Written In The Stars : Guardi...

By GingerEyes

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Ava is the Collectors daughter and a woman known as the" Guardian". She is well known to go back in time ille... More

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Chapter One : Who?
Chapter Two : Busted
When I First Met Loki
Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*
First Kiss On Our Wedding Day
Chapter Four : The Midgardain Game
The Letter * ADDED ON*
Chapter Five : The Deal
Where Were You?
Chapter Six : Into Eternity
Chapter Seven : Siblings That Are Worlds Apart
It's Fine
Chapter Eight : Hello Again.
Your A True Princess
Chapter Nine : Family Blood
How The Prince Was Created
Chapter Ten : Deliverence
One Last Favor For Her
Chapter Eleven : For My Family
I Looked At You In The Eyes
Chapter Twelve: Kill Him
Make Me Scream
Chapter Thirteen : Everything Comes With A Price
We Are The Guardians
Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye


469 16 8
By GingerEyes

Ava's P.O.V: 35 years ago

One moment.

That one that can change a single persons life just by working hard and show it. The life in my hands was so gentle and soft and precious. Yet so vulnerable to the flames that had surrounded the entire palace. A baby wrapped in cloths had kept close to me .

 A newborn child with a purpose . A child known to do great things for our galaxy. A hero, a guardian of our universe, born of two different blood lines :Midgardain and Spartain. He is a half blood prince as you could say.

He had began to cry for his mother slowly. He was a new born and in the hands of a stranger to him, so I wouldn't be too surprised about what had went on in his little mind right now. I had pulled the child even closer to my chest then began to hurry out of the building even more . His mother, Merideth , who had rushed out earlier must be worried sick about her abandoned child.

"Don't cry, Peter" I had said softly as I had began to run through the halls knowing that we weren't going to have long before the walls will close in on us. The smoke was starting to reach into my eyes as the flames gotten brighter and brighter in my eyes. I had felt the burning ashes begin to burn the insides of my nose.

Why the hell am I running?

I could just teleport out of the building.

Peter had cried even louder and louder now. I wish that I could find a way to keep him quiet. But with his state it is going to be impossible to reach over to my bracelett to get us out of here if he was to keep this up.

I had stopped my running and taken a deep breath as I had looked at the child then had placed a kiss on the childs cheek to see if that would keep him quiet while I had pressed the small button on my bracelett. Somehow it had kept him silent then so quiet. In the corner of my eyes I had seen a smile start on the new born's face. My finger had pressed onto the button that was next to the blue one then pulled the child close to me.

I wouldn't want him to be lost in time and space.

The flames were gone clearly and had kept me cooler, which was something that I had needed  to survive. The child had remained silent and strong as it still missed his mother.  The child had pushed closer to me even more taking deeper breaths trying to warm himself. I had then kept him even closer then I had before.

The building had been up in flames from the distance that I was from it. The flames had made me seem deeply concerned over the lives of the nurses or doctors, hopefully they had gotten out in time. I could see the status and shape of the building, but I couldn't see who had exactly get out. It's better that I say here anyways until less people are at the scene. I don't want to be really seen from Midgardains.

There however wasn't really a point to be going to the scene. I had seen his mother approaching me . No one was following her which  was good, and it will make our meeting more secretive. She was beauitful I have to admit , she was thin with long blonde hair and blue eyes . Her face was full of relief as she began to rush over to me in a faster pace as soon as she locked eyes with the prince.

"PETER!" She had exclaimed taking the child out of my arms . She had rocked her child as she had only put her attention towards him. The mother had smiled then had glanced back to me."Who are you?"

"That I can't say, Merideth Quill. " I had said before turning my body away trying to get away from her so I could go back home. Loki must be waiting for me in his chambers by now. He has had a long day. Yet her thin hand had touched my shoulder making me turn back to her.

"Why would you go out to save him? And how? If you were normal you would have gotten severe burns on yourself"

""It was nothing Merideth. It was a pleasure to save his life for you. Good night Merideth , Prince Peter" I had said trying to end this conversation right there.

"You know he's a prince? Then you aren't around here are you?" She muttered softly.

