
By seventhirty3pm

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Limelight parts 1,2, will all be included in this book. Part 3 will be separate. All her life Delilah Smith... More

Dear Reader
The Bronx
The Limelight
My Crème De La Crème
Whip Appeal
Breaking News
People Make The World Go Round
The Joneses' Boy
Addition To Part One Cast
Adventures In The Bronx
The Show
The Papers, The Beginning
Daddy's Word
Exhibit A. Coming Out
There But For The Grace Of God Go I
Arosing Conflicts
When Fate Calls
Road To Glory
Road To Glory Part 2
Next Big Thing
The Bad, The Ugly
Brewing Plans
A Different Route
Killa's Kill
Something Like Resolutions
California Dreaming
Solo Jackson
With Ruin Comes Hope
The Closer We Get
With Hope Comes Ruin
A Night To Remember
There's A Candle For The Darkness
Pleasure & Pain
Shades Of Gray
Voyage To Hollywood
Dear Reader
Legally Misguided
Talking Business
Chasing Inspiration
The Start Of The Beginning
He's The Greatest Dancer
Lights, Camera, Action
Time Is Of The Essence
Hollywood Swinging
Boogie Oogie Oogie
The Thrill Of It All
Addition To Part Two Cast
There's A Key For Locked Doors
'Tis The Season
Business Vs Pleasure
Never Can Say Goodbye
Time Waits For No One
Life In Oz
Bees, Buzz, And Honey
City Of Angels, Land Of Demons
Upside Down
All Is Fair In Love And War

Portrait Of Havoc

443 27 132
By seventhirty3pm


This is a MUSIC-BASED BOOK and I've tried my best to time the music the best I could. If you want the full experience of "Limelight" then please press the video and enjoy.

August 10th

" Good afternoon brothers, sistas, and other fantastic people. This is RadioRic bringing to you Earth, Wind, and Fire's Keep Your Head To The Sky and coming up next I have something new for you and later on – an exclusive interview from Riva Love."

Two weeks had never been so long to Delilah, the more she thought about meeting with Bobby the slower time seemed to pass.

To distract herself she talked on the phone with Devin about school, wrote a few letters to her Aunt Dorthy, and spent more time with her family.

They were in a place of goodness again, Delilah realized last night while they sat at the dining table, forgetting the things that were not going right and enjoying the moments of laughter.

It felt like a black and white filter was finally removed from their home.


Delilah remained on a stool, holding one side of the banner while Alyssa held the other. " Hurry up with that damn tape Tina before my arm fall off!" Alyssa yelled over the music while Valentina made her way to them with a slight laugh.

This was the last detail of the decorated salon. A banner that said happy anniversary.

The place was full of wall decorations, balloons, and right next to Troy's memorial was a big poster with pictures of the shop's memories over the years.

The photos dated back to the building being remodeled, the grand opening, and until just a few months ago.

The entire neighborhood was invited to this party in about an hour.

Delilah, Valentina, Alyssa, and a few others took over decorating, while Barbra and Darius only had to worry about getting ready.

Delilah and Alyssa stepped from their stools and inspected their
surroundings, pleased at what they saw.

" Okay the food is on the way thanks to Frank hooking us up. As for the drinks Betty's on that – oh shit Honey it's an extra cooler in the basement, don't forget to bring that up whenever the ice get here." Alyssa slowly inched down in the styling chair.

After weeks since the incident between her and Alberto, she still faced an ounce of pain in her back every so often.

Delilah nodded and took a seat in the styling chair next to her." You good?"

" Yeah girl I'm just tired," she claimed causing Valentina to give Alyssa a strong glare.

Alyssa rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. " So you said the song was coming along good?"

Delilah nodded towards Alyssa as she flipped through a new magazine. " Yeah," she muttered, stopping once she came across a picture of the Jacksons.

' The Jacksons talk on topping their latest album 'Destiny' in their Rob Brandy interview.'

