted and Kids these Days!
Chapter 17: Meeting Sector 7 and a Vigilante of Love and Justice!
Chapter 18: Setting up a Path of Forgiveness and The Wings of Justice!
Chapter 19: The Mad Puppeteer and Saving a Friendship!
Chapter 20: A Demon Within!
Chapter 21: The Mechanical Soul!
Chapter 22: The Plot Thickens!
Chapter 23: God slayers Cocoon!
Chapter 24: Awakening!
Chapter 25: Against the Godslayer!
Chapter 26: Unexpected Rebel!
Chapter 27: A difference in opinion!
Chapter 28: Ikaruga Arrival!
Chapter 29: Kagura Mutsuki!
Chapter 31: A Fight Between a Saiyan and the Crused Demi-God!

Chapter 30: Guided and Cautions!

732 16 13
By HudsonDemon

3rd perspective

Within the depths of the 9th Hierarchical city of Akitsu-A, a Puppetmaster is trying to revive a cauldron that was previously destroyed by Ragna the Bloodedge.

Relius: With this here and that there... this cauldron should now be...

With his work done, the cauldron started to be reactivate. He was about to leave until a voice spoke out stopping his tracks.

Abaddon: Why are we here?

Relius: (Stops and pulls out soul) It is rather simple... I'm collecting a component, while reviving this cauldron.

Abaddon: What does this "cauldron" have to do with anything of that matter?

Relius: It part of the Imperator's plan...

Abaddon: And this component?

Relius: Remember the conversation me and Hazama had...?

Abaddon: I remember...

A few days ago

In the NOL base, Hazama approaches Relius.

Hazama: Ah, Colonel Relius I was just looking for you...

Relius: Hazama... What do you want?

Hazama: Well, I'm here to inform you on a few things, one that our friend here. (Pulls out soul) Has agreed to help.

Relius: Hmm... But more importantly, Hazama... Are things coming along on your end?

Hazama: They're proceeding on schedule.

Relius: I'm leaving for Ikaruga tonight. What about No. 13?

Hazama: It still needs some adjustments, but even in its current state, it can easily carry out its task. A masterpiece one would expect from an artist such as yourself. Things can continue apace in Ikaruga, I expect.

Relius: I see...

Hazama: Speaking of which, sense he is going to help. I'm asking from an artist such as yourself, to create a new body for him.

Relius: I might have to get some things but, I'll see what I can do...

Hazama: By the way, Relius... About Phantom... I trust things will be fine...?

Relius: Don't ask me... I only prepared the vessel.

Hazama: Hmph... She's a useful pawn, but isn't her soul unstable?

Relius: Save you're complaints for the Imperator... She's the one who's sustaining her. If that is all, I'll be taking my leave.

Hazama: Don't forget this. (Holds out soul) ...Oh and by the way, I taught him a new trick. So if he speaks to you, he can do it outside instead of heading into that little dark room of his.

Relius then takes it, and left Hazama behind.

Present Time

Abaddon: ...So besides this component, how do you plan on making a new body, my power, isn't something that you have encountered before.

Relius: You are right, your soul is far more powerful than I have ever encountered. Which is why, I have only have one option on how to make you a body.

Abaddon: I don't know why you said only one when there's one I could think of, like Terumi using Hazama's body.

Relius: If it was like Terumi's then it would be the same kind of process that I created Hazama but unlike them, your soul is more powerful than his despite Terumi being more ...flexible with his soul. You need a stable body that can hold your power, which is why I decided to come to this particular cauldron, it has a component that can restart a cloning project.

Abaddon: You're planing to clone Y/N...?

Relius: And put your soul into it, yes. In the past when we attempting cloning... the bodies that were created is most successful, but their souls die immediately. The only ways for it to work, is to copy from the original's, or put a soul similar to it.

After he finished saying that, his puppet returns.

Relius: Ignis... do you have it?

It didn't say anything as it held out an object. Relius takes the object and expecting it.

Relius: Fine condition, this will do nicely.

Abaddon: Hmm...?

Relius: What is it?

Abaddon: I sense someone is close by, someone ...familiar.

