Against the world

By StephenJ7

49.2K 638 705

This story takes place after the events of falling for Becky Lynch. To avoid any spoilers please read that st... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
The end💚

chapter twelve

1.1K 19 22
By StephenJ7

Sunday afternoon 12pm

Stephen hasn't been able to sleep all week Becky never returned home or replied to his calls or texts which has been worrying him.

"Hey Becky it's me again please just call or text me I'm really worried about you now. Hopefully I'll see you at the arena later.
I love you"
Stephen ended the voicemail and sighed he's been worried sick since Monday but he knew he couldn't delay leaving any longer. He grabbed his bag with his gear and clothes in it and put it into the trunk of his car and set off for the staples center.
After a short drive to the arena Stephen got out of his car to loud cheers from fans who were standing around watching for superstars appearing. Stephen sat his case down at his car and made his way over too the fans and took some photos and signed autographs for as many as he could. One eagle eyed young fan quickly spotted the shiny wedding ring on Stephens finger and it didn't take long for the rest of the fans in attendance to spot it.
"You guys got married "
"Oh my god I'm so happy for you guys"
"Tell Becky we love her"
Stephen laughed and nodded at all the fans comments and said his goodbyes as he turned to head inside. The fans comments still stuck in his head until it hit him again that he still had no idea where she was or who she was with he didn't care at this point he was just worried sick and wanted her back home.
Stephen dumped his bags and belongings into his locker room before he began the walk out too the ring. Once he made it too the stage he saw his group of friends finn,Sasha,bayley and Charlotte standing in the ring speaking with a familiar redhead with her back too him. Stephen began sprinting as fast as his legs could take him down the ramp.
"Don't look now but someone looks happy to see you becks"
Charlotte said too her as Becky turned around and was quickly picked up into the air and spun around a smile immediately brought on to her face. The rest of the group left giving the couple some alone time in the ring.
Stephen put her back down on to her feet and placed both his hands on her cheek and instantly planted a long passionate kiss on her lips which Becky in turn did the same while having her hands gently on his hips. Once the kiss was done they both looked into each other's eyes and smiled.
"I love you so much Rebecca. Where the hell have you been I've been so worried about you."
He quickly brought her into a tight hug as Becky heard Stephen release some tears on to her shoulder. Becky quickly broke the hug and cupped his cheeks and began wiping the tears with her thumbs whilst placing a kiss on his forehead.
She motioned for him to sit down with her which he done. They sat in the one of the corners of the rings as she sat between his legs and rested her back against his chest.
"I'm really sorry about tonight Rebecca I promise you I swear on my life I've gotten smarter and wiser I won't let a repeat of mania happen."
"I trust you big guy doesn't mean it's going to be any easier to watch. Just please I'm begging you do not take your eyes off him tonight"
Stephen nodded in agreement with Becky as she turned and faced him.
" this ends tonight with me on my feet with my hand raised in the air"
"Promise ?"
She asked as she extended her pinky out.
"Really Rebecca ? We are grown adults"
He said as they both laughed
"Just do it"
He quickly wrapped his pinky around hers and promised her.
"So where have you been the last couple days Becky?"
Becky looked down at the mat remembering her actions this week. She'd actually enjoyed herself with Seth but as soon as Stephen asked she immediately began feeling guilty and sick to her stomach.
"I just wanted to spend a couple days with the girls and catch up. I'm sorry I didn't reply to you I just didn't want to speak after Monday. I was really hurt Stephen"
Stephen felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulder after hearing her where she'd been.
"I understand I should've spoke to you first. I'm really sorry"
"It doesn't matter anymore what matters tonight is that you win and come back to me at the end of it standing by yourself"
"I will"
The couple shared a quick kiss before they were told to quickly leave the ring and go get ready for the payperview tonight.

