I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob an...

By Jazzious_girl

163K 6.9K 547

Kongpob and Arthit both were set for an arrange marriage. At first Arthit was loathing the idea but gradually... More

Convincing The Son
First Encounter
Why this is happening?
Scared Puppy
Bad Morning
I like you
Another Shock
Moving in together
Get Together
I am sorry
Rise of feelings
New contract
The Night
The Big News
News Revealed
Mood Swings
Meeting with Past
New Boss
Unsettled Night
Morning Quarrel
Big Mistake
Almost........ (II)
When Past Haunted You Again
A little Discussion
The Past
Meeting in the Evening
Giving a Statement
Family Meeting
Final Trial
Overcome the fears
Day 1
love is in the air
A Rocky Road
Married Man
A lunch date
Life with drama is fun
A Day to Remember


3.1K 129 5
By Jazzious_girl

Arthit's pov

"Arthit Rojnapat, come here right now or you'll be punished even more!"

I couldn't help but giggle at his serious tone. I was currently hiding in the bathroom, evading Kongpob since we arrived home. As soon as we got back, he was busy locking the front door, which gave me the perfect opportunity to run for my life. I didn't want to face the punishment he had planned for me. So, here I am, sitting on the toilet seat, waiting it out. I don't want to be punished, not at all.

Kong's voice echoed outside the bathroom door, demanding that I come out. I responded to his shouting from behind the closed door.

"No, I don't want to be punished, Kongpob Suthilak! I'm not opening this door!"

He replied in a more exasperated tone, "How long do you plan to stay in that bathroom? You'll eventually come out. It's better to come out now and accept your punishment."

"No, I'll sit here forever!"

"How long do you think you can hide in there? You'll come out sooner or later."

Oh, I was absolutely not going to let him get his way. He said he'd punish me, but I'm not letting that happen. I crossed my arms defiantly and stayed quiet, not responding to his taunts.

"Arthit, this is ridiculous! You can't stay in the bathroom all day!"

"I can and I will!"

A sigh came from outside, and then he spoke again, "Promise me you will not punish me?"

"But you broke the rules! I told you to stay home, and you didn't. Then I told you to tell me where you're going, and you didn't. And now you've locked yourself in the bathroom. How can you expect to get away without a lesson?"

Ugh, he was right, but I didn't want to admit it. I whined in response, trying to hold my ground, "Kong, I'm not a five-year-old child. You can't treat me like a child."

"Oh yeah? But you're acting like a five-year-old child right now. Come out and accept your punishment like you should."

I whimpered, feeling a pang of fear at his words. I shouldn't have pushed him so far. He was upset now, and I didn't like it one bit.

"Nooo, you'll hurt me." I said in a cracked voice, because he's scaring me now. Should i apologize. Then may be he'll change his mind about the punishment. But then i thought, if he Didn't. He'll slap me right. He is angry and angry people harm others. I don't want to get slapped.

Kongpob's pov

What in the world just happened? Why would I even think about hurting him? He's scared... Great job, Kong, you handled the situation so perfectly.

I sarcastically berate myself in my mind. But right now, I need to tread carefully. He's thinking I might harm him physically, and I need to address this issue. I'll never hurt him physically; I'd never do that.

I knock on the bathroom door again, but there's no response.

"Baby, I'm not going to hurt you, sweetheart. Why would you even think that? I'd never hurt you physically. I was just planning to establish some new rules and maybe confiscate Mr. Cuddles and..." He interrupts me with a shout.

"No, not my Mr. Cuddles! You can't do that. He's innocent." I chuckle at his cuteness.

"Not Mr. Cuddles. Then what about... No pink milk for a month?" I hear a gasp after the last part. I have to stay strong; if I show any signs of nervousness, it might expose my earlier fear that he was scared of me. Luckily, I sense from his voice that he's still scared but not as much.

"You're heartless. You can't do this." At least he's talking now, which is a relief. But I need to get him out of the bathroom.

"If you don't come out in the next 10 seconds, I might even ban you from clubbing for a month. You won't be able to hang out with your friends. What are their names... oh yeah, I remember: Bright, Knot, Tew, Gun, and what's the name of that guy with the giant body? Your cousin, right? I can't recall..." I don't even get to finish listing his friends before I hear the door knob turning. Slowly, his head peeks out, and he sees my face. I want to smile, but I hold back. I cautiously approach him, and as he opens the door a bit wider, he lets out a squeal and tries to close the door again. 

However, I quickly grab his arm and pull him into the room, embracing him. He struggles for a moment to free himself but then wraps his arms tightly around me. He's whimpering, sounding like a scared kitten. He's afraid that I might be cruel and hurt him physically.

"Shhhh, shhh, it's okay. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, sweetheart. You're safe. What you did, though, it's punishable." His body tenses again. I sigh and kiss the top of his head. I need to be gentler.

"Calm down, kitten. You're not in trouble. I would never hurt you. Just relax, okay?" I press my lips against his forehead for a long while, until his body finally relaxes in my arms.

