Taming Aurora

Por KimmyUB

113K 4.8K 2.4K

BOOK 3 in THE ROMANO SERIES Can be read as a standalone BUT I would advise you to read book I and 2 first to... Más

Chapter 1 - DANTE
Chapter 2 - Aurora
Chapter 3 - The Twins' 5th Birthday Party
Chapter 4 - Invitation To Stay
Chapter 5 - The "TALK"
Chapter 7 - Emergency Meeting
Chapter 8 - I CAN'T DO THIS...!
Chapter 9 - THIS COULD BE IT!
Chapter 10 - The Kiss
Chapter 11 - Something isn't right!
Chapter 12 - Who the fuck is this KENNEDY?
Chapter 13 - I'm so dead...
Chapter 14 - Radio Silence
Chapter 15 - Temptations
Chapter 16 - We got this... But maybe we don't
Chapter 17 - Quality Time with the BFF
Chapter 18 - So it's true...?
Chapter 19 - Players CAN'T be played!
Chapter 20 - BE MINE!
Chapter 21 - Making The Connections
Chapter 22 - Long time no see... (PART 1)
Chapter 23 - Where are you WILDCAT...??? (Long time no see... PART 2)
Chapter 24 - COME FIND ME... I need you! (Long time no see... PART 3)
Chapter 25 - Unexpected Surprise...
Chapter 26 - Paying for your SINS...
Chapter 27 - We're under attack!
Chapter 28 - They didn't make it...
Chapter 29 - He didn't make it...
Chapter 30 - How do one make that choice?!
Chapter 31 - They can't all be... GONE!
Chapter 32 - THE FUNERAL (Part 1)
Chapter 33 - This is your fault! ( THE FUNERAL Part 2)
Chapter 34 - Secret Meeting
Chapter 35 - What The FUCK?!!!
Chapter 36 - I GOT YOU...
Chapter 37 - You... BETRAYED ME!
Chapter 38 - You're a long ways from home...
Chapter 39 - Now you know... Who's the fool now?
Chapter 40 - Torturing Trash... ROMANO STYLE
Chapter 41 - Get lost in the dark
Chapter 42 - Changes Needs To be Made
Chapter 43 - I Love You DaD...
Chapter 44 - Shut up and MARRY ME!
Chapter 45 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 46 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 47 - Blissfully Happy

Chapter 6 - Aurora's Admission Vs Maddie's Confession

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Por KimmyUB

Hey guys just a little note, and an important one 😁. So it's Chris Perceval's A.K.A the REAL Dante Romano's, BIRTHDAY TODAY 🙌 Hence the reason why I'm publishing this chapter so early as I was planning on publishing tomorrow, but I focused and tried my best to finish the chapter so I can publish it early and it'll still be his birthday, just so I can dedicate this chapter to the guy that's the inspiration of our main character CHRIS PERCEVAL 👏 I had him on my Instagram since I have the account and for the first time I mustered up the courage to text him happy birthday today, and guess what?! HE REPLIED!!! 🙌💃😎
SORRY... I might still be in my fan girl mode 😂



Anyways that's it from me for now 😉 Hope you enjoy the chapter and let me know your thoughts 😘💜



SAME DAY - (Sun, 27 November 2022) Hours Earlier

Aurora's POV

I didn't sleep a wink last night, I saw Dante walking Maddie to her door and then going in and I waited by my open door to see if he was going to go back to his room or not and after waiting for nearly two hours and still no sign of him, I closed my room door and threw myself on the bed. It was obvious that they were hooking up and whole night I was asking myself the same questions over and over again, why does it bother me? Why do I feel this way when I see him with her? Why do I even care, when I'm the one that told him that I didn't give a shit about him? Those questions is what kept me up most of the night, well that and the disturbing thoughts of what they were doing in her room.

And this morning when I was done getting ready for the day, I thought about all of those questions again and the only thing I can say now is, that I don't like any of it, I don't like seeing him with her, I don't like the fact that he was holding her, I don't like the fact that she was making him smile and I definitely do not like that fact that he spend the night with her! So after admitting this, I was left with only one question, WHY? And the obvious answer I came up with, is that I'm jealous as fuck! But then that same question arises, WHY?!