A few hours later and Sumerslam was in full swing. Stephen was pacing back and forward in his locker room stretching taking some deep breaths and throwing some punches and kicks to get him prepared for the war he was about to go through. He stopped for a moment as he heard a knock on his door. He approached it an opened it and in came Finn,Sasha and bayley Stephen was a little disappointed it wasn't Becky but he was happy to see his friends again.
"Expecting someone else lad?"
Stephen chuckled
"I'm not going to lie I was hoping it was going to be my wife"
Sasha playfully rolled her eyes at his comment.
"She's probably watching the women's title match. She is next in line at survivor series remember."
Stephen nodded his head. He thought about what Becky had told him earlier about spending time with the girls all week he had no reason to doubt her but just for reassurance he decided to ask bayley and Sasha.
"Hey bayley Sasha was Becky with-"
He was quickly interrupted by a knock at the door it was a member of staff telling him it was time. Stephen nodded and turned to his friends as the girls gave him a hug and Finn shook his hand.
"If he tries anything out there tonight lad I promise you I'll be right out there for you"
He smiled at Finns words.
"Thank you brother"
Stephen grabbed his jacket and began his walk too the curtain.
He waited as triple h's music finished and the fans began chanting his name. The nerves started kicking in.
"Stephen wait"
He quickly tuned around and saw Becky sprinting towards him. She immediately ran into his arms and hugged him tight before planting a long kiss on his lips.
"Kick his ass big guy"
He smiled down at her and nodded as his music began playing it was time to end this.
He stood on top of the ramp as the crowd went crazy. Stephen had blocked everyone out except the man standing in the middle of the ring waiting for him not taking his eyes off him.

*35minutes later*
Stephen had been going strong for over thirty minutes in his comeback match. Although for a lot of the match triple h had taken advantage of the fact that Stephen still wasn't very mobile his legs weren't 100% yet which was noticeable because every time he moved he still limped.
The ringside area was carnage covered in broken part of weapons and tables lying everywhere. One of the ringside barricades had been destroyed after Stephen speared triple through it. The commentators table was in ruins after triple h pedigreed Stephen through it but Stephen shocked everyone when he got up before the referee could reach ten. This match had become more brutal than there last encounter. The two men were in the ring breathing heavily. Stephen was laying in a corner against one of the turnbuckles. Triple h was pulling himself up on one of the ropes.
They met in the middle of the ring and began trading blows until triple h dropped too his knees in exhaustion. Stephen looked down at his fallen mentor. He looked behind him and picked up the sledgehammer. He slowly raised it above his head the crowd began encouraging him. Triple h raised his hands and begged and pleaded with Stephen not to do it. Stephen began slowly lowering the hammer as the crowd voiced there dissatisfaction at his actions. Stephen looked at the crowd then at triple h.
"Game over hunter!!"
He screamed at the top of his lungs as the crowd went wild. He raised the sledgehammer quickly above his head before bringing it back down again at the same speed as he smashed it over triple h.
The referee began his count slowly and for Stephen it felt like eternity when the referee finally made it to ten and triple h hadn't moved once. The bell rang and the crowd were going crazy as the referee lifted Stephens arm above his head and the announcer announced his name as the winner.
He slowly made his way to the back limping and holding his ribs as he shook hands with fans as they thanked him.
He took a few steps through the curtain before Becky appeared out of nowhere and quickly wrapped her arms around his waist as she placed her head on his shoulder. He took a few deep breaths
"I told you I'd come back to you"
She looked up at him and smiled before kissing him.
"Just don't ever scare me like this again"
He nodded before his group of friends appeared covered them in a group hug congratulating him on the win.
Once they were done Becky took Stephens hand as they made there way to his locker room. They came to a halt as they came face to face with Seth who was on his way for his match. Becky gripped his hand tightly. Stephen let go and gave her a reassuring smile. He walked up to Seth and got face to face with the man he once considered a friend.
"I'll see you Monday Rollins"
He said to Seth as he looked at him then down at his universal title. Seth never spoke he just smirked and continued walking. Becky approached Stephen and took hold of his hand.
"Let's get you home big guy"
The couple soon left the arena hand in hand completely happy.
Tomorrow night was going to be the beginning of a long road ahead of trouble and drama for the couple.

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