The Syrum Of Truth

By MalakaiTheDemon

71.6K 2.2K 564

Destiel and Sabriel. After Sam and Dean are dosed with a truth syrum they accidentally reveal their secret lo... More

The Desires I Speak Not Of
The Truth Is Better Than A Lie
A Kiss
The Truth Is Hard
A Talk
Emotions Are Hard
The Nightmare Carries On
You Are Forgiven
A Solution?
A Curse And A Death
A Month Apart
Closer To You
The World Without You
The Parental Changes
Dean Is A Dad?
Vivian's First Monster Kill
Dean Has Emotions?
A Sabriel Day Out
The End

Three Simple Words

5.2K 157 18
By MalakaiTheDemon

   Dean sighs internally, they had woken up that morning in uncomfortable silence. Dean was forced to keep his music off, Gabriel and Sam refused to speak and because of this Castiel and Dean haven't spoken throughout the entire road trip back to the bunker. He finally decided to break the silence, "did you have any luck with the witches then?"
   Sam mutters a no as he stares out of the passenger window. Gabriel sighs, "there was nothing about Rowena, no, Sam was pretty smart about how to try and get information from them as well. He didn't use force, he used threats which he knew would affect them more." He says this with a slight admiration.
   Sam finally looks away from the window, glancing back at Gabriel with a little bit of confusion before looking back to the front of the car, he places in a tape and lets the music devour him.
   "Sam, you realise you can't ignore him forever, right? He's like an annoying voice in your head which you can't ever get rid of." Dean states, usually Gabriel would make a snarky remark but for Sam's sake, he decides against it.
   Sam nods, "I know but I can try."
   Castiel speaks up, "I personally think that a nice apology and an explanation should suffice, don't you think so Sam?"
   Sam pauses, "if he is willing to apologise and give an explanation for his previous behaviour that is acceptable enough then I may forgive him, yes."
   Gabriel seems to hesitate at this, "can we do this later, please?"
   Dean parks the car outside of the bunker with a sigh. "sure." Sam answers, getting out of the car and going towards the bunker.
   Dean looks back at them, "look, Gabriel, I know I h--" he sighs, "I know I dislike you sometimes but if you need me to help with this then just tell me, all right? I hate to see my brother like this." He glances at Castiel and they share a small smile before Dean leaves, trailing after his brother.
   Gabriel sighs, "I even have Dean on my team, this is a first." He looks at Castiel, "I'm sorry, I have completely cock-blocked you and Dean." He smiles a little and wiggles his eyebrows.
   Castiel raises an eyebrow before shaking his head and getting out of the car.

   "Dean, why am I blindfolded?" Sam asks, his words drift through the space surrounding them.
   Dean shrugs with a small smile, "it's a surprise, you know that." Dean stops and Sam abruptly stops with him.
   Dean takes the blindfold off of Sam. The taller brother looks around, he notices the pier and the sun setting behind it and then he looks at a table set up for two people, it consists of candles. All of the utensils and dishes are already set up, probably so Dean doesn't have to serve them. His eyes lastly land on Gabriel who pulls out a chair and smiles weakly at him.
   "Sam, would you care to sit with me?" Gabriel asks. Sam can see his usual playful, teasing self has been locked away, probably to let himself become mature just for this occasion.
   Sam ducks his head a little in appreciation and sits down. Gabriel easily tucks the chair back in, probably because he's an Angel. Sam watches Gabriel sit on the other side to him, he notices now that he is in a black suit while Sam is in a plaid shirt. He glances back to where Dean was but he has already dispersed.
   Gabriel sighs internally, thinking over his words carefully, over and over again. "Sam, I..." he hesitates and Sam places his hand on Gabriel's which is laid on the table.
   "Gabriel, this is beautiful." Sam states and smiles kindly when Gabriel's face seems to light up, "I understand how serious you're trying to take this but this is enough, you're enough. You don't need to be different in front of me because..." He trails off, not letting himself finish the rest of his sentence.
   Gabriel squeezes Sam's hand, "because of what, Samantha?"
   Sam sucks in a breath, "because I'm falling in love with an immature Gabriel who is not afraid to be himself but I don't know if this is to tell me you feel the same way or to tell me again that you--"
   Gabriel interrupts him, "Samantha, stop worrying." He pauses as he takes in his words, letting them soak through him as if he were bread. "Sam, everything I said before, I never meant any of it. I just didn't want Cassie to see me like that as if I'm weak from caring too much about one human. Samantha, I will take some sort of truth serum if it meant that I could tell you over and over again that I like you, I really like you." He pauses, not sure if this is what Sam would want to hear or not because his expression doesn't change, his emotions are concealed. "Honestly, I'm afraid to admit this, Sam but I think I might love you."
   Sam seems to freeze at this, his mind racing, he can't lie, what if I don't actually love him? Sam thinks. His mind races to any possible outcomes but he speaks before he even realises it, "I love you too, Gabriel," and he's grateful for the words he says.

   Dean sighs as he attempts to discover any leads to Rowena, failing miserably, as usual. Castiel walks into the main room and looks at Dean, "you should get some sleep, Dean."
   Dean looks up from the computer screen, his green eyes meeting with blue eyes. "How do you think Sam and Gabriel are coping?"
   Castiel sighs at him avoiding sleep, "I think they'll be fine. Come on, you need sleep." Dean goes to argue but Castiel interrupts him before he can start, "you didn't sleep last night, Dean. I know you didn't because you went for a drive in the Impala instead. Please, you need to sleep."
   Defeated, Dean stands up with a sigh and moves over to Castiel, "all right, goodnight, Cass." He places a small kiss on Castiel's lips before heading off to his room.

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