
By seventhirty3pm

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Limelight parts 1,2, will all be included in this book. Part 3 will be separate. All her life Delilah Smith... More

Dear Reader
The Bronx
The Limelight
My Crème De La Crème
Whip Appeal
Breaking News
People Make The World Go Round
The Joneses' Boy
Addition To Part One Cast
Adventures In The Bronx
The Show
The Papers, The Beginning
Daddy's Word
Exhibit A. Coming Out
There But For The Grace Of God Go I
Arosing Conflicts
When Fate Calls
Road To Glory
Road To Glory Part 2
Next Big Thing
The Bad, The Ugly
Brewing Plans
A Different Route
Killa's Kill
Something Like Resolutions
California Dreaming
Solo Jackson
With Ruin Comes Hope
The Closer We Get
With Hope Comes Ruin
A Night To Remember
There's A Candle For The Darkness
Pleasure & Pain
Portrait Of Havoc
Shades Of Gray
Voyage To Hollywood
Dear Reader
Legally Misguided
Talking Business
Chasing Inspiration
The Start Of The Beginning
He's The Greatest Dancer
Lights, Camera, Action
Time Is Of The Essence
Hollywood Swinging
Boogie Oogie Oogie
The Thrill Of It All
Addition To Part Two Cast
There's A Key For Locked Doors
'Tis The Season
Business Vs Pleasure
Never Can Say Goodbye
Time Waits For No One
Life In Oz
Bees, Buzz, And Honey
City Of Angels, Land Of Demons
Upside Down
All Is Fair In Love And War


678 28 94
By seventhirty3pm


I found it hard to claim sleep now that I've opened my eyes to her beauty. She remained sleeping peacefully on her back with her face turned to me, her right hand now wearing the ring that I've placed on it.

The thin sheets were draping over only the bottom half of her body – leaving the rest of her revealed to me. Seeing her like this caused visions from last night to flood my mind and as I stared at her sleeping I could see how her mouth opened wide whenever I slid in and out of her... I could still hear her moans, gasps, and whines as I showed her something new, our skin heated and against one another, our lips never wanting to let go, the warmth of being inside her.

It was painfully driving me crazy both mentally and physically.

My eyes traveled towards her body– giving me the urge to give her my all once again on this cushioned floor just to feel her hands pulling, rubbing, and scratching me helplessly – knowing that she couldn't escape the pleasure I gave her.

My hands caressed her from her covered leg to her bare skin– until I touched her face.

I couldn't help but kiss her, loving the softness of her lips, my lips merely parting from hers when she moved a bit before I kissed her again– groaning lightly once she kissed back seconds later.

She began to run her cool fingers through my hair as I pressed our bare bodies together.


" Michael." I detached our lips then looked down at my right hand. There was a ring on it with a glistening diamond heart.

" I've been waiting on the perfect time to give it to you." he grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle kiss. " I promise to be yours if you only promise to be mine in return. I don't think I can last any longer without you being mine."

My mouth parted as I continued to look at him and eventually, I placed my fingers back through his fro– loving how soft it was.

My feelings scared me. After last night I'd never be the same again. I gave myself to him and now I knew that he'd always have an impact on me... I was already his.

Looking down at the ring I felt myself smile only slightly. Where I was from— most guys only used girls for one thing and often I'd find myself wondering if he genuinely had feelings for me, wanting to believe it but not completely sure until now.

Slowly I nodded and immediately he smiled then surprisingly grabbed me– rolling me on top of him earning a slight squeal from me as I laughed.

He brought my face down to kiss his lips before his hand traveled to my upper thigh, slowly inching over, making our smiles drop at an instant now that the mood had shifted." Um, Michael, baby I really should go though." I gasped, lifting and placing my hand on his chest as his finger suddenly began to massage my womanhood– feeling the impact he left last night but also feeling weak the longer he touched me there.

" Please just stay a little longer. Please." he breathed against my neck before kissing me there.

My body gave into him now as he turned us back over. " I'll run you a bath." he kissed my cheek. " Feed you..." he kissed my cheek again earning a smile from me. " Come on I just wanna spend more time with my girlfriend," he begged and I nodded slightly until his lips latched to mine.



We laid comfortably in the bed after a nice bubble bath.

" I wish I could stay like this with you forever." I thought out loud causing her to give me a small smile as she traced her finger along my stomach.

