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Alex is a high school student who is well known in the public's eye because of his families wealth and power... More



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      I didn't bother showing up to school the following week. I didn't even bother going home I just stayed with my cousins place by lake. No WiFi or service so I couldn't use my phone or anything. Which was refreshing.

      We chilled by the beach and sunbathe. She had her own Spa at her lounge and even gym. There was more to it but I just loved being at the beach alone and skinny dipping.

I stayed only because my cousin Emily convinced me.

Since my other Cousin and the twins were in town we all had to stay like old times. Our generation were always hanging out. Until my cousin went to join the National Guard. My brother joining the Marines. My Sister going studying abroad. It just left me alone. Though my brother went back to college after training though we never actually ever hanged.

My way back to home I didn't bother checking my phone since I was driving. Though when I hit the road and got service my phone got a lot of notifications and missed calls. A lot from Charles. Since it was Friday I could go to school. I had time and I would make it to second period with how early It was.

I ended up not going at all. Heading home and sleeping all day in the clothes I was in.

I woke up the following day super early. I had work anyways so I just unpacked and did some chores. I did my own laundry. Organized my room since it was a bit messy when I left and got things prepared to be packed for when I move out. Then I took a long shower. I got dressed in my work clothes and even did my hair.

But I thought it was too much so I messed it back to normal and went downstairs where my mother was already heading out with my Stepfather. "Want to ride with us?" She asked me as I walked down the stairs. "No. Go I have to stop somewhere before." I said walking into the kitchen where my sister was eating with the help on stand by. "I made a appointment for Wednesday for you after school for the nose piercing." I said passing through and reaching through the refrigerator for a drink.

      "Alright. Is it okay if I bring a friend too?" She asks a king to turn to her. "One friend. But they better not get any ideas." I said she nods her head and I leave. "I'm leaving. Call me if you need anything."

      "Alright bitch!" She shouts back.

      I walked out and get in my car.

      I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car in my spot. I got in the elevator as my cousin Hugo was holding it for me.

      Usually bringing in donuts and muffins which had had in his hand.

      We got out into our family floor and everyone surrounded him as he passed out their stuff. I got my muffin before so I just walked into my office.

      I had a few things I needed to turn in at noon so I quickly delivered it an hour early.

      What I do was is boring and when you know how to do it well it goes by fast.

      It was already 2 in the afternoon when I was done. So I just chilled in my office watching Netflix on my Mac.

      I got up to get a drink from the lounge room. When I saw my mother walking out from the elevator with a few people I didn't recognize. Quite a few handful. She glows when she sees me as well as the couple next to her. Couple from assumption. "And you remember Alex." She says bringing me to them like a prize I didn't want to be. "Well of course. He  grown so much. How are you Alex?" The women asked me as I shook their hands. "He probably doesn't remember us. He was just a baby." Her husband I assume says. They were married when I saw their rings. "I'm great. I'm doing well." I said chuckling nervously. "I'm Craig Falcone and this is my Wife Sarah. This is our rude daughter Violet." He moves out the way and reveals a familiar beautiful silver hair girl I've met at the mall. She looks up at me from her phone and her eyes widen. So does mine. "Is that love at first sight?" Craig jokingly asks. "Violet. Nice to meet you again." I said as he smiles and pockets her phone. "You as well. You didn't call or text." She says making me chuckle again. "You said you'll text when you left. I didn't want to seem eager if I did first." I said as our parents were wondering how we know each other. "We've met before." She explains as they just "oh!".

"Wow. They would've grown up together." Her mother says sighing. "C'mon. Let's leave them to it." My mother says as she leads them off wherever.

"So...You're a Monticello?" She asks. "Yes. And you are a Falcone. I'm guessing we'll be seeing each other more often. Will you be at our Gala?" I asked as we started walking I don't know where. "I will. But I heard your mother mention to my parents that you won't come." She mentions.

      "Thats not entirely true. I'll be walking the carpet and stay for a few then I'll be heading out because I have a party I'll be going to." I said as she nods. She stays quiet for a bit. "Do you want to go out for lunch? If you're free right now?" I asked as I stopped in front of my office. "Yes. I'm free right now." She answers quickly. I get a text from someone but I don't check it because it'll be rude.

      "Alright. I'll just get my stuff." I said as I enter my office. Gathering my stuff quickly and swiftly as she looks around my office in awe. "Alright. Let's go." I said grabbing my jacket and hanging it on my shoulder as we walk to the elevator. She quickly sends her parents a text that she was gonna have lunch with me.

      We walk out the elevator into the parking lot and I unlock my car and we enter. I start it up and pull out of the lot and into downtown traffic.

