Barriers - Hermione Granger x...

By The-Lost-Spartan

152K 2.8K 963

As a Slytherin, all the other Houses never talks to (Y/N), much less befriend him, leaving him to live a very... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eight

8.8K 169 87
By The-Lost-Spartan

(A/N): Yay, another update! (Finally)


Third Person's Point of View


(Y/N) yawned, slowly trudging to the Slytherin table and plopped down in his usual seat. He was so tired that he had not noticed the presence of a spell enchanted on the wooden bench. And as soon as he settled down, he immediately knew something was not right.

He tried to stand up, but his robes were firmly attached to the wood. Hearing laughter from the end of the table, he looked up to see Draco Malfoy and his friends howling with laughter and pointing at him. 

When Malfoy saw him looking, he sneered and whispered something to Pansy Parkinson, which seemed to make the prank all the funnier to them.

(Y/N) ignored all the rude gestures he received from them and the curious faces from the students of Durmstrang that sat along the Slytherin table. He calmly pulled out his wand and reversed the spell before stalking toward the group of Slytherin Fourth Years. Their smiles faded away and looks of horror flashed across their faces when they saw (Y/N) towering before them with an annoyed scowl.

"So..." (Y/N) said quietly. "You think this is funny?"

Pansy slid closer to Malfoy and cowered slightly in fear. "No, of-of course not, (Y/N)."

Malfoy swallowed hard and glanced anxiously toward the staff table, where most the teachers were too busy talking to notice. The blonde wizard tore his eyes off of Snape, who was the only teacher watching his students with slight amusement where as some of the Beauxbaton students from the Ravenclaw table were peering at them intently. 

Seeing as most of the people's attention was on him, Malfoy straightened his back and raised his eyes to meet (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones. 

"Back off, Phoenix. I'm warning you." Malfoy said, mustering as much courage as he could.

(Y/N) twirled his wand in his hands, not affected by the younger wizard's weak threat at the least. Then he sighed and said in a bored tone, "I'm quite disappointed with the reputation of the Slytherin House this year." He paused, smiling slyly. "I'm taking ten points from Slytherin."

All the students that were eavesdropping on their argument gasped.

"W-what? You can't do that!" Malfoy said in disbelief. His friends nodded feebly in agreement, still afraid to speak up.

"Oh, yes I can, Malfoy, because I just did." (Y/N) replied. He leaned down towards the blonde and stared directly into his pale blue eyes. Dropping his voice level to a low whisper, he hissed, "And if you ever try to threaten anyone else again... The consequences would be far worse than a couple of House points." 

Satisfied to see his enemy's face filled with terror, (Y/N) smirked and walked back to his seat, where Aurelia was already waiting.

"Aw, aren't you a sweetheart, (Y/N)? Those poor kids looked completely scared out of their wits." Aurelia teased as (Y/N) took a plate and started to pile it with mounds of food.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes. "They're not kids, Aurelia." He took a bite of the toast in his hand and swallowed. "And some of them ought to be taught a lesson or two."

In response to this, Aurelia just simply shook her head at him, smiling proudly. 

She was about to say something when all of a sudden, an envelope dropped down in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could also see that (Y/N) had received one as well. She held the elegant envelope gingerly in her hands. She recognized the stamp on the back of the envelope, which was the symbol of her family; a golden bear. Pulling the letter out from inside, she promptly read the graceful writing on the parchment.

My dearest Aurelia,

I am sorry to say that you are to be withdrawn from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and placed under the care of (Y/N)'s father, Luther Phoenix.

Now, I understand you must be disappointed to find yourself removed something that was rightfully given to you. However, YOU must understand that your father and I did this for your safety; there is something that is happening in the wizarding world.

Start packing as soon as you have finished reading this letter. Also, I suspect that (Y/N) will be extremely reluctant to leave, so please try convincing him as best as you can. I know you have questions, but I can only answer them once you have arrived to the Phoenix Estate.


Your mother,  Scarlett Arkwright

Aurelia's hands trembled as she placed the letter on the table. What could possibly be happening that could cause such a necessity to retrieve her from one of the safest place in all of Britain?