" How are things going at the studio? Did you record anything?"

I shook my head at her question and placed my hand behind my head. " We were supposed to record a song that Bobby said someone wrote for us but when we got there it was a different story... now I'm stuck with the pressure of making another hit instead and I got nothing but a blank page."

" I don't understand why you guys need another album already anyway."

" Me either Sparkle... me either. " I trailed off in thought of it until I forced myself to worry about it later.

" So what's new with you? Family? Music?"

" I don't even wanna talk about my family, all I know is that things are a lot different now. I saw my dad yesterday and I lost my mind... I kinda regret some of the things that I said to him but I couldn't get passed what he did to me and my family. " she began. " I swear when the tour ended life hit me. My parents are divorced, my aunt—" she paused.

I pulled her closer to me and caressed her side. " It's alright you don't gotta talk about that."

" It's just crazy how life could be getting so good but at the same time getting so bad. I love music and I'm finally getting somewhere with it." She sighed then I felt her smile against my chest. " Robert said that after we record with a few more artists he's gonna start working towards gettin' us our album... our own album." her head lifted to look at me.

" That's great." I smiled slightly causing hers to fade before she sat up completely causing me to do the same.

" You don't sound like it's great."

I shrugged. " I'm just trying to understand it. I didn't know you girls were an actual group... you told me that Alyssa and Valentina were just supporting you until you stepped out on your own."

" I know but people are starting to like us together and honestly I just wanna sing— plus I think the girls like singing with me too."

" They might like it but if they're not passionate about it — those early mornings and late nights will get old to them fast." I stated. My hand reached over to caress the side of her face while she rolled her eyes.

" What do I do then?"

" Just stick to your original plan and step out on your own."

" Yeah, you sound so sure that I can do this on my own."

I rested my head on her shoulder and smiled a bit. " Oh, I know you can–"

" But how?"

I inhaled then exhaled deeply before grabbing her hand. " I'll see what I can do..." I assured her, repeatedly kissing her hand earning laughter from me as she pushed my head away.


New York was calm after the night brought an outburst of crime in the dark streets. Arsons, muggings, looting and about a thousand false fire alarms.

Delilah now sat inside of her room along with Valentina.

" I still can't believe we came home to this madness,
A war zone. I heard Darius and the rest of the Barbers had to stand outside of the shop with guns so Barbra's wouldn't get destroyed again... oh and I heard on the radio that lights are startin' to come back on." Valentina flipped through the magazine and popped her gum before glancing towards Delilah in search of a reply.

" Girl... are you even listening to me?" Valentina's voice escalated slightly causing
Delilah to snap out of her thoughts.

" Yeah, my bad... I was just thinking."

Valentina glared at her before standing up from the floor to join her on the bed. " Hm...Where were you last night and this morning anyway? When I came over I had to like lie to ya moms and say that you were sleeping at my place."

Delilah glared at the ring for a second with a smile. " I–"

" You betta not lie to me. No mientas."

" Fine... I was with Michael."

Valentina's eyes squinted as she examined her best friend from head to toe. " Hm, Can you get that drink over there for me?" Valentina asked with her eyes still squinted and Delilah did without a problem, frowning once she walked back to Valentina who had a wide smile on her face.

" Yo you fucked? You fucked him?"

" Don't say it like that." Delilah scoffed while Valentina laughed.

" Oh I'm sorry I meant, you made love." she sang teasingly causing a laugh to escape Delilah. " Damn I knew you were walking different when you came in...he tore you up girl."

" Oh shut up." Delilah scoffed again and toyed with the material on her pillow.

Valentina kept a smirk on her face and laid on her stomach. " So how was it?"

" No– no I'm not doing this."

" Come on." Valentina sang giving Delilah's butt a hard tap. " Did you cry? Girl, I ain't go fake it I did my first time. Trust me doggy style is not the way to go for a virgin." she shook her head in remembrance.

Delilah turned onto her back, closed her eyes, and sighed before her soft voice spoke. " I don't even know how to describe it but now I get it – why people like it so much. I can still feel him all over me like everywhere... I can't shake it."

" Yo you think you had a – you know... an organism?"

Delilah felt herself smiling unintentionally. " Oh my God, I think I did... Especially this morning."

" This morning? Yo, you blessed him twice?"

" Well we didn't go all the way but this morning like changed me or something... It was like I had no control over myself like my emotions were controlling me."

