The New Arcana Famiglia [A L...

By SeiryuuSuzaku

12.4K 345 113

To save Papa and keep the balance of all the Arcanas, the family has to unite all the arcana hosts, from all... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Part 1)
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Part 1)
Chapter 5 (Part 2)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 13

191 4 2
By SeiryuuSuzaku

Felicita stifled another yawn as she walked out into the garden. She was still a bit tired but she had lots of work that day. Papa had asked her to help the new members get adjusted and find suitable jobs for them. Felicita didn't know much about any of them and so she had no idea how to go about this business.

"Good morning, Felicita!"

Felicita looked around startled. She then caught sight of Morgan sitting at one of the garden tables. Apparently somebody had already served him breakfast, as Felicita saw a plate with some toast in front of him and other dishes arranged neatly around.

"Good morning, Morgan!" She replied brightly and walked over to him.
"Toast?" He asked gesturing towards the plate.
"Thank you but I'll eat with Mama and Papa in a bit."
"Sure... one of the maids saw me wandering around the garden and got it into her head that she had to serve me breakfast immediately. I tried to refuse but she seemed so ferocious in her insistence that I accepted."

Felicita gave a little laugh.

"I'm sorry. I think they have been asked to look after the guests extremely well and so they might go a bit overboard."

"Quite alright. It's rare for me to get such a good breakfast with my morning news."

Morgan had a half-read newspaper spread out in front of him. Felicita couldn't see what exactly he was reading but she was pretty sure that this was that page devoted for international news.

The Daily Regalo was mostly a local paper but it still reserved half a page or so for world news.

"Anything interesting?" She asked moving forward to take a closer look.

"Not really" said Morgan as he closed the newspaper quickly. He then casually tossed it onto the other chair.

"Do I her someone calling your name,Felicita?"

Felicita looked up to see one of her maids calling out for her from the direction of the house.

"Oh! Mama must be calling me! I'll leave then! I hope we can meet again when you take a better look at the things we do here and choose your faction!"

"Sure! I'll leave too then!"

Felicita ran towards the house. Secretly she was hoping Morgan would join her unit. He was rather interesting and he seemed good with his skills. Moreover she found it very easy to get along with him.

I suppose that's his natural British charm or something....

Morgan watched Felicita run off but he made no move to get up. Once she was out of sight, he took the newspaper and turned back to the page he was reading.

After a few minutes there was the sound of soft footsteps. Out of the corner of his eye, Morgan saw a little girl running across the lawn. He recognised her from the previous night.

Lucia... that's the name....

She finally disappeared behind some bushes. Morgan went back to his paper.

"What's in world news today?"

"And good morning to you too, Sherlene."

Morgan didn't have to look up to know it was the American woman who had approached him.

Just the person I was waiting for....

"Ah darling..... your British manners!"
"And ah Madam..... your American drama!"

Sherlene grinned but said nothing. By now she had understand that Morgan was not who he appeared to be. First appearances made one think he was a quiet, shy and perhaps a respectable young man.

But Sherlene had noticed how this was just a Magician's trick too. He was extremely sharp-tongued and witty. He was perhaps quite shrewd and from the way he talked it almost felt like he knew more about you than you had thought. He also seemed to have a keen sense of observation.

Perhaps too keen for his own good....

"And now you are probably thinking of how in the world you mistook me for a gentleman in the first place!"

"Don't play your little tricks on me, darling!"
Morgan just chuckled and turned the page of the newspaper.

Sherlene took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Smoking so early?" He asked.
"It's become a habit."
"There was something in the news actually...."
"What?" Sherlene looked at Morgan warily.

"I'm not sure... but it might interest you perhaps?"

Morgan threw the paper onto the table and it opened up to the international page.

Sherlene grabbed at it with amazing agility.

"Haha! You seem nervous!"
"I'm not!"

She quickly scanned the page and looked up to him.

"You were not referring to the stock prices were you?"

Morgan laughed. He stood up and as he walked past Sherlene he said in a low voice.

"I'll keep yours if you keep mine."

"What's yours?" Asked Sherlene as she moved away from him.

"Well... you will know when you know! Have a good day!"


Sherlene looked at him carefully.
"Are you just trying to get me to slip up?"
"Huh? I don't know what you mean?"

So this is what it feels like to have a taste of your own medicine... if the brat was younger I would have slapped him...

"And now you want to thrash me? How unbecoming of you!"

Sherlene composed herself.
"Hey... I asked you to-"
"It's not within my control. Just be guarded."

Sherlene paused.

"If there's something you want to hide just don't think about it near me alright? I don't care about your dirty secrets. We all have them."

Morgan's voice had changed now. It was more serious and to Sherlene it seemed that he was talking to not just convince her but himself too.

Can he or can he not control his powers?

"Ok. Why don't you tell me a secret about you too?"

"Oh won't that be fun!" Morgan gave a dry laugh "Keep trying!"

"Oh I intend to darling! It works both ways you know!"

The mood lightened and Morgan sighed.

"I have no idea why I keep running into you but that's why I think we need to make sure we don't get in each others way!"

"I have no idea what your way is Morgan but alright. What exactly do you want to do here?"

A flash of hesitation crossed his face. He gave a sigh and opened his mouth when they heard a scream.

"What was that?" He asked looking around quickly.

"It came from there." Said Sherlene pointing towards one of the gazebos in the garden.

That little girl was going that way.....

"Let's go see!" Said Morgan as he ran towards the gazebo.

Sherlene put out her cigarette and followed him.

Better to have him as an ally than an enemy....

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