promise me ( katsuki bakugou...

נכתב על ידי dorkzyy

1.8M 52.4K 106K

"Don't... Don't do that again you dumbass... " "I love you too Katsuki " Child hood friends that were seperat... עוד

chapter 1: quirkless
chapter 2: far away
chapter 3: The start of something new
Chapter 4: used to live
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chaptaaaa 9
cherpterrr 10
cherptar 11
chaapppttaaaa 12
chapapapta 13
cherptereeeer 14
charter 15?
chapter 16
chererereparararae 17
Kapta 18
91 retpahc
the big chapter 20
rapterch 21
23?? idek
twenty four
twantey furve
CHUWENTY SEX (hoohoohoo)
tuwentay 7
chapta 29?
big CHAPTER 30!
32 (half special chaps and what not)
chapter what ever number this is
retpahc 33?
Kaphter 35
Chwapter 36
capa 38
Chapapapatatatateeer thertay nuuune
Hacpter $!
WeeWoo Velociraptor 42
Crapalapadingdong 43
Chimichanga 44
Cwapitycwaper 45
Get to the the helichapter 46!
Whats better then 46? 47
Yeetith 48
50? Wow thats half way to 100
Scadadle scadoodle. Its chapter 51
Fwenty fwee
Oof 5 sevlen devlen
57 again since i forgot 56😂
After story: Chapapapata thirteenie!
After story: chapter 4
After story: perty 5
After story: Chapter 6ix
After story: 7777777
After story: chappy eightyyy
After story: 3x3
After story: tennn
After story; chappy 11
After story chaptier 12
After story: thirteeeenie!
Hi guys!
1 million!?

Fafty two

11.8K 414 434
נכתב על ידי dorkzyy

Wow author. No drawings for the last two chapters including this one?

Welp I'm working on my first ever animation and it's ripping my heart out... yeeet.

Also edited!! I didn't find it heart achy enough

Izukus POV

I stared at the plastic card in between my palms and I couldn't help but smile. I did it.

All might!

I chuckled as I sat amongst us all, some slightly looking at their new heroes license while some being completely quiet.

Kacchan and Todoroki-kun didn't make it. Todoroki-kun wasn't very sportsman like while Kacchan... he refused to help the others. He wanted to prove himself. Just like he always had.

I glanced at my phone to see a text message from All might.

My eyes glistened as I quickly stood up and shifted to the hall way. I stood their as I quickly texted back, staring at my phone in complete awe.

He hasn't been around lately, now that I think about it. He always said he was busy.

I looked back to the group of people all huddled around the t.v. Admiring the different hero's. I saw a glimpse of some heroes such as mount lady. Ah she is just so cool!

Her quirk is also super powerful yet also very distructive.

Now that I think about it. Can she alternate between heights!?

As my thoughts raged on I looked up to see Kacchan walking towards me, with a determined appearance on his face.

Just seeing him storm towards me made me gulp.

"Deku..." he growled

"We need to talk...." he spoke in a deep tone while walking. Talk... talk about what?

"It's about your quirk..."

And just like that.... my pupils shrunk and my hands felt clammy. Did he find out? Did I mess up? Did I give to many hints and clues? What will he do with this information?

"Meet me later tonight."

And like that he stormed off. I turned back to see him leaving.

Little time skip brought to you by Aussie Choc. Better then milo in my opinion.

every one was down, all asleep as I walked out of the dorms. My palms were getting clammy as I felt something was stuck in my throat. My skin felt paler and I felt extremely jittery.

I finally placed my foot down as I stood among my fellow classmate, my child hood friend, my bully and the one I look up to the most. The one I aspire to pass.

He slowly tilted his head, slowly facing me with a semi neutral expression.

"I've giving it a lot of thought..."

But what he said next made me stand on edge...

"But you got your quirk from all might didn't you..."

My body straightened up as he fully turned towards me now. Glaring slightly as I tried to show that I wasn't guilty of such accusations even though I know I was.

"You're not denying anything... that means I must be right." His voice was low and musky as he red eyes seem to penetrate my soul.

"Okay..." I paused, speaking full of breath

"What if it's true..."

"When you and I were kids... we both looked up to all might. But I had the potential... but some how a single no body like you surpassed me and I didn't even realise it. And that's why we're here... so we are going to settle this. Right here. Right now."

His voice was full of determination as he was beginning to get into stance. He raised his palm facing upwards as if he was ready to give off an explosion any time now. We can't fight not here. Not now!

I waved my arms around trying to convince him.

"No wait! How is that the best way to work things out!! What about we talk about this in one of our free periods... we can reserve a training room or something. There's no reason it had to be right now..."

But my reasoning was cut short.

"If we fight in school. We will be stoped. I wanna know why all might gave all his power to a loser like you... and why y/n seem to trust you so much."

Y/n... all might...

"It is because you looked up to him more then I did? And if that's the case, is everything I've done like him has been wrong? Has everything I pushed for in y/n was wrong?..."

"No... Kacchan..."

