Already Gone

By HiiPower_333

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Hailey a teenage girl living a hard life struggling with her inner dark thoughts, after her father's death sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 47

17 0 0
By HiiPower_333

I wiped away the dead leaves that the wind blew over their name. I crouch down and place the flowers on all three grave stone. One by one I stared at them taking a deep breath my eyes scanning over their names.

"It's been awhile" I spoke softly almost as if the wind over powered my voice. "I'm sorry I haven't visited I'm here now"

A lump formed in my throat thinking back the last time I was here was when I wanted to die infront of their graves. I was so desperate to take this pain away, thinking that dying is freedom. I see now I have much to do before I leave this world.

So much wrong that has been done to me and this family.

It changes things, it changes everything when your love ones you have gets taken away from you.

"Are you proud?" I trace my father's name.

Timothy Collins. Beside him is where his love lies, my mother Eleanor Adams. My eyes flickered to Harry's grave and tears began pouring slowly reminding of the ache of his lost.

I still can't drive in my neighborhood and not feel the hatred in me that grew over time. When evidence keeps piling up this wasn't an accident a rage in me I didn't know I could have became so over whelming that all I wanted to do is make every single person that got to do with the fire and his murder will pay. Even if that includes Skyler.

I definitely know that Jessica is involve, if she's involve so is her father and to take down a man like him takes preparation and revenge favors preparation.

There is something much bigger than petty hate for me, I have to believe that Harry's death wasn't just because Jessica hates me. Could she really commit murder like that? Out of jealousy?

Hours came by with me sitting next to them thinking, my head spinning with conclusions and mistakes. I finally got up feeling my legs numb before walking away departing from the people I love the most.

I have a meeting with Mr Calvin Jessica's dad to discuss the situation with his daughter. Arriving early in the hotel, I finally got a chance to look around properly. Dean has already inspected the hotel for me. It's an okay hotel, it needs a lot of improvement and clearly with the lack of customers it shows.

I went into my new office, belongings of Jessica's things has been thrown away. Every scent and name of hers is gone.

Mr Calvin finally arrived as Dean announced through the intercom. A tall man with silver fox hair sleek backwards like all business man. Wearing a sharp suit that looks crisp and expensive with strong scent of Tom Ford lingering on him. A charming smile pierce through his lips as he entered, his hazel brown eyes opposite Jessica's blue eyes.

"Hello Ms Collins" He walk towards me striking his hand for me to shake.

I stood up formally and shook his hand. "Mr Calvin it's very nice to meet you."

"No pleasure is mine." He turn my hand and gracefully kiss it as if a kind charming gesture.

We both sat down staring at each other for awhile, he pursed his lips in curiosity.

"Collins" He mumbled. "I know a Collins once" He pointed out. "Back in high school, yes. You're not the daughter of Timothy Collins are you?!" His eyes widen looking over at me as if seeing me for the first time, finally seeing the resemblance.

I do have my father's eyes and brown hair, same nose and lips.

"Yes Timothy is my father" I nodded my face never giving of an emotion.

"Wow! Where is that old bastard he still owes me a drink!" He laughed.

I clenched my jaw tightly, "My father is dead-

"What? Timothy died?" His concern and sadness seem all to fake and it irritates me. "I am sorry in high school we were all friends we lost in touch-

"It's fine Mr Calvin we are not hear to discuss my father, we are hear to discuss your daughter." I lean back on my chair and analyze the way his jaw ticks slightly.

The fake personality that every business man has, he was Mayor of this city once.

"Of course right down to business I like it!" He grinned and I could almost roll my eyes. "I paid of the money Jessica took from my employees. All the debt is gone and I ensured to pay incentive for the trouble. I spoke to the employees as well and there is no problem, they don't want to press charges."

He really is such a cleaner for Jessica's mess. I'm impress that he's done all this in a short amount of time. It's only been three days and he swept the mess under the rug as if he didn't happen at all.

I wasn't surprise I knew he would do this.

I'm going to take their family apart piece by piece and I'm going to take their wealth and possessions the way they did for many years.

I already planned it all out.