Why the fuck am I getting jealous over a man I claimed for so many years not to love? Why do I not like seeing him with someone else? And why can't I answer any of these damn questions, when I always have a smart answer for everything, right? That's the reason I am where I am today, without him, RIGHT?! I always know what's best for everyone, and I really thought pushing him away and denying that there was ever a connection between us, was what was best for both of us, then why the fuck do I regret it?! WHY...? Deep down I know the answer to my question but I couldn't make myself say it out loud, I couldn't even make myself think it!

"Hey are you okay?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kiara and I forgot that I was sitting with the girls for the "spar" day, one I have no interest in at all as I just want to lock myself in a room and figure my shit out.

"Yeah I'm fine, what's up?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"You're not fine, you hadn't even noticed that the girls had moved to the garden to have some cocktails and snacks, you've been lost in your thoughts whole afternoon, what's wrong?" Kiara says sitting down next to me, only then did I realize that we were alone in the lounge.

"Just got a lot on my mind but really I'm fine, let's go and join the other, shall we?" I asked with an obvious fake enthusiasm and fake smile.

"You know you do not need to pretend around me, right? I know you are not fine and I think I know why" she says and I looked at her wanting her to continue and she signs and grabs my hand in hers and squeezes it. "The day you realize how you really feel about him, you should tell him before it's too late" she says and I didn't need to ask who she was talking about because I knew she was referring to Dante but why would she say before it's late? Oh god, don't tell me he really spend the night with her and that they're together...

"By the look on your face Right now, I can see that you realize who I'm talking about. Can I give you a piece of advice?" She asks and I thought her question over, knowing Kiara isn't one to pry into anyone's business unless she knows you really need it, I nodded my head for her to go for it.

"I don't know everything that has happened between you and him but what I do know is that his in love with you, everyone can see it except for you and if you do not want to lose a good guy that would bend over backwards to make you happy, then I would advise you to stop rejecting him and realize that deep down you feel the exact same way about him, Zee, Mel and I can see it, it's time you admit it not only to him but to yourself as well, before you lose him forever because then you can't blame anyone but yourself" she says and then she wipes my cheek, I didn't even realize that I had tears rolling down my face.

"I don't know why you shielded yourself from being loved but believe me that's not a life to live, whatever happened in your past, is just that, your past Aurora. You can't let your past stand in the way of you having a happy future, if you give into love, real love, the kind Dante and you have, then believe me it'll be the best feeling in the world. Love doesn't cause hurt and pain, people do and not all men are the same Aurora, believe me I know. I've been there remember, I don't know if it's the same you went through but you can't let all guys suffer for one man's mistakes.

Dante is a great guy, his just like his brother in many ways, so I know who ever he chooses to spend the rest of his life with, will be a very lucky woman and if you want to be that woman, then you best get to it before someone else swoop in and give him the love we both know he deserves and then you'll end up losing him and regretting it for the rest of your life, think about it" she says and wipes my face and then kisses my cheek and walks away and I couldn't hold back any longer, I burst out into tears. I have to admit what I truly feel for Dante Romano but I'm afraid that when I do and go after what I know I truly want, that it'll be too late... FUCK IT!

I love Dante, I've loved him since the moment I met him, how could I be so stupid! Kiara is right, I can't let him pay for Dre's mistakes, Dante is nothing like him. Why had taken me so long to admit what I really feel for him, God... I've wasted all these years and for what?! Because I was scared he'd hurt me? I'm fucking stupid! He told me so many times how much he loved me, he tried to show me in so many different ways and what did I do? I threw it in his face!

I denied my love for him and hurt him in the process of protecting myself. I fucked up but it's time I will fix what I've broken. I need to not only tell him how I feel but I need to show him how much I love him and how sorry I am, I can't lose him. I guess it's true what they say, you don't know what you have until it's gone, well I'm not fucking waiting until his gone, no fucking way! I need to put my big girl panties on and admit that I'M HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH DANTE ROMANO, WITH EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING...!!!