Slow flash backs crashed in my mind as I couldn't help but be scared by his words...

Next thing I know he's giving off multiple crackles in his palm. He was stretching as he got into his firing pose. And from there I knew what was happening.

"Kacchan... wait! This isn't smart!"

And then he blasted towards me in a mad fury. Using his explosions to boost his speed.

Right hook? No... I got him like that before.. that's a feint!

And like that a like of explosion.

"You know what? Your always over thinking things! Just fight me!."

His determination was overwhelming. Why won't he just listen to me!

"You were right to look up to all might! I know just how much he meant to you!"

But as he flew up to me I dodged mid air, going behind the angry teen. But immediately he retaliated and exploded the ground, causing mass explosions to break multiple buildings.

"I told you to wait!"

His eyes widened as he was blinded by rage.

"Stop running! Stand up and fight! But we both admired him! So why!" He raged as he started to swing his arm full of heat . He wasn't having it.


I went to jump back but immediately struck in the jaw by his leg. His fighting style has changed, I have to admit so it's much harder to understand what he's going to do next. My blood was pumping. I kicked back as I grimaced . Sliding against the concrete.

"Tell me!" His voice was slowly getting sloppy as fire gathered around his two hands until he collapsed on the floor, landing on his butt with a grunt.

I stood there with a agape mouth as I ran towards him.

"Hey... ar- are you alright?" I offered my hand as it was slapped away.

"Don't you dare worry about me! Attack me!" He slowly rose as he stumbled slightly. His voice was turning into pleads. Why though? "Why won't you fight me..." his voice cracking as he arched his back lower.

"Why do I have to end up chasing up to some one who was always behind me! Why did a damn small fry like you get strong! Why did she respect you! You became the number ones hero side kick... "he was slowly becoming more defeated, gasping air as hue seemed so vulnerable. My eyes slowly widened and I gasped.

"You got so much better...and I destroyed all might... I failed my one thing I loved the most in this world..."he yelled with such sorrow in his voice.

"I admired him so much...I loved her so much..."

My heart clenched. I didn't know what to say as he gripped his shirt with a mighty hold. He looked up at me and I shivered. The sight before me made me want to cry. The teenager before me screamed. His voice crack shattering me each time it happened.

"Why was I.... "

He paused as his breath staggered...

"Why was I... why was I the end of All might!?" he screamed with everything he had.

He clenched his eyes shut, scrunching his nose and taking another breath.

His body seem to clench and his breathing uneven.

"And why...why... why did I loose the only thing important to me!?"

He staggered forward slightly then caught himself with a heavy foot step. He couldn't look me in the eye as he stared into the ground with such heart break in his eyes. I stood back with my arm slightly ahead of me.

"I don't even know if y/n is alive! I try to believe. But she's still not here! And it's... and it's all my fault! If I was only stronger! And all. Might tried to keep it a secret... and I... and I don't know what to do!"

The desperation and need for knowledge clouded his eyes as he his voice cracked with unimaginable pain. His voice full of breath and his body sweating profusely. His slightly shaking body only added to the sorrow this boy had been feeling.

My eyes widened and I felt my body clench... he was holding onto this pain for so long... hes been carrying this pain with him the entire time, more then any one... he's been holding on for far longer then I have. Not just about y/n but with everything. With everything... he's been... tearing apart in the inside. He looked up immediately with glassy eyes.

"On top of the crushing feeling... I don't even know... I don't even know if she's alive! I try to believe she's alright but each day that passes I loose hope! I loose hope... so I don't understand!! I don't understand how you could be appreciated by Him! While you were just a nobody! While I worked harder then any one! Yet I was still to weak to save some one right infront of me! To save her! To save y/n!" And like that. He was tearing up infront of me. His roars of pain and shattering voice cracks seem to hurt me.

How can I tell him... it wasn't his fault.. it wasn't....

I didn't know how to react at that point. Every thing that had come next felt like a blur. He started attacking again. Swinging his body with full force. But this is for Kacchan. I have to fight back, I'm not going to be a sand bag. Not for him to push me around. So I'll show him a good fight. A good fight that will challenge us both. But this was for him. He needed this fight. He needed this vent. Other wise he would've fell apart.

I won't hold back...

Hikarus pov

"Yes.... yes I understand. Of course. I'll tell her when she wakes up. Thank you for your concern, Toshinori."

The sun was officially gone as she laid there. Silently, her chest rose and fell in an uneven pattern. I felt if I touched her. She would fall apart. I clasped my hands tightly around one another as I placed my lower jaw onto them for support.

I looked upon her body as I felt my heart shatter each time. Such a beautiful soul like y/n's doesn't deserve this... she just doesn't. My eyes scanned the exposed parts of her skin as everything was either heavily bandaged or under the sheets but she was black and blue. Her face and eye completely swollen and I can see feint blistering burn marks.

The doctor worked on her for quite a while yesterday. She's had two surgeries in a span of twenty four hours and there's still more to come. The only broke bones to my surprise was a couple ribs. And her leg. Shes just like that green head kid huh? Smashing and breaking her body.