' Jackie Jackson claims that he and his brothers might leave Limelight Records sooner than expected.'

The subtitles stated as she eyeballed the page with a frown.

The last time she spoke to Michael was two days before the Rob Brandy interview, however, that only consisted of a twenty second phone call that Michael ended with an apology and a promise to call back later.

It's been over a week since he promised.

She was used to Michael calling her every time an inconvenience happened — especially when it had to do with his complex relationship with his brothers slash bandmates.

Delilah stared at the small, still, and flattened version of him on the magazine paper, knowing how busy he could be but hating the communication lost.

Maybe I'm just being selfish. She thought for he spent two entire weeks with her and on top of that, cut his studio time to help her with the song.

Delilah sighed and traced her finger against his face on the picture.

Michael's face held no smile. He stood on the left end, his arm rested on Marlon, and his eyes looking dead in the camera.

She missed the warm feeling of his skin, which she couldn't possibly feel from tracing her finger along his face in the magazine. Was this what it was like to be... addicted?

" Hey, you okay girl?" Valentina interrupted her thoughts, playfully patting Delilah's bare thighs to make a rhythm.

" I'm good I was just reading about some fashion stuff that's it." she closed the magazine with an assuring grin.

" Mm, man I can't wait till you be in them magazines making us big cash and shit." Valentina sat down in the third styling chair.

Alyssa nodded and stood to grab a water from the mini-refrigerator." You can say that again."

" I can't motherfucking wait until you be in them motherfucking magazines making us motherfucking big cash and shit," Valentina repeated forcing a smile on Delilah's face.

Her smile was short-lived as her mind went back to Michael, while Valentina and Alyssa had their minds on things as well.

Silence came from them as they all seemed to wind down from all the work they've done since the morning, listening to the song as it almost ran its entire course.

Delilah sat back with closed eyes, feeling her aching feet relaxing the longer she sat there, enjoying their falsettos along with their harmonies.

Keep your head to the sky. She sang in her mind with slow deep breaths. Her eyes feeling somewhat heavy with all the work they had done.

Keep your head to the sky.

Keep your head to the sky.
She began to drift off.

Yet it was only mere moments later when her eyes snapped open at the sound of the upbeat song blasting through the place – her song.

" Oh shit what's this?" Valentina stood, turning the radio up in complete interest.

Delilah's heart dropped as she sat up in the seat. Her eyes were wide and her lips remained agape as she struggled to speak. " This— this is my song," she muttered so inaudibly that she thought her girls wouldn't understand and before she knew it she darted from her seat and said it again.

" This is my song, this is my fucking song."

Valentina then Alyssa gasped with bright smiles until they noticed the look on her face.

" This is my song, but this ain't me singin' it."

Have you heard about the new dance craze?
Listen to us, I'm sure you'll be amazed
Big fun to be had by everyone
It's up to you, it surely can be done
Young and old are doing it, I'm told
Just one try, and you too will be sold
It's called Le Freak! They're doing it night and day
Allow us, we'll show the way

Delilah scoffed and glanced around her as if she didn't know where she was anymore.

This gotta be a mistake. A misunderstanding. She thought to herself trying to make sense of this.

Valentina called her name for the third time now but Delilah was too busy holding the conversation with herself, the sounds around her becoming slowed and muffled.

I know this voice from anywhere but how? Who gave her this song? Robert? Carlitos? Michael would neva do anything like this I know that without a doubt in my mind. Was it the other sound guy?

Delilah paused at the thought of him mentioning his work with people especially Riva Love.

" Delilah girl do you hear me? You need to breathe."

" What?" She snapped back to reality, her jaw clenched and eyes stinging with tears. " No fuck that this is supposed to be me! Me! "

" And I know that so just chill and tell us what we bouta do Honey." Alyssa grabbed her shoulder.

Delilah sighed as her eyes glanced up to the ceiling. She couldn't help but cry. " I did everything right."

Alyssa brought her into a hug and glanced over to the radio. " Yo Tina turn it off."

