Monsters and Magic

By nekoamamori

1.2M 40.4K 15.8K

You're a vampire who helps the Avengers defeat an evil seethe of vampires. Loki befriends you after you end u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 57

8.7K 316 41
By nekoamamori

Loki pulled you into a kiss, expressing his gratitude for the wonderful new weapon. His hand cupped your neck as his other arm held you to him and he kissed you deeply. "Thank you, my darling," he told you when he broke the kiss so you could catch your breath. The fact that you didn't need to breath was not withstanding on needing to catch it. That was how good of a kisser he was.

"So, boyfriend, what did sestrichka give you? She wouldn't tell us about the surprise she was making you," Nat asked from the doorway of the training room you were in.

Loki smiled brightly and showed off the dagger and all of its features to her. She looked extremely impressed by the weapon you'd made. She also made sure to compliment Loki on his skills. He was obviously showing off and the peacock lived for praise. He preened under her praise and gave her an elegant bow after his demonstration.

Nat insisted that you had to go to dinner, so the three of you headed back upstairs to eat with the others. After dinner, she gave you a shield uniform to wear for the mission, so you would blend in with the other agents around.

"You'll be fine, kid," Clint reassured you after you were dressed and your dimensional pocket full of supplies from the lab and medbay. "And if anything does happen, boyfriend will send you home," he reminded you. Loki nodded his agreement, but you could see the concern and worry in his expression. He was still wary about what might happen on this mission. You didn't blame him. You were concerned too.

You took the jet to the location for the mission and held on tightly to Loki's hand the entire trip there. Loki held yours just as tightly. The jet landed outside of the Hydra facility. "Bucky, Romanoff, you're with Y/N and Loki. The rest of us will draw Hydra's attention out here while you work. Be careful, all of you," Cap told you firmly before he'd let you head inside.

Nat and Bucky let the way inside. They knew Hydra facilities better than anyone else. Loki stayed close to your side while Nat and Bucky cleared the way, though you kept them within eyesight. Loki held his new dagger as you went, but let Nat and Bucky take the lead. They simply knocked the Hydra agents out instead of leaving the walls coated in blood. The alarm was blaring as you made your way through the corridors of the Hydra building. You were glad Bucky was with your group. He knew the way better than anyone. You didn't want to get lost and you definitely didn't want to get separated. Your group was safer together than apart.

You finally made your way to the server room. Nat and Bucky took out the techs before they could wipe the system. The two fought together surprisingly well and you remembered that Bucky had helped trained Nat back in her red room days. Of course they fought nearly identically at times.

Once the room was clear, you rushed in to the main computer and plugged in your equipment from the lab. You and Jarvis worked quickly while Nat, Bucky, and Loki stood guard. Your attention was completely on your task. The system was complicated enough that it was taking yourundivided attention to crack it. That was saying something.

But no software stood a chance against your big brain. It would just take some time.

Unfortunately, time wasn't on your side as a group of Hydra agents came into the room while you were working and opened fire on your group. Nat and Bucky returned fire while you kept working, even as more and more agents joined in the fray.

You cried out in pain when one of the bullets went astray and grazed your arm. It wasn't bad enough to make you stop working, especially when you were so close to being done. And even more especially when you were a vampire and it didn't do that much damage to you.

"Done!" You announced to the other once you had gotten all the data and blown up the system for good measure. You had disconnected and vanished all your equipment.

"Loki, get her out of here!" Nat snarled as she was focused on shooting the people shooting you. You had ducked behind the desk once you fully realized you were being shot at. You'd been too distracted by your work to truly notice. You and Stark both had the tendency of getting so involved with your work that you forgot everything else around you. Loki backed from the agent he had just slaughtered and rushed to you. He wrapped an arm around you and teleported you back to the jet.

Loki looked over you and started fretting over your bleeding arm the second you reappeared back in the jet. "I'm ok," you tried to reassure him through gritted teeth. Now that you knew you were injured, it hurt like hell. Loki didn't look convinced and started trying to heal you, though he didn't have much of a gift of healing.

