The Future Is The Past (Trans...

By PrincessAura273

191K 5.5K 1.6K

Vaughan Witwickey is a music lover. Listens to any kind of music she can get her hands on. When she creates a... More

The Future Is The Past (Transformers G1 FanFiction)
Part 1
Chapter 1 - Strange Noise
Chapter 2 - Decepticon Attack
Chapter 3 - Say Hello To The Autobots
Chapter 4 - Operation: Power Plant
Chapter 5 - The Crystal Mines
Chapter 6 - What Happens Now?
Chapter 7 - The Dubstep Discovery
Chapter 8 - A Musical Truth
Chapter 9 - Surprise
Chapter 10 - They Just Had To Come Back
Chapter 11 - Rescue
Authors Note - Which Episodes?
Chapter 12 - Meeting The Whiz Kid
Chapter 13 - Anti-Matter Formula
Chapter 14 - Fight Back
Chapter 15 - Autobot Down
Chapter 16 - One Way Or Another
Chapter 17 - Going Home
Part 2
Chapter 18 - Senior Year
Chapter 19 - Good Things Will Happen
Chapter 20 - Return To Mission City
Chapter 21 - A Messed Up Sparkplug
Chapter 22 - Atmosphere
Chapter 23 - Natural Disasters
Chapter 25 - Battle of Cybertron
Chapter 26 - Another Transformation
Chapter 27 - Get Back Up
Chapter 28 - Animals
Chapter 29 - Losing Control
Chapter 30 - Old Memories
Chapter 31 - Take Your Mind Off Things
Chapter 32 - Immobilized
Chapter 33 - Demobilized
Chapter 34 - Seeing Double
Chapter 35 - Father Figure
Chapter 36 - Fast Future & Corrupted Minds
Chapter 37 - Personalities
Part 3
Chapter 38 - Who Is Remix?
Authors Note: Removing Some Episodes
Chapter 39 - Open House
Chapter 40 - Empire State Of Mind
Chapter 41 - New York State Of Mind
Chapter 42 - Surprises At Every Corner
Chapter 43 - Autobot Day
Chapter 44 - Decepticon Day
Chapter 45 - One In The Same
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Exposed
Chapter 48 - Origin
Chapter 49 - Graduation
Authors Note: Review!
Chapter 50 - Summer Vacation & Seperation
Chapter 51 - Cybertonium
Chapter 52 - Welcome Back To Cybertron
Chapter 53 - Blaster
Chapter 54 - Dark Side Of The Moon
Chapter 55 - College
Part 4
Chapter 56 - Car Chase
Chapter 57 - Raoul
Chapter 58 - Fast & Furious
Chapter 59 - Dancitron
Chapter 60 - DJ Got Us Falling In Love
Chapter 61 - Old Bonds
Chapter 62 - He Could Be The One
Chapter 63 - Transform
Chapter 64 - Getting The Band Back Together
Chapter 65 - Guitar Cases
Chapter 66 - Drop That Bass
Chapter 67 - Piano Player
Chapter 68 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 69 - Battle Of The Bands
Chapter 70 - Bad News
Chapter 71 - The Mesmerizers
Chapter 72 - Slumber Party Blues
Chapter 73 - Shake Your Tail
Chapter 74 - Under Our Spell
Chapter 75 - Semi-Finals
Chapter 76 - It's A Trap
Chapter 77 - Arguments To Solutions
Chapter 78 - Pull It Together
Chapter 79 - Welcome To The Show
Chapter 80 - Destinies
Chapter 81 - Final Goodbyes
Possible Sequel?

Chapter 24 - A Plan of Action

2.2K 57 18
By PrincessAura273

The Autobots all arrived back at Autobot Headquarters safe and sound, away from the devastating natural disasters that were occurring all over the planet. Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Optimus Prime were closely monitoring Teletraan-1 on all of the occurrences that were happening across the planet. Earthquakes, tidal waves, freaky thunder and lightning storms, it seemed that nowhere on Earth was safe. Vaughan stood near by, watching as the Autobots formed a plan.

"We can't stand by and watch the destruction of this beautiful planet." said Optimus.

"But how can we battle the elements?" Ratchet asked. 

"We can't." Wheeljack answered. "But I know who can."

"Who then? Mother nature normally isn't a force to be reckoned with." said Vaughan. 

"The Dinobots." Wheeljack spoke.

Vaughan nearly jumped out of her skin with excitement when she heard that name. The Dinobots? Here?! At last she was finally going to meet the legendary Dinobots! But Vaughan also took pity, thinking that is curent situation that were all facing, wasn't exactly the way Vaughan wanted to meet the Dinobots. 

Wheeljack pressed a button on Teletraan-1's keyboard, and a secret door in the wall to the side of the room opened, revealing five Dinobots inside. They all wore the colour scheme of grey, red, gold, and blue.