" No, keep this shit on! " Delilah spat in a voice so sharp that it made Alyssa release her from the embrace.

Valentina rubbed her face in frustration. " Okay what you tryna do then? We can go bust some heads and shit –"

" Oh, so we can get fuckin sued and thrown in jail Tina? Think for once ! " she raged.

There was nothing they could do to calm her down, nothing they could say.

Alyssa always worried when Delilah got like this bringing on those panic attacks that she used to have as a child. Alyssa only saw it happen once just like she only saw Delilah explode like this.

It was the night when their parents told her that she was adopted. It was a scary sight to see. It was as if she was a completely different person, her eyes didn't have a single twinkle of light in them.

They were dilated and seemed to match with her pupils.

Delilah closed her eyes to calm down for she was displaying her anger towards the wrong people. " I'm going down there to straighten things out but I'm going by myself," she stated, grabbing her belongings at a fast pace.


She left the salon and made it down the street before stopping to catch a break. Everything was moving fast her heart, thoughts, and body. She was overwhelmed and needed to breathe.

Just breathe. She thought as her eyes glanced up to the blue sky.

"Caged birds sing. They sing." She muttered then sighed.

The time was now going on one o'clock and while the party guest were starting to arrive Delilah entered the train, staring in the distance as scenarios flooded her mind.

Delilah didn't want to give up. She had come too far to let her candlelight go out. She yearned for it to keep burning.


Michael stared ahead of him as he tried to drown out Joseph's yelling.

He and his brothers were in the middle and of working down in their home studio until Joseph came down waving the magazine around.

" I knew one of you would fuck up but not like this... Jackie, you got five seconds to convince me not to come over there and beat you like I barely know you."

Jackie's jaw clenched as he sat up from his slouched position. " We worked too hard on tour for him to say we didn't make no money from it."

Joseph's frowning face somehow frowned even more at his statement. " What do you mean no money?"

Tito cleared his throat. " That's what he told us– fed us some B.S about how he had to pay for travels, shows, hotels, all this other stuff. He said the key to our money is dropping ' Goin' Places'."

Joseph tightened his grip around the magazine. " After everything I did for you boys to get back on top you choose to rip my hard work down? When were y'all gonna tell me this shit—"

Michael rolled his eyes with folded arms. " I wasn't aware that we had to." he gritted to his brothers' surprise and furthermore Joseph's.

" What did you just say boy?"

Michael swallowed his nerves and sat up. " You heard me. We don't gotta tell you a thing, you don't control us."

Michael snapped, watching Joseph's finger wave in his face. " Michael you listen to me and listen to me good. You're my son and as long as your last name is Jackson you'll always listen to me. I'm the manager — I need to know every fucking move you idiots make! " Joseph eyed him with his piercing colored eyes yet Michael did the same without budging.

Randy sighed. " Joseph look we were gonna tell you but we were just frustrated about the situation and on top of that we're rushing this album like rush hour."

Jackie slouched back on the couch. " I think we should reconsider if LLR is the best for us."

Michael scoffed Jackie's way but didn't open his mouth to rebuttal.

Joseph nodded." Fine, let's vote. One finger for staying with LLR and two for leaving after ' Goin' Places' is released."

Michael held up a single finger and one by one watched his brothers put two fingers up.

Jackie looked at his nails with a smirk. " Majority rules little bro."

Michael attempted to stand from the couch but Joseph pushed him down.

" Where the hell you think you're going?"

" I'm leaving."

" Yeah just to be with his girlfriend from the Valley." Tito snickered causing Michael's eyes to snap towards him.

" That girl again?"

" Don't even start Joseph." Michael tried to stand again but Joseph pushed him down even harder.

" You standing up to me boy?"

" Leave me alone." Michael stood, swatting Joseph's hands away until Michael was snatched by his shirt and shook rapidly back and forth.

" Want to be a man I'll beat you like one—"

" Hit me and I'll never perform for you again Joseph!" he pushed Joseph sending him stumbling back.