Relius puts the soul back in his pocket, turns around, and walks towards back where he came from.

Jin's perspective

If I had to recall the last few days, I trained with Jubei non stop while getting both information on the Izayoi and Y/N, after that I decided to head for Ikaruga to find Hakumen sense he knows more about the Izayoi.

When I made it to Akitsu-A, I wondered around on what to the city and was going to continue to find him, until Kagura's servant Hibiki Kohaku, found me and wanted me to head for Yabiko to help rebel against the Imperator. I refused and said that I had other important matters to attend, and he decided that he will be follow me until I go help.

I asked Hibiki about what happened to this city's weather control system and he said that the cauldron destroyed and without it they couldn't operate the system. I also asked him to show me the cauldron which brings up to this moment, going through the derbies to reach the cauldron. We arrived to see what was left of the area.

Hibiki: Here we are. There's a lot of rubble, so watch your step.

Jin: This is it?

Hibiki: Yes. Its function as a cauldron has completely stopped.

Jin: You're certain about that?

Hibiki: Yes, we've confirmed this.

Jin's thoughts: What is this unsettling aura around it?

I processed towards the cauldron investigate further, until Hibiki called out.

Hibiki: Major, it's dangerous to go any further.

Jin: (Stops) Then head back.

Hibiki: No, I'm staying with you.

Jin: Fine, but stay right here. That's an order. Let me go alone.

Hibiki: Yes, sir. I will wait here.

As I head for the deeper part of these ruins to the point that I don't see Hibiki in sight. I stopped to inspect it.

Jin: Is it really... dead?

I closed my eyes and used what Jubei taught me.

Jin: It's faint, but I can feel it pulsing. No matter. Right now I need to worry about the Murakumo Unit. It's okay as long as I can find it, even if it's only the wreckage.

???: The Power of Order... What are you doing here?

I looked over to the owner of the voice to see it's Relius Clover.

Relius: I asked you a question. What are you doing here?

Jin: I could ask you same... Puppetmaster.

Relius: Hmm... Your aura is quite interesting. I see... Jubei has taken on another pupil.

Jin: That's none of your concern.

Relius: Hmph. It's matters not. My work here is complete. That is not dead which can eternal lie... and all that.

Jin: So... what I felt was right. The cauldron isn't dead after all?

Relius: Impressive. I hadn't thought the Power of Order would be able to sense such things. Hm... Looks like it could yield an interesting soul sublimation.

He pauses as he took a step forward while looking directly at me.

Relius: So, it's not dead. What are you going to do about it?

Jin: Kill it again, if it comes to that.

Relius: Pointless. It's resuscitation is already complete. It would be impossible to kill it now, even with the Power of Order.

Jin: You think I can't do it when Ragna could?

Relius: Of course you couldn't. He was able to because he has the power of the Azure. "Destroying" a cauldron is simple. But to actually "kill" one is more complicated task. That it requires the Azure. To think that you don't know that much... Sometimes I doubt Jubei's efficiency as a teacher.

Jin: Hmph.

Relius: It appears that talking to you is a waste of my very valuable time. Step aside.

I blocked his path as I draw out Yukianesa.

Jin: You think I'll sit here quietly as I let you pass?

Relius: (Sigh) ...Ignis. Fight him.

He summons his puppet and charges right at me.

3rd perspective

Bardock answered each question while telling his story bit by bit. From his fight against Frieza's army to his last fight against Mira.

Bardock: ...and that's how I woke up in a cave and eventually found myself on this planet.

Kokonoe: So you and Y/N are Saiyans?

Bardock: Yes, but I'm not exactly sure.

Kagura: Wait a minute, that doesn't make sense how can it be sure but not sure?

Kokonoe: Well for one, I'm going to assume the tail.

Kagura: Tail?

Bardock unwrapped his tail for them to see before he wrapped around his waist again.

Kagura: ...Oh. I thought that was an out of place belt.

Kokonoe: (sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose)

Tager: I remember correctly that Y/N didn't process a tail.

Lambda: Scan Complete.

Bardock: ...? What does that mean?