Madeline's POV

When I woke up this morning I realized that I was in bed alone, I knew Dante probably left this morning as he had plans with the guys today and unfortunately for me I had plans with his sister in-law and her friends. If I had a gun, I would rather shoot myself then to sit around and chit chat about men, shopping and money, because that's all what these bimbo types of women can talk about, sure I don't know Kiara that well but I do know the guys and they have always been into the bimbos, all body no brains, that type.

So in all honesty I do not wish to get to know any of them, I know Gia and she's pretty cool, what she's doing with them, is beyond me but I can understand her situation, her brother is Steph's best friend and she is a guest in their home, so she obviously has to play nice with Steph's wife too, just I am forced to and if playing nice means I get to live in this beautiful place, not to mention the fact that I'll be much closer to Dante too, well then I'll be the fucking nicest fake bitch guest they need me to be.

The guys know the old me, the one that was crazy but also very much down to earth, and easily taken advantage of, in plain words I was a pushover back then. Sure I could bark back when bitches tried to screw with me, but that was only because I knew Dante always had my back and he would never have allowed anyone to hurt me. But things have changed, I have changed and I am here to get what's rightfully mine, these guys use to adore me, now it's like I'm a stranger in their little crew but I couldn't care one bit since I'm only here for two reasons or I should say one of the two but that choice depends on Dante, but if I play my cards right I can maybe get both, I mean I'm already in, so it should be easy as the difficult part was already handed to me.

When I was done daydreaming, I got up and went to freshen up, even though I had no clothes here, I had to get cleaned up and when I was fresh and feeling great, I went in search of someone, anyone really that could show me where I need to be and that didn't take long. As soon as I found a maid, I went downstairs with her help and she was pretty nice and showed me where I could find Kiara. She also told me that when I'm ready, I can just call her and she'll get me breakfast as it is her job to take care of my needs, and I couldn't help but smile, I love this place.

When I got there I noticed all the girls was there and they were getting their nails done and I didn't know how I could get Kiara's attention, obviously feeling my discomfort, the girl that brought me here, walked forward to speak to Kiara herself and when she did everyone turned my way and only two out of the six of them actually smiled at me and that was Kiara and Gia, the others just went back to what they were talking about, where as Kiara's little dance partner, Aurora I think it was, kept glaring at me and I knew then and there me coming here was not a good idea at all, not that I really wanted to be here to begin with but I had to pretend to be nice to these girls, especially to Kiara, if I wanted to stay here because Steph would kick me out in a heartbeat if I disrespected his wife.

"Hey Madeline, I was wondering where you are, thought maybe you changed your mind about joining us today" Kiara said as soon as she got in front of me.

"About that, this really isn't my thing, I'm really sorry but maybe we can get to know each other another time, if that's okay?" I asked her nervously as I didn't want to offend her or upset her in any way.

"That's fine, you don't need to apologise. This isn't my thing either to be honest with you but it was a gift from my husband and who am I to refuse a pamper day with my girls?" She says with a giggle and I giggled at the expressions she was making, she doesn't seem that bad but then again looks can be quite deceiving.

"As long as you're not upset that I'm declining you generous invite" I said and she smiles at me.

"No not all, Steph has told me a little about you and from what he has explained to me, I understand why this isn't your type of scene, so no worries but I don't know what you are going to do for the day as you probably know Dante isn't here and I'm not sure when they'll be back either but if you want you can join us later for some cocktails and snacks in the garden?" She asked politely, proving me right, cocktails in the garden? Yip bimbos alright, not gonna happen!

"Oh that's alright, I'll just tour around the place, if that's alright with you? And then I'll just take a nap and wait for Dante, he said that he'll take me to get my things later but you girls enjoy your pamper day" I said putting emphasis on the last bit with a hint of sarcasm, just to show her how much I distaste the choice of words she used and to see if she could hold her own or come up with some kind of come back and I internally laughed as she arched her eyebrow but tried to cover it up quickly with a small smile but I can bet my life that, that smile was as fake as their nails.

