
By seventhirty3pm

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Limelight parts 1,2, will all be included in this book. Part 3 will be separate. All her life Delilah Smith... More

Dear Reader
Wishing On A Star
The Limelight
My Crème De La Crème
Whip Appeal
Breaking News
People Make The World Go Round
The Joneses' Boy
Addition To Part One Cast
Adventures In The Bronx
The Show
The Papers, The Beginning
Daddy's Word
Exhibit A. Coming Out
There But For The Grace Of God Go I
When Fate Calls
Road To Glory
Road To Glory Part 2
Next Big Thing
The Bad, The Ugly
Brewing Plans
A Different Route
Killa's Kill
Something Like Resolutions
California Dreaming
Solo Jackson
With Ruin Comes Hope
The Closer We Get
With Hope Comes Ruin
A Night To Remember
There's A Candle For The Darkness
Pleasure & Pain
Portrait Of Havoc
Shades Of Gray
Voyage To Hollywood
Dear Reader
Legally Misguided
Talking Business
Chasing Inspiration
The Start Of The Beginning
He's The Greatest Dancer
Lights, Camera, Action
Time Is Of The Essence
Hollywood Swinging
Boogie Oogie Oogie
The Thrill Of It All
Addition To Part Two Cast
There's A Key For Locked Doors
'Tis The Season
Business Vs Pleasure
Never Can Say Goodbye
Time Waits For No One
Life In Oz
Bees, Buzz, And Honey
City Of Angels, Land Of Demons
Upside Down
All Is Fair In Love And War

Arosing Conflicts

666 38 196
By seventhirty3pm

Delilah's smile faded for a split second as she watched her father storm out the door until she was distracted by Raheem's voice.

" Yo, you did it. For a minute I thought you'd chicken out on me." He teased, pulling the grinning Delilah into a proud hug.

As she squeezed him tightly in attempts to ease her racing heart, she let out a breath. " I know I know, I can't believe I did that... it's like I can barely remember how to breathe–"

" Yo, my girl is a superstar now!" Valentina rushed towards them along with Alyssa and Junior. "I didn't know you had all that bottled up in you." She nudged her, causing Delilah to give a sly smirk and shrug.

" Right, and not just that, but Bobby girl. Ain't no way he's not impressed. Did you see his face?" Alyssa added on causing the boys to eye them in confusion.

" Bobby?" Raheem and Junior mumbled together. " Crooked tooth Bobby?" Junior frowned.

" Ew no, Bobby Coleman, the big shot record label owner." Valentina clarified, causing Delilah's eyes to roam the room in search for him while the girls continued their
' What if ' rants.

Yet he was gone... there wasn't a single trace of his distinctive presence amongst the crowd.

She couldn't believe that she let him slip from her fingertips when he was just in the same building as she.

Delilah was beginning to doubt herself entirely now as she watched everything gradually return back to normal. Her five seconds of fame and her taste of the limelight seemed to vanish within a span of thirty minutes.

Bobby ain't checking for no teenage church girl like you, especially one that still has to listen to daddy's orders.

Delilah's conscience tormented her relentlessly as slowly found her way to one of the seats... feeling deflated and low now that her sudden darkness drained her recent light.

" What if he signs her or something? This could change our lives foreva." Alyssa squealed and in the midst of listening to her and Valentina go on and on, Junior suddenly had the urge to glance towards the clock.

His heart sinking immediately for he told Man Killa that he'd specifically be at Napoleon by one. Yet the time was rolling on twenty minutes after.

He placed his drink down hastily before he announced that he had to leave, but it wasn't like the three paid any mind to his words. They were still too busy being star-struck to care about anything else... they didn't even notice that Delilah had left them to drown in her dismay.

Junior sighed to himself before he exited the church completely, glancing around before he decided to just make a run down the two blocks towards Napoleon until he then heard
" You're late." from behind him. His eyes shut immediately at the sound of Man Killa's strict tone before he swung around with a sigh to see her posted against her car, picking her fro.

