Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


25.1K 1K 486
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Twentyone
Mya Anderson
Mya's House - 10:31am

My eyes fluttered open after a night of good sex and good rest. Chris has a tight grip on me that caused me to laugh. I looked over my shoulder at the clock, I wanted to go up to my store and help out. Things had to run smoothly. "Baby." I called trying to move his arm but that only caused him to hold me tighter. "Christopher, I have to get up."

"No." He said while burying his head into my chest.

"Seriously baby, I want to run down to the store really quick. Can you let me go please? And I have to pee."

"Myaaaa, I'm comfortable. Leave me alone."

I tossed my head back. Why is this man so difficult? "Alright when I pee on you don't be mad."

He groaned loud while twisting and turning like a kid. I laughed while getting up. I went to grab my phone but that ended up being dead as hell. I placed it on the charger then went into the closet to grab something to wear for the day. When I got into the bathroom, I immediately checked my hair. Even though the sex wasn't wild, I didn't need my lace lifting right now. It was still in tact though, so shout out to my stylist.

I went and jumped in the shower. The bathroom door opened and Chris walked in like a zombie and went over to the toilet. I quickly knocked on the glass. "DONT FLUSH THAT FUCKING TOILET WHILE IM IN HERE!"

He just stared at me like an idiot while he pissed.

I knocked again. "IM NOT PLAYING CHRIS!"

His hand touched the handle and he gave me a sinister smile.

"CHRIS I SWEAR IMA BEAT YO A- AAAAHHH." The cold water hit my back and it felt like somebody was throwing ice at me. This house is too damn expensive for this shit to be happening.

Chris climbed in the shower laughing. "You needed some cold water in this hot ass shower."

"Fuck you."

"That's exactly what you about to do MyMy, just let me wake up a little more."

Rolling my eyes, I started rinsing off my body once the water warmed up. But my prep for my shower was short lived due to him pushing my chest against the shower wall. "I don't have time for this."

He reached between my legs and rubbed my pussy. "I beg to differ." He said before putting his fingers in his mouth then bending me over.

Let me stop pretending and get this good morning dick.


Once we got out the shower, I got dressed. Make up was not needed. Since being with Chris I barely wear it, I love when he compliments my naturalness.

I went into the closet to lotion up my legs and arms, can't be ashy out here.

"AYE MYA!" Chris yelled loud as hell, making me drop my lotion.

I quickly rushed out the closet. "What baby, what's wrong?"

He looked at me with a shocked expression. "Have you been on social media?"

"No my phone was dead. Why? What did you do?"

His hands ran over his face. "Baby.....ima let you look, get on your phone."

Confused, I walked over to my phone and hit the lock button. I had so many missed calls and messages. My emails were even off the chain. My heart started pounding so fast. Did somebody fucking die?!"

I went into my messages and they were all mentioning my store. "Chris can you plug up my work phone?"

He nodded and walked away.

I went on Instagram. Notifications going crazy, I had a bunch of DM's. "Yo what the Fuck?" I started checking those and it was all my store. I clicked something that I was tagged in. It was my picture but when I swiped my heart fell to my fucking stomach. A headache came instantly. "Is this a joke?! CHRIS WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"

He just shook his head. "Baby I don't know what's going on?!"

"Oh my god, OH MY GOD! Somebody vandalized my fucking store! It just opened yester— I gotta get down there."

"I'll drive."

I rushed into the closet and grabbed the first pair of sandals and glasses. Then ran downstairs. Chris came out shortly after. My body was fucking shaking.

Chris quickly started the car and pulled off. While he drove he just rubbed my back. Picking my phone up I dialed Kayla.

"Hello." She answered.

"Meet me at my store please."

"I'm on the way boo, we all are."

"Okay." I hung up the phone. I let out a long shaky breath. I swear it felt like my chest was caving in. This can't be happening to me! I'm just praying it's just some busted windows that can easily be fixed. I worked my ass off for this and this is what happens?! I don't bother nobody why the Fuck are people messing with me and my bag?!

