Room 054-2 (Completed)

By aschenbastard

11.2K 650 303

When Frank first moves into room 054-2 he makes, what he deems to be, an awful first impression - forgetting... More

1. Room 054-2
2. Movie Night
3. The Next Day Out
4. Doodles
5. Movie Marathon (Take Two)
6. What Are Feelings?
7. Work Hard By The Day, Party Hard By The Night.
8. "Good morning Fuckers!" - Jamia
9. Stormy Nights and Bloodshot Eyes
10. Mad All The Time (Waterparks)
11. .stage 4 fear of trying.
13. I Hate This Town (2/2)
14. Mr McCracken
15. idontwannabeyouanymore
16. The Way I Feel (Rancid)
17. Listen To Your Friends (Declan McKenna)
18. Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner (Fall Out Boy)
19. Pretty All The Time (Against The Current)
20. Boys Will Be Boys
Extra Scenes

12. Get In Losers, We're Going Shopping (1/2)

468 30 8
By aschenbastard

Jamia burst through the door, making Frank jump as he woke up, but he fell back against the sleeping boy next to, well - under him - when he saw Jamia in the doorway, Lindsey standing just behind her.

"Stop cuddling with your boyfriend, we're going shopping." the small, black haired girl declared and Frank rolled his eyes, looking away from the pair.

"He's not my boyfr-"

"Still? Gosh you two really need to get a move on-"

"And I don't wanna go shopping."

"Too bad, you're coming with me, and Gerard is going with Lindsey."

Frank groaned, shaking his head slightly and tightening his grip on Gerard, who stirred at the movement,

"Frank?" He mumbled, his head turning in Frank's direction but not yet opening his eyes.

"Ah, Gerard! You're awake!" Lindsey smiled, pushing past Jamia and into the room, perching herself on the edge of Frank's bed.

"I- Wha-?" Gerard asked frowning and looking around the room, back to Frank - who he had his arm wrapped around- then around the room again in confusion.

"They wanna take us on a shopping trip." Frank clarified, and Jamia hummed in approval.

"But- I- We... What if I don't wanna go?"

Frank snorted,

"That's what I said."

"Of course you did." Gerard smiled down at him.

"Okay guys," Jamia whined loudly, "If you wanna stop with your love fest, then maybe we could leave and go shopping now?"

Both the boys burst out laughing, but didn't look away from each other.


"If you wanna go shopping so badly, why don't you go together? Surely that's why you guys are friends right?" Frank snickered.

"That's not the point though! You two never leave this dorm, you need to get out more!"

Frank looked up at Gerard silently asking if they should go or not,

"Fine, fine, we'll go just give us like... twenty minutes we both need to get showered and changed okay?"

"Okay but at..." Jamia said twisting her wrist towards her and checking the time, "8.45 we are coming back in here and you are coming shopping with us." She said then turned and left the room, Lindsey following close behind.

The pair exchanged looks after watching the girls leave the room and groaned loudly. Frank rolled off Gerard and sulked back to his side of the room, pulling off his shirt and tossing it onto his bed and shuffling tiredly over to his closet, throwing on a shirt and then grabbing a pair of jeans and boxers.

"You coming...?" Frank asked, turning back to Gerard, who was still lying splayed out on his bed.

He sighed, but gave a small nod and sat, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and standing up and wandering over to Frank, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy again, his chin resting on Frank's flattened and slightly ginger hair.

"Gee-" Frank whined, trying to pull away, but not trying very hard.

"What?" The taller boy mimicked, "you said it yourself, you don't wanna go."

"Yeah, But you know Jamia, she's going to drag us out of here in our underwear if we aren't changed."

Gerard let slip a small laugh, but nodded in agreement and bundled up some of his clothes, tucking them under his arm and waiting for Frank next to the door.

They returned ten minutes later, both showered and changed, Frank's hair now spiked up into it's usual mohawk and he pulled his black hoodie over his head, just in time for a sharp knock at the door and seconds later Jamia and Lindsey entering the room for the second time that morning.

"Thank the good Lord, I had a really bad feeling that you guys wouldn't have actually gotten out of bed yet." Jamia beamed, grabbing the both of them by the hands and dragging them towards and out of the door, both glaring at Lindsey as she giggled at them.

The four young adults were soon bundled into the girls' car and driving towards the mall.

"So, whaddya think we should get? I really want this skirt I saw the other week..." Lindsey babbled to Jamia, who was driving and nodding along to her best friend's talk while Frank and Gerard sat in the back, cuddled up to each other.

"Stop putting your head on my shoulder, 'shit tickles." Gerard mumbled, pushing Frank's head away from him. The smaller boy looked up at him with his best puppy-dog eyes, his bottom lip pouting out.

"I hate you." Gerard grumbled, looking away, and Frank grinned to himself, resting his head back on Gerard's shoulder, shaking his head lightly and feeling the taller boy stiffen beneath him as he giggled to himself, knowing his hair was tickling against Gerard's neck still.

"Right, that is it." Gerard growled, pushing Frank away from him and pinning him down against the spare seat.

"Alright guys, please no angry sex in the back of my car, I really wouldn't appreciate that." Lindsey said, a smirk on her face as she caught Gerard's eye, who quickly pulled himself off Frank and blushed, turning his face away so Frank couldn't see how awkward he felt.

