captivated → lashton ✓

By honeylukes

272K 12.6K 4.5K

Luke receives notes in his locker on an almost daily basis from 'x', and he has hopes they could be from his... More



8.3K 479 65
By honeylukes

Luke's POV

"Hey, Ash." I whispered as we walked.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"Do you feel like someone is following us?"

He nodded his head and a feeling of relief hit me because I wasn't going crazy.  

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Let's go to the café down the road, it'll make us feel a little better."

Nodding, Ashton squeezed my hand a little tighter and made us walk a little quicker but the feeling wouldn't go away and it was hard not to turn around. Ashton looked like he was having the same problem because he kept turning his head half way and then facing forward again like he didn't want to see if there was something behind us.

Arriving at the café, Ashton sat us down in one of the booths that was next to the windows and ordered us a small amount of food with a drink. We pretty much had to get something otherwise we'd look a little strange.

"Well, no one can in after us which is good." Ashton said.


"Hey, are you ok?" Ashton reached across the table to take my hand.

"Just feeling a little weird." I admitted.

"It's ok, I've got the feeling too ok?" Ashton tried making me feel better.

"But what if it's x?" This was my worry and why it was bothering me more than Ashton.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." Ashton smiled at me.

"I know but...I don't know." I trailed off.

Ashton sighed knowing that I wasn't feel reassured about the situation before turning to look out of the window, seeing his face change into one of confusion, I turned to look out of the window too.

My face then matched Ashton's as there was a person soon on the other side of the road with his hood up and sunglasses on, holding a camera and facing us. Then, the man lifted his camera up and took a picture, presumable of Ashton and I, which caused Ashton to look at me.

"Did he take a picture of us?"

"I think so." I told him and Ashton looked out the window again to see the man moving away, Ashton then got up.

"Stay here, I'm going to ask." Ashton said and then started to leave the café, leaving me to sit in the booth by myself and watch from the window.

Ashton walked out and quickly caught up with the man and tapped him on the shoulder; the man turned around but kept his head down like he didn't want to be seen. The man didn't seem to say anything when Ashton spoke to him and I could see it was frustrating Ashton, however Ashton got angry properly when he seemed to catch a glimpse of the man's camera.

Acting upon instinct, Ashton grabbed for the camera but the man moved it out of the way and tried backing off but Ashton followed him, obviously not wanting to let him get away with pictures of us on the camera.

However, the man had a different idea and turned to leave but before he could walk very far, Ashton grabbed his arm and spun him around causing the glasses to slip off his face and for him to drop the camera. Then, before anything more could happen, the man shot off but left the camera and glasses despite Ashton's obvious yelling.

Deciding I should go to Ashton, I made my way over to him as he looked at the camera.

"This bloke is a lot more serious than I thought." Ashton said when I stood next to him.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

Handing me the camera, I began to look through the photos and instantly began to feel sick. "He's more than just your admirer, Luke. He's stalking you."

And Ashton was right, the images on the camera proved it. There were many photos of me stored on the camera, some from a few days ago and some from today with Ashton. I wanted to throw up, I felt ill because this man had been watching me for so long and he was at my school too so there was no escape from him and I didn't even know who it was.

Maybe that's why he was so graphic, he been watching me and seen...oh god, I didn't even want to think about that. I started to shake and Ashton noticed because he took the camera out of my hands and put it in his pocket before pulling me into a hug.

"It's going to be ok." Ashton rubbed my back.

"I feel sick." I informed him.

"That's normal I assume, it's alright Luke yeah? It's alright." Ashton continued to rub at my back but I didn't say anything more and after a few more seconds, he pulled away and brought his hands up to my cheek.

"Let's get you to mine, yeah?" I nodded and he shot me a small smile before taking my hand in his and beginning to walk to his house.

The feeling of sickness wouldn't go away and I was finding it hard to wrap my head around the fact that a guy had been stalking me. Ok, the person was getting creepy with their notes but I just thought they watched me at school which wasn't that bad but knowing he was following me places made me feel horrible and paranoid.

He'd seen god knows what and I didn't know where he was hiding to be able to watch me without me noticing, he could be anywhere and I was none the wiser and that's what creeped me out the most and what made me walk a little closer to Ashton, he at least made me feel a little safer.


A/N: It's been a week since I updated and so I'm sorry this chapter it absolute rubbish. I was just stuck on what to write but I was a bit tired of putting off updating.

Just want to say thanks for over 1000 votes on this story, I've only managed that on 3 stories so thank you.

Anyway, I'll hopefully update a little quicker now I've finished Damned to Revenge but no promises.

Goal: 60 votes and 20 comments.

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