"How lucky is she to have a father like you" I spoke in sarcasm that he didn't pick up and took it as a big compliment in his already over flowing ego. "I'm afraid if you are planning on telling me she wants to work here with her 20% share of the company. The people has refused to work with someone that stole from them and ruin their trust."

"Yes that's understandable" He muttered.

"I have a proposal" I smiled earning his interest looking at me in curiosity. "I want her to give 90 hours of community service of my choosing."

He than laughed, "Do you not know Jessica" He shook his head amused. "My daughter will not do community service she has too much pride I think"

"Hmm pride" I muttered cannot hide my irritation. "Well if she refuse my orders I will force your hand into giving me 100% of the shares and your family name will be completely gone from this building you built, it will be such a shame I know how hard you built this hotel. I'm just here improve it."

He puts on a blank face trying to think on what to do next. He smiled softly and looked out the window towards the city.

"This is my father's pride and joy, I grew up in this hotel. I knew the concierge, receptionist and the cleaning maid was always the one to check up on me. I grew hated for this hotel but my father loves it and I don't want to destroy my father's hard work." He rubs his chin his eyes flickering back to mine.

"Fine I'll see to it that my daughter will follow your orders and we after that 90 hours we have an agreement to keep her working with you?" He nodded.

"Yes Mr Calvin as long as Jessica do as I say" I smiled.

I'm going to make her pay up every mistreatment she ever caused anyone. It is time for a little taste from the other side.

I wonder what my father would say about Mr Calvin.


"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Dean lingers around looking at me in concern. "It's nearly midnight Hailey get some rest."

"It's fine Dean, have a good night alright?" I smiled at him looking up from my laptop screen.

He shook his head at me always trying to tell me to rest.

"The business won't collapse under a couple hours." He puts his coat on.

"After this email I'll be done promise!" I exclaimed smiling at his concern.

"Alright alright get whatever sleep you can" He waved off.

I proceed to type my email and half way my vision starts becoming a blur from staring at the screen for too long. I groan and shut everything off, maybe Dean is right.

I got up and looked at the map my eyes lingering at the roof top pool. I haven't actually seen it so I decide to head up there. During the night hotels always seems hauntingly peaceful, so many stories behind close doors and if walls could talk I wonder what it would say.

I entered the roof top, hearing the wind cascading upon the water. The water is not lit surprisingly but the moon is the only light source. I walk over to the edge of the balcony where the city shine brighter up here. It really takes your breath away, I place my hand on the cold railing and watching the bright lights from other buildings. The wind roughly made my hair twirl

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice appear with the sound of splashing water making me jump in freight.

I look over seeing Sky swimming in the dark water of the pool. My heart still pounding loudly and I'm not too sure it's going to stop racing any time soon.

"Jesus Christ you almost gave me a heart
attack" I place my hand over my chest trying to clam myself down.

He swam towards the edge closer to me with ease never taking his eyes off me. Once he reached the edge he pulled himself from the pool. Him emerging from the pool is not a sight I was ready for. I almost forgot that body of his sculpt to perfection. He seemed to look even more firm and defined the last I saw him. Maybe it's the water dripping from his skin.

My eyes seem to have the mind of its own wandering around over his body. My mouth starts to dry and my pulse quicken and it irritates me that he can still get a response out of me like this.

"What brings you here?" He smirk as if he can hear my thoughts.

I averted my eyes, unwillingly seeing the towel right beside me. Quickly I picked it up and threw at him smacking him right in the face.

"There" Honestly it was for my sake not his and he knew that so that's why he laughed.

He only flung the towel over his shoulder not really caring for my request to cover up.

"What's wrong Hailey? Looks like you seen a ghost?" He grinned taking a step closer to me.

I hadn't realize I was walking backwards away from him as if my body is acting on instinct to keep away.

"Nothing...Uh just a bit cold. Aren't you?" For the first time he sees the less confident girl he seemed to recognize and I hate this feeling.

"Not at all." He spoke amused.

"Well...I better go than... it's-

Before I knew what was happening when I took one step backwards I didn't feel any ground but the cold surface of the water. I didn't have time to react but just let it happen. Sky seem to have a better view in what was about to happen because he tried to stop me from falling into the pool grabbing my wrist but ended up falling in the water as well.