"No,"I managed to tell her . She knows too much right now.

"You didn't awnser my first question , How do you know him" Merideth breathed heavily for a moment thinking about who I was . I might as well tell her something so she wouldn't be telling her child that

"Because , I am a freak compared to some creatures that are up there. You see, I am an immoratal who saves lives that are meant to do great things, your son is one of them. I am the Guardian, and your son is going to be the lord of the stars" I remarked to her .

Merideth had looked down to her child trying to take in the news about her child being a lord amoungst stars. It may be hard now for her to believe it , but it's so true that a small child is going to do great things.

"Star lord, cute nickname for him. I like it. " She said softly with a chuckle .

I wonder if I am going to meet him in the future.I wondered as I turned myself away from the women and her child to get back home.

"Adorable for him" I said .

"Thank you" She had said said she seen that I was leaving her to be with her child. Slowly I had known that once again I had done a great deed. A deed that the universe is going to thank me later. But for now, I feel great for helping him to get out of his fated death.

Peter's P.O.V: Present

"Peter" My mother had grasped . The grown ups had turned their heads when she had called my name. It was almost as if I was some sort of king that needed high treatment. My grandfather had helped me get into the room without getting any sort of intense staring contest with them.

I had curled my fingers at my mothers hospital bed as I had given her my full attention to her. What ever it was that she wanted to share must have been important for me to hear, she is dying after all.

"Yes Mom?" I asked .

The adults in the room had leaned in to listen to what she was going to say. They thought that it was going to be something huge or exciting, when in reality it wasn't really.

"When you were born, there was a fire that burned down the hospital and ..."She coughed then continued. The adults had rolled their eyes at her knowing that there was no soul purpose of this at all.She had spoken in a softer voice" You, Peter out of all of the people in the galaxy had been saved by the guardian"

The grown ups had decided to try to change the subject and had tried to bring up the topic of the gift she had for me. I know what happens next in this nightmare so I decided to pause and think about something right now.

Ava is the gaurdian.

She was scanned and arrested for being going back in time and changing the future. Ava did it for over 500 years and had only stopped a few days ago.  And she had a bracelet that had easily pointed at me when I had a orb. Now I know that it really is a severe danger if placed in the wrong hands.

I knew her, yet she had known me as well.

Yet I guess that so many people were saved by her so I supose that she forgotten about me by now. She had been only with me for a few moments then went off to save a new life. Would she remember me though if I told her ? I doubt it though since I am almost nothing to her, I am only the guy who had tried to flirt with her and had started a fight with her.

Drax had shaken me awake . His eyes were full of water  then had made me concerned why he was like that. We only known eachother for a few days but still I am worried. I had risen my head up to him so I could focous on what went on instead of going back to sleep.

"Drax whats wrong?"I whispered.

"She's gone." He responded .

"Who Gamora? We can go and get her back ." i offered. Gamora is going to be attempted to be taken down a few times while we are here so we might as well get used to it now.

He shaken his head" Ava, her father bailed her out of jail. "

I risen my eyebrows trying to make sure I had heard correctly ."Ava is gone"

"Yes in thin air , we were talking and just like that"

I had looked down to my pants then had taken a deep breath in dispointment. I guess that  I will never know if she knew who I was . She is too busy with her first child ariving and raising it in the palace, theres no doubt that she is going to let me rot in here after what I had done to her.

Theres only so much a girl like her can forgive.

"Thats too bad, Ava was a nice girl " I said .

"JUST a nice girl Peter, she is pretty hot if you ask me. That's comming from a man who had lost his family" He had said  looking down seemngly turning red a bit from the comment. I knew that he had liked her.

"So you did like her." I said.Trying to avoid the topic if she was good looking. She was pretty hot, but I wouldn't say anything around him now. That would just make him upset. Plus I only really liked her for looks , not for personality.

"Nice , beauitful seemed as if we had known eachother for ages when we had talked.  We connected well " He concluded then I had smiled at him giving a nudge to him.

"You love her!" I mocked.

"I taken interest in her over a peroid of three days, I do not love that easily"

"Well then, I guess when we get out of here, you wouldn't want to see her again?" I asked crossing my arms with a smug grin.