Kokonoe: She took the library to scan you. (Looks at Lambda) Lambda, what's the genetic differences between both Y/N and Bardock?

Lambda: From previous information till now, Y/N is a half breed while Bardock is a full Saiyan. But the Saiyan genetic code between the two has a difference of evolution process.

Tager: Like Bardock having a tail while Y/N does not. So then both of them are different Saiyans. How can that be possible?

Bardock: ...Around the time I was controlled, I was still able to see and hear things, I remember that Towa woman talked something about a Tournament of Destroyers and maybe get a Saiyan from another universe, but she thought it was a bad idea and it would be too risky or something.

Kokonoe: (Eyes sightly widened) Wait... yours and Y/N's dimension has more than one universe? How?!?

Bardock: If you ask me, I only know very little. I would like to know as well, but I don't have any more information about it.

Lambda: Y/N did say his parents were born in separate universes.

Kokonoe: I guessing Y/N told you along with the rest, huh?

Lambda: Correct.

Kagura: Am I missing something here?

Kokonoe: I'll explain to you later.

Bardock: So Y/N most likely knows more about it than I do.

Kokonoe: And he won't be back for a while. (Sigh) ...I'm going to head down in the lab to process most of this information.

Tager: Wait Kokonoe, we still have the matter of Azrael.

Kokonoe: Of course.

Kagura: If it comes down to it, I'll face that mad dog. Don't worry.

Bardock: Like if you wouldn't be any help.

Kagura: Pardon?

Bardock: I already felt your energy. You don't even stack a candle compare to me, you're just a warm up.

Kokonoe: And that's what I'm worried about.

Bardock: Hmm... and what's that supposed to mean?

Kokonoe: I won't doubt both your and Y/N's abilities. But that's not the reason why I don't want a fight between either you or Y/N against Azrael. The real reason I don't to both to fight him, is that if either you do fight him... will bring an entire Hierarchical city to ground zero.

The room was dead silent of uncomfortable ease.

A/N: Began music here.

Bardock: You haven't seen what I can do.

Kokonoe: You're right, I don't... but I can compare the results of Y/N did in his last battle in Kagutsuchi. When he transformed into that higher form, some parts of the city were dealing with some technical interference, sudden earthquakes and lack of seithr.

Bardock: So what does that that have to do with anything?

Kokonoe: What IT means is, that when Y/N transforms he could push some seithr away. The accession of it however, not only pushes it but enough to reach several distances that has a chance to make transport system go haywire.

Kagura: Okay, that does sound bad. But it couldn't be worse that right?

Silence fell on the room only making its situation worse.

Kokonoe: Unfortunately it can, from what I can gather you have something that am I right, Bardock?

Bardock: You're right, Saiyans have special something we call a Zenkai boast. It a genetic trait that Saiyan's get an increase power by a substantial amount after recovering from severe fatal injuries.

Tager: You're saying that both you and Y/N can get even stronger when your close to death!?

Bardock: That is exactly what I am saying.

Kokonoe: So if that is the case, then what would happen if you surpass a transformation even further than that? And based from what I can hypnotize, the damage will be insurmountable!


Kokonoe: So Bardock, you and Y/N are not going to fight Azrael and that's final!


Kokonoe: No? What the hell do you mean no?!

Bardock: What I'm saying, is that it is against Saiyan pride to refuse a fight against stronger opponents. So even if you say the final word, I won't listen to it!

A/N: End music here.

Kokonoe: (Aggravated sigh) ...We are going to discuss it later, Bardock. For now, I have to some urgent maintenance on Tager and Lambda. I haven't looked you both over since Kagutsuchi. Kagura, I'll need you to divert 80% of power to the basement.

Kagura: Wait, 80%?! Hold on! The whole branch will lose power!

Kokonoe: It's fine. I raised the electricity output of this branch by 600%. It shouldn't cause the power to go out.

Kokonoe then started to walk over to the elevator.

Kokonoe: Tager, Lambda follow me. Ah, yes, and we'll have plenty of time to discuss those "frank options", Tager.

Lambda: Understood.

Tager: Roger that. Please... be gentle.