We pulled up to my store, there were boards up and yellow tape across everything. I unlocked the gate and lifted it up then unlocked the door. I could already see the damage inside and that caused me to cry even harder. We walked into the store and I swear I just wanted to screaaaaam! Most of the clothes on the floor, with red spray paint on it, holes and spray paint on my walls. The register and computer stolen.

"Man why the fuck would somebody do this shit man?" Chris said while looking around.

"All the money I just fucking lost. Why?! Just tell me that." I had to lean on the counter because I'm really about to faint. Chris came and pulled me into his arms and held me tight. "What am I going to do?! I can't afford to put anymore money into this store. It's 25,000 dollars worth of clothes on the floor, I have to get construction done, get this place repainted, new windows, new computers." I grabbed my chest, I really couldn't take this.

"Breathe Mya, you gotta breathe baby."

"I can't!" I cried harder. "Why would somebody do this to me?! I don't bother nobody Chris, I really mind my fucking business and this happens. I just took the biggest fucking lost! I'm in the hole like 50 thousands right now just by pricing all of this damage. This is heartbreaking!"

"I know baby. We gone figure everything out, I promise."

The door opened and Hoody, Sinko, Keeis, Eva, EJ, Kayla and Syren walked in.

"Mya please tell me you have cameras." Kayla said.

"I'm pulling them up now."

"Good and I hope the dummy responsible didn't cover their face." She said.

I went and grabbed the TV remote to cut it on and connected my phone so everybody could see the recording.

I had to fast forward through my whole party. I didn't know exactly when it happened so we had to watch from there.

Around 3, a car pulled up then three people came into view. Next thing you know they started throwing rocks through the windows. They grabbed a board to get the rest of the glass out and that's how they got inside. The camera jumped to the other side and we all watched as they did the damage.

"Those are definitely women, you can tell by their body frames." EJ said.

I would say that's surprising but as of lately it's not.

We kept watching and they brought out the spray paint.

"Hold up pause that." Hoody said. They were tagging the walls. I quickly stopped.

"You see something." I asked.

"Can you zoom in?"

"I think so." I dragged my fingers across the screen and it got closer to the wall.

"I know that fucking tattoo." He said pointing to the girl's wrist.

Everybody else looked. "Damn I do too." Keeis said.

"Okay who the fuck does it belong to then?!" I questioned.

Hoody looked at Chris, causing me to look too. "You want to tell her or should I?" He asked.

Chris just sighed while looking down at his feet.

"Fuck the bullshit Hoody, who the hell was that?" I asked again.

"The chick you smacked."

My eyes grew, then all I could do was laugh because I just knew that this had to be a fucking joke! "Please tell me your lying."

"I wish I was Mya but naw, that's definitely her tattoo." He said.

"Yeah it is." Keeis co-signed.

"Who got her location or something because we definitely about to pull up on this bitch." Syren said.

"Man no, that's just gone cause more issues." Chris said making my head turn to him fast as hell.

"What do you mean no?! This Bitch destroyed everything I worked hard for and you think about to look the other fucking way?" I yelled.

"We talked about you acting out Mya."

"Says the poster boy of acting out! Nigga fuck the meditating and peace and love shit you on! This bitch gone pay for what the Fuck she did and she paying me for everything she destroyed."

"She ain't got shit." Sinko said.

"I'll help you fix everything if you just let that shit go." Chris said.

I shook my head. "I'm not letting nothing go. What part of that don't you understand. This ain't no simple shit. All of my hard is gone down the drain because of her."

"Honestly it's because of you Mya. If you wouldn't have smacked the bitch over some petty ass words this wouldn't have happen."

"Chris are you serious right now?!"

"Dead ass....this is just going to turn into a never ending cycle. Take the fucking video to the police and let them handle it."

He was really trying to get cussed the fuck out but I'm not even about to go there with him. "Can somebody take me home please. I just can't do any of this right now." I said while grabbing my things. Chris tried to go touch me but I snatched away.

"I got you Mya." EJ said. "Come on Eva, we'll see y'all later."

I headed out and of course paps were out. EJ helped me to his truck and I quickly got in. I put my glasses on my face before I started crying again.

"Chris was really tripping back there." EJ said.

