Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 75.5K 61K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


29.3K 1K 724
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Twentytwo
Mya Anderson
Mya's House - Three Days Later

I sat in my living room with Kayla, Syren, EJ and Eva trying to get myself out of this depression. I haven't really said anything to anyone after my store got wrecked. I guess you can say I'm still in shock.

Grabbing my phone I opened Instagram. I've been receiving so much backlash and if I said it wasn't bothering me, I'd be lying. I just don't understand how this is my fault. This is another reason why I didn't want to be with Chris. My life is no longer private, people are jumping to conclusions, listening to blogs and just being disrespectful for no reason.

Clicking my story, I watched the video I posted last night. You could see the pain all in my eyes.

"It's so fucked up that I have to even get on here and explain myself but if it'll make everybody get the fuck off my back then here we go. Let's make one thing clear. The store that I opened in LA came from my pockets. My boyfriend did not give me one dime nor did I ask him to. This location was a dream of mine long before Chris even came into the picture. I have a very successful store in Miami, I don't need his money. Second thing, why would I hire somebody to destroy something? I've read so many comments that said I did this for an insurance job. Obviously a lot of you just talk without knowing how shit works. Why would I go through all the shit I went through to get my store just to have someone destroy it because y'all broke bums think I need some money?! That's not the case at all. There as so many different speculations and I can't keep sitting back keeping my mouth closed. My store was ruined by a Latina woman that thought it was okay to call me a black bitch and got smacked in her fucking face for it. I've been dealing with sooooo much shit lately FOR NO FUCKING REASON or a because a Bitch is jealous and I'm so over it. I should be focusing on bouncing back from all this. This bullshit here is setting me back for months! But no I gotta deal with miserable ass people that feel like they have the right to judge some shit y'all don't have a fucking clue about. Just leave me the fuck alone. Worry about Chris, he's the famous person not me, I'm just fucking him. I ain't trying to be famous I don't need no clout. I am gooooood. PERIOD"

The video cut off and it took no time for it to be posted on blogs. A lot of people were asking for the chicks @ and even though I wanted to find it and post it, I just turned my phone off. When I cut it back on this morning, I had so many messages from Chris. He told me I shouldn't have done that, it's just adding fuel to the fire. He wants me to just sit back and bite my tongue. No! Not this fucking time!

"Girl stay off social media it's just going to make shit worse." EJ said while grabbing my phone.

I rolled my eyes and sunk down in my seat.

"I can't believe you haven't pulled up on these bitches yet. That's the only thing I'm tripping on." Kayla said. "Like what's the fucking hold up?"

She's been getting on my nerve honestly and I'm ready to tell this bitch to go back to Miami or go leech at Chris house. "Kayla I got other shit to worry about then fighting some simple ass hoes! I gotta get my store up and running AGAIN. That's what I'm focused on."

"Well you been sitting around the house looking sad since it happened. Don't look like you doing much to me."

"Damn Kayla, you being real supportive right now." EJ said sarcastically.

"I'm just saying, we could've been handled them bitches. She ain't did shit cause she listening to Chris. He saving those bitches when he should be taking up for you. This the second time he done let this bitch slide. Is he protecting her?"

"Kayla I'm not trying to hear nothing you saying girl! You keep pissing me off and ima be fighting you bitch." I yelled.

"Right energy, wrong person BITCH!"

I was about to jump out of my seat but Syren and Eva held me down. I HATE when people grab me. I'm the right motherfucka to piss off today. "You can find you a fucking flight back to Miami bitch and I'm not paying for it either. Maybe if you go suck Hoody off he'll buy it."

Kayla laughed pissing me off even more. "Girl you think I'm worried about you?! I don't know if you trying to show off for your little friends but relax sis. You don't want these problems and you know it."

I snatched away from Syren and Eva easily and was on that bitch head! I've beat Kayla's ass plenty of times growing up. She would only get the best of me when she uses her weight to overpower me. But when it's comes to these hands, she can't beat me. Like right now.

