Move to the Rhythm; a miracul...

By Tikira0fMiraculous

13.3K 436 279

Marinette is forced to leave America with her Uncle to track down the mysterious Hawkmoth who has stolen many... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Random Stuff
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32!!!

Chapter 4

540 15 5
By Tikira0fMiraculous

"Tikki, spots on," I whispered.

The cafe had closed about two hours ago, and since then, I'd been preparing. I grabbed a sip of water before I left. Master Fu gave me a sealed letter as I jumped in his limo.

The driver was Dusuu, though dressed in black, plus me and Master Fu sat in the back.

I opened the letter.

Me and Master Fu found it always better to write our sentences down, then put them in a basin of water. No one could hear us that way, or read what we say.

I was very surprised by the letter, but said nothing as I read it:

Ladybug, for once you have an easy mission. You are to meet with the top dancer at the Club Miraculous. There, you must challenge him to a breakdance battle. He is your best option for the start of a new team. I know he can never replace your old friends, but try very hard to accept him and you may be surprised.

Best wishes, Jade Turtle

Oh. I understood what this was about now. Master Fu was getting me a new partner already. There goes proving myself.

Too soon for my liking, we were there.

I stepped out of the car and waved goodbye. I walked to the side of the huge building I was dropped off at. I opened the door and entered.

It was a long, dark, very spooky passageway.

I walked down anyhow, though my head was yelling at me to go back. Suddenly, I came to a door.


Fine. I cracked my knuckles and kicked open the door. I continued on. The door had led to another dark passage, but the further on I went, I heard faint music.

Finally, I came to another door. Surprisingly, there was a man outside this door. He was very big and looked like he could lift a thousand pounds.

As I neared him, I noticed he wore a gorilla mask.



The man growled, "Name."


The man seemed surprised, and hurriedly let me through. No dark alleyway this time. Now, a huge room was before me. There were platforms hanging from the ceiling where people sat and ate snacks sipped drinks.

A DJ booth could be seen where a guy my age was rocking some sweet tunes.

There was a dance floor where people could be seen dancing. Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder. Out of reflex, I dodged away, flipping over, my yoyo out spinning wildly.

But to my surprise, there was just a girl. She wore a light purple shirt with a wifi symbol on it. She had dark purple dance leggings and a dark purple painted mask.

"Ladybug! So glad you're here. I'm Lady Wifi, the part owner here," She said excitedly.

I relaxed and tied my yoyo around my waist again, "Nice to meet you Lady Wifi. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you know I was coming?"

"A man named Jade Turtle told us. He also showed us some of your videos. Since then, I've been looking you up for months now! You have amazing skill!"

Months? Master Fu had never mentioned this to me, "Thank you."

"So, I hear your team is still back somewhere in America," Lady Wifi said, hinting that she wanted to hear a story.

"I was forced to take a career team was part of that change. But they are the best dancers I know, and our rocking my old town with their dance moves!"

Lady Wifi smirked, "So, who's the best dancer out of all of them? Feather-Eye, TurtleBack, Buzz, or Volpina?"

I was surprised she knew all their names, "You've certainly done your research. But all my friends are great, just depends on what. Volpina is amazing at flips, Feather-Eye has the best trend moves, TurtleBack was our strength, and had the best headspins, and Buzz was the most flexible. So, it really depends what you mean," I said, smiling as I thought of my friends.

"Hmm... Anyhow, enjoy yourself. I get you when it's time to dance!" Said Lady Wifi, then she walked away.

When she left, I started heading towards a hanging platform.

The one I was at was very high, so no one was on it. I took out my yoyo and swung it up. It wrapped around a beam, then I was shot up, and gracefully landed on the platform.

I put my yoyo back around my waist.

Suddenly, I heard an odd sound, like some sort of machine. Then, a boy was next to me.

He wore a black shirt with a neon paw print and a black jacket with a hoodie. On the hoody, were two slits where a set of cat ears peeked out. A belt-like tail could be seen. His pants were almost identical to mine but bigger. His tennis shoes were black with neon green accents. I felt like I'd seen him before...

Then, I noticed a black ring on his finger with a neon green paw print.

I knew that ring immediately. It was Plagg's Miraculous! What was Master Fu thinking?

"Hello, Miss. Mind if I join you? You see, this is normally my seat," He said.

"Hello to you too Chat Noir," I said, trying to act calm and together even though my mind was spinning with questions.

He looked surprised, "Have we met?"


"Ahh, you must be one of my adoring fans."

I laughed, "Nope. Haven't even seen you dance."

"Then how?"

"Hey! Time to go," Lady Wifi called up to me.

I gave Chat Noir one last look, "Tell Plagg I say hi."

Then, I wound my yoyo around a rafter letting myself down, then walking off with Lady Wifi.

She led me to the side of a stage, "This is where you'll make your dramatic entrance. Need any help with idea?"

"Nah, I'm good. But thanks," Then I yoyoed to a rafter where I sat, hidden behind a large lamp.

Very soon, I saw Lady Wifi come on stage with a guy. He wore yellow, green, and blue clothing with a mask of similar colors.

"Welcome peeps! I'm your announcer, Lady Wifi!"

"And I'm your DJ, the Bubbler!"

The crowd cheered loudly, then quieted down, "Alright, now, to introduce our reigning champion, CHAT NOIR!" Lady Wifi called out.

Chat Noir ran on stage, blowing kisses. He even winked at one girl, and I saw her crumble to pieces. I rolled my eyes.

"But now, we have a new girl, all the way from the USA! Before we introduce her, though many of you probably know her, let's show you a video of her!" Bubbler said, then ran to the DJ booth.

