ethma | e.d+e.c (completed)

By lgrvntl

111K 2K 932

The title says it all [EDITED] Read first chap to see what kinda shit this is Also, first fanfic, excuse the... More

twenty-six (part I)
twenty-six (part II)
end !


1.1K 35 35
By lgrvntl

Emma's POV:

I cried. For days, for weeks. I was heartbroken.

When he broke up with me, I felt my world crushing down. I thought all the things he had said to me were untrue.

I kept reminding myself of all our moments.

The first time he made me eat pineapple pizza. Legit, this shit is so good.

Our car ride to Vegas. The first time we had contact, because of him hugging me in his sleep.

Our first kiss at that party. Most magical moment in my life.

When we would scroll through instagram and see fans freak out about every little thing we did in each others presence. It was funny, but the fact that they shipped us made me happy.

That time he took me to Jersey and I met his family. I never felt more comfortable and welcome in someone else's home.

Our Christmas together, with Grayson and James. I didn't think it was possible to have this much fun with anyone.

Speaking of them, I found out James had feelings for Grayson, and guess what? Grayson liked him back.

I didn't know he was bisexual, but that made my heart fucking burst. And right then, on Christmas, they confessed to each other.

Guess I was just too caught up with my relationship with Ethan to even notice their behaviour around each other.

That day we made cake together and ended up messing up my whole kitchen. Cliche, I know, but it was so cute.

Our New Years Eve, too. Wow, that night was blessed as fuck. I felt love, love and love.

Being there for him and Gray when their dad passed away made us even closer. Bryant was there too, he really is a keeper.

Rest in peace, Sean. You will always be in our hearts. Legends never die.

Valentine's day. Didn't make it obvious for fans, but me and Ethan spend the whole ass day together.

All we really did was just lay in bed and talk, eat random shit and enjoy each other's company.

Then that moment came. When I felt my heart breaking in million pieces. When I started seeing the world in black and white. I was in deep.

He would always tell me he loved me, that he wouldn't ever leave me, that he saw a future with me.

And a week later, he broke up with me.

It didn't take long for me to just fall into that hole of not wanting to do anything related to life, not wanting to get off the bed.

I didn't want a life without him.

I hoped he would show up on my doorstep, late at night, and tell me he has been too busy thinking about me he couldn't sleep.

I didn't know shit about him. I didn't know what was going on in his life. I didn't know what he was up to.

Sometimes, Gray would check up on me, just to see what I was doing and tell me some stories about him and James.

I was happy for him, though I didn't show it. If I did, it'd just look fake. And I didn't want that.

I went to Coachella, thanks to Amanda and Olivia. I don't know how they managed to get me out of my house, but I was glad they did.

I had the best time i'd had in a while. I know they made sure we didn't run into the twins, and i'm thankful for that.

We listened to music, sang along, had a sleepover, went shopping like three times a day. Spent a lot of money, which I was kind of depressed about, but it was deffffinitely worth it.

I also ate burrito for breakfast. Should start learning from my mistakes.

May came along. My birthday too.

My best friends kept telling me they had an amazing surprise for me. I was beyond excited, regardless of not knowing what the fuck they were doing.

I was waken up by them at, listen closely, six in the fucking morning. They wouldn't leave me alone unless I got up. So I did.

After breakfast, they said they had to go out to buy some things. I was preparing to sit on my sofa and watch netflix, when someone rang on the doorbell.

I walked towards the door, not peeking through the hole, and straight up opened it.

My whole body froze, my mind did the same. But my heartbeat sped up and was pretty much my only organ that was working.

There he stood, after months of nothing to be heard about him. Months after we last saw each other.

My eyes filled with tears as I realised what was going on. He didn't say anything, he just took me into his arms.

He held me for a while. Crying in his neck, I wasn't able to talk, or even move.

He patiently waited for me to release everything I had been holding back.

I pulled away, but his hands stayed hugging my back. I couldn't help but look at his face.

He looked so different. He had changed a lot in these three months I hadn't seen him.

His hair had grown longer, his wings too, which I remember I wanted to happen. His face was scruffier than last time. His skin had become more clear, however his eyes looked tired. He had bags under his eyes and his posture was sloppy.

He had a smile on his face the whole time. His eyes wondered around my face, looking to my lips every now and then, but always coming up to my eyes.

I asked him what he was doing there. It was at this moment when he took his arms off of me and shoved them into his pockets.

He didn't answer, he just said I had to go somewhere with him. His voice was raspy and strained, as if he hadn't really been talking as much as he used to.

Well, same.

Moments later, he reached his hand out for me to take it. I took my time to think about it and went for it.

He drove me back to his house. There were Amanda and Olivia's cars parked in the front.

I caught up on what was going on and was right about it. They had made me a party at the twins' house. Bryant also was there and it was just us.

We had a great time together and it was by far my most favourite birthday.

Later that night, they all went to sleep. Except me and Ethan, who scared the shit out of me. Nothing new.

We went out to their backyard and he told me they finally found out how to light a fire on that weird place they had just chilling next to the pool.

He lit the fire up and we sat on 'the new furniture he was obsessed with' as he called it.

He told me everything that had happened, including the reason he broke up with me. It really changed my point of view.

It took me a lot of time, but I did say yes. Completely aware of the fact that it could happen all over one day.

And here we are, two months later, in a house in Australia. Just me and him, enjoying our honeymoon, feeding birds and shit.

I got a chance to hug a koala, try out vegemite and watch Ethan puke it out for the third time.

I laugh at the memory.

"What are you laughing at?" he asks me, making me feel the vibrations of his voice, as i'm laying down on his chest.

"Nothing, I just... went through everything that happened between us," I let out a sigh and close my eyes.

His arm tightens around my waist, "it was a lot,"

I lay my chin on his chest, so I can look at him. His eyes connect with mine and his lips immediately turn into a big smile, before he continues.

"but we got through it and we won. And I won't let you slip out of my arms like that ever again."


Hi!!!!!! I finally made the epilogue you were waiting for.

It was so fun writing this book and i already kind of miss it. i still hope ethma will rise again, though i almost lost complete hope about it.

Anyway, hope y'all liked that book, regardless of the cringe in the first few chapters. I didn't mean to do that i'm sorry.

And sorry if this one is kind of ugly, i didn't read through it, cause i'm lazy.

But, anyway, i love you guys a lot, i hope you know that. Idk if someone could still be reading, but just know i love you okay.

I'm working on a new book, it's kinda shit bit what do you expect from me lmao. You'll probably see it in the future and yeah.

That's it. Have a nice day. <3

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