" That's the power of lust girl, welcome to the other side." Valentina chuckled and shook Delilah's leg.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Alyssa. The two watched her walk in wearing a red short silk dress and matching heels. Her hair was now pressed and curled, bouncing as she walked. Delilah was sort of shocked to see her there for she expected her to be in her new luxurious home with the love of her life- or at least that was what Alyssa claimed.

Alyssa let out a low laugh that caused Delilah to sit up and convert her attention to her. " I swear you convince me every time that you don't gotta mind of your own."

Delilah's expression softened before morphing into a frown. " What?"

" You heard me... you find out I lost my virginity and now all of a sudden you up and lose yours."

" Look don't even go there okay..." Delilah stared at her in disbelief and rising anger. " You don't know shit, I lost mine because I was ready okay. Yeah, I admire you, I look up to you but that don't mean my life revolve around you."

Alyssa felt herself become less tense at her sister's words... she didn't know what was wrong with her but she hated that she was taking her frustration out on the people she loved. " I'm sorry- I just been trippen lately and Valentina I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said that stupid shit it was selfish."

Valentina shook her head. " Yo, I'm sorry too. I didn't have to tell your business like that- you know about Robert."

" Well, that was a one-time thing... I'll never do that again."

Delilah could sense the guilt in her sister's voice and felt her tenseness falter as well. But she still felt the uneasiness that her words caused.

With a shift, she decided to conjure the topic of their future as the Soul Madonnas. " Well since we are... talking about him. We need to talk, and not about what happened between y'all." she paused to read the girls' blank expressions.

" Alright what is it?" Valentina egged with rolling hands.

" It's about us, the Soul Madonnas um. He said after we work with a few more artists – he'd work towards getting us our own album." Delilah's words came out reluctant as she observed specifically Alyssa.

" Yo, I'm down as long as it means we get paid more." Valentina shrugged as Delilah predicted. She expected Valentina to just go with the flow, but Alyssa, on the other hand, had her own separate ambitions, and Delilah knew that.

This made her mind momentarily replay Michael's words for, at first, when he told her she had her doubts, but now she realized he was right.

She could sense it all from the look on Alyssa's patient face– it resembled their mother's expression whenever her mind was made.

" An album? It's crazy enough that I dropped everything to go on tour. I'd be crazy to invest more time in making an album when it's not what I have a passion for."

And there it was. The words that made Delilah somehow sink lower into the mattress in defeat.

" You knew this was coming Honey, I wasn't gonna hold your hand foreva. It's been a year so you had more than enough time to get passed whatever you're scared of."

" Lyssa got a point, it's time to branch off and show the world Delilah Smith–not just some Soul Madonna. On the real, you shouldn't settle for just some background singer you know – or even what Robert suggested because for one Alyssa is not on board and two you better off alone to be fucking you sang for the church or at the talent search."

Endless thoughts ran across Delilah's mind in the short span it took her to reply. " But what about you?"

Valentina shrugged with a sly smirk. " Shit I can sing background —" she chuckled a bit. " I can be your Soul Madonna."

Delilah looked to Valentina then Alyssa before nodding. " Alright then."

" Alright then." Alyssa repeated after. " What's your next move?"

" Michael told me that he'll see what he can do so I'll rely on that for now."

" So you're just gonna depend on an I'll see?"

" Yeah." Delilah replied firmly, causing Valentina to roll her eyes as she felt the spurring of another sisterly argument.

" Okay okay– that's good news and all but what Alyssa is trying to say is that... you need to see what you can do too." Valentina peered between them for a response.

In return, she received dumbfounded looks. Delilah processing the advice and Alyssa's lip curling in amusement.

" Well, I'd be damned." Alyssa reached to give her five. " Tina's right for sure, but I gotta tip. I'll be back probably later or something. I'm getting my stuff from Barbra's - clearing my station for good."

" Really?" Delilah stood and followed her towards the door.

" What you thought I was gonna stay there forever? I'm finally getting my own place."

" Of course you are with that rich ass boyfriend." Valentina approached them from down the hall. " How many houses that man got again?"

" Valentina don't even start- I actually saved a lot of money and worked hard for this." she converted her eyes back to Delilah. " You keep making me proud alright, I hope y'all still helping with Darius and Barbra's party cause we'll need the help."

" For sure." Delilah smirked and felt the sudden urge to hug her sister and she immediately acted on that. " I love you Lyssa..."

