The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X...

By KlaraRoman

215K 9.2K 4.3K

There's more to Hanzo than just being a Shimada. And there's more to being a Shimada than just controlling... More

Author's Note
The Other Side of the Tale
It All Started With A Genji...
Hold Your Heart Down
The Wrong Teacup
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 1)
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 2)
Anger (Pt. 1)
Anger (Pt. 2)
Satoshi the Little Bugger
Dance of the Masks
Starlight on the Holy River
Satoshi's Package
A Second Try
Contest (Not Update lol)
The Room of the Lost
Beauty in Simplicity
A Deal With the Devil
Stupid Cowboy
A Promise Breathes
He's Not All That Bad
The Clan Leader Rises
Realizing Power
The Chrysanthemum Returns
Lineage of the Sun
The Emperor Ships Things
For Old Time's Sake
Falling Out
Forget Him
The Black Death
Sealed Away
No Mere Lust
The Final Blow
At Last I See You Again
Sitting Ducks...
The Cold War
Identity Theft
Y'all T-T
Unlikely Friendships
Much Ado About Genji's Kimono
That Time Hanzo Almost Killed Genji
Planning for the Future
Something Special
From the Shadows
The Dead Returns
She Would Want You to Have This
Vows (NSFW)
Reflections (Still NSFW)
A Lover's Betrayal
The Devil with Angel Wings

Back Home but Back Alone

890 37 45
By KlaraRoman

It was a miracle that you decided not to scrutinize Hanzo for insisting that he honor the death of the brother he murdered.

Or perhaps you were only showing the utmost decency and respect, even though he had no right being treated with such especially when it came to this delicate matter.

Either way, whatever the thoughts that ran in your head as you sat down and talked about it, what was important to Hanzo then was that he got to spend these last few hours with you in the cold darkness of early dawn, lying on top of the soft bunk bed, and needing no exchange aside from the sound of your contented, rhythmic breathing. These few quiet hours are the ones that he will cherish dearly before he has to part with you once more and leave with Jesse's group for Hanamura.

The Shimada smiled softly, running the coarse back of his fingers against your smooth cheek, half lidded eyes that once bore witness to bloodshed and iniquity instead appreciating the way your parted lips drew in the chilly air. Your hair splayed out beneath you like an explosion of paint and cascaded down Hanzo's tattooed arm in rivulets, which you have taken the liberty of using as your pillow for that night. The man felt the blood being cut off from his decorated limb a few hours into your sleeping but he did not mind at all; he will do anything to ensure your comfort, and knowing you, you would undoubtedly do the same for him.

In this tranquility, he reminisced on the last conversation you had shared within that day as he laid back down and pressed his shoulder against the blue wall behind him.

"Beloved?" you called for him in the dim light, getting ready for bed as you combed your long hair back.

"What is it, (Y/N)?" he responded ever so quickly, never pausing from his chore of getting the lower bunk bed ready for use. He fluffed the pillows, spread out the blankets, and straightened the sheet that covered the mattress. It was nice keeping things in order.

You figured you should go ahead with what you were saying, for prolonging it even later may imply an unnecessary heaviness to it that may make it things more awkward for the both of you. "I know this may not be a proper topic to discuss, especially considering the tight situation we are put in right now...but I just really want to know if you were serious back then, about you wanting to have children with me."

This got Hanzo stopping from his flawless flow of work, and he turned to you with wide eyes. "A-Are you...?" He gestured to your stomach with his eyes, and you let out a cry of disbelief.

"What? NO!" you exclaimed louder than you meant. "Hanzo, of course not we haven't even remotely touched each other in that way; we haven't even seen each other naked!"

"Right! Of course." Hanzo huffed, face burning with embarrassment as it dawned on him that he just thoughtlessly mixed his perceptions into one, that he mistook the erotic dreams he has been having about the both of you into reality.

And who can blame him? That guy has had more than three episodes in a week alone!

It sounds crude, yes...even carnal if one were to sit down and think, but it was simply something Hanzo fantasized about, and not exactly something he would force upon you without confirmation.

After that little fiasco, you calmed your blushing self down and continued with what you wanted to say. "I just wanted to know if you are still very much open to the idea because...I figured once we can finally start a new life, we can just live in a rural village in Japan, maybe somewhere up in the mountains, and you know...raise a family there."