They stared at Michael with eyes wide of shock.
The only thing heard throughout the room being Michael's heavy breathing before he was soon rushing up the stairs and slamming the door.


Delilah walked along the busy downtown sidewalk and took a deep breath at the view before her.

There was a large crowd of reporters near the Limelight Record entrance– shouting all at once. Delilah couldn't make out a single word.

" Riva this way!"

" Riva, when will you release your next album?"

" Riva are the romantic rumors of you and Bobby Coleman true?"

A humorous smirk remained plastered across Riva's face while she strutted towards the limo. She always enjoyed the rush of being the paparazzi's attention. The flashes and endless questions.

" Riva is it true that you recently signed a contract with Limelight Records?"

She finally stopped in her tracks and pushed her shades to her forehead. " Why of course... I always yearned to be on a label like this. What's a superstar without the limelight?" she stated causing an uproar of more questions to be thrown her way.

In laughter, she ignored the frantic crowd until she heard a distinctive voice call out to her amongst them.

" Riva— Riva please." Delilah pushed through the crowd, causing her guards to cover Riva completely, but Riva gave Delilah the okay to approach her.

" Thank you I won't be long I swea— it's just been a mistake."

" A mistake?" she inquired with a slight chuckle before rubbing Delilah's shoulder." Sweetie... the only mistake is that you thought that you could take my place. Steal my shine. Beat me." she said in a tone feigning friendliness.

Delilah shook her head as an abundance of emotions settled within her. " I – I would neva. I just wanna sing and sing my music at that. I would neva disrespect you."

" That's what they all say until they get a little record deal and some radio play. Next thing you know they're aiming to take your spot. Here's some advice ... a runt never survives the battle to the mother's milk— I did you a favor, little girl."

Delilah tried her best not to cry at that moment. The woman she idolized for so long had put her down as if she was trash littered along the streets.

She found herself standing there in disbelief until she spotted Bobby leaving the building to only be hounded with questions as well.

Her jaw clenched as their eyes met causing Bobby to chuckle slightly. " I see you never take a hint."

" Is this why you pushed the meeting back? So you can succeed in givin' her my fucking song?"

" Well angel face it was either give her the song so she could agree to join the label or don't ... and lose the biggest female superstar of this decade. I'm sorry but its just showbiz," he claimed, giving her the last push to fall off her edge.

" Man fuck you see"

" I worked too hard and long for my song to be taken and for you to tell me that it's just show biz that's bullshit!"

Bobby rolled his eyes with a sigh then snapped his fingers." Guards! "

" Fuck you! Ima be a star with or without you!" she hollered as Bobby entered the limo, leaving her to be pushed aside by security and fuming with desires of vengeance.


Laughter, gossip, cheers, dancing and reminisce on good times,  juggled around and bounced off the walls of Barbra's Glamorous Styles. The music loud as Lakeside's Fantastic Voyage blasted from Darius's speakers.

I'm the captain of this vessel
We wanna take you on a cruise
All around the land, music is at hand
We wanna play it for you

Alyssa, Valentina, and Junior ate from their white paper plates and continued laughing at the conversation between Betty and Barbra.

" Troy used to run around butt ass naked everywhere. One day his momma was bouta give him a well-deserved beating and the boy darted out the door and down the street in nothing but socks— did I mention he was thirteen?" Barbra said earning laughter from Valentina as she glanced over to one of Troy's pictures.

He was kneeling down on the grass in his football gear, pinning the football to the ground and smirking into the camera.

" Lord knows I miss that boy... nothings been the same since he left. I barely see his parents nor Keisha–" Barbra paused causing Valentina's smile to fade while Junior's did as well. The conversation taking an awkward turn for them before Barbra was suddenly called by someone, leaving Valentina yearning for more stories and Junior at a loss for appetite.

Alyssa sighed and whispered over to Valentina. " Yo, Honey still ain't come back yet. I knew I should've went with her or something."