Alyssa relaxed and hugged her back with a hum." I love you too girl." she stated before she was soon leaving the apartment.


Alyssa felt a sense of excitement to see everyone at Barbra's – even if she was going there to leave for good.

The fact that nearly everything was the same gave her great nostalgia from all the long days and nights she spent there. The only difference was that there were two new people renting booths and the large shelve with flowers, cards, and pictures in honor of Troy.

It took them a while to notice that she was standing there near the desk.

Barbra was in the middle of washing a client's hair and Darius, of course, was on the barbers' side talking loud about his favorite thing– sports.

Alyssa took it upon herself to approach Barbra once she placed her client under the dryer and washed her hands thoroughly like she always did.

Alyssa found herself laughing a bit for she knew Barbra hated the smell of product on her hands, she'd wash her hands nearly fifty times in an hour.

" Well if it isn't the stranger." Barbra playfully teased before giving her a welcoming hug. " I didn't expect you to come and work so early, plus I was getting used to taking your clients' money." she let go of her with a laugh yet Alyssa only smiled slyly.

" Actually I came here to say my goodbyes." Alyssa paused as Barbra's smile faded. They talked on the phone yesterday but Alyssa didn't want to tell her over the phone.

She knew that Barbra was understanding but at the same time she knew that Barbra would be a bit torn by her departure from the salon.

There wasn't a lot on Alyssa's station, two curlers, a straightener, three cans of hairspray, oils, a pack of rubber bands, and on the mirror were a few pictures and her beauty license.

It could all fit in the box that Barbra supplied her, everything packed neatly in it. A sigh escaped her as she turned around to see Barbra smiling at her.

" Why does it feel like my child is moving out of my home?" Barbra questioned with pouted lips.

" Don't do that." Alyssa hugged her once again. " I'll be here to help out with the party still, I'm not moving out of state."

" Okay, I'll stop being miss drama queen... I wish you all the luck in the world baby, I really do."

Alyssa thanked her then proceeded to get her things. The last thing she expected was the box to be so heavy, but Alyssa still managed to get through the door and walk down the street.

She only made it to the bench near the salon before she placed the heavy box down.

" You need help Ladybug?" his bass-like voice made her stomach churn. " Well? Girl, you just gonna stare or let me carry the load?"

" I'm good Dre." her words came out bland and rushed.

She didn't expect him to be there still, she wasn't even aware that he had been calling her all those times.

Andre's conceited smiled faded. He could sense that she was being distant from him suddenly and he couldn't think of any good reason besides her controlling boyfriend.

Andre licked his lips while watching Alyssa proceed to walk with the heavy box.

In years he lost too many people that were important to him - he wasn't about to allow some man to just take her away from him. Not just as a lover but mostly as a friend.

There was something about Alberto that didn't sit well with him and it was beyond Alberto's known affiliations. Maybe it was his ongoing jealousy that made him think that way, Alyssa was his first and only love and that day he saw her after all these years the last thing he hoped was to see her under another man's arm.

No matter how many women that walked down his life's path Alyssa always had a special place saved in his heart.

He called out to her this time with more bass and determination. His voice holding so much power that she turned around half taken aback and half offended. Andre didn't pay her expression any mind as he took the box from her hands, knowing that she secretly thanked him for it.

He began to walk ahead of her while she stood in place with her hands on her hips " Dre, what are you doing?"

" Helping your stubborn ass... I see that hasn't changed about you at all." he smiled her way once she caught up to him.

" No what are you doing for real?" she said in a tone that made him stop in his tracks.

" I saw you around the way and took the opportunity to talk to you. Never really got the chance to sit down and talk to you – I tried calling you for a while but I guess you were too busy living the life of a superstar or maybe I just can't take a hint." he shifted the box in his arms causing Alyssa to look up at his side profile in slight guilt from the way she was treating him.

Alyssa missed Andre truly but she wasn't comfortable with being around him considering their past. Andre always knew how to make her swoon with his smiles and slick ways.

Alyssa didn't trust herself since her incident with Robert. It still made her sick to know that she slept with a man she had no feelings for... she never thought she would be the one to do it. All this time she thought Valentina was the one but in reality, it was her.

" So where you headed to? We can drop this heavy thing off and sit down and talk. You know I miss how we used to talk... I'm not tryna push up on you or nothing but I could use a ladybug special." He stated which to his surprise made Alyssa crack a smile at the old memory.