" Look I tried my best okay... you'll be late too if you had a family like mine." He stated earning a short glare from her.

" Yeah what ever... get in the car, and you better pray that Sincere is not in one of his moods." She mumbled before she turned the radio on causing Pusher Man to fill the car.

Junior's mouth became slightly dry at the sound of it. Lately, his dreams consisted of four constant visions. Fernando beating him, Shank's game of Russian roulette, the hunt for Troy, and the envelope of money that was stashed in his room. His mind couldn't stop creating scenarios as he sat glued to the back seat of Man Killa's Chevrolet Chevelle.

What if they found out you helped Troy escape somehow? What if they kill the both of you for it? What if they knew your relations with Troy all along? Or what if this was all just one of Sincere's many tests? What if Troy was cooperating to see how deep your loyalty was? His conscience questioned him until Killa's voice interrupted the heated conversation he held in his thoughts.

" Sincere didn't tell me much but I think he wants to talk to you about the situation at the club."

" The club?"

" Yeah, that's what I said wasn't it? Last night Shank went on a little so-called mission and found out that Troy could possibly be in cahoots with this bartender at Limelight... so therefore he may have not been there the night we were, but he's still not off the hook. Especially since Shank suspects that the bartender is a Skelator." She told him, glancing in the rearview for a split second as they arrived to their destination.

This situation just seemed to get worse for Troy as the days went by. " So did he go back to the club for this so-called bartender slash Skelator? "

" Look all I know is that for some reason the man is only there either Fridays or Saturdays." She eyed him with risen brows as if she was on to something before the door opened suddenly.

" You're late." Shank stated as he glared at his girlfriend then Junior. "Nice fit Little Boy Blue, or is it Little Bo Peep?" He teased with a smirk as he eyed Junior's blue and white suit.

The both of them rolled their eyes at his corny insults. " Oh shut up and leave him alone, where is Sincere?" She pushed passed him, ignoring his attempts to embrace her completely.

Shank clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes.
" Why you looking for him all of a sudden? Didn't you get enough visits from his ass these past few weeks?" He questioned bitterly causing Killa to stop walking to give him a side-eye.

" Don't start this shit with me, not right now. I was told to fetch Bullseye for him so where is he?" She proceeded walking until she turned the corner to see just who she was looking for.

Sincere remained in the other room, monitoring the workers intently as they handled the different drugs.

Junior had came here a total of five times now, and he still wasn't used to the pungent smells of the place, nor was he used to seeing so many naked women aside from his many playboy magazines.

Yet he still managed to play it off as he greeted the men who spoke to him with nods and the half-dressed or nude women with winks and smug smirks... until his eyes soon landed on Sincere as he glared at them with a look he couldn't fully decipher.

He became nervous all over again due to the possibility of Sincere knowing his little secret.

Without speaking a single word Sincere led the three towards his office, demanding that Killa and Shank stand outside the door to make sure no one interrupted. The door closed and Junior found himself holding his breath as he watched Sincere take a seat behind the desk.

" I'm sure Killa told you about our little pest. " Sincere began as he spun his pinky ring with his thumb.

" Ugh yeah, she mentioned something bout that cat Troy and some Skelator bartender." Junior nodded as he played half clueless, although he truly didn't know anything about this bartender that was mentioned.

Sincere nodded, spinning his chair around to open a safe behind him. " Remember what I told you the first time you came to my office?... Bullseye, that's what they call you now right?" He chuckled a bit before he placed two thick wads of money on the desk.

Junior simply nodded as he eyed the money causing Sincere to throw a smirk his way. " I meant every single word and since you passed the test that night at Limelight. I trust you with another mission, but this time it's just you...a solo mission."

" A solo mission?"

" Yeah... is that a problem?" Sincere's eyebrow rose.

" No, no sir it's not. I'm just shocked a little bit. You really believe in me like you said."

" Of course, I don't say something that I don't mean, hence my name." Sincere continued to spin his ring causing Junior to nod. To Junior it was rare to hear that coming from someone lately, his family just seemed so caught up in their own lives that they barely acknowledged him.