"The Dinobots can take more punishment than anyone." The engineer added.

"Whoa." Vaughan whistled.

They sure were a sight to see. They had to be at least a few inches taller than Optimus Prime, 1 foot taller at most. 

"Perhaps it's worth a try." said Optimus.

Optimus Prime took a step forward, looking at the Dinobots as he pointed at the monitor. "Look at the monitor. You must help stop these disasters."

"Me Grimlock not care if planet falls about." Grimlock spoke up, raising a hand in the air.

Vaughan couldn't believe what she was hearing. Other than the fact that Grimlock's speech kind of reminded her of a bad caveman movie, she couldn't believe that Grimlock and the others wouldn't help! Didn't they release if the planet was destroyed, they would all go down? Including them?!

"Makes no difference to Grimlock." he added.

But thankfully Wheeljack seemed to be thinking the same thing has Vaughan. He stood by Prime, pointing a finger at the Dinobot leader.

"With you on it?" He asked.

"Uh... We can't allow that. Dinobots, transform!" Grimlock ordered.

Vaughan sighed with relief as she crossed her arms. She was glad that the Dinobots, mainly Grimlock changed his mind in helping save Earth. She watched with amazement as they transformed into metal Dinosaurs! Now if Vaughan remembered their names correctly, Grimlock transformed into a T-Rex, while Swoop turned into a pterodactyl, Snarl turned into a stegosaurus. Sludge turned into a Brontosaurus, and Slug turned into a Triceratops.

"That is so cool!" Vaughan squealed.

"If you're lucky enough, maybe you'l see them in action." Wheeljack chuckled. 

"That would be awesome!" Vaughan smiled. 

After recovering from her small fangirlism, Vaughan looked around and didn't see any sign of her younger cousin Spike. "Spike? Where did you go?" She looked around the command center and he was nowhere to be seen. 

Vaughan prayed that he didn't go outside.

She ran down the hall and entered the medical bay, sighing a breath of relief when she found him sitin a a small metal like bench, holding a wrench in his hand.

"Spike? You okay buddy?" She asked as she walked over to him.

"Hmm? Oh, hey Vaughan." Spike greeted with a mumble, not taking his eyes off of the wrench.

His dads wrench.

Vaughan frowned as she took the seat next to him, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and pulled him to he side, hugging him.

"He's out there somewhere. We'll find him." She said reassuringly.

The two were alerted when the Optimus Prime entered the room, walking over as he knelt down in front of the two human teenagers.

"What's that Spike?" He asked.

"Oh this? It's my dads wrench." Spike answered. "... Why are humans working for the Decepticons?" He asked openly. "They're supposed to be on our side!"

"I'm telling you, they have ot be in stuck in some kind of mind control. There's no way uncle Sparkplug or any of those men had to be doing it willingly!" Vaughan stated.

"It is puzzling. But we can't deal with human beings as we do deal with the Decepticons. I may have to agree with you on this Vaughan. Something just isn't right." said Optimus. 

The sound of an explosion, followed by the entire area around them shaking violently, interupted Optimus' speech. 

"What the heck?!" Vaughan yelled. 

She, Spike, and Optimus ran back into the command centre where the rest of the Autobots were gathered around. They all seemed equaly as shocked as they tried to navigate across the shaking room. 

"Report Wheeljack!" Optimus ordered.

Even with all of this shaking, Vaughan mananged herself to look up at the moniter to see a live stream of a volcano exploding. That's when she realized..... They were in a volcano!

"Incredible! This volcano is becoming active again!" Wheeljack spoke with a mix of amazement and fear.

"Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus commanded. 

The Autobots were quick to do as they were told, transforming into their vehicle modes and bolting for the exit. Pieces of the ceiling began collapsing to the ground as Vaughan, Spike, Bumblebee, and Optimus Prime were the remaining few inside. Bumblebee transformed into his vehicle mode, inclining the two humans to climb in.

"Yikes!" Vaughan screamed.

Avoiding falling rubble, the two teenagers climbed in and Bumblebee zoomed pasted down the hallway as Skyfire came in from a intersection, following the yellow Autobot.

With Optimus Prime closely behind the two, the three of them all made it out safely, regrouping with the other Autobots who were waiting for them. Bumblebee allowed the two teens to get out before he and the rest of the Autobots transformed into their robot modes. Ironhide pointed up at the top of the volcano, watching as the red and orange lava soared from the opening. 

"Wait, we're missing a few 'Bots!" Vaughan yelled with realization as she looked around. 

There was a sudden burst of energy from the opening as Ratchet, Huffer, and Windcharger, were shot out of the volcano. 

"Holy Halogens!" Skyfire yelled. 