" A ladybug special huh? How on Earth do yo ass even remember that?"

" I remember quite a lot of things when it comes to you." he glanced down to her.

Alyssa glanced up to him as well though only briefly before speaking. " I'm taking this to my place, but you shouldn't come. I'll just get a cab."

" You sure?" He asked just as they made it to his car.

" Yeah look if you really want to talk just meet me at a place called Frank's Spot in an hour."


Andre waited that hour impatiently and anxious for her arrival. Every minute that passed beyond that hour had his legs shaking and teeth biting at his lip.

It had only been 10 minutes when Alyssa walked through the chiming door causing him to smile softly in relief.

She still had the same hold on him when they were younger and he couldn't believe it. He was so drawn to her because she reminded him of a simple time. He wanted to think that reconnecting with her would give him a sense of genuine happiness again.

" This place is nice."

" I know." she smiled and handed him a menu. " Me and the girls love this place– it's our spot that hits the spot."

Andre laughed at her corniness. " God girl, you still a cornball."

" Whatever." she scoffed and threw a pack of salt in his direction however he easily dodged it.

" And you still got bad ass aim too." He continued to tease earning laughter from both of them until it eased with sighs.

" So what's been going on with you?" Alyssa asked like she always used to, concerned and attentive. Andre would've thought she would take on the profession of being a counselor by the way she cared to listen and give advice – even if her words were tough and straightforward.

Considering all the things that raced his mind when he was all alone he expected to talk for hours. However, now that someone finally asked about his well-being he had little to say and that was the simple fact that he lost the last of the family he knew.

Telling her made him relax in his seat more, especially once she gave her condolences and although she's expressed her remorse to him before something about her saying it now meant the world to him.

They ordered their food and spent so much time catching up with each other that neither noticed how late it was. Their topics changing consistently from the past, present, and future until Frank stopped by the table informing them about the place getting ready for closing.

With laughter, Andre paid for their meal and soon they were walking into the night's humidity.

It was going on midnight when she and Andre said their last words to each other. " I enjoyed talking to you." She smiled and looked down at her feet.

" You already know I did too." He glanced around to see a car in the distance, flashing its lights a total of three times. He wanted to offer Alyssa a ride but he somehow figured that she would decline –not like Andre had the time to do so anyway.

He already lost hours to his day –hours in doing what he needed to do.

" I'll pay for the cab." Andre announced to stop Alyssa from going in her purse although it wouldn't hurt her pockets the way it would hurt his.

" Thanks again for the good time and don't forget that I'm just one call away." Andre smiled, pulling her into his arms for a firm embrace.

Completely oblivious and unaware of the pictures being taken of their simple innocent actions.

The both of them went their separate ways with lingering smiles that took time to fade.
By the time Andre's smile disappeared he was entering the car that flashed its lights at him. Inside James sat in the driver seat with a smile to express his amusement and slight anger. " You're a wildcard detective or should I even call you that?"

" Don't fucking start with me Connor– Oh sorry I mean James."

" Don't start? You came to me for help while I was and still am in the middle of an undercover mission. Now I'm taking a big fucking risk for you, especially now that I know you're suspended because of God knows what–"

" It's not important." Andre snapped while keeping his eyes straight ahead.

James huffed and hit his pack of cigarettes against the palm of his hand. " Maybe so." he barely said above a mumble and as a result, Andre glanced over to him.

James was taking his time placing the stick in his mouth, lighting it, taking a long drag then exhaling. " Maybe it's not important, what's important is not screwing this up. You're playing a dangerous game with him and his lady."

" You say that like she's his property–"

" Goddamnit, what I'm saying is that you need to tread lightly. I told you that he had eyes nearly everywhere. I had to step up and be one of the eyes just so we could meet up like this. Andre, it's best that you stay away from her despite the history you have with her– make this night your last time seeing her." James demanded, practically seeing the defiance in Andre's eyes.


There was a regular routine that Alyssa followed when coming home. She'd put in the gates code then take the cart towards the house.

Things were different this mid-night. She was buzzed in without the code and had to walk the long way to the mansion.

By the time she made it there her heels were already being removed from her aching feet before she even walked through the door.

It was dark as she expected but the aroma was not. Alyssa although confused still began to smile at the thought of Alberto being home.