"NO!" He said it too loudly making everyone who was sleeping squirm. He kept his tone down " I mean I would like to see her again . But at the rate that we are trying to get out of here....." He began until he was interupted by the Racoon's hissing whisper to us from across the room

" Guys, I got a plan, "

Perfect timeing.

Ava's P.O.V

I didn't get hit or slapped until I had gotten out of the prison's walls. Father was polite to the men who had given back my belongings to my father. He is clearly going to burn the bracelet to end any other thoughts about doing this again. Carina was the only one who had greeted me with a smile. She had given a light bow before getting a glare from Father.

He slapped me when he had thought that the officers wouldn't see it. He wouldn't want to get arrested would he? So he had walked over to our vechicle then had waited politely until Carina had put my belongings into the car. He had ordered her to get in before he had given me the strike.

It was harder then I was expecting. I think that if a mortal had gotten it, then they would have been toast , their jaw sliced in half or somthing. Luckily for me, it had only made it sting for a good minute or two. He waited for it to kick in before he had spoken to me.

"Illegal time traveling, changing fates. How far did you think you were going to go??" He had barked.

"Far enough to keep the universe safe" I had responded placing my hand on my jaw.

He had hit me again. Only on the other side of the jaw . It hurt even more this time making me feel even more injured then the first blow.

"YOU were going to ruin everything. Changing it isn't going to do anything Ava. Your so much like ..." He didn't finish his sentence knowing that  I was going to speak up again and he was going to have to punch me.

But yet, I had dared to say it. "My mother"

That had plugged in the anger inside of him. He had somehow had gained enough of the source that he had began to feel the urge to hit me again. But this time he had collided his fist with my chin. I had closed my eyes from the impact of the strong blow. Yet, I had seemed to be stuck in the position for a few moments.

Clearly, he had punched me too hard and I was a coward to not touch him.

I had found myself in a memory again. Its where I can put my body to rest when stress is too hard to carry me awake.

This time, I had seen myself walking down the throne's green carpet. It was about three years ago and Loki was sitting down on the throne with his helmet on.  I was wearing my dress robes that Queen's should be wearing. Even though I was only acting Queen, I didn't really see the problem wearing normal clothing. Besides the pink on the dress was far too light for me with my white hair, it made me seem like a ghost.

I had  stopped where the carpet ended then knelt down. I found it quite rediculas for me to be doing something like that , I am the queen and shouldn't I be the one who gives orders?

" My King" I said.

"My beauitful wife" He hd complimented. I really hope that he wasn't the one who had told Frigga to tell me to wear this dress.

Around this time I was angry at him for being such a jerk to his people. I would try to talk to him, yet he would seem to shut me out and pay attention to himself. This had really strained his relationship with me for a long time.

"I seek permission to assist you with the problem with Thor. I may be able to go back in time and stop him from doing such a stupid task. " I had said.

"I dont think so, Ava. He's where he belongs and who knows what else would go wrong if you went back in time" When I had looked up he had began to approach me with a smile on his face.  His cold hand was placed onto my shoulders.

"Loki, I can go back over and over until we get it right" I explained.

"I don't want you to get hurt "

"And I don't want you to be the one responsible for anyone's death. Got it?" I said in a informative tone.

He had stepped his staff on the ground " Your request has been denied Ava. "

I had then stood up, breaking the rule that should never be broken. Never rise unless the king says so. Loki risen a eyebrow  at me .

"Loki, I am not your servent, I am the queen of Asgard and I can do as I wish " I had said.

He taken a step towards me then had shaken his head " No you can't . I am the man of this castle and your the women in the house. Guess which one has more power, and your bracelet."

I had looked down, feeling torn from the insault that he had given to me . My eyes made contact with my stolen bracelet that I really wanted back.

"Then I shouldn't be queen" I muttered.

"But you are and will always be, don't speak of this again" He had said in a threatening manner as I had turned away to exit the room. Half way down, Sif and her friends had walked down to speak to Loki. Her eyes were full of concern but I had shaken my head.

"Don't bother asking for anything, he's not meant to be king"

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