Skyfire transformed into his jet mode and flew right up into the giant ash and dust cloud formed by the volcano. "Be careful!" Vaughan screamed at the newly made Autobot. 

She and the Autobots watched with a worry heart as Skyfire emerged from the smoke, catching the three Autobots. The rest of them cheered him on as he landed, setting the three down as he transformed into his robot mode again.

"Have no fear, Skyfire is here!" He grinned.

"There's one problem we don't have to worry about." said Optimus. "But somebody has got to turn off that volcano."

"Is that even possible?" Vaughan asked. 

As the two talked, Ironhide had transformed into his vehicle mode and went riding back towards the base, and straight for the volcano.

"Ironhide come back!" Spike yelled. 

"It's not safe!" Vaughan added. 

"Come back!"

At this point, the volcano was really going crazy. More lava was shotting out, along with rocks and boulders that were set a flame. 

"He'll never make it!" said Bumblebee. 

"Ironhide!" Vaughan called. 

"What good could Ironhide do in the middle of a volcano?!" Spike asked.

"I don't know." Optimus answered truthfully. "I just hope he comes out operational."

All of a sudden less lava was spewing out of the volcano, and more and more smoke was vanishing from the opening until only a few small trails remained. The lava along the sides of the volcano hardened and turned into pitch black rock. The Autobots cheered, realizing that this must have been Ironhide's doing. 

"He did it!" Vaughan cheered. 

"Now lets hope that the Dinobots do half as well." said Wheeljack.

Vaughan was completely unaware that the Dinobots had already long left the base. She realized that they must have left when she went to check on Spike. She slouched a little. She was disappointed that she wasn't able to actually talk to the Dinobots. 

Once it was safe enough to go back inside, the Autobots began rummaging around for any spare parts that survived the eruption of the volcano. Optimus, Wheeljack, and Ironhide were huddled in their own little group having a chat as Spike and Vaughan ran over to them.

"--It's uncertain, but for the moment I feel it's best that the girl and the boy don't find out." Optimus finished.

"Find out what?" Spike spoke up.

"What's going on?" Vaughan asked. 

Optimus and the two Autobots flinched when they heard their voices, looking down upon them. Optimus stepped forward, and leaning down towards the two teens.

"Spike, Vaughan, we have received information that Sparkplug was taken to Cybertron." said Optimus.

"What?!" Vaughan nearly screamed with shock.

"Dad... on Cybertron?!" Spike raised his voice with realization. A look of determination came upon his face as he formed his hand into a fist, raising it just to under his face. "Optimus Prime, let me take Skyfire. We'll get him back."

"You can count me in too." Vaughan nodded. 

No way was she going to let her uncle stay in the clutches of those no good Decepticons. She knew the feeling, personally. Besides, this gave her an oppurtinuty to check out Cybertron for herself. 

"It's too dangerous." Prime cautioned. "I can't let you do that."

"But if we can save my dad, we can learn what Megatron has over him and the other Earth people." Spike reasoned. 

"I still say they're being brainwashed." Vaughan stated with her arms crossed. "No doupt about it."

"Hmm, it makes sense to me." said Wheeljack. "I'll go with Spike and Vaughan."

"Me too!" Bumblebee added as he ran over and joined the group. 

"You can count me in." Skyfire added as he came in from behind. 

"Please Optimus Prime?" Spike begged. 

"Just this once! We promise we'll stay with the guys the entire time!" Vaughan reasoned. 

"Very well." Optimus replied. 

"THAT'S SO UNFAIR! WHY WOULD YOU--Wait, what?!" Vaughan yelled but stopped.

"I said you could go." Optimus repeated. 

"Oh." Vaughan relaxed as she exchanged a glance with her younger cousin, then looked up at the Autobots who volunteered for the trip, Trailbreaker and Brawn joining in. "Autobots, let's roll out!"

The Autobots cheered as they all ran out of the volcano, Skyfire transforming into his jetmode as everyone else piled inside. 

"Really Vaughan?" Spike asked with a laugh as the two of them strapped into their seats. 

"What? I couldn't resist, it just fitted in so well." Vaughan shurgged. 

Once everyone was secure, Skyfire started his engine and sky rocketed up into the sky. At least there was one advantage with Cybertron being in Earth's atmosphere. The flight would be a lot shorter. 

"Let's see the map Skyfire." said Trailbreaker. 

Skyfire brought up a holographic map of the planet Cybertron. 

"Here is where we are now. Once we reach this point, I'll activate a jammer beacon to mess up their scanners." Trailbreaker planned. 

"Uh oh. I think it's too late for that. Look!" Bumblebee pointed a set of missiles coming up from the planet, red blips of their location appearing on the holographic map. 

"Skyfire, use your missile shields!" Wheeljack yelled. 