But ever since he became a Three Sixty member, the money rolling in gave him the power to be recognized as something more than just the preacher's son or the annoying little brother.

" I'll do it then, I'm down." Junior blurted as his eyes watched the money as if it would grow wings and fly away.

" Good because you're going on Skeletor turf, I need you to find that one-night bartender. Get as much information out of him as you can... then get rid of him."

Junior's eyes widened for a brief moment.
" You mean like... get rid of ... rid of? Or just get rid of?"

The nervousness in Junior's voice made Sincere laugh hysterically to the point where Junior eventually joined him. Although Junior's laugh was more forced, awkward, and humorless.

" Let me rephrase that... I want you to blow his fucking head off." He stated suddenly. All his previous laughter was completely gone now as he stared at Junior menacingly. " I told you... the only way to get rid of an antagonizer is to become one yourself. You can't be scared in a world like this, you either kill or get killed... I've learned from experience trust me it's better to be safe than sorry." Sincere stated as he and Junior eyed each other through the dimness of the room.

Get rid of him... Sincere's voice rang in Junior's head as he walked away from Napoleon. Everything in him wanted to stop his feet from walking, but he knew that he wasn't going to get out of this easily.

But I'm not a murderer... I can't kill a person. He thought to himself until he then thought about his attempt to shoot Shank, which made him question if he was capable of ending a life as he entered his window.

After changing into more suitable clothes he grabbed the gun from his nightstand and loaded it completely.

Better safe than sorry. His mind replayed again as he closed his eyes, tucking the gun in his sweat pants before climbing back out... his mindset on going to Skeletor land and hopefully finding Troy an official way out. Even if it meant getting rid of this Skeletor bartender.


Michael spent most of his day confined in his room, reading through the contract thoroughly for what had to be the seventh time since his brief meeting with Bobby Coleman.

Even if he knew that he wouldn't go through with it, he still felt like he had a decision to make.

He bit his lip as he stood from his bed and walked over towards his desk. And then he thought.

Maybe I should sign... but just to see how it would feel. His silly thoughts then persuaded him to glide the pen across the paper and Michael smiled at the sight of his signature, but before he could throw it away his door flew open.

" Michael, Michael! " Joseph's voice was heard behind him.

Michael swung around, crumbling the contract behind his back as he watched his father smile like he just reached heaven. " I just got a call from Bobby Coleman and you won't believe this... he wants to sign The Jacksons! " Joseph surprisingly pulled him into a hug, causing Michael to tense up for he wasn't used to this feeling.

He couldn't remember the last time his father hugged him, or if he ever hugged him at all.

Michael gave him a brittle smile as he pulled away from his teary-eyed father. " Michael I know I flip out a lot and I know I hurt you boys' feelings sometimes, but believe me I just want the best for you all."

Michael's eyebrows rose in shock as he watched his father exit the room excitedly." Tell your brothers to fix themselves up, we're going to celebrate with dinner. Man, we really did it this time... the Jacksons the comeback baby! " Michael heard his father's voice echo from down the hall.

He flopped back down in his chair before flattening the contract again and he sighed to himself, throwing it in the trash before slouching down in defeat.


The night had arrived and Junior finally built up the courage to go through with Sincere's orders after hours of doubts and contemplation.

He turned to look over his shoulder then climbed up the building's rusty ladder. He was now at the border of Skeletor land and he could see dim lights from the alley below him as he stood on the roof of a small building.

There remained a few members in Fernando's crew, burning trash, breaking glass, and searching through the overflowing dumpsters. They lived in alleys like this for they were equivalent to stray cats that scrambled around for bits of a meal.

These were the lowest people of the Valley, created by the thing that effected the neighborhood the most, poverty.

But Junior wasn't aware of that and even if he was he wouldn't too much care. The only thing that came to mind when he saw them was vengeance. His mind had been set on settling the score of cruelty since the moment they left him bruised and bloody.