      I knew exactly where I was gonna take her so I didn't bother asking her where she wanted to go. Knowing that she'll be okay with anything. Even McDonald's which wasn't where I was taking her. Especially when we were dressed nicely for a mid day date. My phone ringed.

      Displaying Charles name on the cars screen. I grab my phone and power it off so they'll be no distractions.

      "Where will you be taking me?" She asked.

"A nice place I've been to a few times. NoMI Kitchen." I answered and she raises her brows. "That fancy place by the water tower?" She asked and I nodded. "I've heard of it. Pretty nice place to call it a date even." She says looking back and forth at me. "Okay. Let's call it a date." She smiles to herself.

I haven't been reacted like that in a while. Especially with a girl. I've haven't date a girl in a while. We're not dating yet but I mostly go out with Alma or Tamara but it's as friends. I don't want to call her tho. A friend? A possible love interest?

We entered the place after parking. The host walked us to a table for two with a great view as a waitress came to us. We ordered some drinks as we looked through the menu.

We've talk to each other. Obviously, but we we got know each other more personal since our family know each other.

      I found out that she goes to private school as of last year as well as her 12 years old sister. As her brother goes to kindergarten at a private school as well.

      "If I were to be honest with you my parents told me about you but weeks ago but didn't show me pictures or anything. I didn't bother searching you up but I only found that you use another last name." She says as she sets her phone facing down on the table like mine was. Displaying that we had each other's full attention.

"Oh. Timothy's my middle name. Usually when I use my last name I get recognized fast." I said as the waitress came with our drinks.

She took our order and left us be.

"Why's that?" She asked curiously tilting her head. "Well ever since the trial I've been harassed on every platform. So I deleted my verified accounts and have my under that name." I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Did he do it?" She asked making me smile fall. "You really asking-"

"I'm just kidding I already know. Your parents told my parents which I overheard." She says raising her hands up in surrender. "Oh. Okay then yeah of course he did. It's alright." I said chuckling a bit at her a bit thinking she pissed me off or something.

"You know you shouldn't let people harass you into deleting your accounts like that." She continues. "Back in Italy there was a rumor about incest in our family. They've of course harassed me since I was a teenager but I didn't give in. I didn't even acknowledge the accusations. I just let it die down until my my aunt tracked down the guy who started it."

"So you're saying I should hunt down the people who-"

"No. Unless you want to. I'm just saying I don't care what people think of me because they don't know me. We're the ones on top so I let them know they don't affect me." She says. Which was true and I was just a pussy.

Our lunch was cut short but it was long. Word was that we were 'spotted' together and it went back to our parents who had the audacity to join. Walking in as soon as our food had came.

We had just started to kick it off and they had to ruin it.

We hugged goodbye and walked to our cars separately. Riding with her parents and I took my car alone as my parents had their car.

I drove home as I should start packing.

I powered in my phone after a few hours of not paying attention to it. I got a few emails. Missed calls and texts with occasional notifications.

But what caught my attention was just Charles texts. Which was a lot. Did I miss something?

I opened his texts but I quickly swiped home and ignored it since I was driving. Though he must've saw that it was 'seen' when he called me minutes later. I was nearing home and the speed limit was going down so I just answered it.


"......" There was silence for a while. "Say something because I'm driving home."

"Hey...Wasn't sure if you were actually gonna respond after disappearing for a week."

"Well I was busy. So what's up?" I asked.

"We had plans. Remember?"

"I-Uh I actually don't. What was it? Was it for today?" I asked unsure. "Yeah. We were supposed to have lunch together. Are you free for dinner at least?" He asked.

"I just came back from lunch with a friend. I'm quite full. Do you want to hang at least? My parents aren't home. They're going to New York with friends for the weekend."

"Sure. Want me to bring snacks?" He asked.

"Uh. I don't know. Want me to pick you up and we can go get snacks?"

"I'll send you my address."

He sends me his address which wasn't far away from my new place or my parents place.

I was there in less then 10 minutes. I pulled up and he was sitting on his front porch of a modern house which was nice with big window that people can view the house within. And the house inside was nice with modern interior decoration.

He got in and I checked him out. We were not dressed the same.

He had simple black jeans and a rolled up white long sleeve shirt with Vans. Totally different from what I usually see him wearing. "We're you at work?" He asked as I started driving.

"Yeah." I said unbuttoning my first two top buttons. It was starting to humid outside and dark which I didn't like. "Where were you?"

"The whole week? Or today?" I asked stopping at a redlight.


"I was in Wisconsin hanging with my cousins and siblings. We didn't have service where we were. I was just hanging with a friend today after work." I answered. "Alma?"