Quietly she placed her purse on the small table near the door and proceeded towards where the smell was lingering from.

She turned the corners and walked down a few halls and finally saw a light source-dim but still glowing enough for her to see.

Alyssa stopped in her tracks in amazement. The semi-long dining table was lit with scented candles and a plethora of different dishes.

She smiled as she spotted the wine glass, taking a drink and humming in delight.

" Wonderful, isn't it?" his voice startled her to look ahead of her- discerning him in the dark setting almost immediately.

Alberto walked towards her with patient steps and his arms cuffed behind his back.

" Mm baby it's the best for real." she took another sip while he watched her intensely.

" Well you know wine is known for tasting it's best the more it sits." he gave her warm cheek a leisured caress. " That glass has been sitting there for the past five hours."

She could hear the anger taking over his leveled voice which only drew her closer to assure him of her sorriness.  " Baby I had no idea- if I knew I would've never-"

" Been with another man?" he asked as if it was a real question then suddenly he slammed a stack of pictures on the table.

Alyssa felt stuck in disbelief for a few moments, eyeing the different pictures of her and Andre from hours ago to just moments ago. She tried to make sense of it, not how the pictures came about but the amount of trust he lacked in her. But then Robert crossed her mind, his facial expressions, his kisses, and his touch.

Alberto's gut feeling was right for his love did cheat just with a different man than the one he accused.

He nodded at her silence, taking that as an answer while he turned his back on her in attempts to leave. One thing that he hated the most was a cheater... his father was killed by Alberto's own hands for cheating and now he was the one being cheated on.

If only Alyssa knew what was going through his head she would've stayed far away from him as possible but instead, her ignorance made her call out to him, uttering the words ' let me explain' just like his father did.

He whirled back to her with his mind and body no longer as one, his fist sending Alyssa crashing onto a small glass bar table... her body feeling as if it shattered along with all the glass.

Shock coursed through her as she rolled over on her stomach. The tears she cried somehow numbing her throbbing eye.

She attempted to crawl away but immediately his foot kicked her into a paralyzed stated, struggling to breathe and cough up the blood all at once. His hands reached for her hair to yank her up, only to knock her down with another punch.

Alyssa's screams pointless, unheard, and abandoned.


It's been three days since the power restored light to New York once again and like after every tragic event that happened there-there was always an intermission of happiness that the horror was over before reality kicked in.

Delilah found herself peering at the television multiple times as she cooked breakfast for her mother; The bacon continued to pop the more it cooked causing Delilah to keep a safe distance.

On the news they were currently giving out interviews to the people in the different boroughs and neighborhood– Delilah found it intriguing no matter how many times she heard the man say
' Where were you during the blackout?'.

There were a few peers she recognized from Clayton High explaining how they were at the river when they suddenly saw Manhattan disappear in the distance.

She shook her head before the loud grunting sound caused her head to snap around.

Junior continued to stretch dramatically with his back arching and his feet rising. Delilah frowned. " Boy you need to put on a shirt and some freaking pants." she scolded him once noticing.

He waved her off and stole a piece of bacon off the plate. " Hey, that's for momma." Delilah hit him upside his thick fro, his hair growth surprising her every time.

She couldn't believe how much he changed in a year. He had just turned sixteen in May and was now able to look down at his sisters... he didn't realize how amusing it was until he was face to face with one of them.

Junior grinned. " I'm sorry what? I couldn't hear you down there." he cupped his hand around his ear, lowering to her level.

She pushed his face away from her and he finished the bacon he stole with a laugh.

His attention then trailed towards the news now as the old Italian man, Lin, raged about the ' Black Hoodlums' raiding his store, leaving empty shelves and only the paint on the walls he claimed.

Junior almost let out a laugh as he mumbled to himself  just before Delilah continued their conversation.

" So, I see ain't no comic posters on your walls I never thought I'd see the day."

Junior sat on the counter with a simper mixed evenly between arrogance and embarrassment.
"I'm a sophomore, practically a man what you expect?"'

" Mm, You betta expect a beating if you don't get your narrow behind off my granite counters." their mother appeared from around the hall, knocking his pride of being a man out the window.

Delilah reframed from laughing and gave her mother a sly smile— enjoying the energy radiating from her that morning. " I made you breakfast–"

" Don't eat it ma it's poison."

Delilah glared " Mm, You weren't saying that when you had your filthy hands on it."