All I could hear was everybody telling me to stop but Fuck that. This bitch wanna run her mouth now I'm about to make it bleed. I could feel them trying to pull me off but I wasn't budging until someone snatched me like I wasn't nothing.

"LET ME GOOOO!" I screamed, trying to get out whoever's grasp.

"Mya chill the fuck out!" Chris's voice filled my ears.

When the hell did he get here?! He took me into the bathroom and slammed the door and locking it. "Move Chris."

"Why you fighting yo sister man?"

"Because she talk too fucking much now move before you next."

"We not even about to play them games, you need to chill yo little ass out man. Look at your face it's a long ass ugly scratch on it!"

I look in the mirror to see what he was talking about and I don't know what she hit me with but it got me good. I yelled while knocking everything off the counter. "FUCK!"

"Baby relax. Just take some deep breaths."

"Fuck a deep breath and all that peaceful shit you on. I'm so fucking sick of EVERYBODY!" I started pacing. "I'm going through enough and it seems like everybody just wants to bother me!" My hand smacked the sink. I'm so heated.

"Mya I—."

"I don't want to hear the pep talks or what you think I should do. If you want to tell somebody some shit go tell everybody to get out of my fucking house right now!"

He sighed then walked out the bathroom. I sat up on the counter and rubbed my hand over my face. The scratch was starting to hurt. I guess she had a ring on.

There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked.

Eva's head popped. "You okay?"

"Honestly, no. I'm just over everything. I want to go back to Miami so bad and just lock myself in my apartment."

"It'll all get better I promise. Take a few days to yourself. Syren is coming to my place, I don't know what you're sister is going to do. She was being so unnecessary out there."

"Man.....I don't even want to talk about her right now. Hopefully she goes the fuck home."

Eva nodded. "Well Chris is kicking us out. I'll give you a few days then I'll call and check up on you."

"Okay, see you later."

"Bye boo." She hugged me the walked out.

About 20 minutes went by before Chris came back. "You Good now?" He asked.


"Good, let's clean your face." He went into the medicine cabinet and got peroxide and a cotton ball. "Baby you need to smoke a blunt and relax cause you've really been spazzing."

I pushed his hand away before it touched me. "Don''re not about make this my fault when you weren't even here to know what happened. All of that started because I didn't want to fight the bitches that destroyed my store. She kept running her mouth so I hit her in it. I'm so done and over everybody and everything." I felt myself getting ready to cry and I'm honestly tired of doing that. "Is California bad luck for me of something? I shouldn't have never came here."

Chris grabbed my hands. "Don't say that cause if you never would've came there would be no us and I've been living my best life since I made you mine."

That warmed me up a little bit. "Chris my life has became so crazy and I feel like I'm going to go crazy."

"I know I'm the reason why a lot of the crazy shit has happened and Mya, I'm so sorry. And I shouldn't expect you to handle all this scrutiny and your life being the center of attention to millions of people the way I do when you haven't been around this as long as I have. That was selfish of me. You have every right to be mad and every right to cry and spazz. I see the crazy shit that people say about you and the things that has happened. But I promise Mya it's all going to get better."

"Right now it feel like it isn't."

"It will baby just trust me. I feel like all this crazy shit will end up ruining what we have and I don't want that."

I just looked up at him.

"Tell me that won't happen Mya." He gently held my face. "Please baby."

"It won't happen Chris."

He kissed me. "You promise?"

I nodded then he kissed me again. "Let's clean your face then go watch a movie or something." Chris said.


Chris Brown
A Few Hours Later

Mya was fast asleep in my lap as I watched Dragonball Z. I just ran my hands over her hair because I knew how much she liked the feeling.