I just exhaled. I didn't want to talk about him right now.

"It's like he wants you to avoid her for more than keeping the drama down. The Chris I know would've been all for you beating her ass especially after something like this. But now it's give it to the police and move on. You can't just move on from something like that, it's way too complex." He continued.

"Yeah something is up." Eva said. "If you want to pull up on that bitch Mya I'm definitely down to ride."

"She'll be taken care of, trust me." I said before focusing on my phone. I don't care what Chris is saying, that girl getting handled and nothing or nobody changing my mind.

Chris Brown
Los Angeles, California

Inhaling deeply, I lifted my hand and knocked on the front door of Bonnie's house. It took a few minutes before the door opened. When she saw me she smiled.

"Well look who we have here." She laughed. "I knew it was a matter of time."

"It's not even like that....where's Briana?"

"I don't know, why?"

"You know exactly why I'm looking for her man. Is she here Bonnie?"


"Fuck this." I pushed past her and walked inside. "BRIANA....BRIANA!"

"I'm guessing your girl wasn't too happy about the grand opening gift we gave her?" Bonnie said causing me to turn around.

"Oh so you was there too?"

"Hell yeah I was. I didn't want to miss out on the fun."

"Man the old me would've smacked the shit out of you by now. Do you know how much damage you caused? And for what though? Because I don't want nothing to do with you?"

"She hit my best friend for no reason!"

"Oh that's the story you got? Cause Mya definitely had a reason. You know what, I was trying to be a peacemaker and stop her from beating Briana ass again but naw, she deserve everything coming to her and I hope they fuck you up too."

"I'm not worried about that Bitch."

"You should be, I know you saw your friends face. Y'all some pathetic ass bitches bro and after she beat y'all asses, I swear I'm going to make She sue y'all for the little shit y'all got. Bitter, jealous ass hoes. Tell Briana she better run and hide."

"We'll be sitting here, waiting for that ugly hoe you dating to pull up. You can leave now."

"I hope she drag the both of y'all."

"Keep hoping boo. BYE!"

I flipped her off then headed out. I got in my car and sped off, making my way to Mya's house. She's been ignoring me ever since we left the store earlier.

Pulling up to her house I sat in the car for a while. I know she's tired of hearing me apologize.

I guess she saw me out here because the door opened. Cutting off the car I climbed out and headed inside. A beautiful aroma filled my nose and led me to the kitchen. She stood at the island mixing something up. I went and stood behind her, then gently kissed her cheek. "What you cooking?" I asked.

"Steak bites, crab legs, macaroni and green beans."

"Damn baby, throw down then." I laughed but she kept a straight face. "Mya I'm sorry."

"I know you are." She moved me away from her.

"I just want to keep you out of as much drama as possible man. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Chris the other times I understood but this time no! 50,000 might not be nothing to you but it's a lot to me. I sacrificed so fucking much to get my store. Moving here, paying for two houses basically leaving my other store in the hands of somebody else. Saving up everything that I could just for this. This was a huge goal of mine and some jealous ass bitches took that away from me." Her eyes filled with tears. "She started with me, so every fucking thing I did to her, she deserved! But to go and destroy all my hard work! That is just so fucked up." She cried even harder. I quickly pulled her into my arms and just let her cry in my chest. I felt so bad. I wasn't looking at it from her point of view. Like she said 50,000 is nothing to me but she had to put in a lot of hard work for this so she can react however. She doesn't have another 50,000 to just throw away.

But I'm going to make sure she gets it. It's either coming from my pocket or Briana and Bonnie's pockets.

After we ate dinner we just decided to chill and watch movies. Mya was just walking around sad no matter what I did to try and make her feel better. And it just make feel even worse.

Now she was fast asleep on my chest while I watched TV.

Picking up my phone I opened Instagram and uploaded a picture from the day of her grand opening.

@chrisbrownofficial This beautiful woman right here worked her ass off, made sacrifices, worked day in and day out to get her store up and running. She was so excited to finally get this location opened but someone with so much hate in their heart had to ruin all that. But it's okay, one thing I know about my baby is she bounces right back. She gone be good @myasworld ❤️❤️

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