Go Ape-x (Jason X Reader)


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Searched the darkest most twisted corners of my mind to make up this story ! Hope you find ot weird enough XD... More

Chapter 1 - The Calling
Chapter 2 - Face to Face
Chapter 3 - Hospitality
Chapter 4 - Taking Cover
Chapter 5 - Companion
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Vanessa
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 10 - Photograph
Chapter 11 - Modern World
Chapter 12 - Game Night
Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother
Chapter 14 - Coating
Chapter 16 - Commitment
Chapter 17 - Spooks
Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches
Chapter 19 - Frozen
Chapter 20 - Cold Night
Chapter 21 - Cold Blood
Chapter 22 - The Book
Chapter 23 - A Team
Chapter 24 - Deforestation
Chapter 25 - Roomie
Chapter 26 - Best Friends
Chapter 27 - Treats
Chapter 28 - Shopping
Chapter 29 - Back Home
Chapter 30 - Happy Accident
Chapter 31 - Bear Berry
Chapter 32 - Little Loss
Chapter 33 - Burning Rage
Chapter 34 - Dream
Chapter 35 - Heaven and Hell
Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

Chapter 15 - Deal

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You were still feeling worn out from the events of the previous day. Thankfully, everything was running smoothly. Good thing you were meeting your potential client today, you earned a drink, which reminded you that you might have to make some sort of deal with Jason for him to allow you that. You were 21 now, you deserved it once in a while. It was sunny today, so you decided to walk the dog around town. You get in the local public library to make some photocopies for the evening.

''Goodmorning !'' you say

''Goodmorning ! Well, isn't that a new face ?'' said the old lady at the desk.

''I'm not from around,that's true'' you reply.''May I make some copies ?''

''Sure, honey, follow me.''

''Just these 4 wiil do'' you say picking 4 of your pictures from the dossier.

''Did you take these ?'' she asks

''Yes, I did''

''These are beautiful ! Do you want to come take pictures at events here in the ibrary or the town ?'' 

''But I'm not a professional yet...''

''That's alright, usually someone volunteers, but we will pay you.''

''OK, sure!''

''Which means more treats for you, beautiful !'' she said petting Cookie.''Here, all ready. Anything else ?''

''I'll just look around,see if I find anything interesting.''

You look around at tons and tons of books. Horror,mystery,sci-fi. Nothing really catches your eye. No story seems quite exciting to pursue. As you were about to give up, a mother and her child enter the library, the mother explaining why she wants to get her son into reading books. Then, it hit you. You should get something for you and Jason to read together. Something simple and fun. You walk down the 'fantasy' alley and you find it,the whole collection. 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', you grab it and head to the desk to pay for your copies.

You return home for lunch. As expected by now, Jason is waiting for you but with an empty plate.You sit next to him at the table, rubbing your face.

''I still feel sick...'' you say and look at him. He blue orbs give you a sympathetic look through the mask.'' Was it good,at least ?'' he nods.

~(y/n) . Very good.~

You sit up in surprise. You're not very sure what he meant but what moved you wasn't the fact he appreciated your effort,despite your emotional state.

''That's....tha's the first time you say my name since we met ! Hearing it in your voice makes it sound so different,so...special...'' 

~It is~ he says and invites for a hug, you most definatelly accept. Jason is really the friendliest,sweetest person when he's not murdering people. Such contrast, yet it made sense to you. You ate your lunch and headed upstairs to soak the bloodstained clothes. As you were checking the coat, which was miraculusly clean, a thought came to mind.

''Jason ? Come here,please'' a few seconds later he was in the room.

''Try this on,sweetie. See if it fits you.It was being wasted long enough.''

Jason tries it on. The coat that seemed oversized for that loser, fit him perfectly,complimenting both Jason's wide shoulder and height as it it fell to his knee.

''Hmm...'' you let put a satisfied hum.''Looks great, brings out your eyes,too.'' you finally say.

~Thank...you... gift..pretty...~

''I'm just happy you like it.''

You met with your potential clients at the Casino caffe-bar. She was very warm and welcoming. They were very open minded towards your ideas and the fact you were still a student. Sophie and her fiance Sebastian seemed satisfied from your portfolio.

''I just have one question,if you don't mind''

''Sure...'' said Sophie,sipping from her drink.

''Is the wedding going to be religious or civilian,also will there be like a garden or something...I could use those details...'' you said while nervously spinning your glass.

''Civilian. It will be at the Crystal Lake town hall near the main square, I suppose you want to see the place before the wedding is held.'' 