"I am not opposed to the idea," Hanzo replied simply.

"I can tell that you have concerns about this."

"Of course, I do. Koishii, do you really think a normal life is meant for people like us? You are a princess by right, and I am now becoming an oni. Our shouldn't even have led us to one another. That alone is a miracle, but a normal life? That is asking too much from the gods."

"Us growing up together was a scheme put by your father...we were the ones who made a miracle out of that," you answered back. "I believe we can still have a shot at his no matter how unlikely this may seem...I just need your permission to make this work."

"You really believe we can just remain somewhere, and not be bothered by our enemies."

"Yes, Hanzo. I am not naive, I know what lies out there. But I am willing to defy the gods for once just to make this work, so that we can both finally have good endings to our story. What do you say, beloved?" 

To your surprise, Hanzo walked up to you and held you by the face. "I will go with you...and we will live a normal life, beloved. We can find a way around anything, and us living here right ow is proof of that. As for our posterity, I thrill at the idea of being a father to your children-"

"-our children," you corrected with a smile as you gently guided him to bed. "And they will look up to you for strength, for courage, and inspiration."

"But what if I let them down? What if I do something wrong?" the Shimada asked, unaware that you have maneuvered his bigger person to lie down flat on the mattress, with you straddling on top of him. 

"Then we start all over," you whispered against his ear, where you pressed a few airy kisses leading down to his sharp, bristly jaw. "We make amends and we do better."

"Beloved-" he gasped out, wondering what in the world as driving you to be so bold as to initiate this intimacy out of nowhere. 

"You'll be gone for a while...and while we can't go ahead and fully indulge in each other, I figure a little fun would not hurt. I need something to remember you by. Are you okay with this, Hanzo?"

Without warning, you were grabbed by the small of your back by two large hands and drew you closer to the bed, so that you laid on your lover bodies pressing against one another. 

"You are...devilish." Hanzo smirked, voice dropping down to a huskiness that had you feeling warm all over. "And here I was painting you in the image of a demure lady."

" I have needs, Hanzo." You chuckled when he did.

"And I want to satisfy them."

You smiled, receiving all the confirmation you needed through that little banter. By then you were already overwhelmed by the feeling of Hanzo just being so near you, making all this contact with him, desperate to covet for more. You kissed him, becoming much more harsh and urgent to the point that your lips swoll, borderline bruised from the intensity of your making out. But that was not a grave enough reason for you to stop.

You continued, with Hanzo only growing more feverish with desire. If this was your way of getting him to stay, he'd be damned if he did not admit that it was working perfectly like clockwork.

"(Y?N)," he grunted, reaching down and cupping your rear, with either of you too disoriented from the intoxication to actually notice. "I will gladly make children with you...let's make 13."

You laughed hysterically where you were biting him on his neck and hit him playfully as you have done many times. "I would be dead by then! And besides what will we even name them?"

"Something majestic, beloved. Only the best for you and our heirs. I want to give them Hanamura, the palace--everything that's supposed to be ours."

"Our children won't care for riches Hanzo," you whispered quietly in his ear and continued leaving feathery kisses down the column of his throat. "They will only need your I do."

"Then perhaps--" he paused, breath hitching  and ragged as your leg dangerously neared in between his legs, "--perhaps I will manage that, with your help of course."

"Now you can't even talk straight." You teased with a coy smile. "I guess we should stop before I damage you even further."

"Damage me?" Hanzo licked his lips as a bright glint flashed in his dark, dilating pupils. "Let us see who will be 'damaged' on our wedding night. And if you think I'm done with you, you are only mistaken, my blossom."

He firmly grabbed your arms and yanked you to the bed with him, with you laughing and almost screaming along the way. Hanzo then returned the favor and exhibited a mastery of his strength as he pinned you beneath him, secured and in place but not hurting in anyway.

"You said it yourself, beloved," he panted against your tingling ear. "I may not indulge in you just yet, but I will make sure I sate myself with what you have to offer me."

What happened next was a fast blur, a flurry of movement, but once you regained your senses, you saw that he had flipped you onto your stomach, with him then on top. One of his strong hands secured your wrists above your head while the other drew your hair to the side to reveal your smooth nape. At the sight of this sensual area he immediately dipped down and relished your half-hearted squirming as he kissed and sucked on the skin before his mouth.