I sighed as I felt my eyes tear up slightly. The constant beeping of the heart monitor and the distinctive smell of the hospital room was over whelming. But I couldn't leave her.

I remember what the doctors reaction4 of villains for now three weeks and five days. They stared at her form with such horror until they took her out of my sight immediately, doing their job to save my little girl.

"You know... it's a miracle you're alive, they say...." I whispered as I slightly pull my eyes up to see her once more instead of the white sheets.

"But atleast you are alive... that's all I needed..." I whispered as I choked on my silent sobs.

Her safety from the kidnapping hasn't become social news yet. But once she is announced in stable condition, then that is when the news reporters would start spraying in.

"Okay sir. Visiting hours is up... you can come back tomorrow if you need." A small petite nurse with long red hair walked in, asking politely while clutching a board with multiple papers in her hand. I nodded as my eyes lingered there for as long as I could until I left the room. As she closed the door she let out a big huph of air.

"I'm so sorry sir... she seems like a beautiful girl... I can't believe some one would hurt her like this."

I smiled slightly as my hair was a mess followed by the evident bags under my eyes, my clothing wasn't fixed properly and I haven't showered for two days.

"Yeah... she's a hero. My hero." My voice got softer and softer as I peered through the window into her room.

"Indeed. Any who sir... tomorrow visiting times will be small as she is going through some surgeries"

I nodded my head slightly.

"I understand. But if she wakes up, call me immediately."

She smiled weakly as she seem to tighten her grip around the clip board.

"Sure things Si-"

As those words nearly slipped from her mouth our heads both snapped towards the bed as the heart monitor seemed to increase at an alarming rate. She was seizing.

"Doctor! Room 204! Emergency now!" She screamed as she rushed into the room, dropping her clip board at the side of the bed as she pushed the girl to the side.

"Let me in there!"

"No sir you cannot! Visiting hours is over and this is an emergency! So please leave."

I couldn't leave.... no... not when my little girl is hurting. Not when she is suffering so much.

After what seemed to happen for hours, they finally calmed her down. Her heart monitor still slightly increased. They had to re attach all the tubes once inserted into her skin.

My heart clenched as I felt like I was going to throw up. This isn't fair... it wasn't fair...

Not only that. The doctors refuse to tell me anything... they told me it's a miracle she's alive... but I don't know anything else...

But I looked down the almost empty hallway.

I wonder if the news has gotten to Bakugou?

When I think back to him, he was so... angry yet I could tell he loved y/n... and imagine not hearing any news from any where about her situation... or simply if she was alive.

The phone call previously was to Toshinori, asking him to tell only Bakugou. No one else didn't need to know.

Toshinori has told me that one of the lead league of villains, Shigaraki. Had made him question if the young girl in the other room was still.... alive.

But what shattered my heart in the fire of the moment, where young Bakugou was screaming for answers. Toshinori accidentally spilled that the villain and even he didn't know y/n was alive. So the constant thought of having your loved one. That may possibly be dead... on your mind. I know how that feels... but I was able to get information. I got the rest of knowing she wasn't dead. But he.... he was still on the thought of such unimaginable pain.

I wonder how he's handling it?

All mights/ Toshinori's POV

I walked onto the track, following the heat and large explosions. Hearing the large grunts of pain and adrenaline... the pleads from young bakugo. The pleads for assurance.

I didn't know he was holding on to such pain... I forgot... I think we all momentarily forgot that these two boys fighting... were just kids.

We're kids with the burden of the thought that they believe that they 'ended all might'

And how Bakugou on top of that... wasn't told anything about y/n... and what I said at the base of the villains... didn't add to his pain and worry... I told him she may or may not be alive that night...

I watched the boys fight with everything they had. Every thing they pushed and believed for.... finally the last explosion ringed my ears as a loud crash hit the ground. A flood of heat and rubble flew everywhere and then I see the two boys, crashing into the ground. As the smoke cleared, there layed the two boys. One on top of the other as he claimed his victory.

"I... I'm still better... Deku..." he growled.

"Even with All mights power.... I... I am still better!" He roared victoriously, my sunken eyes and my body stood back a bit...

He knew.... young Midoriya...

I sighed as i walked out, letting the once heated breeze move my hair gently and the now fitted clothes on my back to waver.

"I'm sorry..."

I whispered as I see the two boys finally stand up. But their eyes widen once they saw me approach. Midoriya was waving his hands while Bakugou looked away with guilt. They were both beaten up quite badly. I walked over to the blonde teen as I wrapped my hand around his head and pushed him into my chest. Even I'm this form, I am still much taller then these boys.

"It was not your fault young Bakugou... it was not your fault." I could hear his voice go Breathy and a waver of pain that seems to lift of his shoulders. His head leaned against mine as I held his spikey hair in between my fingers. He was shaking as I heard small whimpers.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't strong enough... to save y/n..."

"But bakugou."

I leaned into his ear as I whispered.

"I just got a call.... y/n... she was found... and alive."

המשך קריאה

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