A Fine Line [N.H]

By InesAbdallah3

99.6K 2.5K 957

There's a fine line between love and insanity. What will Ivy do after she moves to L.A and sees her ultimate... More

Chapter One: Flicker - Backstory
1.2 - Flicker - Coffee
1.3 - Flicker - Safe Distance
1.4 - Flicker - Withdrawal
Chapter Two: Attempts - Hike
2.2 - Attempts - No Control
2.3 - Attempts - Twins
Chapter Three: London - Plane
3.2 - London - Pub Lunch
3.3 - London - Olly
3.4 - London - Anxious Dinner
3.5 - London - Phone Stroll
Chapter Four: Bliss - Nando's
4.2 - Bliss - Hyde
4.3 - Bliss - Monday
4.4 - Bliss - Flight Back
Chapter Five: Impulse - Welcome back
5.2 - Impulse - AM
5.3 - Impulse - Housebound
5.4 - Impulse - Since We're Alone
Chapter Six: Threat and Safety - The Office
6.2 - Threat and Safety - Movie Night
6.3 - Threat and Safety - Work Lunch
6.4 - Thread and Safety - Date Night
Chapter Seven: Revelations - Truth
7.2 - Revelations - Dare
7.3 - Revelations - New Friend
7.4 - Revelations - Sydney
Chapter Eight: Landslide - You and Me
8.2 - Landslide - Home
8.3 - Landslide - San Diego
8.4 - Landslide - Advice
Chapter Nine: Light - Aftermath
9.2 - Light - Music Video
9.3 - Light - Birdie
9.4 - Light - Stargazing
Chapter Ten: Carefree - Guitars
10.2 - Carefree - VMAs
10.3 - Carefree - Promises
10.4 - Carefree - Liam
Chapter Eleven: Leisure - Live
11.2 - Leisure - Athens
11.3 - Leisure - Single
11.4 - Leisure - Dream
Chapter Twelve: The Tide - Issues
12.2 - The Tide - Promotion
12.3 - The Tide - Twenty-FOUR
12.4 - The Tide - Holidays

2.4 - Attempts - Clouds

2.6K 64 31
By InesAbdallah3

Ivy's POV

'Ivy, are you busy next week?' Sky asks me.

'Besides here? Not really no... Why?'

'There's an event in London from the 17th till the 19th. I was thinking if maybe we could cover it.' He explains.

'You want to send me? Are you sure? I'm still fairly new, do you trust me enough with that?'

'Yes! Of course! We love your articles. And I really want you to explore new territories and get out of your comfort zones behind the laptop in this little office.'

'Yeah, I guess you have a point there. Am I going alone?'

'Yeah, sorry I really wanted to go but I already made a commitment here that weekend.' Red says.

'And my mom is visiting that weekend so I can't.' Mels adds.

'Sky? Why can't you come?' I ask.

'Someone needs to stay here and take care of work while those two are busy no? Don't worry everything is taken care of. I got you the plane tickets, reserved the hotel room. You just need to pack and go. The departure is on the 15th at 5:00 PM here and you'll get there at 12 PM the next day. It's a direct 11-hour flight though, so sorry about that. You'll have a day off before and after the event. And of course, your nights are free. So please do have fun!' Sky explains.

Niall POV

I get to the airport, just waiting at the gate until boarding time. I hate this part, just waiting. I'm alone, bored, about to be stuck in a small space for more than 10 hours. I wish I have something to distract me long enough. I miss my baby I haven't seen her in a month. I'm sure she forgot about me. She's just a fan, she doesn't like me for me. I should've thought about that before I got this far. I can't move on though. I haven't stopped thinking about her.

'Hey! Yeah, I'm at the gate just waiting for the boarding. Yeah, I'm alone, who would I be with? Alright. Take care of each other! Bye'

That voice behind me is very familiar. It made my heart jump. I can't be. Can it? She's sitting on the chair next to the one behind mine. I can't turn to look at her without her noticing. They're announcing the boarding now. If it is her, I hope her seat is close to mine. I get in before her, find my seat, thankfully it's a window seat. I'm constantly turning in my seat, seeing if she walks in. Maybe I'm hallucinating. No, there she is! What is she doing here? Why is she going to London? No! She saw me looking at her. I turn to look outside the window. My heart is racing. I feel she's close, too close. She's standing in the aisle putting her small luggage in the overhead locker across from mine. And she's sitting on the same row just three seats next to me, right after the aisle. Hopefully, the seats between us stay empty so that I can watch her easily. Last time I was this nervous I was performing This Town for the first time.