His jaw clenched as he ducked slightly out of sight as he eased dropped on the conversation being held for any scoop on this phony bartender.

" Aye Raz, did you call that girl back from last night?" The one that Junior recognized as Slime asked, he was Fernando's younger airhead cousin.

Raz sucked on his toothpick as he examined a beer bottle. " Man hell nah, that bitch gave me the number to Johnny's Pizza." He threw the bottle just above the youngest boy Claw's head. He was the same age as Junior and wore a glove with razor blades attached to them... he was the epitome of a maniac.

Claw swatted at Raz's right calf in attempts to slash his skin causing Raz to kick at his gloved hand before Slime took his attention away.

" I told you she wasn't sweatin' yo ass. That's that bitch Tasha's best friend. You know they stuck up."

" Right." Claw shook his head as he examined his now bleeding hand due to Raz shifting the blades with his kick. " They always act like they too good for us or some shit."

" Nah she just ain't fucking with y'all." Slime laughed. " She fucked with Fernando and he's just like the rest of us." Slime added some more cardboard to the fire to illuminate their sleeping area for the night.

" Whatever man, aye but you heard about Fernando right?" Asked Claw as he removed the broken piece of razor from his hand.

" What about him?" Slime grimaced at the sight of Claw's cut.

" I heard that he's been looking for that preacher boy we beat down. That little bitch ran off to join the Three Sixty for protection I heard." They all snickered at Claw's words.

While Junior, however, clenched his gun, preparing to quench his thirst for revenge. Again he was unaware that his actions tonight would determine his future conversion as he slid down the ladder.

" Pussy just don't know that his ass is about to get handed to him." They dabbed each other up in laughter, but once they heard the cocking of Junior's gun the atmosphere modified completely.

" My ass handed to me huh? " His jaw clenched as he watched them become small.

Their lives were now in his hands.

" Just do it...since you're so big and bad it! " Slime spat, earning an eye roll from Junior. " Do it preachers boy!" he shouted and in immediate result, Junior shot him directly in the shoulder.

Junior's heart spiked in his chest, but he refused to show it as he watched Slime cry out.

" It's Bullseye bitch." He gritted as he watched Raz and Claw drop down to comfort their friend.

Junior then sauntered towards Claw and placed the gun on his forehead. " Let's play a little game... I'll call it ... Skeletor Roulette." Junior recited, trying his best to avoid flashbacks of Shank at the moment.

Yet he wanted them to feel the same way he did for they were the cause of it all, and now they were going to see that actions came with consequences.

He swiftly shot the dumpster a total of three times before he placed the gun back to Claw's head.

" Man, what do you want from us? We're sorry damn! "

" You wasn't sorry minutes ago... You know what fuck it- I want answers. Who the hell is this on and off Skeletor slash bartender that's been selling Three Sixty product at that new club, the Limelight?" he questioned to only receive silence in return.

Junior eyed the three of them then he nodded and almost immediately he shot the gun.


Claw shuddered in fear as he cried for someone to tell him the truth. Yet they remained silent.


He shot again, then again, and just before he could do it the fifth time Raz finally spoke up.

" Wait, wait. I'll show you who he is I swear. He sometimes stay in his old clothing store a few blocks down."

Junior nodded at his words, but that still didn't satisfy him. So he glanced down to the shaking Claw and ordered for him to put his hands flat on the ground, and in the midst of Claw questioning why - Junior stomped on is gloved hand as hard as he could as visions of them stomping him raced across his mind.

No remorse was shown as the blades penetrated Claw's hand that gushed with blood. Junior just found himself loving the sound of them begging for him to stop and furthermore Claw's cries of excruciating pain.

Junior didn't stop until Claw's hand was barely noticeable then he turned to the crying Raz, yanking his long rat-tail braid. " You got five seconds to get yourself together and take me to that store before I make this last bullet for you. And trust me I never miss." He assured before pulling Raz out the alley to start their journey to the old clothing store.

