One More Day | Kim Namjoon x...

By Bts_uwu

82.5K 3K 1.3K

Completed "I don't know how to love..." "Then let me show you" *•~*•~*•~*•~*•~* ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ THIS STORY WILL... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19*
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Q and A
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 27

1.2K 46 13
By Bts_uwu

Y/N P.O.V.


It was almost 2:00 AM. You couldn't fall asleep again. I wonder if Namjoon is outside. You get up from the bed and slowly make your way to the door. You traveled down the long hallway to the balcony door. You put your hand on the doorknob hesitating a little. What if Joon isn't here? Wait... It doesn't matter if he's here or not. I just came out for fresh air, not company. You opened the door as quiet as you could, so you didn't wake anyone up. A fresh breeze blew past you, making you shiver for a moment. It's getting close to winter...

"If you don't wear a coat, you'll get cold."

You turned around and saw Namjoon relaxing on a chair behind you. It looked as if was reading a book, that is before you came out. A small part of you was happy that he was here. It would be lonely if he wasn't here.

"Couldn't sleep again?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess I have a lot going through my brain right now." You say while sitting in the chair beside him.

"Do mind if I ask what?" He said, closing his book.

"I'm not sure. I guess I'm anxious about the job and other stuff."

"Don't be. I'm sure they'll pick you for the position."

You smiled and looked up at the sky. It was a little cloudy so you couldn't see as many stars. The silence was comfortable.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" Namjoon asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"No, why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to help me with something. It will be fun."

"What do you need help with?" You asked.

"I have a dead body in my closet and I need you to help me get rid of it." He said casually.

"That took a dark turn..."

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I wanted you to come to work so you can help me with my paintings. It's ok to say no, I can just ask Jungkook."

"No. I'll go." You replied with a smile.

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow." He said while standing up.

He asked if you were coming in but you said that you'd stay out a little longer.

"Don't get too cold." He said softly.

"I won't."

He closed the door and left you alone. You got up from the chair and leaned against the railing. Namjoon is nice. I'm glad we're friends. You smiled while flashbacks of his cuteness intruded your thoughts. You remembered back when you were in college, how he would always worry about you. The time when you were still dating Jay.



"Do you really have to go?" Namjoon whined.

"Yes, now let go of me or I'm going to be late." You laughed.

"But I don't want you to go."

"Too bad. You know how to do the rest, so let me go." You huffed in annoyance.

"But I don't want to finish this project on my own!"

"If you do this for me, I'll give you my snacks." You bargained.

"I don't want snacks I want you to stay here. Is your boyfriend more important than your group project?" He asked.

"Yes, I have my whole life to learn things. Let me live a little... Besides, I'll be back soon."

"Fine, but when we fail, it's your fault." He said while crossing his arms.

"Thanks, Namjoon! You're the best!" You yelled while running out the door.



"You were cute back then, Joon." You whispered to the air.

It was getting colder so you decided to go back inside and get some sleep. You were going to need all the energy you could get. Hopefully, whatever Namjoon had planned wasn't too crazy for you.


"Y/N, Wake up."

"Go away..."

"Come on! If you want to help me then get up." Said Namjoon while kicking your bed.

You sat up and panicked. Damnit. I forgot about that.

"Let me guess... You forgot?"

"I know you mentioned it last night but my brain wasn't working because I was tired." You answered sheepishly.

"You brain never works even if you aren't tired. Anyways, get up and get ready."

He left the room and closed the door. My brain works... I think... You got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do your morning routine. After you were done you ran downstairs as fast as you could to find Namjoon. He was in the living room talking to Jungkook. You didn't want to intrude so you leaned against the wall to wait for him. It was hard not to listen in on their conversation because they were right there. You did accidentally listen to some things though.

"How is she?" Asked Namjoon.

"Fine but...." His voice got quieter.

"No, that won't happen. Just don't let her find out." Namjoon said sternly.

After that you ignored them. Although that didn't mean you weren't curious about what they were talking about. Who was this She and what was it they didn't want her to know about? It's not my birthday yet... It's not Annie's birthday yet... I don't know if it's Namjoon's sister's birthday... This isn't my business, I should stay out of it. You were about to walk into the room but before you could enter. Your nose was smashed against something hard. Oww, I swear if I walked into a wall...

"Y/N? Oh, I'm sorry. Are you ok?" Namjoon asked as concern filled his eyes.

"Yeah, but shouldn't we get going?"

He looked down at his watch and nodded.

"You're right, we should leave."

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to his car. He started the car and drove in silence. When you got to his building, you were surprised. Hmm, this is a little bigger than I thought it would be. He led you inside and past the front desk. You were almost to his office when some guy stepped out and blocked the doors.