Emerging my whole body in cold water had me gasping loudly as I stood up in shock at just what happened. Both of us soaked in water but only one of us is fully clothed gasping in cold while he was laughing his as off.

"You think this is funny?" I growled splashing him with the water.

Feeling my clothes turning cold from the wind. Quickly I swam to the edge to get out.

"It's hilarious! You should have seen your face" He laughed and if he could roll on the ground clutching his stomach he would.

I rolled my eyes at him even though I pretend to be mad his infectious laugh breaks my scowl and replace by a small smile.

"I should have known you were always clumsy around water especially bath tubs." He grinned my eyes capturing this moment.

I haven't seen that type of smile in a long time and it catches the breath in my throat. My smile slowly fading at the memory he seem to keep reminding me of our past.

The memory of the first time we took a bath ruining Jessica's bathroom just to cheer me up. It was that moment of kindness from him I knew I would fall deeply in love with him. There is so many moments of us in the bathtub which is the best memory I will always have of us. It use to remind me of happiness I once had but now it just reminds me of what I have lost and it gives a heavy feeling in my chest.

He seemed to sense that sadness from me but before I could see his face I turned around and lift myself from the edge of the pool. I gasp, my lips shuttering feeling the cold wind against my skin.

I look over my wet phone to see it has died and it has the microchip that scans at the door to unlock it.

"Shit" I muttered walking over to the door rustling is knowing it's locked.

"Keep shaking it, it might magically unlock" Skyler spoke sarcastically.

"Oh shut up" I spin around glaring at him only to make him chuckle amused at the situation. "This is your fault." I accuse.

"My fault?! How? You're the one that fell."

I groan clicking my phone to turn on but all I see is the black screen reflecting my angry face.

"You distracted me!" I yelled irritated.

"Really now did I?" He sounded so smug making me stop glaring at my phone to glare at him instead.

"Can you just get us out of here? I'm sure you have the microchip to get in and out" I rolled my eyes pretending not to see his smug smirk all over his smug face.

"Fine" He chuckled one more time and fetch his phone.

The wind seem to pick up and I can't help but let my lips quiver in the crisp cold. I look over to see what's the hold up but I see him staring at him phone grimacing.

"What?" I shout impatiently.

"Don't freak out now but-

"What? What?" I spoke coming towards him.

"My phone is low battery my phone died." He press his lips together.

"Are you kidding me?!" My eyes widen at my luck. "Oh my god" I groan "This is not happening please tell me you are joking?!"

He showed me his black screen as well.

"Who's amazing idea is it to only have a phone to scan to enter but not a physical key?!" I shouted turning towards the door to slam it feeling my palms sting from the impact.

"There must be a security camera some where right??" I look above my eyes scanning the place.

"This place is under construction so no, cameras are off at the moment. No one is meant to be up here anyway."

"Oh just fucking great!" I threw my hands up.

My body heat seem to not be working and all I feel is the goosebumps forming and my wet hair clinging to my skin. I shivered hugging myself.

"What are suppose to do? Sleep here?"

"We have to wait early morning for the construction workers to come by"

"What?" My eyes widen suddenly dawn on me that means I have to spend the night with him alone.

No this is not happening. Tell me this is a dream. I have to wake up.

"Oh no no" I started pacing my mind is in a scramble trying to think of a way out.

The thought of having to be with him alone is sending me into a panic. I felt a pair of hands placing on both side of my face.

"Calm down okay? First thing in the morning they will be here." His warm hands grip my face. "Okay?" He bent down slightly to have his eyes the same level as me.

Looking at his warm brown eyes my panic seem to die down and slowly I started to breathe evenly.

"You're freezing" He whispered his eyes lingering on my lips that is quivering non stop.

To my shock he grab me by the waist and pulled me against him making me gasp.

"What are you doing?" I whispered tensing up feeling his touch.

"You need body heat before it gets severe and your heart would stop." He spoke in confidence.

"And how do you know this?" I raised my eyebrows welcoming the warmth radiating from his skin touching mine.