They reached the dark place in no time.
" You go first." Junior nodded, aiming the gun towards Raz as he pushed him in.

The only light source in the place was a lamp towards the back and Junior could see someone lying beside it with a few beers surrounding the area. " Aye, aye wake up." Junior spat as he kicked the mat the man rested on.

The man groaned in response until Junior cocked his gun again. " I said get up."

" I-I swear I don't have any money don't shoot." The man pleaded as he lifted up and once his face was revealed Junior's eyes widened in disbelief.

" M–Mr. Garfield? "


I sat alongside my brothers as we remained in the dimness of Aura, a restaurant downtown. I never been here before since this was a fairly new place and I must admit that I'm enjoying the food and the jungle-like scenery.

It was simply beautiful, especially the large waterfall wall near us that created a peaceful atmosphere throughout the place. That seemed to be the only highlight of this dreadful night for I've been listening to Joseph and Bobby make plans for the Jacksons for the past thirty minutes.

" You know what, I would like to propose a toast. Monday I had my mindset on one thing but earlier today something in me told me to seek prayer. And this morning God spoke to me through a girl and through a song, if it wasn't for that song I wouldn't have made the decision I've made."

" Well toast to the girl and that song." Joseph blurted causing Bobby and my brothers to laugh as we all clicked glasses, but my expression remained solemn as Bobby and I exchanged brief glances.

Curse that girl.

My eyes rolled for the umpteenth time as I listened to my father mention extra things like us doing commercials, TV shows, and even a movie. Not once did he mention the music, what this was all about.

" I was thinking about a family TV show."

" That's nice and all... good for the future but too much for the present. Let's focus on the music for now." Bobby practically stole my thoughts from me. " For instance... Get On The Floor, the song Michael performed last Saturday."

" Yeah... About that." I heard Joseph mutter causing my eyes to cut his way. " When the Jacksons perform they perform together, it's either all of them or none of them."

I felt my teeth tighten at my father's words, it just reminded me just how bound I was to restricting my ideas and minimizing them for the group.

" I understand, but there is no denying how much the people request to hear the song again. Look... how about we record it again but with all five of them this time." Bobby suggested just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.

" What's the point of recording it again when Michael's singing the entire song?" Jackie asked causing the rest of my brothers to mumble in agreement.

" Well, I can work things out to give some of you a few parts."

I officially couldn't take this conversation anymore, I couldn't believe that this was happening, it felt like all my hard work was going down the drain. They couldn't just change the song – no, I refuse to allow them to.

Excusing myself from the table I rubbed my temples as I made a beeline for the restroom, that was until I heard a voice I knew from anywhere.

" I can't believe you forgot your wallet, Heem."
Delilah's voice was heard somewhere around me. I glanced around in search for her until I spotted them nearby as they talked to one of the workers and the owner who I met earlier.

She looked absolutely gorgeous, even in frustration nothing could falter her beauty... it amazed me every time I saw her. I just had to say something to her, anything... but how could I approach her after the stupid things I said?

I watched as she continued to ramble in frustration until I noticed the owner calling for security and immediately I rushed towards the table without thought.

" Oh, Mr. Lawrence. I forgot to tell you to add these two on my bill."

I could feel Delilah's eyes bore through me as I gained the owner's attention.

" Michael? " I heard her whisper. My eyes connected to hers at the sound of it.

" Oh Ugh, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding Mr. Jackson, my apologies also to the lovely couple–"

" We're not a couple." She blurted immediately, her eyes briefly eyeing the owner before they returned to me.


I felt sick, no longer able to hold my food in for the mere sight of him put me in a state of nausea. I couldn't tell if it was from the embarrassment of almost getting kicked out of this restaurant or simply him. I tried so hard to make an effort to forget him.. to think of my memories with him as if it was just a dream, but here he was - eyeing me down with those ebony eyes.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the owner dismiss his workers before he expressed his sorriness once again, but Michael's eyes kept me transfixed. I was a deer stuck staring into the headlights, bound for my demise due to my blindness for his radiance.

