Another Ring(Aragorn love sto...

By JaspersWife2

259K 4.1K 456

See what happens when there is another ring that was made along with the one Ring.And this ring has been turn... More

Seeing Gandalf Again
Meeting The Hobbits
Aragorn's P.O.V
Scouting And Saving Frodo.
Gandalf's POV
Talking To Aragorn
Council Meeting 1
Council Meeting 2
Before The Journey
A Little Show Before The Journey.
The Journey Begins!
The Draken.
Facing Goblins And A Cave Troll.
Author's Note
Author's POV
The Dark Forest And A Surprise.
King's Decision
Aragorn's Dream
The Great Creature's
Caladwen Is Back
Author's Note
Light Worries And Éomer Falls In Love
Victory! To Isengard!
Seeing Two Hobbits
Back In Rohan
The Vision.It Is Time.
Ready For War
War And Find Out A Surprise
Aragorn's POV
Caladwen's POV
Author's Note

The Sword And Under The Mountain.

5.3K 89 2
By JaspersWife2

*Caladwen's pov*

My ring told me that my Godfather is here,I quietly walked of our tent were I left a sleeping Aragorn.I walked to the horse with him on it with Théoden beside me.

Théoden: "Who are you?"

I smiled.

Me: "He is my Godfather."

He took his hood down.

Théoden: "Lord Elrond,from Rivendell."

He bowed then got of his horse.

Elrond: "I must speek to Aragorn."

Théoden: "You may wait in my tent."

We went into the tent and waited for Aragorn.When finally came I stood up along with Elrond.

Théoden: "I take my leave."

He walked out,Aragorn looked at me in relief which got me confused.But then looked at my Godfather and bowed.

Aragorn: "My lord Elrond."

I took a seat while they talked but I looked up when I heard Aragorn say there are none.

Me: "There are those who dwell in the mountain."

Elrond: "Correct."

Aragorn: "Murderers..traitors.You would call upon them to fight? They believe in nothing.They answer to no one."

Me: "They will answer to the king of Gondor."

I gave my Godfather a nod and he takes out the remade sword.

Elrond: "Andúril, the Flame of the West, forged from the shards of Narsil."

I stood next to my Godfather when Aragorn picked up the sword.

Aragorn: "Sauron will not have forgotten the Sword of Elendil.The blade that was broken shall return to Minas Tirith."

Me: "The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth.Put aside the Ranger.Become who you were born to be."

Elrond: "Take the Dimholt road.I give hope to Men."

Aragorn: "I keep none for myself."


*Aragorn's pov*

I was getting my horse ready and was about to climb on but was stopped by Éowyn.

Éowyn: "Why are you doing this? The war lies to the east.You cannot leave on the eve of the battle."

I looked at her.

Éowyn: "You cannot abandon the men."

I sighed.

Me: "Éowyn..."

Éowyn: "We need you here."

Me: "Why have you come?"

Éowyn: "Do you not know?"

I looked at her.

Me: "It is but a shadow and a thought that you love.I cannot give you what you seek.I already am to be married to my love,Caladwen."

I didn't like hurting her feelings but it was true.I walked along with my horse but was stopped by my friends and love.

Gimli: "Just where do you think you're off to?"

Me: "Not this time.This time you must stay, Gimli."

???: "Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of Dwarves?"

I looked behind me and saw Legolas and Caladwen with their horses.She was smiling that beautiful smile of her's.

Gimli: "You might as well accept it.We're going with you, laddie."

I tried my best to hide my smile.We got up on our horses and road to the path under the mountain.

Faith: "My Lady!!"

Caladwen: "Don't worry Faith, I'll be back."

With that we went under the mountain.


*Caladwen's pov*

I was riding with my three of my favorite men.My best friend,my godson and my love,all were worried about being under the mountain.

Gimli: "What kind of army would linger in such a place?"

Legolas: "One that is cursed.Long ago, the Men of the Mountains swore an the last king of come to his fight.But when the time came..when Gondor's need was dire..they fled..vanishing into the darkness of the mountain.And so Isildur cursed them..never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge."

I looked behind me and shook my head.After a few minutes later we came near the door,so we continued on foot.

Gimli: "The very warmth of my blood seems stole away."

We stood in front of the door.

Legolas: "The way is shut."

Me: "It was made by those who are dead.And the dead keep it.The way is shut."

A gust of wind and some ghostly groans scared the horses into leaving.All but Starfax that is.

Me: "Go keep them in line Starfax."

After I said that he left.I looked at the door.

Aragorn: "I do not fear death."

He walked into the door with me behind him.All of them seemed scared but I wasn't because I have been here before.A favore to Gandalf but they promised to keep a very special ring and potion safe for me until I needed them.We came acrossed the front of the castle so we stopped.

???: "Who enters my domain?"

Aragorn: "One who will have your allegiance."

King: "The dead do not suffer the living to pass."

I stayed behind Legolas.

Aragorn: "You will suffer me."

The king just laughed and his army came out.

King: "The way is shut.It was made by those who are dead.And the dead keep it."

He started walking closer to us but he hasn't seen me yet.

King: "The way is shut.Now you must die."

Aragorn: "I summon you to fulfill your oath."

King: "None but the king of Gondor may command me."

Aragorn and the kings sword clash but Aragorn was stronger.

King: "That line was broken."

Aragorn: "It has been remade."

He looked around.

Aragorn: "Fight for us..and regain your honor. What say you?"

He walked around with the sword.

Aragorn: "What say you?"

Gimli: "You waste your time, Aragorn.They had no honor in life, they have none now in death."

The king noticed me and I smiled and gave him a nod.

Aragorn: "I am Isildur's heir.Fight for me..and I will hold your oaths fulfilled.What say you!?"

I mouthed to the king 'Please,do it.'.

King: "Fine, but we have to return something that someone left for us to keep safe.Lady Caladwen,it's been so long since we seen you."

My three members looked at me in shocked.

Me: "Hello, Xavier."

I looked at my friend's.

Me: "Ok,I have only been here once.As a favor to Gandalf but I got here and saw that I had the Ring of Purity.They were nice to me and I left two important items to me that I needed to keep safe.And if you wonder why I didn't tell is because you didn't ask."

Aragorn just smirked.

King: "Your treasures my Lady."

He took a box in his hands and opened it.In it was a bright potion I made to take ones desire and nightmares away, and a silver ring with a golden dagger on it.

Me: "Thank you for keeping them safe."

He bowed to me then left to battle in boats.

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