"I can't waste the energy." Skyfire replied. "Hang on, we'll out run them!"

Right after hearing that, Vaughan tightened the grip of her seatbelt and grabbed on to her seat. She hoped that her father never had to go through anything like this while he was overseas. Luckily Skyfire flew right past them, flying straight for the planet. She soared right in, landing on a helicopter platform. Skyfire allowed everyone out before transforming, although he tripped Brawn in the process.

As the two bickered amonce themselves, Vaughan shut them out as she looked around the metallic land in wonder. Here she was, standing on a completely different planet. How insane was this?! It was breath taking!

"It sure is different." said Spike who took the words right out of Vaughan's mouth.

"Funny, cause to me it just feels like home." Bumblebee replied. 

As she and her cousin Spike looked around, the two of them heard a warning from Wheeljack, but where caught off guard when the floor below them opened up and the two fell through it, sliding down a hidden vent. Bumblebee jumped in after them, nearly crashing into the two teens once they reached the bottom. They were in some kind of room in some kind of under ground facility. Bashing was heard as Brawn also came in through the vent just before it closed. 

"I blew it guys, we're sunk now." Spike slucked.

"Not yet we're not." Brawn protested. 

Brawn pointed up at a ventalater shaft, gaining an idea for an escape. Bumblebee gave him a boost, allowing him to rip open the shaft and climb inside. Bumblebee helped Spike and Vaughan inside the shaft before Brawn pulled the yellow Autobot up himself. 

The four of them walked down the shaft for a while, but stopped when the hall parted in different directions. 

"Which way now?" Spike asked. 

He got his answered when the hall behind the group was closed off. "Forward." Brawn answered.

The four of them continued forward only for the floor below them to break open again. The four screamed as they crashed to the ground. Vaughan felt a rush of pain course through her body as she tried to push herself up.

"You two okay?" Bumblebee asked as he helped Spike up while Brawn assisted Vaughan.

"I'm fine." Spike assured.

But as Vaughan put some weight on her right foot, her ankle acked. She locked her teeth together, hissing as she felt the pain. 

"Ah! I think my ankle is sprained. Maybe worse." She hissed. 

Spike walked over to her, nodding at Brawn as she took one of her arms and wrapped it around his neck, helping her stand. 

"Where are we anyway?" He asked. 

As everyone got a good look at the room, it appeared to have computers, a strange geerator, the whole works. Almost like a command centre. 

"This is... Decepticon headquarters!" Bumblebee realized. 

"Hey, look at this!" Brawn pointed.

The four of them walked over to one of the computers that appeared to be left on. A series of texts filled the screen. It read, Hypno Chip Control. 

"Ha! I knew it! I knew it was mind control!" Vaughan grinned. 

An image appeared of a holographic human and a green blip appeared, hiding behind the left ear.

"You were right Vaughan! That's what they're using to control my dad." said Spike.

"We need to get this information to Wheeljack." Brawn stated, bring out his communicator. "Wheeljack, are you there?"

"This is Wheeljack. Where are you?!"

"In Decepticon Headquarters at one of their labs. We figured out that the humans are being mind controlled." Brawn replied. 

"That's what I've been saying for hours!" Vaughan rolled her eyes.

"Someone's coming!" Bumblebee hushed.

As the two Autobots ran for cover, Spike picked up his cousin in his arms, surprisingly strong for a young teenager at his age. I guess all those times helping out his dad in the oil rigs paid off. He carried Vaughan down the room, hiding behind one of the generators as he set her down. Vaughan crawled over, taking a peek over to see Sparkplug entering the room.

"It's him!" she whispered.

Spike left his wrench on the counter of the generator as he helped Vaughan up again, quickly leading her to hide behind another part of the generator. The two teens peeked over and watched as Sparkplug picked up the wrench, holding it with delecacy in his hands.

"My-- my favourite wrench! How did it get here?"

Spike took a deep breath before stepping out of hiding, as Vaughan peeked out, limping slightly as she followed Spike and watched the unravel.

"Hi dad." Spike smiled.

"Spike? Vaughan? What are you two-- UGH!" The mircochip behind Sparkplug's ear starting going off as the man clutched his head with his hands. His expression changed from happy to angery, as he pointed a finger at the two teens.

"Intruders! The Decepticons must be alerted!" he snarled as he took off.

"Dad!" Spike called.

"Uncle Sparkplug!" Vaughan cried out, reaching forward as she nearly tripped on her sprained ankle.

The two teens watched with horror as Sparkplug ran over to a red button attached to the wall and pressed it, the alarm blarring all over the room as Vaughan covered her ears. 

"Nooooo!" Spike yelled.

"Is there anything we can do?!" Vaughan thought as she knelt down, fearfully waiting for the Decepticons to pour in.

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