Ms. Lovett admired her children even when they were immaturely arguing and mocking each other — she found it amusing for it reminded her of Curtis and her when they were younger.

Junior smacked his teeth and turned to her." Man, can she like leave for another year or something?"

" Cut it, you asked about her nearly the whole time she was gone." their mother teased causing Delilah to laugh as she teased him with her overly tight hugs and rough forehead kisses.

Delilah laughed while Junior groaned in disgust. No matter how much of a man he thought he had become he couldn't deny his overdramatic ways.

Delilah shook her head in amusement and turned her attention to her mother that continued to eat.
" But anyways I was wondering if I could spend a few nights at Valentina's."

" Isn't she starting school tomorrow? And you and I are really going to have a discussion about your future... I'm still a bit uneasy about your plans."

Delilah nodded and began to place the pans in the sink. " Ma I have a plan I swear and Valentina is with my plans too."

" She already got this far... I mean she not mainstream but she close soon everybody go be talking about them. By the way, I want a yacht on my birthday when you make us rich." Junior stated, nudging her arm.

" Junior you should go out and enjoy your last day of summer– let me and your sister talk." Ms. Lovett insisted with a shooing hand and a serious expression.

Delilah finished the last dish and turned the water off– preparing for whatever her mother had to say once Junior walked off.

The sound of her mother's mug gently tapping against the table caused Delilah to walk towards the table to take a seat, feeling her mother's gaze.

" You know you're supposed to be starting school tomorrow right? I know what you told me but as a mother – as your mother... it's not sitting right with me that you don't have a plan that is guaranteed
—And don't get me started on the fact that you don't have a backup plan."

" But ma."

" Listen... I don't want you just dropping everything behind okay– I'm not saying that I don't believe in you because you know damn well I do, what I don't believe in is this industry looking to make everything talented black girl they see successful. I don't want you jumping head over heels into this, do you understand me?"

Delilah felt herself nod understandingly although she couldn't bear the thought that it was a chance that her dream wouldn't work out for her. People could have the connections, the talent, and even the look but still there wasn't a guarantee.

" I said do you understand me?" she hovered over her causing Delilah to glare into her eyes.

" Ma, I can't go to school repeating my Junior year— it's too embarrassing. I'm so close I swear I can't go back now." she claimed, feeling her nerves rise at the glare her mother threw at her. " Like– I gotta meeting today, downtown with Limelight records... it's a big deal I promise."

" A meeting? You're seventeen, don't you think I should be there with you? Or at least get a call in advance?" she asked just as the door opened and soon Curtis entered causing Delilah to blurt without a single thought.

" Uncle Curtis said he'll take me, he got everything sorted out."

" What?" he approached the table with a raised brow." I've been here for two seconds and I'm already dragged into trouble." he chuckled, hugging his sister before pulling Delilah into one.

She rested her chin on his chest as she looked up to him with begging eyes just before her mother spoke.

" She says she got some meeting with the record label, claiming it's important and that you're taking her today... when were you gonna tell me, what you her manager now or something?"


I didn't expect him to go with it the way he did but he suddenly went from confused and suspicious to...determined.

We were now in his car pulling away from the apartment and I found myself not knowing what to say because I somehow knew that he'd be the first to start the conversation.

" You know between you, your brother, and sister I don't know who work me the most." he said causing the both of us to share a slight laugh that soon died down once we stopped at a red light.

I could feel him glaring at me and it immediately caused me to look over at him. " You got a meeting with this man again or are we trespassing?" he gave me a look that caused me to take a deep breath.

" I actually don't have a meeting– I just wanted momma not to be so mad about me dropping out."

" Dropping out?" his words were slightly muffled by the cigarette trapped between his lips as he lit it. " Niece, you know how she is about education."

" I know but I can't just stop when I'm so close. That's why I gotta try to get through to Bobby again— and I got a feeling that it's gonna play out this time. Comeon cut me some slack, I don't wanna be regretting not trying for the rest of my life. This is the last time... If I get blown off again then I'll reroute–go back to school, graduate, go to college and get a job." I sighed, seeming like I just rambled on with only one fearful and desperate breath.


Alyssa stared senselessly at her sleeping boyfriend as she remained in his hold. She stayed like that for nearly an hour now in thought of the past few days. Alberto appeared so peaceful to her eyes now but she couldn't get over the look in his eyes after he beat her unmercifully.

