Who I Am (Infinite x Reader)

By Shaye_Serena

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You were always the quiet one, but it turned into something worse after the war began. You had lost everythin... More

Chapter 1 ~ Mission Briefing
Chapter 2 ~ Space Port
Chapter 3 ~ Gamma
Chapter 4 ~ Search Party
Chapter 5 ~ Lost and Found
Chapter 6 ~ Back in Action
Chapter 7 ~ Witness's Memory
Chapter 8 ~ Pulsing Ruby
Chapter 9 ~ The Fakes
Chapter 10 ~ Metropolis
Chapter 11 ~ Fear and Pain
Chapter 12 ~ The Metal Copy
Chapter 13 ~ Files
Chapter 14 ~ Fair Fight
Chapter 15 ~ Our Hell
Chapter 16 ~ Second Round
Chapter 17 ~ Memories
Chapter 18 ~ Lesson
Chapter 19 ~ Cracked Code
Chapter 20 ~ It Begins
Chapter 21 ~ Null Space
Chapter 22 ~ Death Comes
Chapter 23 ~ Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 24 ~ Regret
Chapter 26 ~ Another Fight
Chapter 27 ~ Lost Control
Chapter 28 ~ Drowning
Chapter 29 ~ Mistake
Chapter 30 ~ What Could Have Been
Chapter 31 ~ Monster
Chapter 32 ~ Lost Hope
Chapter 33 ~ Split
Chapter 34 ~ Fleeting
Chapter 35 ~ Phantom
Chapter 36 ~ Disband
Chapter 37 ~ Goodbye
Chapter 38 ~ Crimson
Chapter 39 ~ Repentant
Chapter 40 ~ Stirring
Chapter 41 ~ Self Loathe
Chapter 42 ~ Reel
Chapter 43 ~ Questioning
Chapter 44 ~ A Vow
Chapter 45 ~ Dyspnea
RIP Laptop
Chapter 46 ~ Panic
Chapter 47 ~ Procedure

Chapter 25 ~ Denial

2.9K 88 33
By Shaye_Serena

Something is very wrong with me, I think as (Y/N)'s motionless body lies on the table. Her eyes were closed, there were dozens of wires sticking out of her arms and chest. An oxygen mask was over her mouth and nose. Most of her face was bruised, some scratches were spread out too. There was a large indent at the center of her forehead. Strange, I don't recall her being hit on the head. Luckily, any of the blood that exited her body was cleaned by one of the doctor's robot assistants.

I turn away from her, looking at the several screens. One of them had a monitor, showing a small heartrate despite the fact that (Y/N) could have fooled me for being dead. I suppose the lack of notable brainwave activity would add to this.

These emotions... what are they? With the Ruby's energy at full, I would often use its power to numb out my emotions as to not make irrational decisions in battle. Who am I fooling? I contradict myself. I didn't want to feel grief anymore.

I exhale, a strange tension building up in my chest. I shift my gaze to the screen that monitored the Resistance's radio line. They were speaking, but I found it hard to focus on what they said. The words would be processed in my head a few moments later.

"Infinite must have used almost all his power creating the sun," the young Fox explained. "The Phantom Ruby should be at minimal energy. This is our only chance to stop Infinite!"

I place a hand on my mask, closing my eyes in thought, trying to pull what remained of my thoughts together. Two plans came to mind. One: remain here and not risk being defeated.

I cannot be defeated, I think. Besides, they believe this is their only chance to defeat me. That means... that I'm considered a threat! They believe I am powerful. I am superior to them!

                       That only leaves the second plan. Face them and prove that even without the Ruby, I can still annihilate them all. I open my eyes, though the back of them hurt. Along with my skull and parts of my brain. The migraine felt like it could have been splitting my head in two.

I fold my hand over my chest, slightly under the Ruby – since it obviously prevents me from crossing my arms normally – and looked back at (Y/N). A take a step towards the table after a moment's delay. I stare at her. She was in horrible condition. Anybody could have easily perished at the fall, but with such energy loss... But I suppose (Y/N) isn't "normal".

My eyes move to her neck, the scars served as memories – no, nightmares – of times long passed. Two pricks at each side of her windpipe, along with other lines stretching out horizontally. With the events that (Y/N) has experienced, I'm not surprised that she hasn't spoken a word in the interactions we've had.

I shake my head when a strange weight tugs at my heart. I turn away, looking at her helps the damn emotions rise. I must keep them at bay. Even though I no longer was looking at (Y/N), I could still imagine the wires vividly. My mind began to play tricks on me again. I thought of the dozens of wires and fluids that went under my skin during my "birth". Experiments... pain. Though the first steps were not simple ones, not that they ever are, I have achieved symbiosis. Mastery of illusions. And the world will forever know my name, whether I perish or not. My presence in history will linger for infinity!