Kagura: Careful, Red Devil. Stay alive! Gonna be one hell of an electric bill this mouth.

They left, leaving Bardock and Kagura left in the room.

Bardock: If that is all, I'm going to the roof to train by myself before any upcoming storm.

He was about to leave until Kagura called him out.

Kagura: Quick question Bardock, if you're willing to listen.

Bardock: If it's about fighting Azrael, then you have no luck on changing my mind. I'm still going to fight him.

Kagura: No it's not about that, it's about this pride of yours. What does it mean to you?

Bardock: It's something that you'll not understand. The pride of the Saiyan race push each individual to go into battle, enjoying each fight we get, but it gives purpose to fight for whatever reason we each choose to follow.

Kagura: Then were does this pride lead you?

Bardock: I fight to change fate, for all that I lost. I lost my team, wife (fist tighten), ...and even my chance to see my son again to tell him, how proud I am for at least having a better purpose than I do.

Bardock left the room without anymore saying.


Jin gained the upper hand as he was holding his own against Relius.

Relius: I see. You have gotten a little stronger... The Power of Order, and all...

Jin: What's wrong? Looks like you have run out of options.

Relius: Have I now? Well, how about this.

Soon enough he disappeared in a blinding speed.

Jin: Wha-?!

Jin took a slash on the side and tried to attack back only for it to be stopped by the puppet.

Relius: Hmhmhm... Now who's run out of options?

Jin: Ngah... What did you do?

Relius: I simply increased my speed.

Jin: What?!

Relius: It's something that the Imperator taught me. Not that will help you at all.

Jin's thoughts: Damn, this is bad at this rate...

Relius was about to attack again until he heard someone call out.

Hibiki: Major! Major Kisaragi!

Relius: Well, an unexpected visitor. We'll end our discussion here.

Jin: Gah... Wait!

If fell on deaf ears as Relius left leaving no trace where he left. Hibiki sees and approaches Jin.

Hibiki: Major? Are you okay? That might have been a dumb question.

Jin: Shut up...

Hibiki: I don't expect you'll incline to answer even if I ask what happened...

Jin: Hibiki... What are the odds that this plan of Kagura's will succeed?

Hibiki: The Colonel said it was 80%, but the real figure isn't clear.

Jin's thoughts: Then the real odds are probably 50%- -it could go either way now, dammit. If Relius is even bothering to resuscitate a cauldron like this, it's not random. There has to be more to it. If Kagura's plan moves forward, there's a good chance they'll be stirring up trouble with him...

Jin shook off the wounds and looked at Hibiki.

Jin: Circumstances has changed. Take me to Kagura.

Hibiki: I've been waiting a long time to hear those words.

Around the same time

Abaddon: Why do you let him live? You could have killed him and he would be out of the way.

Relius: While that was an option, it would be entirely pointless. Do to the fact that the Master Unit is still alive. Time would have rewind, and the effort would been for nothing.

Abaddon: So as long as it's around, no one can die?

Relius: Under the gaze of Amaterasu, the ones that have a major part can't die.

Abaddon:... That does sound very annoying when I can't even do what I please.

Relius: Which is why, before the destruction of any sort or form can take place, The Master Uint must be taken care of.

Abaddon: So how long does the creation of my new body will take?

Relius: A proximity of two through three weeks at minimum. The body needs to mature before putting your conscience in.

As Relius keeps on walking, Abaddon can only think on whats to come.

Abaddon's thoughts: I better not miss a damn thing when the new body is in the making.

Makoto's perspective

After getting Tsubaki something different to wear, we went and found a restaurant called "Delicious" that has an all-you-can-eat special today.

And now... we see Y/N just going all in on eating. While Tsubaki, Noel and myself just got our fill, he continues to eat. Filling the whole table with only scraps of food on some of the plates.

I looked around to see some of the people's reactions, some of them have a slight disgust look while others have a mix of shocked and impressed. I never thought there was another race that could eat a lot like the Kaka Clan, maybe even more.

Y/N: (Finishes last bowl) ...Ahh, now that hit the spot!