"If that's what you want to do, then knock yourself out" she says and smiles again and turned her back to me but before she walked off she turned her head back and looked at me seriously and I knew I might have misjudged her a bit.

"Oh and Maddie this is my home, so if I were you I'd watch my step, one Never know what could cause us to trip and fall FLAT ON OUR FACES, so be careful dear" she says with another smile but this one almost smugly, that was obviously some kind of warning, yip I definitely underestimated her. Kiara-1 Maddie-0, Game on girl.

After that polite conversation, I walked around the place, it really was huge but I tried to remember important bits about it, since I needed to know my way around here but I had to admit it was beautiful. She really is a lucky bitch to snatch the heart of Stephano, all the girls from University would kill to be in her position, well all except for me as I was never into him, only Dante, always have been and aways will be and that's exactly why I am here and I am not going to let anyone stand in the way of what I really want and what I came for, not the owners of this extraordinary mansion or any one of those bimbos.

Afternoon came and I decided to take a nap while I waited for Dante to come since he said that he wouldn't come late. And he kept his word, he came back around 5, just as I got out of my room to go and get something to eat, I was starving but I tried to avoid all the places I knew I might run into one of the girls but that made me starve myself close to death but the second I opened the door and came face to face with Dante, I forgot all about my hunger, well that's not true, I forgot all about my hunger FOR FOOD that is.

He took me to my hotel room, helped me pack my three suitcases and other personal items and promised to help me unpack when we got back to the estate and then we could go out to dinner or we could cook something together and have a late night dinner outside, like we use to. I happily agreed and now we are currently well on our way back to the estate and I couldn't help but feel all giddy inside, he was finally all mine tonight, I'm just not sure when I'll be able to tell him how I feel about him but I know I have to do it soon, before I chicken out again or give time for someone else to step in yet again, just like back in the day.

When we got to the estate, Dante called one of the guards to carry my bags to my room and he sort of gave me a little tour or I should say, showed me the rooms that was off limits, rooms that would get me killed by Steph, and then the rooms that was only for the little family that owns this place, so basically I was just shown all the DO NOT ENTER areas of the house but I didn't mind one bit, because I loved listening to his voice and I loved the fact that he was giving me ALL his attention tonight, I felt on top of the world because I had his undivided attention. But that all changed as soon as we came to the hall of our bedrooms and I almost screamed in anger, can this bitch not get a fucking life?!

"What are you doing here Aurora?" I heard Dante ask her as we got closer.

"I'm waiting for you" she says as we stopped near her and I watched Dante's expression change to surprise and then a small smile but he quickly wiped it off his face as his went blank. "Can I speak to you please?" She asks sweetly and I almost gaged, she's up to something I can see it.

"Dante you said you'll help me and then take me for something to eat? It is getting late" I said and the look she gave me was burning a hole in my head and I knew then and there that she really is into him, so that explains why she acted the way she did yesterday towards me because she's in love with him, but so am I and I know him a lot longer then this snake and I will not allow another no good bimbo to take what mine!

"Uhm yeah, well I guess I should help you" he answered me and I swear I could hear the disappointment in his face and I almost slapped that bitch for ruining my plans for Dante tonight. I was brought out of my murderous thoughts by Dante's voice.

"Can we talk later?" He asked her, nicely and she looked taken aback but she smiled and moved forward and kissed him on the cheek and his eyes grew wide, does Dante have a thing for her too? I thought it was just an attraction, when I saw how he was looking at her when they were pole dancing, without a pole might I add, but it seems like it's more than that... Shit! I need to do something, tonight!

"We can talk later, I'll wait in my room for you" she says to his shocked looking face and then sways her hips as she walks away towards her room and Dante is standing in a trance watching her and when she got there, she stopped and turned her head, and smirked at me and then looked towards Dante and spoke again. "It's important Dante, it really is" she says seriously and then walks into her room and closed the door.