" I'm sorry for the trouble." Raheem's voice caused me to blink away from Michael, yet I could still feel his heavy gaze upon me.

" No trouble at all." He nodded with a small smile. I glanced up at Raheem who seemed to be already looking at me. He must've been the most embarrassed out of the both of us, and now I felt sort of bad for raising my voice at him like I did when all he wanted to do was celebrate today's accomplishment.

" Well I don't want to interrupt you two any longer, so I'll get going... You look stunning tonight Delilah, as always." My head snapped towards him in awe, especially when he reached for my hand to give it a soft peck.

I quivered slightly as a sudden wave of warmth engulfed me in this rather cold place. Part of me yearned to see him again, but not like this. I couldn't believe how he could just attempt to woo me as if nothing happened, then walk away with no further words.. with no acknowledgment of what was said last Saturday night.

Delilah cleared her throat. " Um, we should go... it's getting late." she stood quickly, knocking the water over onto her dress as she did so. " Shit! " She then exclaimed louder than she intended, earning glances from various people in the restaurant - including Michael and his family who had just said their byes to Mr. Coleman.

She froze for a brief moment as she watched Raheem clean the mess then her eyes converted to Michael's before she rushed out the door.


The events of today had Delilah lost in a whirlwind, but none of that seemed to matter once she was inside the walls of her home.

With a sigh, she moved forward in the dimness of her living room until she slightly stumbled on one of the few bags that sat in her way. She glanced around in confusion before her father slowly emerged around the corner.

" Daddy what's going on?"

" I want you out."

" What? But daddy–"

" You heard what I said, I want you...out." He placed his small glass of whiskey down before he threw one of the bags her way, only for her to let it fall at her feet.

Delilah's eyes became watery as she glared at her father's unrecognizable expression, there wasn't an ounce of love left in his eyes.

" I accepted you as my own, treated you like my own, and loved you like my own... this is how you repay me? By defiance? "

" Defiance?" Her voice cracked as she was on the verge of tears. " Please...Daddy, I was just singing, I just wanted to sing."

" Sing? That's not the only thing you did, exposing Carlos and Carmen, showing off private parts of your body! That is no way to show holy appreciation. And that song! What on earth was that?"

" It was me! My music! My everything!" She cried causing his eyes to grow wide.

" You better lower your damn voic–"

" It's been my dream since before I could remember and all you do is force me to throw it away so I can be a doctor like mom, or— or a preacher's wife! Well, I don't want to be any of that! "

" You're walking on thin ice girl–"

" I want to be remembered worldwide! I want to sing any type of music that speaks to me! I want to be the next Donna Summer, Riva Love! I want to be a disco queen! " her words resulted in a powerful blow to her face, sending the back of her head towards the wall, creating a loud thudding noise.

The noise woke her family across the hall, Ms. Betty, and a few others next door who began to gather in the hall due to this late-night commotion. Damon and Devin exited their rooms and at the sound of Mr. Smith's yelling voice they rushed out their home.

But just as they twisted the doorknob - the door flung open then out came Delilah.

" What's going–" Damon tried to ask but before he could finish his sentence he was knocked out the way for she began to run the fastest she could down the hallway– not caring how many people she bumped into in the process of doing so. She had to get away, that's all her mind screamed for her to do.

Run and never return... no matter if she had no idea of where she'd run off to.

The streets were blurred for her tears were a hindrance to her sight as she ran in no direction but forward. Her face still stinging from her father's slap and her feet aching in her heels.

She had made it a block down before one of her heels broke and she fell into a person who had just left the market with a few bags.

" Oh my god, are you okay?" Delilah faintly heard the woman say before she glanced up, the lady's eyes grew in size. " Delilah?"


I'm so sorry for failing to update last Saturday but a lot of events were coming up for me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you feel about the path Sincere is leading Junior down?

Do you agree with Michael staying with the Jacksons as Joseph wishes?

Was Delilah in the wrong or is her father?

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