" I'm sure she's okay girl ."

" Mm well, she better be." Alyssa sighed bringing her bottle of water up to her lips until her eyes randomly wandered to the door.

Her heart dropped at an instant and in an immediate reaction, she turned her back, however, Andre had already seen her moments before she saw him.

She adjusted the spaghetti strap of her jumpsuit and cleared her throat before she felt a tap on her shoulder causing her eyes to close.

She turned around to see him with his arms behind his back causing his muscles to poke and glisten for he still remained covered in a light coat of sweat.

Alyssa took her focus off the way his tank stuck to his damp body and peered at his face.

" Can we talk for a minute?" he asked, his eyes converting over to Valentina who kept looking between them with a smirk then Junior who sized him up. " Alone please," he added causing Alyssa to sigh and motion for him to follow her.

There was a break room for the staff that was near the basement door. Alyssa allowed him to enter first, looked over her shoulder then joined him.

He watched her lock the door before she glanced his way. " Andre, what are you doing here?"

He sucked his teeth before chuckling although he wasn't amused." Wow, really Alyssa? After everything, That's all you have to say to me?"

She sighed and immediately broke eye contact with him as thoughts of what transpired between them filled her mind.

He took her in without a single doubt in his mind the night she came knocking on his door after she went to Valentina's place.

By the time she made it there she was a crying mess and that's all Andre needed to see before he hugged her.

Alyssa remembered how safe she felt when he did and how she melted when he held her until she fell asleep during each night.

Staying with him for almost two weeks was everything until she made the mistake of kissing him.

The feelings that came with that meaningful kiss caused her to cower away. It was strange in the best way, it wasn't like they've never kissed before, but what's an innocent peck of a childhood first kiss compared to one that held years of built-up passion.

Alyssa tried to ghost him- knowing that he wouldn't know her whereabouts.

Yet it didn't cross her mind that he would guess that she'd be at the party she told him so much about.

He was always five steps ahead of her.

" Andre I honestly don't know what to say."

His eyes then squinted at her." How about why, after showing up to my door, crying and bruised. Why, after staying with me for almost two weeks - you leave without a goodbye, a note... that was the least you could've did so I could sleep peacefully knowing that you were safe Ladyb- Alyssa."

In guilt, Alyssa glanced down and bit her lip. " I'm sorry?" she said as if asking a question but Andre didn't want to hear a sorry, he wanted answers.

He snorted and rubbed his beard, glaring up to the ceiling in frustration. " I don't want no fucking sorry, I want to know why you thought it was okay to kiss me like you did then just disappear... knowing in the back of your head that I never stopped loving you and never will."

Her head snapped up to him then, her heart slowly beating at her chest as she watched him come closer to her step by step.

The party was going on with more people now, Junior was called for a game of Spades leaving Valentina alone, which she didn't mind, giving her the opportunity to look at the photos of Troy again.

She couldn't help but gravitate to them every time. She's learned more about him through those pictures than she ever had, and it made her regret that she didn't get to know the real him while she had the chance.

A person really does fail to realize what they have until it's gone.

Her eyes settled on a picture of him as a baby, covered in flower and cheesing hard as ever in his sagging diaper. The sight made her laugh until she overheard something.

" Oh, are you here for someone sir?"

" Yes, but I can find her on my own." the man said causing Valentina to glance in the direction of the door.

" Oh shit," she muttered as she stood on her feet. It was Alberto.

She felt the room increase in heat as she made her way to him - trying to act as normal as possible but Alberto already knew who she was. " Valentina? Alyssa's friend right?"

" Best friend but yes, and who are you?"

Alberto let out a small chuckle at her act and shook his head. " I have a hunch that you know exactly who I am." he paused before leaning closer to her. " Where's Alyssa?"

" Not here. I haven't seen her in foreva, shouldn't you know where she is? I mean she's living with you in that big fancy house right?" Valentina questioned trying to hide the hostility in her voice.