Tsubaki: ...That was at least 7 servings of whole course meals for a family of 5.

Noel: R-Really?!

Then the waiter came by dropping off the bill, I took a look at it and my eyes widened on how much it cost.

Makoto: Umm... waiter, can you send the bill to Colonel Kagura's main office, he told us to go eat under his tab.

At first he looked at me with an raised eyebrow, but he nodded and walked away.

Makoto: (exhaled silently) ...phew.

Tsubaki: Makoto... how much was the bill?

Makoto: I'll tell you about it, when we get back.

We got up and left the restaurant. As we were walking back to Kagura's base, Tsubaki insisting wanting me to tell her the price of the bill.

Tsubaki: Makoto... how much. Did it cost?!

The look I'm getting from Tsubaki is serious. I have no choice but to tell her.

Makoto: (sigh) ...(whispers) ...127,000 Platinum Dollars.

Tsubaki: (Eyes widen) ...That much?!

Makoto: Yeah...

Tsubaki: And you put the bill on Kagura's tab?!

Makoto: Well... he put us in a jail cell all night without any food, so he ...kinda deserves it?

3rd perspective

You were wondering on what was both Makoto and Tsubaki talking about. You were about to ask but Noel wanted to ask something.

Noel: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah Noel.

Noel: How can you eat that much if you don't mind me asking.

Both Tsubaki and Makoto stopped talking to hear what Y/N was about to say.

Y/N: Well... from one of the recordings my original parents left for me was that, Saiyans have a heightened metabolism because of the enormous strength and a massive amount of Ki energy a Saiyan can produce. And because of the metabolism, it benefit the physique and hell, it's much harder to grow obese, get cramps, or even suffer indigestion.

Noel's thoughts: Wow...

Tsubaki: From those benefits, I can see that overall performance is much more better than most people and beastkin combined.

Makoto: I'll say.

Y/N: But there is a downside to it.

Noel: Really? I can't imagine what that is.

Tsubaki: I can think of what the weakness could be. If its like the Kaka clan, then it would be the fact that without much supply of food, you'll be weakened. Am I right?

Y/N: That's correct.

You and the others continued walking looking around the city.

Noel: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hm?

Noel: Sorry if I have to ask but, what was your parents look like?

You were silent not wanting to remember, you turned to Noel.

Y/N: Sorry, I would not like to remember that if you don't mind.

Noel: Okay.

It was not you want to answer, it was the fact that it hurts to remember them. Or at least you only remember what your mother looks like, but not your father.

You continue to head for base in silence, while Noel, Tsubaki, and Makoto looked at you  concerned for your well being.

A/N: And that's all for this chapter, it's been well over a month since the last one god damn. So sorry for the wait but at least I got a chapter for all you. Now I somewhat feel when TeamFourStar though scripting on the episodes. And based on how long I had to make the chapter, I also feel the time just passed by.

But enough about that, how is everyone's day? I bet is good (hopefully)...

Now to address the elephant in the room... which is myself, I still plan to continue this book to its end point, it's just going to take some time to get through. I mostly try to aim between 3000-4000 words per chapter, with the exception of certain chapters that are this going to be longer than that. Like the 25th chapter having 1500+ words more than the aim.

Also 2 last things, one a comment some time back asking to make a Gag-Chapter. To answer I'm mostly will be focusing on just story with references and some jokes time to time. But as for Gag-scenarios and What-ifs, I'll be giving them their own book. But this book will be finished first, before I focus on that.

As for the Second comment, alright... might as well show the last Character to the Harem.

And the last one is...


And again it's a yes or no thing to add her to the Harem or not.

As for Celica, by my power she is now officially part of the Harem.

But anyway, thank you for the patience and reading this fanfic, this is A/N sighing out!

Few hours later

Ghost Nappa: Is it done yet?

A/N: No...

Ghost Nappa: Is it done yet?

A/N: No.

Ghost Nappa: Is it done yet?

A/N: (shoots up with blood shot eyes) No!

Ghost Nappa: Is it done yet?

A/N: NO!

Silence for only a minute.

Ghost Nappa: Is it-


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