"You okay Gee?" Frank asked quietly, sliding across the backseat and pressing up against the taller boy.

"I'm fine."


"I'm. Fine."

"Okay." Frank whispered and slid away from Gerard again. He didn't want to irritate Gerard any more that he apparently already had, so resorted to sitting on the other side of the car with his head resting against the window.

A few minutes later Frank's phone pinged loudly in his hand, alerting him that he had a text off someone. He glanced over to Gerard, looking down at his phone when the taller boy didn't move. 

'should we pretend that we've fallen out? they already know somethings up- xoxoG'

Frank smiled down at his phone, quickly tapping out a reply and trying his best to ignore the confused look Lindsey was giving him through the rear-view mirror.

The car pulled up at a stop. Jamia taking the keys from the ignition and pocketing them as she pushed open her door, the rest of them following suit with Frank standing on the opposite sides of the girls, as far from each other as possible. 

"To the mall!" Jamia exclaimed, grabbing Frank's hand and pulling him forwards into the large shopping centre, Lindsey taking Gerard in a similar fashion. 

The pair of boys exchanged worried looks before being dragged in opposite directions, Jamia heading straight for Victoria's Secret whilst Lindsey made a beeline for Hottopic, which was conveniently on the other side of the building.

Frank was blushing heavily as the bubbly girl dragged him through the overly pink and sweet smelling shop, ending up in front of two pieces of matching sets, which Frank tried his best not to look at. 

"Which ones do you think would look good on me?" Jamia asked, looking at Frank expectantly.

"I don't know, um..." 

"Gosh!... Boys are useless!" She sighed dramatically grabbing two almost identical pieces off the shelf and dragging Frank further round the shop, picking up a couple of items on the way round.

"I'm gonna need your opinion on these, yeah? Stand here." Jamia instructed, disappearing with a flourish into the changing cubicle, Frank stood awkwardly outside. Needless to say he got a few weird looks while he was waiting and started fidgeting, wondering what on earth could be taking the girl so damn long.

"Jamia?" He called out softly.


"You almost done?"

The curtain was flung open and Jamia stood there, the black lacy material hugging her tan body beautifully.

"Does this look okay?" She asked, turning and looking in the mirror opposite where Frank was standing.

"Yeah, that looks... wow." Frank breathed.

"Are you sure? I don't know, I feel like it makes my butt look weird." She mumbled.

"Your butt looks great don't worry Jam." Frank giggled.

"If you say so, I'm gonna try the rest on now." She said, the confidence returning to her voice and she disappeared from view again

"Hey there, do you need any help? Looking for your girlfriend or something?" A high voice squeaked from besides him and Frank started, looking over at the bleach blonde girl who was twirling her very dead hair around her finger and smacking her gum in her mouth, something Frank thought couldn't have possibly been less attractive.

"No- I- My friend is in there." He said pointing to the dressing room.

"Friend, huh?" 

"Yeah she's my best friend."

"You sure about that?" The girl squeaked.


"You don't sound so sure, I mean like, you don't like her as anything more than a friend?"

"Oh! No, no of course not." Frank laughed awkwardly, desperately hoping that this conversation wasn't going somewhere he didn't want it to be, and that Jamia could hurry the fuck up and get changed.

"Well maybe you're looking for someone then?" The girl smirked, snapping her gum again and trailing her finger up Frank's arm, who shivered and stepped away.

"No, I'm alright I've got my eye on someone anyway." He grimaced. Would Jamia get a move on?

As if on que, the dark haired girl flung the curtain back, this time wearing a red version of what she had been before. She shot a dirty look at the girl, who glared back but didn't move.

"He's not interested, and he never will be, I can guarantee you that." Jamia said.

"Oh yeah, how'd you know?" The bleach-blonde smirked back.

Jamia let her gaze flicker to Frank's and she mouthed a word at him, smiling sweetly as he nodded.

"Well for one, he likes someone else, two that person is completely different to you in so many ways, three that person is a dude. He likes guys." Jamia deadpanned, trying not to laugh as the blonde's face contorted into one of anger and she stormed off.

"Anyways, what about this one?"

"I prefer the black on you."

"Yeah me too, I'll get that one. Oh, and I need to ask you something later as well, before we meet up with Lindsey and Gerard for lunch." Jamia said, disappearing into the changing room then returning a few minutes later and handing one of the shop attendants the lingerie she decided she didn't want.

She paid for the items, smiling at the iconic black and pink striped bag and letting Frank follow her through the isles of undergarments and out into the main mall again.

"What's up with you and Gee then? And don't say nothing 'cause I know it isn't."

Frank frowned.

"Well, I, uh... Nothing?" He winced, "When do you mean?"

"In the car, you guys were basically sat on top of each other and then Lindsey made that comment and you didn't speak to each other for the rest of the journey..."

"I don't know... I think it just made Gerard uncomfortable..."

"You sure? He really didn't look happy when you tried to say something after..."

"I know... I don't really know to be honest, He did seem a bit off, I'll have to ask him later I guess." Frank shrugged, trying to make himself look as sad at it as possible.

"Awh, no, Frankie I didn't mean to upset you-"Jamia said, hugging Frank against her - her spontaneous hug something the small boy had become accustomed to.


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