He scanned the place then glared at her for a moment, his stare was so intense that it almost made Valentina look away, but she held her composure until he was finally turning his back to her.

Alyssa's back pressed against the break room's door as Andre pulled her into a kiss. Her body stiffened while his body relaxed.

She would be lying if she told herself she didn't like it, she did but she wasn't ready to jump into another relationship so suddenly.

With a hum, she pushed at his chest and shook her head. " I can't do this, and I know this is the ultimate line for bullshit but it's not you, it's me. I just got away from a relationship and I'm not ready yet... I feel the same way about you and I hope you know that. I didn't mean to lead you on Dre."

He smiled genuinely for the first time in weeks. " You didn't lead me on because as long as I know that you feel the same way about me I'll wait for you, trust me we got time," he assured her caressing her cheek for a moment then leaving the small room.

Valentina watched as Alyssa left out the room minutes later. Her leg began to shake as she looked around to make sure that he was gone before she felt Alyssa grabbing her hand. " I know you haven't been sitting here this whole time girl."

" I - um Alyssa."

" No, get up we did all this hard work we at least deserve to have some damn fun."

" But-"

" Nope bring yo ass." Alyssa laughed causing Valentina's face to soften at how happy she looked.

" Alright damn," she muttered, allowing herself to be dragged towards the dancing people.

Outside Alberto stood with this back against Barbra's, lit his cigarette, and took a few drags before walking away. His shoulder harshly bumping with the person who walked in the opposite direction of him, towards the party.

It was Man Killa, frowning as she looked back to see his side profile as he proceeded to walk like nothing happened.

" The fuck?" she mumbled under her breath.

What was he doing on this side of the neighborhood —outside of Skeletor turf or the Pines? Killa thought to herself, yet it didn't stick to her mind as much once she entered in search for Junior who invited her here.

He thought that she needed to have some fun after everything, Man Killa, on the other hand, would've rather been home. She knew Junior wouldn't go for that though.

So here she was turning the corner into the Barber section where Junior, Curtis, Sane, Cobra, and a few other men were playing cards.

" Aye look what the cat dragged in." Curtis dabbed her up.

To her, things were still awkward to find out that her ex-gang leader and drug boss was somewhat her uncle.

To Curtis, their relationship was normal for he always considered her family.

Man Killa sat down in the last empty seat between Junior and Curtis while her eyes randomly converted out the window – where she could see Alberto entering his car in the distance.

" Yo," Junior nudged her." I asked if you were down for this next round."

" Awe yeah sure."

Junior frowned as he shuffled the cards. " You good?"

She nodded and folded her hands on the table before her eyes glanced at Alberto's car still parked across the street.


Chic's Good Times was coming to an end when Barbra and Darius turned the music down to get everyone's attention.

Barbra smiled at her husband before speaking. " I just want to say thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us–"

" Exactly what my wife was saying but to keep this short and sweet basically what she wants to say is that we're grateful for all of you - now back to this game of Spades." Darius snapped towards his men earning a soft hit on his fro from Barbra before she announced that she'll be cutting the cake.

Alyssa glanced around and sighed. " Yo, Tina its been too long since Honey left. Damn and there go the ice finally." she shook her head as she walked towards the door.

Alberto perked up at the sight of her from his car. He was just about to drive off but now he was cutting his engine off and preparing to leave the car – up until he stopped in his tracks.

Andre approached Alyssa by the door for he had noticed her struggling to get the large bag of ice. " Finally, I was tired of those warm ass cans of beers." he joked as he took the cold bag and placed it over his shoulder.

" Where you want this Ladybug?"

Alyssa playfully rolled her eyes then pointed. " It's a door in the alley, the basement door. It's an extra cooler and some more drinks, fill it up with ice first before bringing it up. But, you gotta go that way so you don't leave a trail of water inside," she said, noticing how much the bag dripped before handing him the key with a smile.