"Where were you?! Miss Sung was here earlier and wanted to see you. I had to listen to her complaining all morning! Do you know how much- Oh, um... Hello?" He stopped ranting and noticed your presence.

"Hyun, meet my... um... friend Y/N. Y/N this is Hyun Wu, he is my assistant and a close friend to me." Namjoon said.

Hyun bowed and smiled.

"Sorry about the outburst." He apologized.

"No, I understand how crazy Miss Sung can be." You joked.

"Wait, what? You've met Miss Sung? How?" He asked

"I went to the party with Namjoon as his fake date."

"Woah Namjoon! You actually pulled that off? Damn, I'm surprised." He said laughing.

"I know. I was surprised that they actually believed it!" Namjoon replied.

"Anyways, I should get back to the desk, Mr. Sung wanted to place an order." He informed Namjoon.

"Ok then, tell me when he calls."

"Yes, sir."

Hyun walked away and Namjoon led you inside his office. It wasn't anything fancy, just everything he needed for painting. It was a little dark at first but when he turned on the lights, everything lit up.

"It's nothing much. Just the necessities." He stated.

"I like it," You said while walking around," It's professional, like you."

He smiled brightly at your comment, dimples popping. You walked over to a painting on the wall and studied it. It was a painting of a man and a woman holding hands with a line down the middle. The man was painted in white and looked light itself. On the other half, the woman was painted in dark colors and looked sad but happy. She had pain in her eyes but still managed to smile at the man.

"Did you paint this?" You asked while pointing to the picture.

"That? No, I don't know who painted it. Hyun said that it was sitting on the building steps one morning and addressed to me. I tried to find out if it was a copy of the original, but that painting turned out to be the original."

You nodded and stepped away from the painting. Namjoon was cleaning his brushes but stopped when the sound of heels hitting tile could be heard in the hallway, along with Hyun talking frantically to someone. It would be stupid to not know that it was the one and only Miss Sung. She made her entrance by supposedly kicking the doors open.

"Mr. Kim! I dropped by earlier but you weren't here, I was worried that you might have gotten ill." She said not noticing your presence yet.

"No, I was perfectly fine. I was just running a little late this morning. I had some other business to attend to. Also, I brought Y/N to check out my office and help me clean some stuff."

She scanned the room until her brown eyes landed on you. She halfheartedly smiled at you and gave her attention back to Namjoon.

"If you needed help you should have called me. There's no need to bother your girlfriend with such things. I'll just call my maids and they can take care of it all." She said while digging her phone out of her purse.

"Namjoon and I are perfectly capable of doing this for ourselves," You stated coldly. "There is no need to call your people."

"I was just offering to help. I didn't mean to offend you." She said while putting her phone away.

Namjoon was starting to get uncomfortable so he decided to intervene.

"Anyway, what did you come here for Miss Sung? Did your Mr. Sung send you?" He said, plastering a fake smile to his face.

She slowly looked away from you and answered Namjoon.

"Oh yes, Father would like to order something. He just said to surprise him."

"When does he want it?" He asked.

"Anytime before the end of the month."

"Then I'll begin as soon as possible." He said giving the hint that he wanted her to leave.

"Mr. Kim, would it be ok if I looked at your other art pieces?"

Hesitantly Namjoon said yes and Miss Sung was delighted. You didn't know what to do so you asked Namjoon what he needed help with.

"Organize my brushes and wipe the table please."

You grabbed all his brushes and took them to a spare table off to the side. You grabbed a rag and began to do your job. So basically, he made me do his work? Is that what he needed? You looked up from the table and watched Miss Sung. It was crazy how one girl could cause Namjoon to go crazy. Namjoon wasn't the type to get mad and throw things around. He was more like the person who would calmly step out of the room to have a mental breakdown in the next room. No thanks to Miss Sung, he was getting more stressed and grumpier these days. You quietly looked over at Namjoon to see if he looked stressed. Although he didn't look that stressed, he was more tired.

"Looks like father needs me. I'll see you later Mr. Kim." Miss Sung said, leaving.

A simple 'Mhmm' was all Namjoon said. He was more focused on something in his sketchbook. As soon as Miss Sung left, Namjoon let out the biggest sigh.

"Damnit, I can't stand her."

"Does she come by often?" You questioned.

"Almost every day. She comes without warning and at really bad times. One time I was here alone and she- Uh nevermind. How's the job going?"

You rolled your eyes. "Good but is this really what you needed help with?"

"Nope. I have something else planned." He said with a grin.



When I was writing this my grandparents thought I was doing my homework and kept complementing me on how good of a student I was. Little did they know that I was writing Fanfiction and all my grades are terrible. They also think I should be a doctor but once again disappointment strikes.

Anyways, i'm sorry I didn't post Wednesday. I had a big presentation to prepare for. 

Love you!

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