"Hanzo..." you moaned his name, not sure whether you wanted him to stop or to continue. But you have already established your boundaries long ago, and you had faith in your lover that he would not do anything that would violate that.

You felt a hardening ridge on the bump of your rear and you gasped at the sensation, sending your skin into an explosion of goosebumps. 

"I would do anything to hear you say my name like that all the time." He huffed, his touches becoming more intense and urgent and he squeezed our shoulders to lift you up to him as much as your body was able. "Say my name again, say it like that."

He hastily peeled the draping kimono from your shoulders and sucked on the skin there, keeping your hands bound in front of you as he ravished you. You moaned, tilting your head back to give him more to work with, and you released one of your hands from under your lover's hold to lift it up and caress his scalp with it. 


"I love you," he growled, placing a wet kiss on the side of your neck. "I'll get what I am able now, but once I have you for myself...there will be no mercy."

"I look forward to that, my lord." You smirked and continued to revel in the sensation of his beard and his lips grazing your warmed skin. "I don't want you to hold back."

"I desire you--" another desperate kiss near your throat. "I know I am not worthy of you, your body, your soul; but I want all to know you're mine-that you belong with me."

There were no words afterwards, just breathy moans and other disfigured sounds to indicate your pleasure, your extreme state of euphoria. This lasted for half an hour more before both of you deemed that it was time to stop, before this crosses over the point of no return. So you fixed your disheveled kimono and cuddled with your lover a little more, until finally exhaustion overcame you and the two of you finally drifted off into slumber.

And that was how the Shimada got into this point in the early hours of dawn, staring at your sleeping visage, reminiscing of the happenings that occurred many hours ago. He drifted off to your initial question about wanting children, and how he answered vaguely in the midst of your passion and carnality. But if only he had a proper say, if only his mind was not swayed by the extreme emotions that coursed through his veins like lava, he would have had another say to it.

Without thinking about it, a warm bloom filled his chest despite the almost sub zero cold, and he drifted a hand over to lay on your stomach. 

In a few hours he will be gone and though you won't hear the next words that he will utter next, he was confident that you will see how much you meant to him, how much your future together gave him the strength to fight everyday.

"I will gladly raise a family with you," he sighed as his voice lowered from the cold. "I will be more than honored, beloved."


"Shimada, what of your nephew? What of our investment?" 

"I told you already--I spared no men in search of Hanzo. Besides he will have no one to turn to but us, we are the only ones after all who know how to manipulate that condition of his. As for you, you should be able to give me answers right now: Isn't this a highly secured facility? Well then check the cameras, see who took him so we are not stuck here looking like sitting ducks!"

Akande clenched his jaw and slammed a heavy fist onto the glass table without warning. "You think we would be in this situation if we have milked all that we can out of that footage? The person was wearing a mask, dressed in all black--and was later on joined by a member of Blackwatch. What other explanation can possibly be there to it?"

"Are you saying Overwatch now has Hanzo?" Shintaro was equally as furious. "Well they could not have--it would be all over the news a year ago then!"

"It's not like Overwatch would declare to National TV everything that goes on within their base."

"But an international terrorist like Hanzo should have made headlines, ease the people's security and such. Also the rest of the Shimada clan still stands, they are as fine as the day Hanzo left--meaning Overwatch did not get to him yet as no one is shutting operations down!"

"Do you really think your nephew would rat out something that concerns his family legacy? His pride and honor? Everything he has worked to be? And to whom--the greatest enemy his family has encountered? Don't be a fool old man." Akande dismissed him off. "Or perhaps that is why you decided to give him to us."

"I do not give things for free, Ogundimu. I expect you to pay me back your end of the bargain."

"That can be arranged--once your nephew is within our hold once more. He would have made us prosperous beyond comprehension, and he was the perfect person to carry out our goals; he could have changed the world."

Maximilien calmly stared at the situation that unfold before him, and glanced behind him once he caught the minute movement of the automatic doors sliding open. 

"Sir, the search team found some wreckage of an aircraft off the western coast of Gibraltar," a uniformed staff announced, referring to Akande. "And one of the parts matched up with one of the side panels the enemy ship used to smuggle the Shimada out of the base."

"An exact match?" Akande lifted an eyebrow.

"Based on the picture we got from our surveillance cameras, yes. The part in question is in the lab right now, sir."

"How about the rest of its parts? Have you found them?"

