An upside down tale (peterpar...

By bored_spider_girl

44.8K 926 249

You lived a happy life in Queens with your friends Peter Parker, Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones. Everyone thoug... More

So sorry
{25- FINALE}


1.4K 30 12
By bored_spider_girl

Peter's POV

I was sitting in my room doing homework when I got another call from Mr Stark.

*On the phone*

Peter: Mr Stark, is everything alright? You don't normally call me twice in one day.

Tony: Just come to the compound. I'll explain everything when you get here. Happy will be there to pick you up.

Peter: Ok.

Tony: Just ok? I thought there would be more persuading involved.

Peter: No. I've just learnt to do as you say.

Tony: Ok. See you there kid.

Peter: Bye Mr Stark.

I grabbed my bag and put my suit in there just in case. I looked out the window until I saw a very expensive car outside and I told May where I was going. Luckily she was fine with it and said that Tony had already told her.
I got into the car and the whole journey was silent. I kept thinking about what it could be. Have they found Y/n? Do they know anything about the mysterious girl?

We got to the compound and saw Mr Stark straight away.

Tony: Follow me

Peter: Yes sir

I went into the lab with him and saw a lot of screens showing CCTV footage.

Peter: What's all this for Mr Stark?

Tony: This? This is for the mystery girl. I think I know who she is Peter. You might want to sit down. The mystery girl is.......

Y/n's POV

*2 months either*

I got out of the chair feeling tired and weak yet strong as well. I had a feeling I couldn't explain.

Taking me out of my trance, a guard grabbed my arm and took me back to the room I had been held in earlier that day. I got sat back in the chair but didn't get strapped in. It was very weird. All of a sudden Liz walked in the room. How long was I hooked up for?

Liz: Hello Y/n. How was the process?

Y/n: W-what did you do to me?

Liz: Oh you know. Just some powers to help me.

Y/n: Powers?!

Liz: Yes. You can now predict the future, teleport and shoot energy balls.

I was speechless. I can't believe they did that to me.

Y/n: What do you mean help you?

Liz: Oh. Well, we need the business to start up again. So the first part of the plan is to rob some banks, then we will start robbing some alien tech again so we can build some weapons. Then the final part of the plan is to break my dad out of jail. Easy.

Y/n: I'll never help you.

Liz: Oh yes you will honey. You see, now that Peter is my boyfriend, he is very close to me at school. And if you don't complete your part? Well, we'll have to say goodbye to him.

My eyes filled with tears. I couldn't help them. Peter worked so hard stopping them and now we have to undo that work. But I couldn't risk Peter's life. I care for him too much. I, I think I love him.

Y/n: Ok. I'll help you.

Liz: Well it's not like you really had a choice anyway.

Liz left the room and I put my head in my hands. I can't believe this is happening to the two of us. I can't even imagine what Peter is going through. The weirdest part- only about 6 months ago he would've been over the moon to be Liz's boyfriend. But a lot can change in 6 months. I stood up and went to the door.

Guard: And where do you think you're going little lady?

Y/n: I would like to go to my cell please if that would be possible.

Guard: Of course.

Y/n: Wow! Ok. Thanks.

That night I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing about my new powers and Peter and Mj and anything I could think about.

For about 2-3 weeks I was practising my powers in a facility near the Empire State Building since they burned the factory down. I was so scared. But I just hoped that Peter would find me. I know that is putting a lot of responsibility on him but I know he is the only one capable of taking us out of this hell.

*2 months later*

Nothing's massively changed. I have complete control of my powers and haven't trained for a while. Liz still makes me steal and keeps updating me about her relationship with Peter, knowing how much it kills me on the inside. I had teleported back to the facility after the latest robbery when I got a vision about the future. It featured me, Iron Man and... Peter. No.

It showed me creating one of my energy balls and shooting it at the hero's, throwing them to the wall. All I could hear was me saying "I'm sorry"
The vision ended and tears streamed down my face. I couldn't face Peter after all this time and I especially can't fight him. I just can't. My feelings in the last few months haven't changed for him. Every day I teleport to the school and see him but always get sucked back to the facility. This is often followed by a few smacks to the cheek for "disobeying the rules". I miss Peter so much. I can't even imagine what he is going through. I just hope that this fight isn't any time soon

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