Are we... going to crush that blue rat finally? The voice asks, voice almost... faded. Weak?

You sound as though you're in pain, I think, speaking to it. It seemed strange that it was so calm.

Well, you try conjuring a sun and see how your energy levels are afterwards, they growled.

I did. The person was silent, probably rolling their eyes, if they had any.

I suppose that explains why they have been strangely quiet, trying to regain their strength. Rebooting. I uncross my arms and walk out the door, unable to remain in this space. It felt like the temperature kept rising although I swear, I was cold not too long ago, because of the absence of the sun.

I stumble several times, nearly losing my footing. Before reaching the door, my knees wobbled too much. I lean against the wall for balance, panting. I was exhausted. My eyes began to eyes begin to flutter, but I force them open. It was a war between me and unconsciousness. I had been fighting this battle for days, now it was impossible to stand up to anymore. For the last few months, ever since my creation, sleep hasn't come easy. It always is accompanied with disturbing visions and all too real seeming nightmares. Eventually, it became too much, and I gave up sleep. Whenever sleep is required, I take medication. Or I have the doctor put me into a comatose-like state for the Ruby to recharge, it counts for me as well.

But now, these visions have been finding me in broad daylight. And it seems as though there is no escape from them.

Something touches my arm, I flinch, coming back to reality. I grab something, and I have my clawed hand centimeters away from a face.

It was a Shadow clone. His red eyes stare blankly at the nails nearly dug into them. Emotionless husk, I think, considering ripping out the eyes of the fake. Bad memories resurfacing. The reason I had chose Shadow to be part of the army was that it would cause Sonic to question his loyalties. It is difficult enough to face a dangerous enemy. It is even harder when that enemy is your friend. It would also make it seem that I had no original conflict with that looming bastard, which aided in the complete removal of who I was.

That was not the only reason though. Shadow is powerful, anyone with any brain cells can admit that. But he, Chaos, Metal Sonic, and Zavok have been in association with the doctor one way or another. The doctor has a larger file on all of them. DNA strands, information, understanding of their personality. And at one point, their "loyalty".

I lower my hand, and let go of Shadow's arm, which had already caused some scratches. They try to grab my arm again, but I shove them off. "I'm fine," I snapped, forcing myself up, refusing help.

Shooting a glare at Shadow, I think of the failure that transpired earlier. The sun... it was so close. Death was so close. Everything I have worked up for was just torn away... The real Shadow was going to die. The world would perish. And I would too. There would have been no evil left. The suffering would have been over.

Now I can never apologize to them... Unless...

I walk to the door, staring daggers at whatever is ahead of me, not allowing myself to be distracted by anything other than what is in front of me. My knees were still shaky, my body was tired, demanding sleep. But I dare not show sign of weakness, even if there was only a mindless clone around at the moment. I must remain strong.

I stumble and fall to one knee. Sweat filled the inside of my mask, causing it to loosen a bit. I shove my mask back into place, biting the inside of my mouth to hold in my growls and groans of effort whist fighting the dark arms of unconsciousness. I try to push myself up, but my quivering body fails to do so.

I swear I was hearing things. Voices. "Weak", "pathetic", "worthless".  I chew the flesh in my mouth harder. A metallic taste covered my tongue.

Arms grabbed onto me again, slower this time, expecting me to lash out at them. I couldn't find the energy this time.

"I ordered you to back off." I hissed, not caring to change my tone, or the words I used. I barely fought as the fake Shadow puts a hand around my side, and wraps my arm around his neck. My feet dragged across the floor as Shadow carried me somewhere. I couldn't see where, my head bounced around, limply, looking from the ceiling to the floor. Not that my brain processed most of the things I see. My vision seemed to fail every few moments, I would not be able to recall what happened a few seconds prior.

I force my head to look up ahead, it was the door to the medical bay. I could tell it apart from the other metal doors in the endless metal hallways because this one had the numbers 532 on it.

"No." I argue. "I don't require aid. Just... take me outside."

After a moment's hesitation, the Shadow drags me along to where I wish to go.

Sonic was running through the maze of metal. I could see him. While every instinct told me to go after him, another proposed the idea to let Sonic come to me. Was it a cover-up to allow myself to recover enough energy to face him? Perhaps, but I won't believe so. I'll think that this reason is so that my enemy comes to me. Chasing after someone in this state would be regarded as pathetic, desperate. Other villains who fight at their weakest states get dominated. I will allow such a fate to befall me again. No, I can still fight, I think.

As fast as he came, Sonic vanished. I glance around me quickly, taking in my surroundings. The metal's colour was mostly faded because of the sun that had beat down on it earlier. Nobody was here. Good. I give in, I crouch down. I let one let dangle over the side of the metal platform while I had the other bent, arm resting over it if I need to lean on it to help myself stand quickly.