Alberto's fist clenched around his stirring wheel so hard that his knuckles turned snow white. Just from what he saw he knew exactly where Alyssa could've been while she was gone.


Michael walked down the street, softly kicking the litter out of his way as he did so.

One thing he enjoyed about coming down to his old neighborhood was that he felt normal. The people knew him as Michael not thee Michael Jackson.

Walking all the way there gave him the opportunity to sweat off his irritation with his brothers and Joseph.

He could hear the loud music coming from Barbra's causing a smile to form on his face as he quickened his steps.

When entering he was greeted by everyone who turned their heads, most he remembered and some he had never seen before.

" Michael? You made it!" Barbra pulled his slim figure into a bone-crushing hug.

Michael let out an awkward yet loving chuckle before he relaxed enough to hug her back. " Boy with all the things the Jacksons got going on for themselves I'm surprised you didn't forget about me... again."

" Nana B I promise I won't... again," he added jokingly as she pointed to him. 

" Mmhm, I'm holding you to that promise. There's food, drinks, desserts all around, help yourself and don't forget to say hi to Darius." she rubbed his back then made her way towards some old friends.

Michael's smile still lingered on his face as he scanned the place in search of his favorite girl but instead he only saw Alyssa and Valentina.

" Hey." he waved.

" What's up loverboy I wasn't expecting you to be here," Alyssa smirked and softly nudged him.

Michael playfully rolled his eyes before giving the room one last look. " Um, where's Delilah?"

Valentina shook her head, telling him that she went downtown but before she finished she spotted Delilah walking through the door, her face stern as ever.

" There she is."

Michael's head snapped around and immediately he smiled. Delilah's mind was too busy in another space to even notice him.

His smile faded as he approached her. " Hey you." he cooed her out of her trance.

She gasped. " Michael?"

He smiled and pulled her into a hug, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, causing butterflies to erupt in her from something so simple.

" I missed you so much, Michael."

" God I missed you too girl, something always came up every time I wanted to call or come see you... How you been? Is everything alright with you?" he peered dead into her glossy eyes.

It was something about him specifically asking her that- that made her want to break down right there in his arms. Instead, she rested her head on his shoulder.

" Can we please just take a walk?" she asked and despite how sore his feet were from the walk there, he'd bear it just for her if she needed it.

In the basement, Andre grunted as he poured the rest of the ice in the cooler. The sounds he made and the ice crashing in the cooler making him oblivious to the back door opening from behind him.

Oblivious to Alberto stalking towards him with slow steps and eyes wide with intent to hurt- to kill.

It wasn't until the clicking sound of Alberto's pocket knife snapping open when Andre turned around to be met with Alberto's swift swing, the knife slicing open the skin on Andre's upper arm.

Immediately Andre tackled him, causing the knife to fly out of Alberto's hand and slide across the room.

Alberto delivered a punch directly in his nose then tried to deliver another one but Andre blocked it- his large fist punching Alberto a total of three times until blood ran down Alberto's nose.

Andre grabbed him by his collar and held him to where he was hunched over. The force of his kick made hoarse coughs erupt from Alberto as he ran into a table.

With a clenched jaw, Andre walked over but suddenly Alberto surrendered, turning over slowly with his hands in the air- stumbling a bit and still hunched over in pain.

" It's true they say a man will do anything for the woman he loves," he stated before laughing a fake animated laugh like a maniac.

" You can try all you want to make her love you Andre but she'll never love you ... the way she loves me." he ended in a smirk, wiping the blood from his nose as he stood as straight as he could, still wobbly like a drunken man.

Andre shook his head. "Oh yeah? Well after being at my place for a couple of weeks her lips said other things."

When Alberto's eyes widened Andre should've saw it then and there. The official switch between morality.

Upstairs Alyssa sighed and glanced around. " I know it don't take that damn long." she mumbled before going in the break room to grab the keys for the basement door.

Before Andre knew it he was facing the silver barrel of Alberto's gun. " I imagine this was the same look on Sincere's face right before I had him killed or should I say Latavius." Alberto chuckled.