"My cousin remember?" He whispered lowly.

My heart launch up in my throat remembering the story of his little cousin when they got shipwrecked sailing.

I feel his arms tightened around me my eyes fluttering shut and it feels so familiar to have him close to me like this again. All these feelings I pretend to bury deep inside, it's finally surfacing once more.

Behind my eyelids remembering all the times I missed his touch, the way he always cradled my face with his large hands affectionately. The way he would always pull me back to kiss me one last time before parting. The way his fingers trace my skin to make me fall asleep. The way he press his body against mine and I welcome the heavy security during the night. His touch will always make me weak and right now I didn't want to pull away this time.

I bury my face in his chest hiding my face so that he cannot read how his simple touch consumes every fiber in my body.

A few minutes of standing still like this I knew the coldness left my body the moment he touched my skin but I stayed like this anyway. I put on a blank face hoping he doesn't read my face before looking at him.

"Let's find some where to sleep the night I'm sure one of the canopy layout bed is fine." He gestured towards the white canopy bed. "Oh wait here"

He stopped on his tracks and grabbed his button up white shirt off the ground. He hand it to me while I just stare at his hand not moving.

"What about you? You'll get cold" I shook my head.

"It's fine, I survived worst" He smiled softly my heart hammering inside. "Plus you're soaking wet, I don't want you sick"

My throat tightened hearing his concern, slowly I took hold of the fabric like it's the most delicate thing I've held.

"Thanks" I mumbled quietly.

I started unbuttoning my shirt but stop midway my eyes snapping to his watchful gaze.

"Well turn around" I ordered raising my eyebrows.

He rolled his eyes but a slight smirk appeared on his lips making me shake my head. I quickly got change feeling better to be in dry clothes. The smell of his clothes is still the same as ever and it reminds me of home.

I sat on the canopy bed ignoring his stare. I really did not think my night would turn out like this. I sat on the edge as far away from him as possible while he lay down and made himself comfortable throwing his hand under his head.

There is a sense of quietness fell upon us and I welcomed it hoping it will stay like this but I was wrong.

"Do you love him?" He spoke.

"What?" I look at him confused.

"Do you love James?" He pressed on.

I know how irritated he was that dinner when he stormed off, Amy and Dave couldn't stop apologizing making an excuse that he may be stress from work.

"Yes" I spoke half the truth, I knew he was wondering if I'm in love with him.

I didn't look at his face to try understand him because I was afraid he will see the lies in my eyes if I turn to look at him.

"I always wish that for you-

"Wish what?" I frowned.

"That you find happiness and that you're simply doing well."

I look over at him to find him staring up at the sky his face deep in thought.

"Why do you wish such things for me?" My eyebrows came together in confusion.

"What kind of question is that?" His eyes snap to my face almost irritatingly. "I can't wish nice things for you? I care about you-

"You say that Skyler but last time I asked you if you care for me you said you were fulfilling a dying man's wish." I spoke coldly.

I see pain reflecting in his eyes as quickly as it vanished.

"I was different back than. I was stupid saying that-

"But you said it anyway knowing it will hurt me so you have stop acting like you weren't the one that broke it off infront of everyone in high school." I try to even up my voice and not let it affect me but it's getting harder.

"I'm sorry about that, about everything, I was a stupid boy and Jessica she...

He trail and he seem to be having some sort of trouble finishing the sentence. He squeeze his eyes shut my eyebrows pulling together in curiosity.

"Jessica didn't make you say those things you did. Jessica didn't make you act that way, it was all you. You're right Skyler you and Jessica are meant to be together." Saying it is like oil adding into the fire and it stings like hell. "You are both happily together and you and I were never meant to be."

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep my emotions at bay.

Silence fell between us and it feels like an imaginary wall is suddenly built up between us. I lay down on facing away from him closing my eyes to get sleep. It felt like time didn't exist here and night seem to last longer. Both of us knew we weren't getting sleep tonight.

"I'm not that boy anymore, I'll make things right. You'll see" He whispered one last thing to me that kept me up all night replaying those words in my head.

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