"No. Family friend. Her names Violet Falcone." He turns and raises a brow. "Of the Falcone Group?" He questioned. "Yes."

"Was she in a Incest scandal?"

"Yeah. And I tampered with a Murder investigation from years ago." I said annoyed. "Oh I didn't mean-I don't believe it of course." He defends himself. "I don't believe either. Not do I care if it's true."

"So you were in a date?" He asked looking over at me. "No. Just happened that I was off of work when we ran into each other. I was with her at the mall the day we both were. We're just friends for now." I said as I pulled up to a target.

We got out and entered. He continued asking me questions that I didn't mind answering. He grabbed a cart as we walked to the snack aisle.

"So no ones home?" He questioned as I tossed chips in the cart. "Well the help would be there. Cleaning or whatever. I believe my little sister is with my oldest brother who might drop off his kids for her to take care of. So no. We have the house to ourselves." I said as he smirked while putting some chocolate in the cart. We continued putting things in the cart and went proceeded to the check where we argued who was gonna pay. I ended up paying since I took his and swiped mine instead.

I pulled up to my house and opened the gate. Charles was in awe. Again since he's already seen my house when I went in to change that one time Miguel threw up on me. I pulled up and around to the front. Exiting the car as the help walked out and grabbed the bags for us. Charles was gonna help but I told him not to since it was their job. He was gonna argue when he looked back at my car that was still on. Then it drove off to the garage. I guess he's not used to seeing people doing stuff for us.

"Should we bring it up to your bed room? Or your game room?" The maid asked. I look at Charles. "Where you wanna hang?"

"I don't mind."

"Game room." I said and we walk upstairs to the room next to mine. Just a room where I game with friends. With beanbags, a PC, a big Tv, a comfortable couch where I may or may not have done it on it countless times and it stills looks new.

I don't even have the room sound proof.

I hand him the controller to the Apple TV. "Pick something I have to change." I said as he takes it. I leave the room through the door that was connected with my bathroom and closet and room.

I didn't bother closing the door behind me.

I changed into comfortable clothes. A simple shorts and a simple white Tee-shirt.

"Wanna watch For All Mankind?" He asked as I entered the room again just as the maid came with with the snacks. "I'm already watching it." I said as they placed it on the table in front of us. "I know. I so happened to be on the next episode." He says and I nodded as they left. Leaving us both alone.

He puts it on as I was already digging in the food.

"It's pretty hot." He says rolling his sleeves up more. "Yeah let me just turn down the temperature in the room." I said standing up and Turning down the temperature in the room only. Then I did it to my room just in case. "You can take off your shoes and get comfortable. I don't have a foot kink." I said as he chuckles. "Well I do." He says making flinch. "I'm kidding." He says as he kicks his shoes off.

We spend the whole time munching on unhealthy snacks and watching tv. Sparking up little conversations through the series and making each other laugh. Though as we neared the end of the season we changed our location to my room. Being able to lay down as continue to watch it all and something new. Charles making fun of me because of my 'dolls' which were exclusive and limited edition action figures along with my stack of comic books. Calling me a kid while laughing in my face. Though Charles had fallen asleep.

Who's laughing now.

It was cute. He was snuggled all up on my snake marshmallow pillow. I didn't bother waking him up. I was at alone in the house anymore.

I looked back at all the unhealthy things we have eaten so I just left him in there to go outside to the gym in the pool house.

But before I did I plugged his phone to charge by the nightstand next to him and I covered him with light blanket. Then I was at the pool house gym burning all the calories.

I came up an hour and a half later drench in sweat. The white shirt sticking to my body tightly as my hair was wet from a run and also I did some laps in the pool and I didn't entirely dry myself off with the small towel. Free balling in the shorts.

I walked into my room where Charles was still sleeping. I grabbed my phone from the other side of the room where I had left it by Charles phone charging as well.

I checked it as if someone texted me or something then I placed it back to charge and it slipped as I was inputting the charging.

He softly fluttered his eyes open as I picked it up and charged it.

He yawned and got up. "What time is it?" He asked looking around the room. "It's 2:30am."

"What?!" He asked shocked. "It's okay. Just stay the night. You're already sleepy." I said calming him down. "Fine. Uh can I get a glass of water?" He asked and I smirked. I reached under the nightstand where there was a mini refrigerator and pulled out a water bottle. "Thanks."

"C'mon. Follow me." I said leading him to my walk in closet.

"What? Are you showing off your expensive clothes?" He asked as I pointed at a small section of clothes. "I like wearing oversized clothes sometimes." I admit. "Hopefully they're your size." I said picking out my clothes so I can take a quick shower.

I didn't really flinch or argue when he started undressing so I just went and took my quick shower.

