Against the world

By StephenJ7

49.8K 657 706

This story takes place after the events of falling for Becky Lynch. To avoid any spoilers please read that st... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
The end💚

Chapter two

2.2K 25 10
By StephenJ7

Becky awakens suddenly panting, with sweat coming off her forehead she jumps up off her seat trying to figure out her surroundings but all she can hear is a constant beeping noise so she turns around. And there he is lying in the hospital bed still in a coma but still alive and breathing with the help of a machine it was all a recurring nightmare Becky had been experiencing. along with images of Stephens  body falling through the air and crashing through the table. She was just glad it was only a nightmare.
She got up off the seat in the hospital room and dragged a chair and sat down beside his bed taking his hand and kissing it gently.
"You've gotta wake up for me soon big Guy please"
Becky whispered. The door opened and Becky turned around slightly to see Charlotte walking in with two cups.
The duo had become close friends again the last two months Charlotte had been at the hospital with Becky every day she wasn't touring the rest of the group came as often as they  could but Seth was universal champion finn lost his title but won money in the Bank and Sasha and bayley were still tag team champions so they were kept busy.
"How's he doing?"
Charlotte asked as she sat down next to Becky. Becky sighed as she took a sip of her coffee
"No changes still the same as he was two months ago"
Charlotte noticed the sadness in Becky's voice as she placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't give up Becky you've got to believe he's going to get through this".
Becky nodded but she knew the longer it went without any improvement the less likely it would be that Stephen was going to wake up.
"I need some air can you stay with him while I head outside for a couple minutes?"
Charlotte nodded as Becky headed out.
Becky stood outside as the breeze swept through her hair it was refreshing to feel some fresh air on her skin instead of the air in the hospital. She took out her phone and stared at her lock screen which showed a picture of Stephen and Becky at the beach the last full day they spent together before the incident. A single tear fell from her eye and landed on the screen before she was interrupted by a familiar voice. She turned around to see Seth standing with flowers and his best attempt at a reassuring smile.
"I don't think Stephens into flowers"
Becky said trying to lighten the mood. Seth chuckled
"they're actually for you becks"
Becky looked at Seth surprised as she took the flowers and smelled them
"Thanks but why Seth?"
Seth put  his hands on Becky's  shoulders and began tracing circles with his fingers
"because I care about you becks you're constantly here I'm worried"
"Seth my boyfriend is in there fighting for his life what else am I supposed to do?? I'm going to keep coming here until he finally wakes up"
Becky finished speaking and looked at the floor trying to get her emotions under control. Seth gently lifted her chin up and for just a moment the two of them got lost in each other's eyes until they were interrupted by Charlotte clearing her throat.  The duo quickly moved away from each other
"The doctor wants to see you becks"
Becky headed off back too Stephens room with Charlotte.
"What the hell was that with Seth??"
"It was nothing I don't want to hear it Charlotte"
charlotte opened her mouth to speak again but Becky walked away from her. They made it into Stephens room where the doctor was stood patiently  waiting.
"Ms Quinn please sit down"
Becky sat on the chair next to Stephens bed and held on to his hand tightly. "What's this about ?"
Becky asked with a look of worry sewn onto her face
"I think it's time we discuss the possibility that mr Taylor won't wake up"

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