He hit a button, and suddenly, a video was projected onto a black wall.

It was me. I remembered this performance. It was in New York.

One of my biggest. In it, my team had let me dance a big solo, although they were still dancing backup. We had done stuff like this several times, though it was mainly me and Nessie who did it.

In the video, I was doing at least five pirouettes in a row, then started breakdancing.

I did stuff like flips, turns, and just had fun with it.

Even as I watched it though, I was impressed.

At the end of the video, my friends had been by my side, hugging me, and I had shouted out, "New York City, what's my name?"

Suddenly, the video ended, and Lady Wifi came to the middle of the stage, "Club Miraculous, I present to you, the one, the only, Ladybug!" She shouted, just as excited as the crowd.

That's my cue. My yoyo was already in place, and I swung out, holding on. I did maybe three and a half flips, landing on one foot, one leg in the air. Then I drew back my yoyo waving at the crowd as I put it away.

Chat Noir looked very surprised to see me but soon got over it. It seemed the whole world became quiet to hear what me and Chat Noir had to say to each other.

He bowed to me, "Milady, nice to see you again. I must admit, I am surprised. I heard you had left America, but no idea you came here. Why the change of scenery?"

I frowned, "I was somewhat forced did you say? Change Scenery. But we have forever to talk, right now, let's dance," I said, wanting to get off the subject.

He smirked, "As you wish. Bubbler hit it!"

Suddenly, a sick beat filled the air, and Chat Noir began dancing.

I smiled, my weight resting on one side as I watched him with my arms crossed.

Then, the music changed, and before Chat Noir stopped, I started dancing.

I poured my love of dancing into it. I started simple, hopping from side to side, moving my arms like flames of a fire, then started with the flips. I flipped once over, went into a handstand, then went to one hand. After that, I basically folded in half.

I heard the whole audience gasp with surprise. Then, I jumped from my hand to my feet after coming back up from folding in half.

I kept dancing, and as I danced, I started remembering dancing with my friends, and dancing now, made me realize how much I really missed them.

In fact, I started to fall into habit and I flipped over as high as I could (Which was high since Ladybug had enhanced abilities)

I was ready for Noah to catch me, but then I realized my mistake. No Noah.

Yet, I was caught. I looked up into the blazing green eyes of Chat Noir.

He set me down, and we began to dance...together.

I flipped me over onto his shoulder, and I stood on his shoulders, then jumped.

He caught me, and we kept dancing in sync, somehow knowing exactly what we were going to do.

Dancing with Chat Noir made the ache for my friends worse, and I didn't notice I was crying till I tasted salt, and wiped my eyes. I was already sweating and exhausted, and with my sadness growing stronger, I finally couldn't dance anymore, and stopped.

I sunk to my knees, sobbing.

The crowd seemed to think it was part of it and whooped loudly when Chat Noir came, and I was aware of him picking me up.

He brought me off stage, and soon, we were on the high up platform, "Hey, hey, what's going on? We were doing great, and you start crying," He asked, concerned.

For some odd reason, I trusted Chat Noir and began spilling my guts to him, "When I lived in America, I had a team. They were my best friends, and-and we did everything together. We-we had amazing plans, but I had to move away. And now I'm broken in pieces and can't put myself back together. I don't think I can dance break without them...I'm nothing without them! I can't, I just...can't," I sobbed, and leaned into Chat Noir.

He just hugged me. When I calmed down he said, "'s okay. You don't need them to break dance. I've been doing my research too you know. I've seen how you guys were...I hope you won't get offended, but I saw them and you. I noticed you almost always danced alone, but Feather-Eye and Volpina danced together, and Buzz and TurtleBack were were alone, yet stealing the spotlight every time, better than all of them combined. Milady, if you don't want to dance with me. For the first time, I felt truly alive when I danced...with you."

I slowly pulled away, looking at him, "Really?"

He nodded.

Then I laughed at the irony, "What's so funny?"

"Jade Turtle was right!" I said, seeing how wrong I'd been, "Chat Noir, do you know what that ring on your finger is?"

He lowered his voice, "A Miraculous..."

I smiled, "Good kitty. Now, what are these?" I pointed at my earrings.

His eyes widened in understanding, "A Miraculous."

"You'll find out more, but for now I'll tell you this. I came here for a reason Chat Noir, not just to dance," I said, "Jade Turtle is making me assemble a new team...I, I wasn't going to, but now...Jade Turtle got to pick the first person for my team...He picked you Chat Noir."

Chat Noir's eyes widened even more.

I smiled at his face, wiping the tears from my eyes, "Nice to meet you. I'll see you right here tomorrow, an hour early if you can make it."

Then, I ran out of the club, where a black limo had just pulled up. I jumped in as I heard Chat Noir run out a call, "Ladybug!"

But I had already closed the door and sat down beside Master Fu.

Dusuu began to drive away, but I said to Master Fu, "Should we stop?"

But he shook his head, "Do you put the noodles in the water before, or after it's boiled?"


"So we must be patient for the water to boil."

"Yes, Master..." I sighed, then suddenly rolled down the window, I reached out and managed to grab Chat's hand before the car sped up, it slipped away.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ladybug!" He called.

"Goodbye Chat Noir."

Tada! Tell me what ya'll think! I hope you guys like it! -Tikira :)

Hey, if you guys ever have any questions, just ask and I'll try to answer them. (Also, no. Someone asked about this. My last name is not really Dupain-Cheng. But I'm not gonna tell ya'll that...yet :)

And also, I may change the title, I just couldn't think of anything better at the moment.   

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