Without thought Andre grabbed a hold of the hand that Alberto held the gun with causing them to move back and forth till the gun flew out of Alberto's hand and slid, stopping once hitting the cooler.

They looked at each other for a mere second before they both dived towards the gun.

Alberto's hand was just centimeters from it causing Andre to grab his leg and drag him away. Yet he only dragged him so far before Alberto plunged his foot in his face and once Andre released him to cover his nose– Alberto grabbed the gun.

" Oh my God –" her voice exclaimed before gunfire stopped her from talking.

She froze with bulging eyes– the bullet leaving a hole in her chest as her body fell back onto the staircase.

" No! " Andre screamed to the top of his lungs. His heart skipping a beat and his instincts telling him to attack.

Bang ... another gunshot followed by two more. Andre too was now laid out in a pool of his blood.

Alberto stared blankly into space for a few seconds, then the sound of the music stopping gave him the strength to take flight out of the back doorway.

Upstairs the party's loudness simmered down to worried muttered. Curtis pushed through the crowd and ordered for Sane and Cobra to go to the outside door while he and Killa rushed towards the basement's inside door.

Nothing could describe the feeling once Curtis opened to door and from where he stood he could clearly see her body drenched in blood, his niece — Alyssa.

Sane and Cobra entered the other way to see Andre with multiple bullet holes in him." Shit! Call the ambulance right now!" Sane shouted, causing everyone to migrate towards both of the basement doors.

Curtis could barely move as he stared at his niece's body from the top of the steps.

" Aye Unc what's going on?—" Junior tried to move past him but abruptly Curtis stuck his arm out, glaring at him with tear filled eyes.

He never saw his uncle cry. " Unc?"

" Oh my God!" Valentina's voice screamed in agony – the pain in her voice forcing Junior to push by him for he had to know.

Valentina was now hovered over Alyssa's body, her cries at first loud then fading with her loss of voice.

Junior rushed down as he heard her call Alyssa's name– the sight of blood making him slow down for he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that this was his sister that everyone was screaming and crying about.

Outside people remained crazed with cries while Michael and Delilah walked towards the shop hand in hand. " It's like when I heard the song on the radio I didn't want to believe that my dream was done for... but now it is."

" Aye don't talk like that." he hushed her, kissing her hand while she sighed. Delilah knew that it was the truth but also knew that he hated when she talked like that, like she was giving up.

They walked in silence until they were eventually met with the havoc surrounding the shop.

Both of their expressions confused as they approached the crowd formed in the alley, specifically by the basement door.

" What?" Delilah muttered to herself before Barbra's cries were heard crying her sister's name.

Immediately Delilah released Michael's hand and pushed over anyone that was in her path. The force of her pushes so strong that when she finally got by everyone she fell onto the basement's floor, inches away from Andre's body.

Michael ran in as well his eyes bulging as they landed on Alyssa causing him to gasp.

Delilah's vision seemed to move in slow motion as her head turned towards the stairs. Her scream not coming out as one for it stopped at the center of her throat.

She tried to run over to her but her body suddenly became too weak. Delilah fell into a fast crawl towards her sister.

The moment she placed Alyssa's stiff body in her lap her wail erupted from deep within, echoing throughout the entire place.

Cradling her and crying into her hair. " Alyssa. Wake up, come on wake up please... please." she sobbed and shook her.

Curtis touched her shoulder but Delilah yanked away, trying to stand up with Alyssa's body. " Come on please, please! I need you!"

" Honey." Curtis wiped his tears but she couldn't hear no one around her. Not Valentina, not Betty, not Junior, not Michael, not Barbra... all she was listening for was her sister's voice to speak back to her.

But the bullet through her heart would prevent her from speaking forever. Alyssa was dead, Alyssa was at peace, leaving behind a perfect portrait of havoc in her tracks.


I cried during writing this.

Thoughts ?

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