Something was off. I look down at my chest, the Phantom Ruby. It was dulled, not glowing. Not even its vibrant colour remained.

Mentally cursing, I look back out ahead of me, bringing my other hand up to my hair. I grab a fistful and tug hard. I wanted everything to disappear. I wanted to disappear. But it was rived away from me at the final moment. Without the evil presence that lives within the Ruby, so many more emotions are filling me. There was a strange knot in my throat. My eyes hurt, burned. I don't understand.

A snuffle escaped me, and I then realize what was wrong with me. Hot liquid filled my eyes, but I quickly crushed them shut and try to use willpower to keep them away. I refused to take off my mask to wipe any that formed away.

"What have you done?" I whispered.

"Don't worry, boss! You can count on us!" Diego's voice echoes in my head. A memory from another life. A completely different time. I want to go back to then. When things were considered "fine". I miss them all, so much. If Zero hadn't made that idiotic decision, then where would we be now?

But there's no reversing time. I have tried, it ended in utter disaster.

I hear footsteps come to a stop behind me. They stop moving, followed by heavy breathing. I tilt my head slightly, but not enough to look at whomever was there. I remove my hand from my hair, and open my eyes. The scent of sweat filled the air.

"You're back for more, 'hero of Mobius'?" I inquire. Standing up, trying to keep my voice clear, and stance strong. So that he doesn't notice any weakness. I turn my hands into fists, I could sense a fight coming. A tension. Hate.

"Do you even understand what you tried to do?!" Sonic yells. "Infinite, how can someone be so evil?!"

A smile pulled at my lips, I couldn't hold it back. "You tell me," I say.

"(Y/N), where is she?"

I turn around to face Sonic. I had expected him to charge me by now. 

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you," I scorn, raising up my chin. "Doctor's orders."

Sonic closed his eyes and shook his head at the ground. "It can't be easy being controlled by Egghead," he looks back up. "Let alone work with him."

I harness what is left of the Phantom Ruby's energy to warp towards Sonic, wrapping my hand around his throat. I glare closely into his eyes, they were wide with surprise. And fear. He struggles to tear away my hand. That's the downfall about Sonic. He has remarkable speed, but means that his strength takes a downfall. Yet another difference between him and I.

"I am controlled by no one," I chide, crushing my sharp fingers into Sonic's flesh. This caused him to let out a squeak of pain.

"The doctor can't stop me. Much less control me. I do what I want by my own volition." The last sentence was a lie.

I throw Sonic away, taking a quick gasp of air to fuel me. Sonic skids on the metal but quickly catches his footing.

He rubs his neck, some red appearing on his white gloves. Sonic glares up at me. "Surrender, Infinite. Make it easier on yourself."

"I would rather die in battle than go anywhere near you toxic liars!" I retort. Putting myself in a battle stance, knees bent, ready to spring into action. Arms ready to be raised.

Sonic repeated my last few words, confused. His brows furrowed. "The only 'liar' around here is Eggman and those illusions you cooked up!" Sonic takes a step back, waiting for me to make the first move.

"Says the one who is friends with a murderer," spat. A convulsion takes over me. My head twitches.

"Infinite," Sonic addresses, voice much calmer than before. "Something is very wrong with you." He forces his eyes to soften slightly, I could tell. "Just come back with me to the Resistance. Maybe we can help you. We can try to figure out what is wrong with you. We can shorten your sentence, and you'll be able to live a normal life."

He was lying to me. He must be lying. Sonic wouldn't offer something like that without a catch. And he said 'there was something wrong' with me. Was that an insult?! The irony is that Sonic is likely correct.

"We both know that if I have a shortened sentence, I'll will still go to prison for several lifetimes," I start, trying to keep my tone even through the agitation and other emotions I am struggling to cope with.

Before I could continue, Sonic interrupts me. "It's only if you committed war crimes. Just give it up, Infinite. We can help you if you let us."

"There's no hope for me." I growl. I have killed civilians, not by choice. That is a war crime. Besides, nobody would look at me the same again. And, there is no way in hell that I am going to a place where Shadow is. Not unless it's his funeral. "Just stay away from me. Or I will be forced to show you true pain."

Sonic exhales, closing his eyes. "Fine. Don't say I never gave you a chance." I knew he was lying. I saw though his act of pity.

"Ready for your painful death, blue savior?" I proposed. "Only one of us will be stepping away from this battle alive." I force myself to hover above the ground, using intimidation. Instead of the usual red aura that comes from the Phantom Ruby, a dark purple one took its place. I glitched without using too much power. It hurt, but I ignored it. "I'll prove to you how outclassed you really are." I raise my hands up, summoning hundreds of red cubes behind me.

Sonic smirked. "I'm in a class all my own." He points a finger at me. "It's finally time for you to shut up, Infinite!"

I twitch again. I smile, forcing the cubes toward him. "You're welcome to try."

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