"What was that about?" I asked not able to hide my irritation but luckily Dante didn't pick it up, since he was clearly still in a confused daze because of that thirsty ass bitch.

"I have no clue but I plan on finding out later, that's for sure..." He says but mumbles the last part but I heard him loud and clear and I felt like the anger boiling inside me and I wanted nothing more than to storm to her room and kill the bitch, I didn't even know she had a room here, two doors away from his, by the way!

"Can we go to my room now?" I asked softly, trying to control my anger that was trying to burst through.

"Yeah but I think we can just have something to eat here, instead of going out. I'll ask one of the kitchen staff to prepare something light, I'm not really hungry but I know you are and I did promise you that I'll eat with you but first let's get you settled" he says with a smile and a wink.

If you didn't know him or the type of relationship we have, then you would think his flirting with me and that most of his choice of words, was somehow dirty but I knew better but that still didn't stop the flutter in the pit of stomach, causing me to bite my bottom lip as I followed him to my room, it's now or never Madeline! As soon as we got inside the room and he closed the door behind him I pushed him against it and kissed him but my lips wasn't even for two seconds on his, when he pushed me away and looked at me shocked, shit, I shouldn't have done it this way, fucking stupid!

"What the hell are you doing Mads?!" He asks, still holding onto my arms and I bit my bottom lip again and I noticed him following the movement and I almost jumped for joy!

"Kissing you" I answered with a smirk on my face and bit my lip again and I watched as his eyes went to my lips again, I knew I must've had some kind of affect on him, judging by the way he keeps looking at my lips.

"I know that smart-ass, WHY? That's what I want to know, why the hell would you do that?!" He asks or more like yells and then let's me go and walks past me further into the room and I turned back to face him, only to come face to face with his back as his breathing heavily.

"Because I wanted to kiss you, not just since yesterday but I always wanted to know what your lips felt like! I want you Dante! Don't you see that?" I asked him, a bit louder than I intended but I needed him to listen, I needed him to hear me because tonight is the night that he knows what he does to me!

"What the fuck are you talking about Maddie?! We are friends, how can you do this?" He asks disbelievingly and I knew I had to say it, I had to admit what I feel for him, if I didn't want to lose him over this stupid kiss.

"I will NOT apologize for wanting to kiss you! I won't apologize for wanting you, and I definitely will Never apologize for how I feel about you!" I shouted at him, not caring who overhears us because I will tell him that I love him and I will have my way with him tonight!

"Do you hear yourself?! Please don't ruin our friendship, and remember, You are my friend, you came to visit me as a friend, right Maddie?!" He says but grits the last part out through clenched teeth and I know the safest answer would be to say yes to him and try and cover all this shit up as a joke but I did that all the years I've known him and I will not cave this time, I want him and he WILL BE MINE!

"NO! I'm here in Town for you Dante, because I love you, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" I said showing him just how serious I am, and as soon as the words left my mouth, I felt lighter and I swear it was like everything around me changed and all I wanted to do was embrace all the love I had for him over the years but that thought soon evaporated into thin air when I saw his expression, it was a mixture of confusion, anger, disappointment and something else I couldn't put my finger on but I swear it looked like disgust but that can't be, right? He loves me, I know he does, he just doesn't know it yet...



Hey guys 🙋 Sooooo, what do you think? 😂 Things are about to get pretty messed up, up in the Romano Estate 😏 I would love to hear your thoughts and theories on this chapter, tell me what you think of Aurora's admission? And what do you think of Maddie, the REAL Maddie? What do you think she's up to and what do you think she's hiding? Let me know... 😉

My apologies for being late but I was working on my surprise for y'all, which by the way is up on my profile now 👏 I hope you love it and do send me your thoughts, I love hearing from you 😘 Please see below 👇


Well that's it from me, I Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and that you will check out the surprise on my profile and that you take the time to read it and send me your thoughts as well as maybe adding it to your reading lists as I won't be update any chapters until I get to hear your thoughts on this new route of writing I'm taking, so updates on the new book all depends on each and everyone of you 😉 Anyways please don't forget to comment and vote.💜



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