"Lokes, I heal fast and we both know a little graze isn't the worst thing I've been through," you told him as you looked over the wound "Hell, it's barely bleeding. It's burned more than anything." You gestured at the first aid kit and it floated over. Loki started to splutter a protest until you gave him a firm look. "Had I not been killed, I would have been a fully qualified Midgardian healer by now," you reminded him that you had been studying to be a doctor. Loki wisely decided not to argue with you. You bandaged the wound quickly. "I'm fine, Lokes," you reassured him again once the wound was bandaged. Loki still seemed concerned. He hated seeing you be injured, but he let it be, for now.

"Do you need to go help the others?" you asked him. You were concerned that they weren't back yet. Everyone was supposed to retreat once you were done with your piece of the mission. You saw his hesitation. He should go help the others, but he didn't want to leave you alone. "One of these days, you're going to have to teach me how to teleport myself home," you grumbled at him, sensing his dilemma.

Loki smirked. "That sounds like an excellent idea, indeed. Expect that lesson in the near future, my darling,"

You smirked in reply. " In the meantime, wanna give me a lift home so you can go bail our friends out with a clear conscience?"

Loki nodded and waved his hand, teleporting you back to the tower. He went back to help the team clear out the last few Hydra agents once he knew that you were safe in the tower.

You used magic to change into real clothes and waited for the team in the common room, spying on them through Jarvis. There weren't many Hydra agents left by the time Loki got back, but he had the entire team, including a very pissed off Nat demanding where you were. Loki reassured them that you were safe at the tower as he took down the agents one by one. It only took a matter of minutes.

It wasn't long before they could return back to the tower. You waited anxiously for them to fly back. When they all came into the common room you ran over and hugged Loki tightly, glad he was back to you safely. Loki hugged you just as tightly. "I'm alright, kitten. Your gift worked marvelously against those pesky agents," he reassured you and stroked your hair.

You leaned up and kissed him softly. "I'm glad," you told him softly, relieved that he was ok.

"Hey, kid, the rest of us could use some stitching up," Clint reminded you that your boyfriend wasn't the only one on the team. You sighed and gave Clint a look. Loki chuckled and gave you a little nudge to go help the others while he took a seat on the couch to wait for you.

"Clint, how do you always get shot?" you whined as you got to work fixing him up. Most of the others just needed bandaging at the worst and it wasn't long before you could return to your Loki.

Loki grinned and pulled you onto his lap so you were straddling his legs and he pulled you into a deep kiss. "Get a room!" Thor growled as you wound you fingers in Loki's hair. Loki flipped off his brother and continued kissing you.

"Oi, sestrichka, did you ever show boyfriend the surprise in that pink bag from the shopping trip?" Nat asked too innocently, teasing you. You flipped her off without your lips parting from Loki's.

However Loki was intrigued. Damn it, Nat. "What little surprise, kitten?" he asked, his eyebrow raised curiously. He looked so adorable when he was curious about something.

"No surprise," you told him quickly. "Nat's just being an ass," you looked over your shoulder to glare at her while she laughed.

"Uh-huh," Nat replied dryly. "And that's why that bag and its contents are hiding in the back of your closet..." she said sarcastically.

"Lady Natasha, what is this surprise you keep mentioning?" Loki asked. Cheater was going around you to get the answer he wanted. Damn Trickster and double-damn assassin.

"We bought some items while shopping that your little vampire is too embarrassed to show you. or admit we bought," Nat teased, which just sparked Loki's curiosity even more. You saw it in his eyes.

"I should never have let you drag me into that store," you grumbled, glaring at Nat. When Nat looked like she was going to make another stupid comment to further incite Loki's curiosity, you grabbed one of Loki's many, many hidden blades and threw it at her across the room.

Loki vanished the blade as soon as it left your hand. "Well, that wasn't very nice, darling," he teased you.

"Neither is Nat teasing that she made me buy nice undergarments," you grumbled in reply, feeling yourself turn red.

Loki's eyebrows shot up in surprise, then his expression morphed into a seductive smirk. "Did you now?" he purred, making you turn even more red while you wondered what he was going to do with that information.

"See? I told you boyfriend would agree with me that you need nice things," Nat teased, which just made you turn impossibly more red.

"You're as red as tomato, love," Loki teased while you huffed at all of the teasing. He pulled you closer, seeming to have mercy on you. "Why don't we go see what is in that lovely pink bag, hmm?" he purred in your ear. You were still red, but nodded your agreement. That settled, he teleported both of you up to your bedroom to do just that. 

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