The man looked down on his clip board and sighed, "Only small parts here and there, but the big ones like the thrusters and flight controls are nowhere within a 50 mile radius."

"Are any of Overwatch's logos on the parts you've salvaged?"

"No, sir." The man scratched his head. "It did not look like it had an affiliation to Overwatch in any way. The design and type of craft is too different from what they commonly use. But another thing the team found is a broken teleporter where the exact location of the side panel was."

"A teleporter?" Akande was only getting more and more loopholes. "Did someone manage to trace back where its counterpart is from?"

"That is something we are having trouble, sir. The counterpart seems to be broken, as we can't get any location about it once we examined the teleporter that we had."

Shintaro was done listening to this interrogation and angrily butted in. "What is this? Overwatch is now sinking their own ships and teleporting them at the bottom of the sea near their smaller bases, why-what--what is this?!"

"This was clearly a cover-up job." Akande concluded, mirroring Maximilien's suspicions. "If only we can find out where the final destination of this ship was, then we might have a clue as to Hanzo's location. Do we have anyone who can trace it back and quickly?"

"Not that I know of sir, I apologize."

There was silence in the room once more, and the atmosphere thickened from Shintaro's refusal to calm down about the whole thing. A little bit more and he may catch ulcers or pop a vein in that bony neck of his.

"Hmmm..." Maximilien was suddenly heard thinking in the background. "Would anyone be interested in recruiting the person behind the hacking phenomenon exploding worldwide?"

"We have sent our invitation to her," Akande said. "We just did not get confirmation as of yet."

"With her we can not only find Hanzo, but also rise above the world system itself." Maximillian looked outside the glass panel and saw Rialto lit below. "We will be unstoppable."

"Her other members will notify her as soon as they see her again. You don't have to worry about anything, she will listen to an organization such as ours. We will get Sombra soon, and with her, the Shimada."


"Well, Hanzo--you comin'?" McCree called out. "(Y/N) I've already made sure you will have enough food in here for a week, all the bills have been paid for, and ya got nothin' to worry about, doll."

"Why, I thought you were leaving for a month." You smiled as you looked up from the fridge and the kitchen cabinets. "I don't eat that much."

"Remember, just settle low here. If anything bad happens, just hide and lock yourself away. they have surveillance on the corridor outside so if anyone should break in, they'll be gone in a flash. Security will handle it."

"You should be more concerned of Hanzo here," you said. "I don't want him coming back with a scratch on his body."

"I can't promise that, blossom," the Shimada said, loading a black backpack onto his back and straightening his long grey hoodie. "Although I promise you that I will come back to you safe and sound."

"You better," you warned, "or last night is all you're getting out of me."

"You certainly know how to motivate me. I will surely be back in good condition."

McCree watched as you gave each other one last embrace after your little banter, and when all was said and done, the last farewells and silent prayers, Hanzo stepped out with McCree, and their bushy smiles were the last that you've seen of them before the doors finally closed shut.

And you would be alone for a week...thank the heavens for television right?

As for the cowboy, smuggling the Japanese man took a lot of work, and Hanzo has found himself pretending to be a covered crate with McCree sitting on top as to not draw any suspicions from the other strike team members of Blackwatch that would be coming with the cowboy. It was a test of physical and mental strength altogether, something that the wanted man has thankfully been trained on ever since the early parts of his childhood. 

He was expected to do as he was told, to listen to reason rather than emotion...that good rewards come to equally good efforts. 

Which was why when the cold air finally hit his exuding face through a slit on the cloth that covered him, and he saw a glimpse of the sunrise behind the snowy precipice of what was only Mt. Fuji...he knew he deserved to feel the wave of emotions that came down altogether, wobbling his limbs that they threatened to give out under his weight. 

But the Shimada couldn't afford to give up then, for he was so close to his goal, his key to redemption...and even though he failed to bring you with him, he doused himself in a feeling of success that he has not sensed in a long time.

Hanzo finally made it back home, and though he was alone, this time...

...he was not lonely.

Hey guys!! Thanks for reading this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it UwU

Yay 24 more chapters to go what do y'all say guys???!?!?!! :D

Drop your thoughts in the comment section below cuz I love hearing from you and especially a big thanks to sclel5 for being a big inspiration for the continuation of this story. Your comments never fail to make my day so thank you so much for that T__T

Have a good one y'all! Peace.


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