''That's all very well, now let's talk money...what's your price ?'' Crap. you really hadn't thought of that.

''From my reasearch, standart price range is from 1,200-2,000 but my price would be around 800...'' you said hesitantly.

''Only 800 ? It's economical,yes, but why ?'' Sophie protested

''For one, I am considered an amateur and,two, all the pictures will be given to you in digital form since I can't print you an album which will cost extra to you,if you want one.'' 

''Don't worry yourself. It's a small wedding and we just want some good photos and from your work,you have what we ask for. 1,000, it's final.'' as much as you would want to protest,they seemed to have some good points.Plus, you needed that money.

''Deal. Let me write you my email,so you can send me further details.''

''Good.'' Sebastian said.

You sat there and talked about other things,got a few more information about Crystal Lake in general,when the band in the bar started to jam. When there was an intermission the guitarist came to your table. You thought it would be nice to compliment him.

''I really liked your show ,sir.''

''Me and the boys have been playing since '85. You look a bit young to hang out with these folks!''

''It's business talk,Alfred. She's our photographer.''

''So it would seem.'' you whisper to yourself as you finish your beer. The and leaves.

''So...um...you hired me,right ?''

''Well,of course !'' Sophie confirmed. Something was either a bit odd about them or you had never met nice people before. 

''Well, I have to go.Goodbye !'' they said goodbye in return. Social batteries had offiacially run out. Just needed to go home.

Right before you exit your car,you noticed you smelled of smoke and alcohol. Jason is so not going to like that. Let's hope he was still doing his rounds, so you got time to change clothes and run your hands through your hair enough times to reduce the awful smell.

Jason did not show up though. Maybe he thought you would go out the whole night, even though that doesn't seem like him.

''Hope he is alright,baby. Don't you think ?'' you said to Cookie who was lying next to your bed.

''Do you want to go potty for the last time ?'' you ask him.No response. Although he did feel prompted to climb on the bed.

''NOnono, get down. I promised to clean you,ok ?'' he lied back down and let out a sad huff. A few moments pass, with him flashing you puppy eyes.

''Damn you, come on !'' you said tapping the space of your feet. Cookie, curved himself into a ball and started drifting to sleep.

In Jason's absence you checked you bank account,mails,bills and went on watching two episodes of you favorite show and played The Sims.

Around half past ten, there is a knock on the door. You go and open the door.

''Finally hungry ?'' you tease him. You serve him and take a sit.

''So...um...how can I ask this...what's with the mask?''

~Me. Ug-ly.~

''What ? Come on ! Who told you such nonsence !?!'' you see him hunch a bit

''Hey...why would you believe such thing ? Hell...why should I ?'' he tilted his head in confusion.

''What I'm saying is that...why are you so convinced you are ugly...because some asshole said so ?''


''Everybody said so ?'' he nods.

''Well here comes some advice from someone that's also ugly...''

~You. not~

''Trust me,sweetie, there is a reason I didn't do the 10 year challenge. I'm talking MAD ugly AND fat. I've lost a most of the weight, which corrected my face but still,I'm very average.''

~(y/n) pretty!~ he almost pouted.

''I'm just saying...you might be not as repulsive as you think. I hope one day you can trust me as much as you did with the gloves.Baby steps.No pressure.'' you said and went to eat in the kitchen.

After you were done in the kitchen, you wanted to lift the mood from the previous conversation.

''Since Halloween is near, what do you want to do ? Wanna make masks and stuff ?''

Jason nodded excitedly.It had been so long he celebrated Halloween.It was the only time he could go outside with his mommy and the other kids,since everyone was all dressed-up.

''Can you do me a favor,too ?'' he nodded.

''I just...if that's ok...would like to enjoy a drink or two...maybe we could have an agreement?''

Jason did not look quite too happy.

''I won't get drunk, I promise. I'll stop as soon as I'm tipsy! Just tell me how often...''

Jason thinks about it for a while but then he agrees.

''Once a week ?'' he shakes his head.

''Once every two weeks ?'' he shakes his head again.

''Once a month ? Once a year ?'' you said obviously joking,even though he agreed to that one.''Come on ! Once a month ? Ok...I guess I will be a slow-build alcoholic...'' you joked.

Then you came up with a great but weird idea.You would have a drink once a month, one day after your period was over.Like this no need to keep track of the days.

''Deal.'' you finally say and wink at him. You part ways and get ready for bed.

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