She jolted when she heard (Y/N) slam his fist onto the table. A look of rage was painted over his handsome features. A few curious glances were thrown at the prefect, but (Y/N) didn't seem to notice.

"Please don't tell me that your father told you to come home too." Aurelia whispered.

(Y/N) turned his fiery eyes to her face before his face softened and a look of weary covered it. Aurelia reached for his own letter hesitantly, waiting for his permission, in which he nodded as he rubbed his head in frustration.

His letter was indeed from his father and it consisted of the same elements as hers except it was much more of a demand rather than a request. 

To my son (Y/N),

There is something happening in our world that no one must know about as of right now. I want you to come back as soon as you can. Your headmaster should have acquired a letter regarding your departure.

Aurelia will be coming too; protect her at all costs, we cannot have any true magic blood spilt. There shall not be any excuses of why you will not come back. Do not disappoint me again.


Luther I. Phoenix

"Again?" Aurelia wondered, not sure what (Y/N) had done in the past to infuriate his father so much. 

(Y/N) just shook his head, clearly not willing to talk about it.

"Ahem. Well, Miss Arkwright and Mr. Phoenix, I believe you are suppose to depart Hogwarts today." A pleasant voice announced. Albus Dumbledore himself was standing behind them and looking at them with his ever twinkling blue eyes and bright smile. Aurelia just then realized that the Great Hall was completely deserted except for the three of them.

Aurelia pulled herself up and stood modestly in front of the headmaster. "Our apologies, Professor Dumbledore. We did not see you." 

Dumbledore laughed, waving a hand dismissively at her. "No need for apologies, Miss Arkwright. Please go on ahead and start packing." He turned to (Y/N). "You as well, Mr. Phoenix. Hogwarts will forever remember two of the greatest students to step foot into this school." 

Aurelia thanked him as he turned to leave them be. She could still see the troubled expression on (Y/N)'s face as he got up to tell Hermione the unexpected news.

As she watched him leave the hall, she could feel her heart clench with sadness. Don't even think about it, Aurelia, she told herself fiercely, trying hard not to break apart.

She suddenly felt an arm slinging around her shoulders and judging by the scent of the strong cologne, she knew it was Adrian.

"Well, if it isn't Aurelia! Still upset that handsome-up-to-no-good stuck up of a wizard is not interested in you?" He grinned, showing off a few crooked teeth here and there. 

Aurelia sighed. "Please leave me alone, Adrian. I don't have time for your stupidity today."

Her comment seemed to entertain Adrian more, causing him to chuckle. "Oh, but you seem to enjoy the time you spend trying to intimidate me, sweetheart." 

Aurelia cringed at the way he was trying to flirt with her. She'd rather die than having to smell anymore of his terrible cologne. 

"You know, I was just thinking about our future, Aurelia." Adrian smirked. "We will get married, start a family, and completely kick (Y/N) from our lives."

Aurelia pushed him away and glared at him. He tried to put his arm around her again, but Aurelia whipped out her wand faster than a blink of an eye.

Adrian's mouth opened and closed, trying to find something to say back but was permanently shocked by her action at the moment. The usual calm and beautiful Aurelia Arkwright was now in a state of indignity. Her pale face was flushed pink with resentment and her blue eyes were clouded with fury.

Adrian took a step back and held up his hands. His frightened eyes darted back and forth as he started blubbering nonsense. "Wait, Aurelia- You don't want to hurt me- Please calm down- I'm sorry-"

"Petrificus Totalus," Aurelia commanded, pointing the wand directly at the boy.

Adrian fell backwards to the floor with a deafening thud that sent an echo through the hall. Aurelia bent down, frowning. Her long golden curls brushed the Adrian's face and she hastily brushed it behind her ear.

"Sorry, Adrian, but you've gone too far this time." She said softly. "Please stop coming after me... my heart belongs to someone else already." 

Adrian tried to say something, but his voice was muffled and he could not move a limb except for his wide brown eyes, which were swiveling around his sockets to find a way to get rid of the curse placed on his body.