These past few days have just been crazy. I still can't believe any of this has happened and I'm just praying all the bullshit is over. Because I know if it continues and people I know are responsible, we're not going to be in a long standing relationship. Mya is one of the best things that has happened to me in a long time since finding out about Royalty and I'm not about to let these weak ass hoes cause me to lose out on something so special.

I feel like the Briana situation is mainly my fault. I didn't protect Mya, I didn't stand up for her and I kept trying to stop her from defending herself.

But that's over with.

My baby about to get her store fixed, plus more. I hired her a lawyer that should be here at any minute. I'm taking everything that Briana and Bonnie has. Once I find out who the third bitch is, we getting her to. All the little money they make from those fashion nova and flat tummy tea ads about to be right in Mya's bank account.

I bent down and started kissing Mya's cheek, causing her eyes to eventually flutter open. "Leave me alone Chris." She whined while pushing my face away.

"No, you gotta get up baby. We're about to have company."

"I don't want any company, I just want to sleep."

"You can go right back to sleep after this and you cook me dinner."

"No nigga you cooking for me." She sat up and yawned. "I'm exhausted."

"Why? You got my baby in there?" My hand landed on her stomach and she smacked it.

"Don't play like that."

"One day my love."

"Riiiiiiiiight...who coming over here?"

"My lawyer Mark, plugged me with this lady that handles shit like this. I talked to her the other day about your situation and told her we had proof of who it was."

"We just know it's Briana from her tattoo."

"Don't worry baby, I got that covered.....I tried to call you yesterday about this but you turned your damn phone off or blocked me."

"Yeah I blocked you and turned my phone off. You were getting on my nerve with everybody else." She rolled her eyes. I grabbed her face then laid her back on the couch, and climbed on top of her. I started ticking her sides, she squirmed and laughed. "You better stop blocking my number."

"Stop pissing me off."

"Shut up." I smacked her ass. "You piss me off too but I don't block your number."

"If you did I'd just pull up on yo dumb ass and slice all your tires."

"I wish you would."

"Block me and see what happens."

I smiled before kissing her lips. "I love when my Bitch just as crazy as me."

"I might be crazier daddy."

"Don't call me daddy unless you trying to make me another one."

"Boy." She pushed me off. "Kill the pregnancy jokes. You could jinx me and I'm not having none of your big eared babies right now."

"So you trying to say my daughter got big ears?!"

She flashed this big stupid smile. "She's sooooo pretty though."

"Fuck you, ima have RoRo two piece yo ass."

"Don't get yo baby thumped." Mya said while getting up but I pulled her back on my lap.

"You gone get thumped, keep playing with my daughter."


"On a serious note Mya, I want you to meet mom soon. She asks about you all the time. I just didn't want to rush the process."

"I'd love to meet her."

"Alright, after your birthday I'll set something up."

"Uuuugh! My birthday is coming up and with all this shit going on the last thing I'll have time to do is celebrate. This is so bold."

"You'll celebrate it, I promise."

"I don't even care right now." She got up. "I'm going to go change, I'll be back."

I nodded and she headed upstairs.

Pulling up my phone I went to my texts with Syren and Eva. I been knew Kayla was a foul person so I ain't include her in Mya's birthday Surprise.

Syren, Eva

Have you two thought of how we're going to
surprise Mya ?

The scavenger hunt idea was dope - Eva
Yeah leave her little riddles around her house
and the city - Syren

Yeah I like that, figure out some riddles and shit
I'm taking her to Costa Rica

Can I come?! 😩 you won't even know I'm
there - Syren

Nope, Bye!

🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽 - Syren
😂 we in Costa Rica PERIOD'T - Eva

Show up on this trip and watch what happens

Blah blaaaah! - Eva

I just locked my phone and tossed it on the couch. They always trying to ruin shit.

The door bell rang and I instantly wish Mya was down here because I don't feel like moving. But I got up anyway and opened it. It was the lawyer. "Hey how you doing?"

"Hello Christopher. I'm Diane, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Same here."

We shook hands.