It was quick but getting ready for bed took longer after a shower. Drying my hair. Moisturizing. Skin care routine. Every that goes along.

I walked back into my room and see Charles already under the covers snuggled up on my snake marshmallow pillow. Which was my pillow I always cuddle with.

I grabbed my phone and went under the covers after turning off the lights. Then my lamp.

"Is that a night light?" He asked as a light glowed from the corner of the room. "Believe it or not it's Tyler's since 8th grade." I said as we both chuckled. "Why's that?" He asks. "It's not my story to tell." I said as he hums in understanding. "I thought you said you sleep shirtless." He mentions. "It's kinda cold and you have my favorite pillow." I countered. "Well sucks to be you." He says as he gets comfortable. I shook it off and faced the other way.

I woke up an hour later. It was because of that stupid pillow. I had nothing to sleep on and cuddle with. When I turned I saw that he wasn't hugging it anymore and I yanked it and turned. Taking it all for myself. Joshua had given me it after he gotten a snake as a pet which I convinced him mother in getting. Which was hard but I did it. Stacy couldn't even convince her to let him stay over her house for a project. Or even shut the door when she actually did.

I got comfortable. Falling asleep again.

As if magic I was so tired that I didn't even felt the pillow slip out of my grasp. I turn and he was sleeping soundly. I didn't want to even start. I just hugged the head of the pillow as he wrapped in the middle of it.

      I guess during the night it gotten colder so I changed the temperature through my phone with one eye being able to see blindly. Both of us had gotten closer for warmth. Feeling his breath on my forehead. Indicating he was closer but I didn't notice his hand had ended up over the pillow and on my hip. I didn't bother and pulling away because it was cold. It was my fault. Probably the weather but my fault for changing the temperature.

      I wasn't in a bad comfortable spot so I turned to be on my right side. How I usually sleep and I took the pillow with me since he didn't had a hold of it. I got comfortable again for the millionth time but so did Charles when he moved closer and pulled me towards him. Setting his head on my pillow and snaking his legs in between mine. Wrapping his arms around me and pressing his chest on my back. Along with everything else.


      I liked it.

      I let him. I didn't want to bother him because it didn't bother me.

      I felt him breath on my neck as well as his steady heart beat on my back. He was at peace and so was I. I snuggled more into him on instinct. Moving my hips back. Towards him.

He shifts a bit against me. I don't know if he woken up but he stops. Then I knew he did woke up as he moved his head a bit back away from me. Seconds later he pulls me even closer and wraps around me more.

      The feeling of his stubble against the nape of my neck and his crotch against my me.

      I don't know what happened to me but I gave into him. I turned back to him enough to see him.

      Then fully enough that I was facing him.

      He raises his hands from my back to the nape of my neck. I was going for it but he went for it first.

      Clashing our lips together.

I kissed back immediately as he cupped my chin. Making our kiss deepen. Slithering his tongue between my lips as he snakes his hands under my shirt. He made me gasp a little as I didn't notice how long his tongue was. Surprising me.

He raises his hand under my shirt. Practically taking it off. So I did the same with him as I didn't want to be the only one shirtless. Or naked as he started pulling down my pants.

I pulled away first. Finally getting a view of his face from the little light that came from Tyler's nightlight.

"I'm-...I'm...I didn't mea-"

I rolled my eyes and traveled on him. Clashing our lips together again as he started taking off his pants. Finally being nude under the sheets that covered us.

He held on my hips as I was still mounted on him. Feeling me down as his poked me from the back. I pull away again. Offering him a smirk as I went under the cover. He sits up a bit as I grab on his member. Finally getting a taste of him.

I woke up about a quarter before 7 as it appeared on my clock. While being embraced by Charles strong arms. While something else big being pressed up against me.

I move a bit. Awaking him up from his slumber. I took that time as he let go of me to stretch. I raise myself from my bed. Looking around my room where our clothes were thrown around. As well as a few condoms so I write a mental note to buy more since we finished them. I turn to Charles laying back as he checks me out with a cheeky smirk. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He says as I motion past him to hand me my phone. He tosses it to me.

A text from Alma asking if she can come over at in a bit. I quickly call her as she always texts me that when somethings up so I turn to Charles to be quiet.

"Hey. You saw my text?" She asks first through the phone. "Yeah I did. Is there something up?" I asked.

"No. I just have nothing to do. And plus I haven't seen you in over a week."

"Okay. I'm not currently home right now."

"Why are you lying?"

"What do you mean I'm lying?" I asked getting up from my bed and almost stumbling as I open the curtains to the garden. "I just saw your car in the garage." She says as Charles gets up from the bed. I turn to him and the door opens as Alma hangs up and walks in on us both nude.

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