The plane takes off, She doesn't seem to mind it. Good, she's not scared of flying. She's okay, I don't have to worry about her. The seat belt signs are off, she takes off her tablet from her purse and put her earphones. It's a long flight, good she prepared something to distract her. I put my headphones on and listen to some music. I didn't sleep well last night and I can feel myself drifting off. I'm trying to fight it, I'm not done watching my baby. Now that she's here I realised that I missed her much more than I originally thought I did. I can't believe she's so beautiful, outside and inside, although I wish I knew the inside more personally than from a distance.

Ivy's POV

I'm trying not to smile like an idiot. I'm just so happy that Niall is here. It's weird though, why is he going to London? He looks so good, for someone who's travelling! I look like a mess, curly hair, sweatpants, plain T-shirt, no makeup, glasses because it's a 10-hr flight and I'm gonna have to fall asleep at some point, even though I can't fall asleep on the plane. So I can't wear my contact lenses like usually. I'm trying to watch the series I'm supposed to be doing an article on. But I can't focus knowing Niall is three seats to my right. Aww, he fell asleep! He's so cute!! He looks so peaceful and calm. What is that girl doing?

'Hey, excuse me! You the girl in the pink sweater. Yes hi! Could you not?'

'What?' She says offended.

'He's sleeping! You can't take pictures of him sleeping! He didn't consent to his picture being taken! Just leave him alone!'

'Who do you think you are? I can do whatever the hell I want!'

'Sure you can, as long as you're not hurting or annoying anyone, especially not Niall. And if you're a fan and really like him, you'd know he'd be annoyed if someone took his picture while he's sleeping.'

She just stands there wide-eyed and then sighs and walks away. I put my earphones back and resume what I was watching a smile on my face. A short moment later, I feel a figure sitting next to me and a light poke on my shoulder. I take my earphones off, pausing the video, I look to my right, then seeing who it is I just laugh turning my head to the left, trying to hide my blushing face. I look back at him and try to get a 'Hi' to come out. He laughs slightly then says.

'Thank you for that.'

I'm shaking so much I can barely talk but I don't want him to think I'm stupid.

'For what?' I ask.

'I overheard you talking to some girl who was trying to take my picture without asking me.'

'You had headphones on and were sleeping! How did you hear that?'

'I had the volume on low and it was a calm song and I wasn't completely asleep. I can't fall asleep properly on planes.'

'Me neither!'

'Well, maybe we could keep each other company? It is a long flight. It could get boring.'

'Of course!'

'Do you mind if we move back to my seat, I prefer sitting on a window seat. I don't know if you know, but I don't like being stuck in small places.'

'Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. And sure we can sit wherever you need. Plus, the view outside would be breathtaking right now, just looking at the clouds.'

Niall's POV

Not as breathtaking as you! I finally talked to my baby! She was very nervous at first, it was so adorable. But I'm glad she's more comfortable now. My heart is beating so fast she can probably hear it. We're sitting next to each other, and the seats are not that large, I can feel her leg accidentally grazing mine from time to time and every time this happens my heart just skips a beat. I swear she's killing me. 

'So what's taking you to London?' I asked her.

'There's an event that I have to cover for the blog I work in? It's a 3-day thing over the weekend.'

'Oh yeah, I've heard about your blog, I kinda like it! You have interesting segments!'

'You watch our videos? I thought you didn't watch lots of movies and didn't really like fiction...'

'Well yeah I don't have the time for a full movie and everything comes in trilogies at least. But If I had the time I would've watched them. So instead, take a shortcut, and watch a 20-minute video twice a week that we keep me up to date. And I love your videos! Very entertaining and professional.'

'That's amazing! It means a lot to us! Thank you so much!'

'No need to thank me, darling.'

She giggles at that and her cheek briefly turned pink.

'What about you? What are you going to London for?' She asks me. I love her voice so much.

'I'm just visiting some of my friends here. There's also a concert I want to attend Friday night. I know this is probably weird and too forward, and you can totally say no. Or maybe you'll be too tired from your day. But would you like to come with me to the concert? I was gonna go alone but that's not fun. I could get an extra ticket if you'd like.'

'Umm.. yeah... Why not? Sounds like fun!'

'You don't even know who's concert it is!' I chuckle.

'I trust your taste in music. I'm sure it'll be great!' She's so beautiful when she's smiling. Her whole face just lights up when she's looking at me. God, I love her so much. And now I can finally get to know her better.

'Alright. Thank you!'

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