"Here you are. Just relax, hun. You're safe with me. You can always rely on me, and I'll never hurt you in any way, even if you committed the most terrible crime. You're my sweet, little, adorable kitten. How could I ever hurt you? Never in my life could I even think about it. So, calm your senses and let me kiss my bratty kitten." He smiles and hides his face in my chest. I let him go and lightly smack my lips onto his. He startles at first, but in no time, he melts into the kiss. I trail my lips down to his jaw and then to his neck.

"Ahhh, K...Kong." I'm getting lost in his love. I can't bring myself to stop. I pick him up, and he wraps his legs around my waist. He gasps for air between our kisses. Somehow, I've managed to bring him to our bed, and I sit on the edge of it with him in my lap. Eventually, I break the kiss and cradle his face in my hands. We rest our foreheads against each other's, simply breathing and existing in this moment. I'm the one who breaks the silence.

"I... Umghh." I clear my throat and try again. "We should wait until you're fully recovered. I... I'm sorry for getting carried away."

He shyly tilts his head and nuzzles his face into my neck. I chuckle and stroke his head gently. The atmosphere is comfortable, and I don't want to disrupt it. Then, I think about the punishment and try to restart the conversation carefully.



"About the little stunt you pulled today, should we discuss that?" His hug tightens, and he speaks up.

"Please, I'm sorry. I really am. I'll never do that again. Please, don't confiscate my pink milk. I swear, I'll inform you first whenever I'm going anywhere in the future. Please don't do this. You know that I love you. I love you soooooo much. Please don't do this." It takes all my self-control not to burst out laughing. He truly knows how to melt me.

"Alright, I won't do that." He kisses my cheek with great enthusiasm and exclaims, "I love you. You're the best." Then he trails his hands down to my chest and starts to play with the buttons on my shirt. I'm watching his actions, wondering what he's trying to accomplish.


"Yes love?" Still watching him playing with the buttons.

"What... What about... clubbing?" He stammers through the sentence, his gaze averting downward as he waits for my response. I'm thoroughly entertained. He's absolutely adorable. But I know what he's thinking. To pop his bubble, I add with a smirk.

"That's non-negotiable, love. No clubbing for a month." He starts whining immediately.

"But Kong, you can't ground me for a month. It's not fair."

"Who said anything about grounding? No, you won't be grounded. You'll be coming to the office with me every day. You can visit your father's house, your in-laws' house. You won't be grounded; you'll go out. But no clubs." He smirks back at me, clearly thinking something else. I'm one step ahead of him.

"Also, for your information, starting tomorrow, you'll have two bodyguards assigned to you. Wherever you go, these bodyguards will be with you. They'll report your every activity to me. Starting tomorrow." His jaw drops in disbelief. And then he starts laughing. I give him a concerned look. Is he in shock or something?

"Hahahahah, you... You're... hahaha... you're joking, right? Nice one, Kong. You're hilarious." I clamp my lips shut, holding back my laughter. He interprets my serious expression as a confirmation and quiets down. He pouts.

"No, none of that. It's final—you'll have two bodyguards from tomorrow."

"But I'm not a celebrity or something to have bodyguards around me 24x7. I'll be fine. I swear, I'll report to you every hour, no, every half an hour to let you know I'm okay. I promise, Kong. I really god promise I won't go anywhere without informing you." He's trying hard to reason with me, but I stand my ground.

"Well, it's not a punishment, love. It's my concern for you. You can't deny that you need care now. I'll always worry if you're out and about in the city alone. I can't be with you every moment. I'll feel relieved knowing you have someone to keep you safe when I'm not around. Please understand, love."

He gazes at me for a moment, and I wait for his reply. However, he just gets off my lap and stands in front of me while I'm still sitting on the bed. Oh, this isn't going to be easy. I sigh and stand up to face him, taking his hands in mine. He rolls his eyes and says,

"Kong, you're overreacting now. You can't be this serious. I'm a grown man. I can take care of myself very well. I don't need someone to follow me around like a puppy dog." Okay, he's clearly overreacting now. And he just insulted a profession, which isn't good. No one should degrade another person or their profession. I let go of his hands and scold him.

"Arthit, it's not right to think less of another person. You just degraded a profession and an individual. If you're not happy with the situation, talk to me, argue with me, scold me, but don't degrade anyone."

He lowers his head in understanding, then looks back at me and says,

"I'm sorry." He pauses for a moment and adds, "But I'm still angry with you. I won't have any bodyguards. I'm not stepping out of this house, and I won't talk to you until you drop this bodyguard idea." With that, he turns around and storms out of the room. I hear the door to another room slam shut. Well, it seems like we won't be sharing a bed tonight.

I sigh and sit down on the bed. It's going to be a long and tough night. How can I convince him? I glance at the clock; it's already five in the evening. I should start preparing dinner and maybe think about this issue later. By 7, dinner is ready, and I call out his name from the kitchen. He comes and sits at the dinner table in silence. We eat, but he completely ignores me, treating me as if I'm not even there. Alright, I seem to be invisible. Fantastic. Wonderful.

He gets up, places his plate in the sink, and heads to the room. Not our room, but the other one. I close my eyes and let out a sigh. I pick up my own plate and start washing the dishes. I consider trying to talk to him, but I dismiss the idea. He needs time to think, and so do I. And tried to get some sleep. Note tried.

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