"Mya should be down in a second. You can have a seat right here." I led her into the living room. "Let me go check on her, I'll be right back." I jogged up the stairs. "Baby." I called out while walking into the room.

She was in the middle of putting on makeup. "My what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"The goal was just to cover the scar and then I found this lip gloss I just bought and a whole beat popped in my head so that's what I'm doing."

"The lawyer lady is downstairs."

"I just need two seconds."

"No, hell no. Get yo ass up." I snatched her brush.

"Chris gone somewhere!"

"Man for real don't have this woman waiting on you because you want to put on your second face."

"Fuck you."

"Later... now get that ass up."

She tossed her brush like a little brat then stood up, folding her arms. Her little pouty face is the cutest thing ever.

"Straighten that face up before I bend you over on that bed. I'm not playing with you Mya." I said while getting in her face.

She stuck her tongue out. "Meanie, fat head!"

I smacked her ass really hard. "Get downstairs NEEEOOW." My mouth clinched just like my moms used to back in the day.

Mya laughed then walked out the door.

When we got downstairs Diane stood up. "You must be Mya." She extended her hand.

"I am."

"Diane, nice to meet you."

"Same here. Thanks for coming by."

"No problem. My good friend Mark said we have something that needs resolving and I'm here to help. So explain to me what happened Mya."

"I had my grand opening for my store a few days ago and once we left from the party I threw, Someone wrecked my shop. It's about 50,000 in damages. Everything inside was destroyed except for like my TV's. The Next morning when I found out, I checked my surveillance and it showed everything that happened. While they were spray painting my walls, one of the girls tattoos became visible and someone recognized and said that it was a girl named Briana."

"Have you and Briana had disputes in the past?"

Mya looked at me and I just nodded.

"Yes we have." Mya answered. "A few weeks ago, she called me a black bitch because she was jealous or whatever but I did get physical with her."

"I mean she can't be mad that you did get physical, she shouldn't have said that to you at all."

"My point exactly. Like I've been dealing with people's craziness because of my complexion for as long as I can remember and it always triggers me. And for a Latina woman to say that to me, I had every right to go off."

"Absolutely agree." Diane nodded. "Okay now you guys picked her out based off her tattoo, is that the only evidence you have? If this goes to court her lawyers could possibly say that millions of people have that tattoo or if the video isn't clear it could be dwindled down to just speculations. I need some solid proof."

"I got something." I said while grabbing my phone. I pulled the video from the day I went to visit Bonnie then passed it to Diane. As soon as Bonnie started running her mouth I turned on my camera.

"Oh you went to this bitch house?!" Mya whispered in my ear.

"Girl shut up this about to help you win this case and That's all you worried about."

"Wait til she leave, I'm fucking you up." Mya laughed to play off her threatening me then kissed my cheek.

I looked at her crazy ass and shook my head. I really have met my match.

"This is great Chris! Email that to me, please." Diane said.

"I sure will."

"Mya, you need to get everything priced and whatever all the damage comes up to we're going to double that. Since they didn't want to miss out on the fun were going to give them a great time while taking everything. Don't worry sweetie you'll be able to get your store fixed and open another one by the time I'm finished."

Mya smiled. "I like the sound of that."

"Good. Now I'm going to head down to my office and get everything going. I'll be calling you tomorrow." Diane said while standing up, causing us to do the same.

"Okay, thank you so much Diane."

"No problem sweetie. It was nice meeting you and Chris."

We shook hands again then walked her to the door. As soon as Mya let her out, I pulled my shirt off. After she closed the door and turned around, I was right on her. My hand gripped her neck. "Now who you say you was gone fuck up?" I asked tightening my grip.

She just smiled before flicking her tongue at me.

It's about to get wild.


Finally found the time to update. It's my birthday weekend and I've been drunk everyday, thank god for no hangovers!

I'll be 2? Tomorrow 😌♈️ #AriesGang 🤘🏽

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