"Good-bye, Adrian." 


(Y/N) dragged his feet to the library, where he knew Hermione must be waiting. 

But I don't want to leave her, (Y/N) thought miserably. 

He turned to the direction of the usual place where he and Hermione would meet up. Where he would always expect to see her alone at the spot, he could now see a tall muscular figure in his view. The man's back was facing (Y/N) and there was something familiar about the man.

As he got closer to him, he could hear the man's deep voice speaking in a hushed, heavily accented voice that sounded... Bulgarian?

(Y/N) coughed, trying to get ahold of the stranger's attention, which he did after a few more fake coughs. "Excuse me, sir, but would you kindly-" He froze in mid sentence as the man turned to him. "Viktor Krum?!"

"Ves, I believe that is me." Viktor Krum nodded thoughtfully, holding out a hand for (Y/N) to shake. "Are vu a fan?"

Still quite shocked, (Y/N) did not take the famous Quidditch player's hand right away, but he shook it eventually. "N-not exactly, I suppose," he stammered. "I mean, I watched the last Qudditch Cup Game and all-"

"Ah, vell, that is a shame." Krum said gruffly, letting go of his hand and re-adjusting his uniform's hem.


(Y/N) was suddenly engulfed by a hug. "Hey there, beautiful." He whispered in Hermione's ear, which earned him a giggle and a slap on the arm.

"Do vu know him, Herm-Own-Ninny?" Krum asked, raising an eyebrow at them.

"Oh yes." Hermione said happily. "He's my boyfriend."

Krum looked surprised, which confused (Y/N). He glanced between the two, not quite understanding the current situation. "Um, is something wrong... with that?"

"No, no, of course not. I must be on my vay." Krum said quickly. He brushed past the couple but then stopped to shake (Y/N)'s hand again and said, "Bulgaria has best team." Then he left.

"Well... that was very... interesting." (Y/N) noted. He brought his eyes back to Hermione's face, which was creased with a worried look. He placed his finger under her chin and made her meet his eyes. "Is something wrong?"

Hermione sighed. "Viktor asked me to be his date to the Yule Ball. I was going to turn him down until you arrived just in time."

"Every princess needs a knight in shining armor." (Y/N) winked. They both shared a laugh before his facial expression turned serious. "Listen, Hermione. I got a letter this morning..."


Aurelia took a deep breath. The air smelled fresh and dewey, as it is every single morning. She was already packed up and ready to go, with her briefcases lined up neatly next to her and her broom stashed in a protective case. She repeatedly took glimpses at her watch and all the windows and doors of the school. 

As she was leaving the dungeons, she went to check on (Y/N) and saw him folding his robes and other accessories in his own suitcases. She had told him to quicken his pace and warned him of the train's departure time and he had assured her that he would come as fast as possible.

But now seeing the time, Aurelia was not quite sure if (Y/N) was purposely acting slow so he would miss the train or he had ran into some trouble along the way. Nevertheless, she hoped he would consider obeying his father's orders.

"That slowpoke," Aurelia muttered to herself. (Y/N) had probably decided to stay with Hermione and-

"I'm here, I'm here!" A voice shouted, interrupting Aurelia's thoughts. (Y/N) was running towards her, his suitcases afloat behind him.

Panting, (Y/N) still managed to apologize. "I'm so sorry, Aurelia. I should have-"

Aurelia held up a hand, silencing his rant. She smirked. "Quit babbling, Phoenix. We ought to be on our way." She flicked her wand effortlessly to magically enchant their items to follow along their owners as they hurried to the Hogwarts Express.


(A/N): And we are done with Chapter Eight, ladies and gentlemen! ;D I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter; I know there wasn't much action, but I needed to fill in the gaps before going into the main plot. 

ALSO, I got a few requests asking if I can include Aurelia into (Y/N) and Hermione's relationship, AKA a love triangle. I would be glad to fulfill your wishes, but I need to make sure with every one of my current readers if you would like that. Please write a comment regarding this! Thank you! 

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