She had never experienced a feeling of fear so great towards someone she loved, especially someone who claimed to love her even more. However, she also came to the conclusion that she deserved it just this one time because of her sleeping with another man, her guilt from that still took a toll on her worst than any beating.

Alyssa swiftly wiped the tear that trailed down her cheek fearing the thought that it'll wake him if it touched his chest.

A silent whimper escaped her as she eased out of his embrace and sauntered towards the bathroom.

Her fingers locked the door before she faced her reflection. She looked extremely tired but she was relieved that the swelling in her eye went down significantly.

Her shirt was the only thing covering her bare body and once she removed it she slightly gasped at the marks on her body.

One still on the under part of her arm and the biggest one on her back from crashing into the table.

Her delicate hands shook as she reached her arm around to touch the bruise. Just yesterday she winced at the pain but now she didn't feel a single thing as if she was completely numb.

Words couldn't explain how it felt once the hot water cascaded down her front– sending tingles throughout her whole body.

Alyssa told herself to stop thinking about what happened and just enjoy the feeling of her muscles relaxing.

It took her a while to get out and she almost didn't want to but the thought of her getting out of this place for the day motivated her.

She never thought that she'd allow herself to be a prisoner to anyone and a man at that.

Her clothes were already set on the counter along with everything else she needed.

When she was ready she sighed at the fact that she looked like herself again – alive.

The sound of the door nob twisting caused her to freeze from applying the last of her red lipstick... Alberto's favorite.

She froze and looked over to the locked door-expecting him to explode but instead, he unlocked the door with ease." Since when did we start locking doors?" he stood near her at the two-person sink.

Her attire hadn't grabbed his attention until now that the question was answered with silence. " Where are you going?" he followed her out of the bathroom.

" Out." she barely mumbled before he yanked her arm- sending her body clashing to his.

" Out where?"

" With family, I swear." the fear in her tone caused Alberto to hush her as he rubbed his thumb across her bruised eye.

" You know I only meant to hurt you the way you hurt me. I could've slept with another woman yes but that would only punish me it seemed. My love is only set on you believe me and words can't describe the pain you caused me... it was only right to cause you pain so that we can heal together and forgive together for the pain we've caused each other." he paused before smiling. " I'll have James take you to where ever you desire... Ladybug."

A single tear fell from Alyssa's left eye. She was utterly petrified at this Alberto – this reintroduced stranger.


Delilah left her Uncle behind and walked through Bobby's large doors.

Now was the time to say fuck her nerves—her future was on the line so with that she placed her heart there too.

" Earlier than I expected...make sure you tell your uncle to come see me later for his check." Bobby proceeded to hit his bong - letting the smoke into the atmosphere.

" He's actually in the hall."

" Hm, perfect and I must admit I love your persistence Soul Madonna."

Delilah stopped in her tracks for a moment, frowning in confusion before she approached his desk.

" So wait you do remember me?"

Bobby gave a small smile." Bobby rarely forgets sweetheart."

" Then why act like I barely exist?"

" Because you still haven't proven yourself to me preacher's daughter."

" Stop calling me that, I'm not tied down to anything anymore... not that man, not my school, not nothing. Music is the only thing for me Bobby and I told you that the very first moment I spoke to you." She paused still haven't yet to take a seat which Bobby noticed.

" Take a seat kid."

" My name is Delilah Smith and I'm not here to listen to you tell me that I'm not good enough or–or hungry enough because I'm starving for this. You know I'm young, fine,built–"

" But do you have what it takes?" he stood from the desk, hovering over her.

Delilah proceeded to glare at him." I got what it takes but you already saw that several times."

" And yet you still haven't impressed me since the damn talent search."

" Because you ain't giving me a chance–"

" Two weeks."

" What?" her voice softened again at his words.

" I'm giving you two weeks to come up with a hit. And I mean a hit." He could see the excited glint in her eyes as if she was about to explode at any moment but instead, she kept her composure.

" I won't flop this I swear." Delilah promised as she made her way towards the door.

" Good but I must warn you miss Smith two weeks is equivalent to two days when it comes to making a hit record. You're gonna have to put in some serious work."

Delilah watched him go back for his bong with focused eyes, feeling a rush of confidence the more she glared at him." I'm am gonna put in the work."

" You just watch and see."


Thoughts on this chapter? Sorry for the wait.

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